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What would make PvP super fun and competitive?


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> @troops.8276 said:

> > @Nova.3817 said:

> > super fun- bring back team que in ranked---nothing will ever be more fun then playing with friends.

> >

> > competitive - would require huge amounts of balance that we will never get... honestly just go the fun route...this game is never gonna be a good competitive outlet ...if you want a competitive mode in gw2 tournys are already a thing.

> >


> 1. Why is team q in unranked not fun then if it's just about playing with friends?


> 2. Only if ppl don't have equal access to the '(un)balance' would it cease to be competitive. You can't bring a pea shooter to a gun fight and expect to win.


1. ok fine you got me....add all the rewards from ranked into unranked (pip system) and division system (so were not just playing for no rewards)


2. OK meta builds are meta but if you want the game to have a scene to be competitive with you cant have 2 classes dominating the entire meta (coming from a player who basically only plays necro) so trust me i am fine with the balance atm.



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I would consider the following:


1. Remove the vast majority of AOE CC.

2. Reduce all classes sustainability a bit, but increase HP pools.

3. Significantly reduce boon stripping.

4. Remove resistance.

5. Make condi subject to toughness, protections and all other damage reduction skills.

6. Remove vast majority of passive triggers, especially ones that either make you immune or auto break CC. Should not be an issue if we reducing AOE CC to begin with.

7. Reduce rally on kill to only 1 downed player.

8. Increase rune, amulet and sigil variety. The streamlining the devs did a while back sure made easier for them to balance, but significantly reduced build diversity. It may have tuned down some of HoTs more powerful builds, but it did much more damage by significantly reducing none meta builds. Heck, almost everyone playing sPvP that do not want to suck have to either play the meta build or a very close variant of it.

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This is a MMORPG and MMOs in general make for bad spvp games.


Some more map diversity or game mode diversity could shake things up.


A proper GvG mode maybe.


Nothing will push this game into any type of serious competative enviroment though, that's what non-MMO games are for.

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Make capture points channeled rather than "stood on."


I think it's more satisfying to channel a capture point rather than being idle. It would also shake things up a bit since players are not forced to stand within a circle. With the current meta now with AOEs and splashes, it makes sense to shift the capture mechanic to channel.



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standalone PvP client with community balance patches.


a ton of strategy games lose dev support, then the community picks the game up and patches it themselves. it's usually results in much better balance and more fun gameplay. I think this sort of death and rebirth is what gw2 needs.


anet Devs just can't do it. it's been years and my faith in them is at 0. I'd rather have Jebro, Sind or Chaith calling the shots.

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> @Tails.9372 said:

> > @Alatar.7364 said:

> >more _Game modes_


> ^ this


> I'd love to play more traditional PvP modes like deathmatch or team deathmatch with / against my friends.


Problem is, those gamemodes are not all that fun in this game. Remember Courtyard? It was just a sustain fight for ten minutes. That was before HoT too. The game just really does not lend itself well to five man deathmatch. Higher numbers, like you see in 15v15 and 20v20 GvG function better, but even then sustain carries a lot and drags out fights.

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I just don't like the matchmaking. I gave up on trying since there are always at least 1 or 2 teammates that can't do basic things(like rotating properly or not double capping or not having 3 players trying to stomp someone) and it ruins the game. I can handle people trying new things and doing poorly, but I can't handle people clearly not even trying.

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> @shadowpass.4236 said:

> For those unaware, Dota has a system in place where if people don't load in at the start of the game, the match doesn't start. Also if someone disconnects, and doesn't reconnect within 5 minutes then the game becomes safe to leave (no deserter penalty), and you don't lose MMR (elo). Oh also it has something called Low Priority Queue, where if you leave games a lot you get put in that, with all the other people who leave games a lot.


> Why doesn't gw2 have any of this? I've been asking myself that question for over a year.


This takes priority. Put the toxic people in a queue hell to improve the quality for people actually trying, and Both refrain from punishing people who are on the smaller end of a 4v5 and HEAVILY punish the deserter for abandoning in ranked.



> @Exedore.6320 said:

> **PvP Systems**

> * Ignore solo queue whiners; they'll always make excuses for losing. Ranked should be 1-5 player groups like it used to be when the old solo queue failed. ATs are not a solution.


This. In a game centered around team play, gutting the ability to premake team comps is a step backward. That being said, Queue times are abysmal when that happens, so maybe this idea needs some sharpening somehow. Having your mmr determined by 4 other people whom you are not sure will perform is more than a little annoying.

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Choovanski said this in another thread but it applies here as well


> @choovanski.5462 said:

> good post, but I feel there's an alternative solution. it's a lot cheaper and less complex, and honestly it's what I would do if I was in charge. I'll lay it out step by step.


> 1. let the PvP team make balance changes with splits, and roll out patches at different times to the PvE patches.


> 2. appoint a community representative/leader from the PvP team. I'm thinking this would be Ben, as he talks the community the most. alternatively you could hire Jebro to do the communication aspect.


> 3. gather up, say four ex-pro players. personally I would choose Chaith, Phantaram, Sind, and Helseth. invite these players to participate in a monthly balance podcast (streamed thru twitch, a la teatime).


> 4. give the ex-pros a week or so to prepare a hypothetical balance change list. let them talk to their audience and other community members about this. then have the ex-pros and the PvP teams representative discuss the changes live over twitch. with the goal being to end up with a rough balance patch at the end of the stream.


> 5. clean up the balance patch, and roll it out within a week of the stream.


> 6. repeat every 1-2 months as needed.



> I honestly think this would sort balance out within a few months, and do huge things to improve community attitude. adding new gamemodes, like 2v2 or GvG could come later. but I feel the way to go is to utilise the talent and tools we have to fix the gammode we have before moving on to new content.


> just my 2c


This is pretty solid, I bet the community would support it

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> @feroxeu.7416 said:

> deleting conquest. complete re-do of the entire game. not just pvp.... everything.


This sooo this. If conq were to never would have happen and GW1 pvp was brought to gw2 then pvp would be a non issue and be doing great. But seems like the good old team that knew what pvp was is gone from there.

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> @shadowpass.4236 said:

> Choovanski said this in another thread but it applies here as well


> > @choovanski.5462 said:

> > good post, but I feel there's an alternative solution. it's a lot cheaper and less complex, and honestly it's what I would do if I was in charge. I'll lay it out step by step.

> >

> > 1. let the PvP team make balance changes with splits, and roll out patches at different times to the PvE patches.

> >

> > 2. appoint a community representative/leader from the PvP team. I'm thinking this would be Ben, as he talks the community the most. alternatively you could hire Jebro to do the communication aspect.

> >

> > 3. gather up, say four ex-pro players. personally I would choose Chaith, Phantaram, Sind, and Helseth. invite these players to participate in a monthly balance podcast (streamed thru twitch, a la teatime).

> >

> > 4. give the ex-pros a week or so to prepare a hypothetical balance change list. let them talk to their audience and other community members about this. then have the ex-pros and the PvP teams representative discuss the changes live over twitch. with the goal being to end up with a rough balance patch at the end of the stream.

> >

> > 5. clean up the balance patch, and roll it out within a week of the stream.

> >

> > 6. repeat every 1-2 months as needed.

> >

> >

> > I honestly think this would sort balance out within a few months, and do huge things to improve community attitude. adding new gamemodes, like 2v2 or GvG could come later. but I feel the way to go is to utilise the talent and tools we have to fix the gammode we have before moving on to new content.

> >

> > just my 2c


> This is pretty solid, I bet the community would support it


Well you would technically need a representative of each class at least. And they would need access to a PTR to be able to play these changes beforehand (changes on paper and actual in game impact can vary quite alot, simply because alot of interactions are not mentioned in patch notes). The Feedback itself would not need to be public either really. This would ensure alot better balance patches.


As for their frequency, I doubt that they can increase it as it is right now. Simply due to missing man-hours

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