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Best glitch ever :D


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While we were fighting against Tequatl my character decided to strike a pose. I couldn't stop laughing because she doesn't stop no matter what she's doing...running, fighting, riding her mount! I don't know what I did to get the glitch, but I am not complaining! It looks funny as hell :D


![](https://i.imgur.com/U853fzo.jpg "")


And when I started to glide with her...well, this happened:


![](https://i.imgur.com/OTWZeR1.jpg "")


Best flying pose ever! xD


Has someone else encountered funny little glitches like that? :)

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> @ThomasC.1056 said:

> I often got that little glitch while dismounting. I once had my character in the glorious pose of your first pic, and wiggling his sword while attacking foes. The flight pose is stunning though !


Yeah, that pose should be the default flying pose! :D


I play a dragonhunter and when I use the whirling wrath skill and she just spins and holds her sword above her head it looks really ridiculous^^ It looked like she wanted to transform like sailor moon or another magical girl character :P


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That gliding pic is really neat, she looks like a messenger of Dwayna. I've had the "stuck in a pose" glitch before as well. It's definitely more fun than the "the game still thinks you're mounted and won't let you use any skills" one. :p


As for other funny glitches: a few days ago, I joined a bounty train in the Elon Riverlands. When we got to Morg, the champion giant, everything started out normal ... until he suddenly sank halfway into the ground. He was still attackable, though, and the fight continued until 10 seconds or so later someone remarked that he was sinking lower (not easy to tell with a murderzerg's worth of particles flying around). And lower ... and lower ... until he was completely submerged. Everyone was laughing their butts off at this point. We backed off in hopes that he would "come back out of the basement", which after a few minutes he did -- only to promptly sink again when we re-engaged. The event timer ended up running out on us while our conditions were whittling away at his remaining health, but nobody really minded, it was just too weirdly hilarious.

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> @Chadramar.8156 said:

> That gliding pic is really neat, she looks like a messenger of Dwayna. I've had the "stuck in a pose" glitch before as well. It's definitely more fun than the "the game still thinks you're mounted and won't let you use any skills" one. :p


> As for other funny glitches: a few days ago, I joined a bounty train in the Elon Riverlands. When we got to Morg, the champion giant, everything started out normal ... until he suddenly sank halfway into the ground. He was still attackable, though, and the fight continued until 10 seconds or so later someone remarked that he was sinking lower (not easy to tell with a murderzerg's worth of particles flying around). And lower ... and lower ... until he was completely submerged. Everyone was laughing their butts off at this point. We backed off in hopes that he would "come back out of the basement", which after a few minutes he did -- only to promptly sink again when we re-engaged. The event timer ended up running out on us while our conditions were whittling away at his remaining health, but nobody really minded, it was just too weirdly hilarious.


A messenger of Dwayna, I like that! :D


Ohhh, I know what you're talking about! That happens all the time with Morg! When that happens you all need to try to lure him to a place where you can hit him again. He's a coward and tries to hide in the ground :P It's possible to lure him out, but don't ask me where that place is. I was lucky and was in a squad where people knew how to handle him ^^

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There used to be a glitch where if you opened your glider at the exact moment you landed while using a jump pad your glider would stay out permanently on your back and you could run around with it. I think they fixed it at some point as I've been unable to get it to work recently and I vaguely remember a patch note saying something about fixing some sort of glider visual bug, but it was pretty fun to do when it was around.

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> @Angoril.2179 said:

> Haven't seen any weird character glitch yet, but a while after PoF was released I did see that.

> The disguise didn't work and the poor moa didn't gain any of the jackal's powers in the end.


Oh my god, it took me a while to see what's wrong with your screenshots xD That Moa totally fooled me!


> @Electro.4173 said:

> There used to be a glitch where if you opened your glider at the exact moment you landed while using a jump pad your glider would stay out permanently on your back and you could run around with it. I think they fixed it at some point as I've been unable to get it to work recently and I vaguely remember a patch note saying something about fixing some sort of glider visual bug, but it was pretty fun to do when it was around.


Aww, what a bummer :<



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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> I have not seen that glitch, but agree, it's pretty awesome. :) I can ask about it, or perhaps you could post in the Bugs sticky thread?


Please never ever fix that glitch, I like it :D It always makes me smile when I find a little glitch ingame. They are like little easter eggs to me :)

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I once has a similar glitch where my char remained in a casting pose, even after the battle was over:


![](https://i.imgur.com/xnlLVxF.jpg "")


![](https://i.imgur.com/182ICRR.jpg "")


![](https://i.imgur.com/knrkkQH.jpg "")


![](https://i.imgur.com/H9ro3dd.jpg "")


![](https://i.imgur.com/Y32NYuU.jpg "")


Normally he looks a bit less bewildered. :p

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> @TheQuickFox.3826 said:

> I once has a similar glitch where my char remained in a casting pose, even after the battle was over:

> Normally he looks a bit less bewildered. :p


Your character looks like he's driving an invisibale car with a large steering wheel :D


> @starlinvf.1358 said:

> > @TheQuickFox.3826 said:

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/182ICRR.jpg "")

> I just noticed the Fist icon in this caught the Arrow....... "Metal"


Hahaha, that's really metal! xD



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I've had the scenario where my character has been stuck with the arm up in the air pose like you've pictured a few times. Whenever it's happened to me it seems to be if I've been overloading air and get knocked back by something big at the same time.


The most frequent one I find though is my character ends up stuck in a position where he's laying face down on the floor. That then overrides the walk animation so I'm just running around with my character being dragged face first along the floor XD Happens a lot if I do crimson head of TT and forget to dodge the spin attack, I'm then circling the extractors flat on my face lol.


In the latter case doing a dodge roll seems to fix it, but in the first 'fist in air' pose it's stuck while I'm on a mount, running, gliding, opening chests. Only using a WP to a different map fixes it for me.

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> @Myrdreth.6829 said:


> Ohhh, nice! You made a video! :D




Yeah I made a few but that was the only one I uploaded :)

Had some really funny ones with combat.. my Ranger there uses a Sword and Warhorn for secondary weapons and it's hilarious how he wiggles his hips around when stuck like that.


Was like fear my wiggle hips of death!

Ahh I laughed so much lol

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I don't know if it still happens but CoE used to leave you with strange poses from being caught in the purple crystals, and you'd have to fight your way along while contorted. Sorry the shot is dark, CoE never has bright light. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/375715891280609285/379377499785658368/BriaraDrama.PNG I think I have one of her looking like a vampire (the classic forearm across the mouth "cloaked" pose) but can't quickly find the image now.


I do love that gliding pose in the OP!

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