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Why hasnt Scourge been nerfed yet?


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There ruining the game mode with all their aoe spam and insane condi pressure (7 different kinds can be stacked in a second) and make it a pain in the ass to play, best way to fix would be nerf corrupt spam and reduce shade time to 2 seconds or limit their condi spam to torment and burning only so this way you can actually cleanse the damaging condis instead of a random cripple or blind.

EDit: Lol at all you scourge mains, the fact that you guys keep recommending range classes like ranger, deadeye, hammer rev just shows you guys dont think there should be a melee train and that everyone should be playing ranged. Gonna be fun to see your tears once scourge gets the nerf hammer

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Scourge already got nerfed hard twice in recent updates. Scourge is most powerful when there are groups of them, to maximize boon corruption and barriers. Scourge and Spellbreaker are designed to directly combat the heavy boon spam that came with HoT elite specs, so it is essential that Scourge has this ability. Also scourge does not rely on any specific high damage skill, you basically need to spam your skills to do enough damage, this leaves you drained of life force. Also Torment and burning are the main conditions that a Scourge can inflict, the rest come from core weapon skills and traits. The torment and burning also have low base durations.

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> @"X T D.6458" said:

> Scourge already got nerfed hard twice in recent updates. Scourge is most powerful when there are groups of them, to maximize boon corruption and barriers. Scourge and Spellbreaker are designed to directly combat the heavy boon spam that came with HoT elite specs, so it is essential that Scourge has this ability. Also scourge does not rely on any specific high damage skill, you basically need to spam your skills to do enough damage, this leaves you drained of life force. Also Torment and burning are the main conditions that a Scourge can inflict, the rest come from core weapon skills and traits. The torment and burning also have low base durations.


Thats a load of bullshit, try standing in 1 of their shades and you'll notice at least 8 kinds of condis on you in a second. Also what you dont understand is scourge is way more broken in wvw then everywhere else cause they gain a ton of lifeforce from deaths and theres tons of deathsin zerg fights so they'll *never* be low on life force. Yea HoT had too much boon spam but getting all of your boons corrupted faster than you can reaply isnt fun for anybody. At least spellbreaker is mainly just their elite which is balanced cause it only removes boons and its on a long cd as well. Also scourge didnt even get touched this last balance patch

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they should decrease the size of the traps by half, and also reduce the distance. they fill the walls with those traps, without speaking the stairs or small areas ... it is impossible to set foot sometimes when there are thousands of those traps on the ground ...

To add to it you can get all the conditions of the game, fear, break, freeze, all types of movement reduction or stuns ....

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> @Coolguy.8702 said:

> > @"X T D.6458" said:

> > Scourge already got nerfed hard twice in recent updates. Scourge is most powerful when there are groups of them, to maximize boon corruption and barriers. Scourge and Spellbreaker are designed to directly combat the heavy boon spam that came with HoT elite specs, so it is essential that Scourge has this ability. Also scourge does not rely on any specific high damage skill, you basically need to spam your skills to do enough damage, this leaves you drained of life force. Also Torment and burning are the main conditions that a Scourge can inflict, the rest come from core weapon skills and traits. The torment and burning also have low base durations.


> Thats a load of kitten, try standing in 1 of their shades and you'll notice at least 8 kinds of condis on you in a second. Also what you dont understand is scourge is way more broken in wvw then everywhere else cause they gain a ton of lifeforce from deaths and theres tons of deathsin zerg fights so they'll *never* be low on life force. Yea HoT had too much boon spam but getting all of your boons corrupted faster than you can reaply isnt fun for anybody. At least spellbreaker is mainly just their elite which is balanced cause it only removes boons and its on a long cd as well. Also scourge didnt even get touched this last balance patch


I didn't say Necromancers don't inflict more then those 2 conditions on you, I said that Scourge itself is mainly limited to Torment and Burning and the rest come from core skills and traits. Bleeding and poison mainly come from scepter and staff.


If you think a necromancer is never low on life force, you need to play it more. Also try roaming with it. Spellbreaker can remove multiple boons very quickly as well and on multiple targets. Break enchantments on a 15s Cd plus traited with Enchantment collapse, that's 3 boons on multiple targets removed every 15s. Plus the boons removed from full counter and hammer stuns.


As I already stated, Scourge was nerfed hard in 2 previous updates prior to the 11/7 update. You can check the patch notes for yourself.

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Instant 8 condi just for being near melee range of a scourge. There's basically no way to avoid that other than "don't get within x units of a scourge" and that makes for unfun gameplay, which is what people are complaining about in this thread.


Why is an instant pbaoe (bombing with EIGHT conditions and corrupting boons) more deadly than a huge slow wind up attack like Executioner's Scythe?

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> @coro.3176 said:



> Example.


> Instant 8 condi just for being near melee range of a scourge. There's basically no way to avoid that other than "don't get within x units of a scourge" and that makes for unfun gameplay, which is what people are complaining about in this thread.


> Why is an instant pbaoe (bombing with EIGHT conditions and corrupting boons) more deadly than a huge slow wind up attack like Executioner's Scythe?


Did you happen to check your combat log to see how many people hit you, and how many skills were used?


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I think the scourge is just fine right now. At least in Wvw Zergfighting. The real Problem is the warrior bubble since it strips you of all the boons that would help against scourge. Scourge alone cant remove so many boons that you would not be fine (again in zerg fights) it is just the WoD that instantly strips you of pretty much everything without any Chance to reapply so you can't really do anything. In a fair zergfight the Firebrand provides enough boonstrip to be just fine. (Also the warrior can provide and many other classes so if you all Play fine it works completely out)

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> @coro.3176 said:



> Example.


> Instant 8 condi just for being near melee range of a scourge. There's basically no way to avoid that other than "don't get within x units of a scourge" and that makes for unfun gameplay, which is what people are complaining about in this thread.


> Why is an instant pbaoe (bombing with EIGHT conditions and corrupting boons) more deadly than a huge slow wind up attack like Executioner's Scythe?

Basicly why one go ranged nowadays when smallscaling. If I run with a 3 man crew and we meet a necro the first thing yelled over discord is basicly "DONT GO INTO MELEE RANGE!". Because when they do, they die. Slowed, chilled, 6+ condis. The really nasty scourges build for complete overload, relying on hiding a few bleeds/burns/etc that still do massive damage. If they catch multiple people in a bomb its all done. Cant cleanse that much.


I run a mirage and cleanse on shatter, using the mantra, on heal and every dodge and run with -40% duration. I still cant keep up near a scourge. Heaven forbid there is two of them or more. So I stick to range and nuke em.


So if anyone want to complain about the proliferation of power spiking... blaim scourge.


At least in the reaper era we knew going out of shroud left clear gaps in their big melee condi application (ie spin for the win).

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> @Coldtart.4785 said

> Is this the new thread where we stand in red circles, don't use resistance, stability, stun breaks or condi clears and don't dodge then blame op scourges for our loss? Unless you're massively outnumbered or your firebrands don't know how to play you should not be losing to scourges.


Yeah.. I gtfo of the red circle the second I see it. As for the rest:


* resistance: gets corrupted

* stability: gets corrupted

* stun break: wouldn't help. condi already applied

* cleanse: can cleanse a few when it's off cooldown, but not 8

* dodge: nope. it's instant


Anyway, my point was that it's awfully deadly for an instant non-aimed aoe skill that has no animation to dodge, compared to (eg. Reaper Shroud) skills that do much less damage with an obvious tell and a cast time.


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The Scourge boon corruption is kinda OP. It would be one thing if it removed all the boons on you, and then maybe load you up with movement inhibiting conditions. But the double whammy of removing all your boons + the huge condi dmg+tick is just overboard. And the fact that if you remove a few condis they are immediately chucked back on you is just bogus.


In this condi meta, if people can spam condis every second, then condi cleanses should have lower cool downs as well.

I cannot see how this is a fun spec to fight with or against. Ever fought one before? All they do is spam aoe and walk in circles.

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