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Would you buy a new profession for 2000 gems?

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My option isnt listen in this toxic poll. GW1 is not GW2. The dervisch, paragon, ritualist and assasin allready exist. Their skills and traits have been re used. Does the game need more professions? Do we want the game to be conservative and desire what was? Or to be progressive and be better then it ever has been? Do we want palawa’s fake news and be one of his minions sticking to the old? Or kick his lying butt with a new world?


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It's not that it's too expensive, it's that professions should never be considered anything we need to pay for. We pay for new professions in expansions. This is not the sort of thing that we need to start seeing with a gem store promotion. Any sort of content that is beyond convenience or cosmetic does not belong "for sale" outside of major releases. Jus thought of something though.. A "merchant" class, who has no combat skills, and no level, and who has 2 extra bag slots.. that's a convenience item/new class there !

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No. The necromancer was overpriced for what it delivered, but it also had extras like inventory space/cosmetics/char slots and coincided with the introduction a few new areas. Still a ripoff for what it is. If they were to introduced a new class do in an expansion or at a reduced price no more than 800 gems. It doesnt matter if the next expansion is released sooner than 2 years or is a little lean on maps for instance. On the other hand $25 is simply too much to ask for just a new class which would be an essential purchase to be on an equal playing field as everyone else.


edit; another thing. The number of character slots available to players who bought the base game should be 8 (+1 after rev release). This would allow access to every class on release without having to fork out extra just to have access to every class. This is another money grabby move by anet.

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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> Depends on the profession


I was tempted to make that a poll option, but then again, I think it would be redundant - I think even those who say "yes" actually mean "yes if I like the profession being sold".


> @STIHL.2489 said:

> Nahhh... for something like a profession, I would rather it be a cash only sale.


This is a good point. I wish I could edit the poll and add something like that as an option.

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Hell I'd pay 8000 gems just to have Balthazar's attacks. It was by far my favourite boss to fight and I could totally see them being able to make his skills into player-friendly versions for balance reasons.


But I'd rather they just jacked up the price of an expansion or something. That kinda stuff shouldn't come remotely close to the gem store.


P.S. didn't vote because the two no options are "I don't want more professions" and "That's too expensive" - Why make your own arbitrary reason for me voting no?

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I'd want new professions if...

2) One was similar to a Monk that could ONLY use Fists and had different stances (similar to an Elementalist)

1) We got new weapons to go along with them (Fists, Spear and Great Axe)

4) We continue to get Elite Specializations for existing classes

3) By Gems you actually mean paying Cash for an Expansion.


I think selling gem-store professions would be a bad move because ArenaNet would see we don't need professions and specializations to be tied to expansions, and then our expansions would be gutted yet remain at the $30-40 price point, and THEN we'd have to pay more for the professions that were previously expansion content.


Bad idea.

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Ya sure. However this will never happen, because there will be no new classes, just new elites.


The question might be, will it be worth it to add a new elite? Well, they will have to do it across the board for all 9 classes, and I do not see this happening anytime soon. By the time they are developed and ready, it will probably be time for the new expansion.

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Issue arises that Anet has stated their Gemstore is not "Pay to win" and adding professions behind a gemstore would violate that statement they made 5 years ago.


On another note I would drop actual money in a heartbeat for:

1. Paragon

2. Dervish

3. Assassin

4. Ritualist

5. Monk


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This idea would be a shitstorm any way you slice it, and I certainly wouldn't want to be in charge of balancing such classes. For example, if these classes are powerful enough to become meta, then this game effectively becomes "pay 2 win". But, on the other hand, if it weren't useful at all... why would people buy it? And for those who bought a defective class for 2000 gems, shouldn't they expect to use it without discrimination?


I'm sorry, I think this is a bad idea.

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No option in the poll available for what I think, so I cannot vote.


My opinion is that a profession is not an option. It is part of the game basic features/mechanics. If a profession is added, it has to be integrated into the game concept and for everybody the same. It is not like an armor or a skin.


Side note: Anet has done it once already, with the Revenant. So we know it is possible. I would much enjoy to see a new one.

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