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Have not seen a single Peacockosaurus in game

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It's kind of a niche aesthetic, I guess they we're trying to appeal to all the players who play all the prettied-up human females, but it doesn't really apply to most of them as most of them don't go for classical beauty that goes along with gold trim and peacocks, most of them go for a half drugged out skank in a mini skirt look.

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> @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

> Literally not a one, and I've been playing every day this week. Towns, maps, nowhere. Are the rest of you seeing any or many? I saw more of the Forged or Reforged Warhound, although still only a few. Just curious.


I've seen at least a dozen, maybe more. That's about the as many peacocks in the short time since it was released as I saw the 2k jackal in the equivalent time. There aren't all that many people who can afford to drop 2k gems at will, so the pool of folks who could buy them within less than a week is necessarily small.


I like the skin myself, but am only willing to pay 600-700 gems for it, the same as any outfit. ANet set my expectations that the cost of mountfits should be in the same range, perhaps more for the ones with incredible effects. (With mountfit lotto costing only 400 gems, with Spooky mountfits costing at most 400 gems each, I'm still surprised that ANet is surprised that many us think 2k is too much.)

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I may buy a lot of crap however I will not over pay for something, for example I bought roughly 20 Mount Adoptions to get the 5 I want and alternates I found acceptable so basically 10 duds how ever I look at is I spent $10 a piece on what I wanted, I also bought the Spooky Mounts at a reasonable price: knowing that why would I be willing to spend 25 on a mount like ever.


Even I have standards.

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> @"Ohoni.6057" said:

> I rarely see people using Raptors anyway. It's like 80% griffons, 5% springers, and then 10% Jackals.


I'm guessing you use griffon 80% of the time then. ;) There's a typical sort of confirmation bias: beamer owners tend to see lots of beamers; mustang convertible drivers see mustangs more often. If you're in a griffon, you're much more likely to see more griffons, regardless of what "everyone" is doing.


For people looting the Tomb of Primeval Kings, it's mostly raptors. During bounty runs, I see almost no griffons _unless_ the commander is on one, in which case I see about 20-40% griffons. During mount-enabled VB hero point trains, lots of griffons.

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> @Oldirtbeard.9834 said:

> > @Ohoni.6057 said:

> > I rarely see people using Raptors anyway. It's like 80% griffons, 5% springers, and then 10% Jackals.


> What are the other 5%?


Skimmers. ;)> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> I'm guessing you use griffon 80% of the time then. ;) There's a typical sort of confirmation bias: beamer owners tend to see lots of beamers; mustang convertible drivers see mustangs more often. If you're in a griffon, you're much more likely to see more griffons, regardless of what "everyone" is doing.


That's definitely part true. I mean, if you're flying around at high speeds, the people you tend to pass will also be flying, but even when moving around in an area I don't typically see other stuff. Like I've spent a good chunk of time over the last couple days picking up orbs in the sandfalls area of Istan, and I spend most of my time on Griffon and a little on Springer, but the area seems tailor made for Jackal, and yet I don't recall seeing any Jackal users around.


Mostly if I do see Raptors it's only in races, where Raptors often have an advantage.

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I've seen one, maybe two forged warhounds and zero resplendent avialans (or however its spelled). Its all basic skins or adoption license ones.


But then, I also don't spend a ton of time in areas where I see a lot of mounts, I haven't really been doing many huge meta events or anything since mounts were introduced, so the numbers of mounts I see in general is probably a lot lower than many.

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I've only seen one so far ever. Was a bit surprised I've took a screenshot:

![](https://i.imgur.com/FTijp29.jpg "")


I've seen more of the Mecha Ram than it, but even then? I've only seen like 5 of Ram and only one of that Chicken Peacock.

To me, it doesn't seem like a big seller to the whales like the RNG ones that I've seen everywhere.

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I've seen several peacock raptors. The first evening I found 3 in the same copy of LA and another 2 in Rata Sum, which was helpful for seeing how they looked when dyed. Since then I haven't noticed as many, but I also haven't gone out of my way to look for them.


But as other people have said this is a very inaccurate way of measuring how many there actually are. Today was the first time I saw the Desert Lop in game, so I could easily conclude it's either the rarest drop or the least popular RNG skin (or both). Or I may just have not noticed them. I think I've seen 1 mecha-jackal in total. Sometimes I go through periods where it seems like every other person has a legendary greatsword, then I don't see them at all for ages, but I doubt everyone else on EU is deleting them or using different weapons in that time.

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Haven't seen that or the reforged jackal. At with the with jackal is it a bit more reasonable since it is hard to tell what the skin is on a blinking jackal but that flashy tail on the raptor would be hard to miss.


On the other hand seeing someone with a default glider skin seems equally rare ...

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