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So... CANTHA? Would you like to explore Cantha in the next expansion!?


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I most definitely want to go to Cantha again, I want to see the possibly melted Jade Sea, The now green living Echowald Forest. I want to liberate the other races from the human tyrany of that region. I want to see what happened to that human culture after being secluded like that. So yeah I really really really want to go back to Cantha eventually...

But I don't think it fits for the next one, at least not as it seems right now in the story. Also I agree that charr, norn and maybe asura need some expansion with more of a focus on them before we get one with focus on sylvari or human again. And really Far Shiverpeaks and Charr Homelands will be quite interesting too, and either could be made to fit the current direction.... imo.


That said, if Cantha is going to be next I will be nothing but super thrilled about it and I would be sad if I have to wait another 3 expansions for it.

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Want to explore Cantha? Yes!

In the Next Expansion? Highly unlikely, in the next expansion we will deal with Kralkatorik or maybe Palawa Joko, for good this time.

Then it's an underwater expansion, to connect with Cantha, and afterwards Cantha. Judging by the size of Cantha it might be 2 expansions worth of content.

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Cantha is the most beautiful continent in the frenchise and damn how good would it look in Gw2? I mean Kaineng, Shing Jea, the Jade Sea and the Echovald Forest they would look amazing!!! Please anet if we will go to Cantha don’t change the maps too much and please bring us to the shing jea monastery as a city!!

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i haven´t played gw1 for long so i don´t know how cantha is like and the following won´t directly apply to me.


i get it, people "bath" in there nostalgia, but why no completly new area?

There should be a lot more ground to cover, and would give the devs some more creative freedom. (new cultures/races/location/lore/...)

The current (not even full explorable) world map reminds me of a "world map" in ancient greece..why we are not discovering further? Is tyria flat?

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Perhaps just a portion being a part of the last expansion in preparation for GW3, but then I don't think GW1 vets will like the massive changes Anet would need to make to pacify the Chinese government(in order to allow it to be published in China), otherwise there's a whole bunch of Tyria we still haven't seen yet.

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Definitely not. And I particularly do not want another exclusively human-themed expansion right after this exclusively human-themed expansion. The norn and especially the charr are desperately overdue for some time in the spotlight, and I mean _proper_ time in the spotlight, setting and lore and story and and characters and gear (!) and all, not completely shoved aside like sylvari were in "their" expansion after Verdant Brink.


The devs can't just bank on GW1-nostalgia, especially since _this_ game has multiple playable races.

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Depends on how much of Elona we open up with the LW S4,


Cantha would be interesting now, as we had 2 elite dungeons there, I cant imagine what the city looks like now though. Of course we could also head back to EotN, there is still a lot of world map we haven't been back to from the first game, so at least Anet have choices.

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I love Cantha! That said, Tyria has been feeling really sparse and stretched out since the inclusion of Elona in the world map. I kind of want to instead fill out the current map with new maps before moving on to a different continent. Similarly, while I love Cantha, part of me worries that what we would get is sunken ruins/corrupted remains of the places we loved, and it would hurt to see that, though the Crystal Desert has given me hope that ArenaNet can bring things back into the game without always destroying it.

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I don't know what Cantha would look like, but I'm ready for some pretty zones. I'm sick to death of twisted, hideous landscapes. It seems the few really pretty places are tucked away in locations we have little occasion to visit. A prime example is the area in the Skritt cave (East End I think?) in Brisban Wildlands, with the waterfalls, trees, and sun rays streaming in. It's dreamlike, it's so beautiful. It's the kind of place I'd expect to see in high fantasy. I don't understand why games have us questing in terrible places when they could be creating beautiful settings for us, places we'd actually want to be.

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I'd love to see Cantha, but looking at Anet's track record if we ever get there it'll only be Cantha in name. Every single inch of it will be destroyed, corrupted, reimagined, and 100% different.


I do not want any more of that. If they can give us Cantha 2.0 then sure, I'd love to see it. But if they give us "generic dragon destroyed zone that looks nothing like the GW1 zone" then no.

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> @Nikal.4921 said:

> I don't know what Cantha would look like, but I'm ready for some pretty zones. I'm sick to death of twisted, hideous landscapes. It seems the few really pretty places are tucked away in locations we have little occasion to visit. A prime example is the area in the Skritt cave (East End I think?) in Brisban Wildlands, with the waterfalls, trees, and sun rays streaming in. It's dreamlike, it's so beautiful. It's the kind of place I'd expect to see in high fantasy. I don't understand why games have us questing in terrible places when they could be creating beautiful settings for us, places we'd actually want to be.



After Elona hopefully green blood legion lands and even further east, or far shiverpeaks. Those both sound nice

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I would love to eventually see Cantha. But I don't think the story should be rushed to get us there. I feel like we are getting quantity over quality. We are getting a lot of different things but not much depth in each I feel. Like the PoF "core" maps don't have much to do afterwards. The meta doesn't compare to the HoT maps. And we are still getting more maps. Don't get me wrong, I like that we are getting more. But I feel like it's a bit rushed.

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