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Should there be a GW 3? - [Merged]


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Should the GW series continue with an entirely new sequel? Or should GW 2 simply continue with expansions?


Some want a new and more advanced graphics engine. Some want new or more races and professions to be explored. There are so many possibilities for a GW 3, but is GW 2 enough to expand on and if it is, what does that mean for its longevity?


I personally would like to see GW 2 end its major releases after a third expansion rounding out a trilogy of expansions for GW 2. Then I want it to ultimately end its storyline on Living World Season 5 leading up to GW 3. It could set us up for GW 3 the way GW 1 did for 2.


I want to see the graphics of GW 2 advance again as it did between 1 and 2. I want Expansion 3 to open us to new lands and stories but not necessarily so many years after the events of GW 2. New features, character models, wardrobe and weapon skin types, item tiers, game modes, game and visual style, ect.




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Gw2 is such a good MMO with all the perfect systems in place to have a life as long as WOW, if there advertising was better though... For real...


I'd like to see this game run that long ,then when gw2 has finally reached the end of it's life ( plz not for at least another 8 ish years) I'd like to see arenanet move on to something new

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Nope, not at all..


if Anet ever makes another game, they should make a completely fresh and new game franchise that has nothign to do with Guild Wars and plays in a compeltely different fantasy world with other playable races, a completely different story, doesn't try to mixture real world cultures into the world design of the game ect. pp.


it would be a fresh new chance thack would allow it ANet to make alot things better and not repeat with such a fresh franchise all the lots of mistakes that they have done with GW2 over the last 5 years ...


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> @Orpheal.8263 said:

> Nope, not at all..


> if Anet ever makes another game, they should make a completely fresh and new game franchise that has nothign to do with Guild Wars


Imagine if they brought back City of Heroes. (We will never forget.) NCSoft put everything behind ArenaNet and GW 2 at the time and while I don't regret their decision to back GW 2, I've missed CoH ever since.



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I hope if it's ever made it will have a better targeting system. They do so many things right in this game but the targeting system isn't one of them. As someone who prefers ranged classes, the game would be so much more fun if they would just let me aim instead of selecting targets. Maybe even hit people in certain parts of the body, like full on aiming, man.. nvm gw3 add it in 2 please if you read this :D And no more dragons pls..

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Yes, but preferably after the 4th or 5th expansion and the dragons have been (properly) taken care of, with Aurene as one of our new magic overdragons.


I'd like for them to also take a look at what they did right in both gw1 and gw2 and see if they can synthesize these to make an even better GW3 - preferably on an updated engine with more and better options. (player and devs alike)


also it would be nice if, like with the hall of monuments our progress was also carried over somehow. also moar races.

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> @Cyrin.1035 said:

> > @Orpheal.8263 said:

> > Nope, not at all..

> >

> > if Anet ever makes another game, they should make a completely fresh and new game franchise that has nothign to do with Guild Wars


> Imagine if they brought back City of Heroes. (We will never forget.) NCSoft put everything behind ArenaNet and GW 2 at the time and while I don't regret their decision to back GW 2, I've missed CoH ever since.




I too miss CoH but if they were to bring it back there would need to be some serious changes to it. Still, with all the progress and innovation they put into gw2, i reckon they could make CoH great. As for gw3, I personally don't see the point.

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I strongly believe that MMOS, especially those that become a money sink, should be treated as long term investments, and with respect to the players who have churned out wads of cash for cosmetics and items, should at least see the game live on for at least 10 years, this means constant support, patches, expansion packs... We're only two expansion packs into this game and you're asking if it's the right time for GW3? Never in the world, bad, bad, terrible idea, I would put that whole concept in a box and lock it in the basement for some 5 years, and then we can just start to consider if we open pandoras box...


I also believe, our gold and gem expenditure, should somehow be transfered, not entirely, but lets say depending on how actively you spent you should at least be given a heads up in the next game and rewarded something... Something decent... This means not minis, finishers, titles... Something, starting from simply a voucher for a cosmetic if you didn't spend much, and working the reward track up for big spenders, more vouchers bundled with expansion slots, dye pack (Actually I'd like the current dye system to be removed entirely and be replaced by a wheel of colors and palettes, and have us buy slots for palettes that we can fill and name for convenience sake, rather than have us slave hours into this game for rare dyes costing up to 200 gold)

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GW3 would need a huge engine update just to keep up on the technical end.

Crafting, gear, and attribute progression would have to be completely re-conceptualized.

It would need a long-term plan to avoid GW2's "agile programming" missteps that have lead to accretion over persistent game content that withstands changes to the game.

As for GW2's story... Consider scrapping it, or progressing it so far that we don't see the call-backs like we have them now, where some plot or character parades around to be see, earns two "squee"s, then promptly dies. Stories need to dig deep, follow the interest curve, reach that critical denouement, *then* resolve, and that can't be done in a few spits worth of quarterly dialog. Or maybe it can. There might be folks out there knowledgeable enough to write for a specific medium like MMOs.


Not that I'm pining for GW2 to go. I've invested waaaay too much by this point. >.>

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They've only had the current business model successfully implemented for about a year (expac every other year, LS episode every 2-3 months). It's hard to imagine that they are even thinking of GW3 yet.


The thing is: GW3, if/when it happens, is going to need to blow all our expectations out of the water. If it's just new GFX and new races, well, people will flock to it (because everyone wants a new MMO that will be fun), but it won't have staying power. I'd rather they figure out what they are doing well/poorly with GW2, get their biennial expac consistent, and figure out how to make tons of profit from the gem shop without making all the non-whales feel like "this is why we can't have nice things?"


tl;dr too soon to ask

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It's too soon for GW3. It's more likely for the next game in the franchise to be a mobile game, they are all the rage now, so pray we don't get a next GW.

I think the graphics in Path of Fire, and especially Istan, are really good and not showing the age of the game at all. Anet has done a great job in updating their engine graphic wise, despite it being DX9.

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I am too deep in GW2 and far from getting enough of it.

I keep playing GW1.

I have really no hurry to see a 3rd GW coming, alone for a question of lack of time for more than two games. So I would tend maybe for "when time is right", with add: "as late as possible please".


Another side is: When I see how many things from GW1 I miss in GW2, and how much I enjoy when something of GW1 is in GW2, reminding me of earlier times... I believe that many players - like me - are attached to the story of GW continuing over time. If a GW3 should come, I do not want it to be a standalone without any links to the previous ones. I think that if we stay at those games for so many years, this is because we are attached to them via the stories, thanks to the continuity. I would not like it to be broken. If this continuity is not given, then it should not be called GW3, because it would be a different game with no link to the two others. It's personally not something I wish to see.

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