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[Suggestion] Stop making Story Bosses Hard (LS4 Spoilers)

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@"Ashantara.8731" Look, I get where you're coming from, even though I am a "filthy casual" as some may call me. What bothers me about this entire argument is that GW2 is really the only MMO out of the many in that market that I can play. I have enough stress with real life work and enough calls on my time with family, kids and other obligations that I enjoy the few hours each week that I am able to get online with the game and decompress. I don't want/need the level of difficulty in a game that you advocate -- I have enough stress already. If I wanted/needed that level of challenge, then there are plenty of other MMOs from which I could choose.


Both sides of this argument are passionate about the level of content that suits them. Unfortunately, it is difficult for any MMO to cater to them all. Those of us more casual players are fortunate to find one game out of many that we can manage.


I honestly wish that there were an alternative that would suit both sides. Raids should have been it, but even so I feel that ANet missed the mark there, or perhaps diverted resources away from that content because their metrics showed it to be less profitable? Again, without the insider facts, no one really knows.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > Well, Anet has all of the data on player retention, so it would seem that these decisions are probably based on that.


> I doubt the reduction in the challenge level of the Icebrood Saga has anything to do with some kind of "data". The way they market it and talk about it it's as if they want players to start with the Icebrood Saga and skip the rest of the game, which is understandable that's where all the old players will be. So this massive drop is there to better introduce players to the game with an extended tutorial. Where this kind of fails is that Path of Fire, the expansion required to play the Icebrood Saga, has higher difficulty fights than the Saga, as if telling players to skip even the expansion and go directly for the Season. It's a weird choice and I don't see it in any way being done for player retention, if someone finds Path of Fire too hard they'll leave already before touching the Saga, and those that liked the level of difficulty in Path of Fire will be confused at the massive drop in the Saga.


> Overall it's a weird choice and reminds me of Ember Bay, the second episode of Season 3 which was a joke difficulty-wise. And judging by Anet not doing another Ember Bay afterwards they got the data on how good that episode was for player activity and retention.


Well said. I can understand where you're coming from with this analysis. Interesting perspective on it. Thanks for sharing. :)

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> @"Dante.1508" said:

> Its not fun for me to be challenged in gaming, to me challenge in gaming is like beyond pointless.. I do not feel complete after doing this stuff i just feel run down and uninterested..


Why are you playing games then and not interactive stories? I would say the majority wouldnt play a game that never challenges them. In another thread you said this game favours ranged combat a lot. You also said that vit is as important as power in pve. After all those years you still didn't understand the combat system. What armour are you using? Which traits?

Struggling with story is more of a terrible build problem. The only somewhat difficult story bosses were the ones in ls2 and maybe hearts and minds. Everything after that just dies. You have multiple seconds to walk out of a red circle. Thats far from requiring fast reflexes.

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> @"Nephalem.8921" said:

> > @"Dante.1508" said:

> > Its not fun for me to be challenged in gaming, to me challenge in gaming is like beyond pointless.. I do not feel complete after doing this stuff i just feel run down and uninterested..


> Why are you playing games then and not interactive stories? I would say the majority wouldnt play a game that never challenges them. In another thread you said this game favours ranged combat a lot. You also said that vit is as important as power in pve. After all those years you still didn't understand the combat system. What armour are you using? Which traits?

> Struggling with story is more of a terrible build problem. The only somewhat difficult story bosses were the ones in ls2 and maybe hearts and minds. Everything after that just dies. You have multiple seconds to walk out of a red circle. Thats far from requiring fast reflexes.



I use this build because i found it the most durable and high damage on many enemies

I also have this build on my second tab


but i find longbow quite lackluster compared to shortbow and it kills trash way slower than the condi..


Exotic versions i'm still building my Ascended..

> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Dante.1508" said:

> > Yeah but until you can empathize with others you don't really get to judge, not everyone has your skill levels or even wants it.. I'm here to enjoy a story and play a game casually after my real life, i'm not here to do raid lite just to see the next installment of what ever silly mechanics the devs think up next..

> >

> > Its not fun for me to be challenged in gaming, to me challenge in gaming is like beyond pointless.. I do not feel complete after doing this stuff i just feel run down and uninterested..


> Then, by all means, please go play a different game. The GW franchise, which has always been about fight mechanics and challenges since its GW1 days, is not for players like you.


> > @"Dante.1508" said:

> > Thats why t4 Fractals and Raids exist.. go enjoy them i will not be there ruining them for you.


> No, you just want to ruin story mission fights for the rest of us. Seriously, go try Hard Mode for story missions in GW1, then come back complaining. You'll probably find Normal Mode already to be too difficult.


> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Dante.1508" said:

> > Yeah but until you can empathize with others you don't really get to judge, not everyone has your skill levels or even wants it.. I'm here to enjoy a story and play a game casually after my real life, i'm not here to do raid lite just to see the next installment of what ever silly mechanics the devs think up next..

> >

> > Its not fun for me to be challenged in gaming, to me challenge in gaming is like beyond pointless.. I do not feel complete after doing this stuff i just feel run down and uninterested..


> Then, by all means, please go play a different game. The GW franchise, which has always been about fight mechanics and challenges since its GW1 days, is not for players like you.


> > @"Dante.1508" said:

> > Thats why t4 Fractals and Raids exist.. go enjoy them i will not be there ruining them for you.


> No, you just want to ruin story mission fights for the rest of us. Seriously, go try Hard Mode for story missions in GW1, then come back complaining. You'll probably find Normal Mode already to be too difficult.


GW1 i played for 4 years and never once had any of the issues this game labors me with.. It is far harder than GW1 ever was.. and its completely different.. this is more twitch white knuckle stuff, GW1 was nothing like that. Guildwars 1 was far far superior game in every way than this.


This has become WoW lite..

> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> @"Ashantara.8731" Look, I get where you're coming from, even though I am a "filthy casual" as some may call me. What bothers me about this entire argument is that GW2 is really the only MMO out of the many in that market that I can play. I have enough stress with real life work and enough calls on my time with family, kids and other obligations that I enjoy the few hours each week that I am able to get online with the game and decompress. I don't want/need the level of difficulty in a game that you advocate -- I have enough stress already. If I wanted/needed that level of challenge, then there are plenty of other MMOs from which I could choose.


> Both sides of this argument are passionate about the level of content that suits them. Unfortunately, it is difficult for any MMO to cater to them all. Those of us more casual players are fortunate to find one game out of many that we can manage.


> I honestly wish that there were an alternative that would suit both sides. Raids should have been it, but even so I feel that ANet missed the mark there, or perhaps diverted resources away from that content because their metrics showed it to be less profitable? Again, without the insider facts, no one really knows.


Totally agree 100%.

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> @"Dante.1508" said:

> https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Soulbeast_-_Condi_Trapper

> I use this build because i found it the most durable and high damage on many enemies

I would swap light on your feed for quickdraw and stance share doesnt do much solo. Build is ok so you have to play it wrong if you struggle with it like ranging a lot so your traps dont do much.

> I also have this build on my second tab

> https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Ranger_-_Longbow_Beastmastery

> but i find longbow quite lackluster compared to shortbow and it kills trash way slower than the condi..

I really dont like the metabattle power builds. Just use the raid build and swap thief runes for eagle, play gs + axe/axe and the stability stance instead of signet. Metabattle doesnt use sick'em at all while it cheeses story super hard. power soulbeast can dish out like 300k damage in a few seconds which is most of the time enough to phase a story boss.


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> @"Nephalem.8921" said:

> > @"Dante.1508" said:

> > https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Soulbeast_-_Condi_Trapper

> > I use this build because i found it the most durable and high damage on many enemies

> I would swap light on your feed for quickdraw and stance share doesnt do much solo. Build is ok so you have to play it wrong if you struggle with it like ranging a lot so your traps dont do much.

> > I also have this build on my second tab

> > https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Ranger_-_Longbow_Beastmastery

> > but i find longbow quite lackluster compared to shortbow and it kills trash way slower than the condi..

> I really dont like the metabattle power builds. Just use the raid build and swap thief runes for eagle, play gs + axe/axe and the stability stance instead of signet. Metabattle doesnt use sick'em at all while it cheeses story super hard. power soulbeast can dish out like 300k damage in a few seconds which is most of the time enough to phase a story boss.



Other option is to drop the dagger torch and just play condi shortbow with light on your feet to reduce complexity. Bear stance as a heal should be replaced with we heal as one in non condi heavy parts of the story. Entangle and oppressive superiority beats out stance share in solo play.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> @"Ashantara.8731" Look, I get where you're coming from, even though I am a "filthy casual" as some may call me. What bothers me about this entire argument is that GW2 is really the only MMO out of the many in that market that I can play. I have enough stress with real life work and enough calls on my time with family, kids and other obligations that I enjoy the few hours each week that I am able to get online with the game and decompress. I don't want/need the level of difficulty in a game that ~~you advocate~~ -- **was already in the game for years** I have enough stress already. If I wanted/needed that level of challenge, then there are plenty of other MMOs from which I could choose.


> I honestly wish that there were an alternative that would suit both sides. Raids should have been it, but even so I feel that ANet missed the mark there, or perhaps diverted resources away from that content because their metrics showed it to be less profitable? Again, without the insider facts, no one really knows.

So what you are saying is the difficulty of story should always be at the level of what?



...and should never get any more diffucult as the player progresses because you....have a full time job? I mean what other game gets easier as you progress and not harder?

Even simple clickers or puzzlers like Candy Crush get harder the further you go. That's why people pick them up and keep playing them.

The reality is that what you are arguing for creates a situation that invalidates everything the game has managed to tutorialize over 7 years of content. You are arguing in favor of creating a world in which the game never increases in difficulty and becomes a flat milquetoast experience where the player just wlks around, looking at the scenery, viewing cutscenes and picking up prizes.

Like the ghosts Pac-Man never getting faster, the final 15 minutes of HalfLife 2 being just as challenging as the first 15 minutes, or the 100th level of Candy Crush being as hard to clear as the first...because you have a job.

I get up and go to work every morning and see dozens of people playing games on their phones on the subway on my way to the office.

I'm willing to bet each and every one of those games gates progression behind skill checks that get progressively more difficult, not less.

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the only cases of high difficulty we had? the one rescue taimi fight/story instance from her own robot suffocating her and that mostly because we had to deal with tons of enemies we cant take out faster then they hit us lol. and that instance was only problematic while playing deadeye lol too much creeps to even get far enough to not get killed before you killed the second of 40 enemies ^^ go in there as daredevil and you can easily win this instance even more so with stave/shortbow ^^

> @"Andoral.3619" said:

> > @"Shikaru.7618" said:

> > > @"Murtos.5342" said:

> > > > @"Shikaru.7618" said:

> > > > > @"Dante.1508" said:

> > > > > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > > > > > @"SexyMofo.8923" said:

> > > > > > > NONE of the pve story bosses are hard. I repeat: NONE. I am a solo player and I don’t recall needed help on any of them.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Then you are very fortunate to have the skill and ability to manage them by yourself. Not everyone possesses such level skill or ability.

> > > > >

> > > > > This in my opinion.. And from talking to my guild in discord many others do not pass it either, a few ladies in discord never even leave core tyria.

> > > >

> > > > Are these players also the reason why my trash exotics from raids with terrible dire, knights, rabid, magi stat combos sell?

> > > >

> > > > Maybe start there and get them an actual build in pve and a lot of the difficulty goes away. When enemies die before they can even attack, theres no difficulty to speak of.

> > >

> > > quite hard if you are playing thief and cant deal enough damage solo without ascended gear to get the story done fast enough (additionally to thief lacking damage and CC in every possible way compared to "hundred blades spamming warriors" or anything else with tons of damage)

> > >

> > > oh right shouldnt speak about thief.... is just the only class to have seen only a single buff since the release of the game ^^

> >

> > You must be joking. Thief has one of the highest amounts of health sustain in all of pve, has way higher damage than "hundred blades spamming warriors" as camping great sword is bad dps. Ascended gear isnt some magical fix all solution. If you do bad damage in your exotic gear, sorry to break it to you buddy but you're going to do bad damage in ascended gear too. Class knowledge, correct stat combos, and proper rotations matter way more than the upgrade from exotics to ascended.


> Don't even try man, those players are too bad. I was going to write something like that, but there is no point. Those are the players MikeZ was talking about in one of his interview, where he said that many players are dealing 10 times less damage than average veteran player. This is why the game is a movie now, where you don't need to do anything, just walk around pressing 1 in random gear picking up loot. Those players are Anets focus right now and they still are not happy, because content is still too hard for them :)


how fun of you to assume how we play. but yeah you said something right there ^^ not gonna bother with people that see everyone as bad that isnt a player with reflexes on the level of special forces^

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> @"Murtos.5342" said:

> the only cases of high difficulty we had? the one rescue taimi fight/story instance from her own robot suffocating her and that mostly because we had to deal with tons of enemies we cant take out faster then they hit us lol. and that instance was only problematic while playing deadeye lol too much creeps to even get far enough to not get killed before you killed the second of 40 enemies ^^ go in there as daredevil and you can easily win this instance even more so with stave/shortbow ^^

> > @"Andoral.3619" said:

> > > @"Shikaru.7618" said:

> > > > @"Murtos.5342" said:

> > > > > @"Shikaru.7618" said:

> > > > > > @"Dante.1508" said:

> > > > > > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > > > > > > @"SexyMofo.8923" said:

> > > > > > > > NONE of the pve story bosses are hard. I repeat: NONE. I am a solo player and I don’t recall needed help on any of them.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Then you are very fortunate to have the skill and ability to manage them by yourself. Not everyone possesses such level skill or ability.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > This in my opinion.. And from talking to my guild in discord many others do not pass it either, a few ladies in discord never even leave core tyria.

> > > > >

> > > > > Are these players also the reason why my trash exotics from raids with terrible dire, knights, rabid, magi stat combos sell?

> > > > >

> > > > > Maybe start there and get them an actual build in pve and a lot of the difficulty goes away. When enemies die before they can even attack, theres no difficulty to speak of.

> > > >

> > > > quite hard if you are playing thief and cant deal enough damage solo without ascended gear to get the story done fast enough (additionally to thief lacking damage and CC in every possible way compared to "hundred blades spamming warriors" or anything else with tons of damage)

> > > >

> > > > oh right shouldnt speak about thief.... is just the only class to have seen only a single buff since the release of the game ^^

> > >

> > > You must be joking. Thief has one of the highest amounts of health sustain in all of pve, has way higher damage than "hundred blades spamming warriors" as camping great sword is bad dps. Ascended gear isnt some magical fix all solution. If you do bad damage in your exotic gear, sorry to break it to you buddy but you're going to do bad damage in ascended gear too. Class knowledge, correct stat combos, and proper rotations matter way more than the upgrade from exotics to ascended.

> >

> > Don't even try man, those players are too bad. I was going to write something like that, but there is no point. Those are the players MikeZ was talking about in one of his interview, where he said that many players are dealing 10 times less damage than average veteran player. This is why the game is a movie now, where you don't need to do anything, just walk around pressing 1 in random gear picking up loot. Those players are Anets focus right now and they still are not happy, because content is still too hard for them :)


> how fun of you to assume how we play. but yeah you said something right there ^^ not gonna bother with people that see everyone as bad that isnt a player with reflexes on the level of special forces^


Except you dont need reflexes of a super human to complete anything in the story. Theres a 65 year old man who full clears raids every week and he has...you'll never guess, the reaction time of a 65 year old man (who has not received special forces training btw). You're not bad because you dont have .01 second reflexes. You're bad because of terrible tactical decisions you make in and out of combat. These include but are not limited to, randomly double dodging when sidestepping will do, standing at range and having to dodge a wider arc than if you simply stood in melee and stepped behind the boss, not bringing block,stunbreak,condi cleanse, or any situational skill you might need after a failed attempt, and not knowing what your traits do.


There are builds out there that let you only auto attack and out sustain all damage you take so is targeting the boss and hitting 1 require special forces training now?

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fun how some people think everyone does those mistakes when they complain about having problems with the content..... welp whatever people like generalizing all the time to justify their opinion.....


oh and to the person that said gw1 content was challenging? gw1 content was easy compared to gw2 content.... you can compare most of the content to the first 40 levels of gw2 and the rest of the content to the content from lvl 41-50 dungeons ^^. The only things that have been really challenging back in gw1 where the "raids" like the underworld raid lol.... you could solo most of the content with support npc´s and your own heroes no matter how bad your build was.


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> @"Dante.1508" said:


> It has zero to do with the build, any one can get marauders, vipers or berserker gears and a build from metabattle, not everyone can acquire the skills to dodge 15 cc and 8k hits... yeah a few people playing games are top tier, pat yourselves on the back you are great at virtual entertainment twitch skills.. Grats..


> Thats why t4 Fractals and Raids exist.. go enjoy them i will not be there ruining them for you.


This is an extremely misleading and unfair comparison. The difficulty of story bosses is _nowhere near_ T4 fractals and raids. That's the point many of us are trying to make - it's already incredibly easy to beat story bosses without having any special talent for gaming, and struggling with story bosses indicates a broader inability to perform combat in this game, period.


I guess this is the consequence of living in a world where it's considered toxic to set norms - people seem to lack a sense of where they are on the spectrum, and conveniently refuse to believe that their level of play is **gasp** below standard. It does NOT take a gaming superstar with incredible ninja reflexes to beat a story boss. What it does take is the basic ability to learn how combat in this game is structured, and make adjustments to your play accordingly.



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> @"voltaicbore.8012" said:

> > @"Dante.1508" said:


> > It has zero to do with the build, any one can get marauders, vipers or berserker gears and a build from metabattle, not everyone can acquire the skills to dodge 15 cc and 8k hits... yeah a few people playing games are top tier, pat yourselves on the back you are great at virtual entertainment twitch skills.. Grats..

> >

> > Thats why t4 Fractals and Raids exist.. go enjoy them i will not be there ruining them for you.


> This is an extremely misleading and unfair comparison. The difficulty of story bosses is _nowhere near_ T4 fractals and raids. That's the point many of us are trying to make - it's already incredibly easy to beat story bosses without having any special talent for gaming, and struggling with story bosses indicates a broader inability to perform combat in this game, period.


> I guess this is the consequence of living in a world where it's considered toxic to set norms - people seem to lack a sense of where they are on the spectrum, and conveniently refuse to believe that their level of play is **gasp** below standard. It does NOT take a gaming superstar with incredible ninja reflexes to beat a story boss. What it does take is the basic ability to learn how combat in this game is structured, and make adjustments to your play accordingly.



Below whose standards? Yours or ANet's?


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What is easy or hard is very relative. I have played fast paced fps games since the 90's, naturally the game is easy for me. But today gaming is streamlined and you want to bring in and cater to the broader audience. There is such a vast difference in skill between someone like me that was training his flick shots and precise backward blind movement through map and spacial awareness via map sounds and stuff like that to my girlfriend who probably has to look at the keyboard to not miss her buttons.

The only real solution are different difficulty modes.

I do agree though that suddenly decreasing difficulty in a 7 year old game is strange and probably not the best decision. It is still a game and without challenge it is boring.

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> @"Murtos.5342" said:

> fun how some people think everyone does those mistakes when they complain about having problems with the content..... welp whatever people like generalizing all the time to justify their opinion.....


> oh and to the person that said gw1 content was challenging? gw1 content was easy compared to gw2 content.... you can compare most of the content to the first 40 levels of gw2 and the rest of the content to the content from lvl 41-50 dungeons ^^. The only things that have been really challenging back in gw1 where the "raids" like the underworld raid lol.... you could solo most of the content with support npc´s and your own heroes no matter how bad your build was.



Please enlighten us what types of mistakes you think you're making that makes story mode hard. Aside from one or two very egregious examples like white mantle caudecus, everything else can be done by spamming 1.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:


> Below whose standards? Yours or ANet's?


Anet's. @"Shikaru.7618" said it best, so I'll repeat it here:


> @"Shikaru.7618" said:


> Please enlighten us what types of mistakes you think you're making that makes story mode hard. Aside from one or two very egregious examples like white mantle caudecus, everything else can be done by spamming 1.


^ That's the standard set by Anet. They create the story boss encounters, which can be cleared with absolutely minimal engagement with the combat system overall. That Caudecus encounter proved too complex for many, so they adjusted that down.


At this point, I realize it just looks like I lack empathy - which is only partially true. If there is some physical reason why a player can't perform the tasks necessary to clear a story boss, I can see how that could be extremely frustrating, and I would welcome a separate mode for those individuals to meet whatever gameplay needs they have.


What I have absolutely zero empathy for is the feeling that some of the above individuals have, namely that _their_ level of gameplay should somehow set the standard for discussion, and any mention of how objectively simple these encounters are is somehow shortsighted or plain old mean.


In order for me to accept the current levels of story boss difficulty as too hard to be considered a reasonable standard, I'd have to have a more data-oriented discussion. We'd have to figure out, at minimum:

* what is an acceptable rate of failure on soloing story bosses,

* what "failure" actually means (X number of deaths and retries? Just quitting the boss encounter entirely? Quitting after X tries?),

* how reliable any such measure of failure is (when new story is first released, a lot of players get disconnected during story boss fights - is that number going to be too high so as to inflate the "failure" measurement when it's really just server hiccups?)

* and probably a few more statistical considerations I'm not educated enough to talk about.


Short of having the above discussion to a satisfying extent, I'll stick to my guns.


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If you ask me anyone who complains story bosses are too hard are likely the same people who say things like "I don't want to play fractals because people expect me to use a meta build that is actually good for something, I don't want to be useful".


Story bosses being too easy is why I already avoid story for the most part, it's not fun when nothing is even remotely challenging. Play a good build. You don't even need to be that great at the game, just play a good build instead of the random mix of gear/traits that you're currently using. Look at youtube videos, look at metabattle, find a build that you didn't make and don't be so stubborn.

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Idk what you are talking about. Story bosses are not hard. Well scruffy one was kinda nice, but not that hard... Honestly its really hard to balance thses things. Lets say you are running supportish class thst deals lower dmg, the yes its will be harder, but if you running powerhouse like holo or sokething that deals alot of burst dmg then it will be kinda easier.

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> @"Shikaru.7618" said:

> > @"Murtos.5342" said:

> > fun how some people think everyone does those mistakes when they complain about having problems with the content..... welp whatever people like generalizing all the time to justify their opinion.....

> >

> > oh and to the person that said gw1 content was challenging? gw1 content was easy compared to gw2 content.... you can compare most of the content to the first 40 levels of gw2 and the rest of the content to the content from lvl 41-50 dungeons ^^. The only things that have been really challenging back in gw1 where the "raids" like the underworld raid lol.... you could solo most of the content with support npc´s and your own heroes no matter how bad your build was.

> >


> Please enlighten us what types of mistakes you think you're making that makes story mode hard. Aside from one or two very egregious examples like white mantle caudecus, everything else can be done by spamming 1.


You try taking down Scruffy with only spamming 1 key... so tired of this hyperbole.

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the mistake i make? trying to play the game as a casual that plays once per month/or when the story comes out for the 20 minutes of content we do get with an update....

fun how all those optimizers/hardcore players in here keep talking about other players are bad because we dont play the game to the point that we can play every content in our sleep without problems.

Welp back to not talking on forums.... Not gonna try to deal with walls that only see their own standpoint and cant think themselves into the shoes of others.

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> @"Dante.1508" said:



> You try taking down Scruffy with only spamming 1 key... so tired of this hyperbole.


He did make an exception for egregious examples like Caudecus, and I would maybe include that Scraffy fight in that pool of exceptions as well. I don't remember much about that Scruffy fight, so I can't say much more without replaying it.

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> @"Dante.1508" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > @"SexyMofo.8923" said:

> > > NONE of the pve story bosses are hard. I repeat: NONE. I am a solo player and I don’t recall needed help on any of them.

> >

> > Then you are very fortunate to have the skill and ability to manage them by yourself. Not everyone possesses such level skill or ability.


> This in my opinion.. And from talking to my guild in discord many others do not pass it either, a few ladies in discord never even leave core tyria.


Well why dont you team up with 4 people in your guild every weekend and finsih off some stories people need then?


> @"Murtos.5342" said:

> the mistake i make? trying to play the game as a casual that plays once per month/or when the story comes out for the 20 minutes of content we do get with an update....

> fun how all those optimizers/hardcore players in here keep talking about other players are bad because we dont play the game to the point that we can play every content in our sleep without problems.

> Welp back to not talking on forums.... Not gonna try to deal with walls that only see their own standpoint and cant think themselves into the shoes of others.


Youtube is always there if you wanna watch a movie of someone playing and not play the game yourself mate.

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> @"Murtos.5342" said:

> the mistake i make? trying to play the game as a casual that plays once per month/or when the story comes out for the 20 minutes of content we do get with an update....

> fun how all those optimizers/hardcore players in here keep talking about other players are bad because we dont play the game to the point that we can play every content in our sleep without problems.

> Welp back to not talking on forums.... Not gonna try to deal with walls that only see their own standpoint and cant think themselves into the shoes of others.


I'm sorry, but we're not talking about content for hardcore player here. Story content doesn't come even close to that.

We're talking about content that asks of the player to... well... play the game.


Speaking about thinking into the shoes of others. It goes both ways. Understanding why one cannot do some content does not mean said content should be modified and adapted to them specifically. Especially when it can and would impact other players too. It already did in the past. (Eater of Souls, Caudecus...)

The content of this game is vastly made for casual play already. This is particularly jarring for people coming from the original guild wars.


And I dare say... people playing once a month aren't exactly what brings Anet money.


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> @"Dante.1508" said:

> You try taking down Scruffy with only spamming 1 key... so tired of this hyperbole.


You can beat Scruffy by only spamming 1 key, if it's gonna be fun though is a different story. Arenanet made it so when you revive boss health doesn't reset so technically you can auto attack Scruffy to death without dodging, as long as you land a single hit before you die each time you will eventually (in a few hours maybe) beat him. Not to mention Braham will revive you rather quickly if you stay close to him, his shield skill will block Scruffy's projectiles too, so it's a good idea to hug the big brute.


Is it doable? Yes. But probably not anything someone might call "fun". The alternative is to use one of the faceroll builds that can kill the boss without struggling, but I guess "using a good build" is out of the question in "story is too hard" threads.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Dante.1508" said:

> > You try taking down Scruffy with only spamming 1 key... so tired of this hyperbole.


> You can beat Scruffy by only spamming 1 key, if it's gonna be fun though is a different story. Arenanet made it so when you revive boss health doesn't reset so technically you can auto attack Scruffy to death without dodging, as long as you land a single hit before you die each time you will eventually (in a few hours maybe) beat him. Not to mention Braham will revive you rather quickly if you stay close to him, his shield skill will block Scruffy's projectiles too, so it's a good idea to hug the big brute.


> Is it doable? Yes. But probably not anything someone might call "fun". The alternative is to use one of the faceroll builds that can kill the boss without struggling, but I guess "using a good build" is out of the question in "story is too hard" threads.


They cant use berserker stats because it requires delta force military training and until we learn that, we have no place in this discussion.

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