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Just Dump Ranked


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The population is so small that it’s impossible to get a competitive match. Noobs have infiltrated every level of play as a result. It’s purely random chance to get a good match. Dump ranked and pool everyone back into unranked and keep the rewards. If we can’t have a decent competitive system, then let’s at least bring back the fun.

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Ranked arena adds another layer of flavour to sPVP with new rewards, exclusive titles and items. Having a leaderboard is something many people like as it gives them a chance to demonstrate how good they are (I acknowledge that this is not 100% accurate).


sPVP is always competitive but becomes more so during ranked seasons. By removing this you would have fewer incentives to play sPVP and no real reasons to try harder if everyone has access to all rewards and rank doesn't show.


On the whole this is promoting equality of outcome too much as it works on the principle that regardless of input effort, everyone gets the same reward.


If you would like to see ranked mode abolished, I would presume you don't care about rank/tier so why does it matter?

I don't see why ranked is "less fun" if you're not bothered if you're gold/plat/leg.

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> @Rukia.9860 said:

> How about no. Unranked is a cesspool that replaced hotjoin, it should remain how it is. Rank may be garbage but it still not as bad as unranked, why make the problems even worse? You want to play with MORE noobs?


I'd rather play with new players over people who aggressively insist that there is a measurable skill level involved in spamming points, looking at a minimap, and chaining instant-cast abilities while stealthed, invulnerable and/or at range.

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> @Rukia.9860 said:

> How about no. Unranked is a cesspool that replaced hotjoin, it should remain how it is. Rank may be garbage but it still not as bad as unranked, why make the problems even worse? You want to play with MORE noobs?


I only pvp once/twice a week (if that) and even I know how false this statement is. There is an elevated level of toxicity in ranked (due to titles/leaderboard...etc) that far surpasses unranked in every way/shape/form. In unranked, you expect to find newer or not well versed players, thus due to this the toxic behavior is lower (it still exists, I am not denying it, however its a lot less than ranked).

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> @Swagg.9236 said:

> > @Rukia.9860 said:

> > How about no. Unranked is a cesspool that replaced hotjoin, it should remain how it is. Rank may be garbage but it still not as bad as unranked, why make the problems even worse? You want to play with MORE noobs?


> I'd rather play with new players over people who aggressively insist that there is a measurable skill level involved in spamming points, looking at a minimap, and chaining instant-cast abilities while stealthed, invulnerable and/or at range.


Yup no skill difference between new players and veterans in GW2 because the game is soo faceroll.


Never heard that one before. :wink:


Lots of GW2 veterans are idiots but they're idiots winning 1v3's vs new players very efficiently

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or we dump unranked and seasons. Make a good per class leaderboard and the matchmaker does never Q bronze and then silver with anything above. New players always start at 600 ranking and we drop those rank 20 entry too ... Very simplified but i expect it would work ... Would not solve most problems.

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> @Wolfric.9380 said:

> or we dump unranked and seasons. Make a good per class leaderboard and the matchmaker does never Q bronze and then silver with anything above. New players always start at 600 ranking and we drop those rank 20 entry too ... Very simplified but i expect it would work ...


Silver vs plat/legend should never ever happen but it does happen in GW2. People can justify it with low population all they want but such matches are simply NoGo.


I actually find seasons and unranked are fine. It is just always same issues: wonky MM, wonky rank point gain/loss system and ofc crappy balance.

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in the end its fine to keep both. Actually no need to change. But per class MMR and a MM that tires hard to avoid to high diffrences would help greatly.

There is no need to hardcode MMR diffrence. Just let the MM try to find matches narrow and then go up a bit per tick. If MM is over 300 in two minutes it´s too fast ... At least five minutes then i can expand over that mark. I think i am average or a bit above on ele. But i also feel the diffrence. Theres no sense fighting silver or bronze for me. I can farm them 1:2 or even 1:3. I had a pause from WvW romaing and did play 30 minutes a few days ago and O_o. First duel a scourge ... he died ... then i did go into the back of four that just attacked a camp .... I killed two and the others had a hard 2 minutes fight to survive till the others came back and finaly got me ... There are huge diffrences even at medium level and this diffrences should never happen in sPvP. Same i sports. I play table tennis in an obove average league. I will get destroyed by the top league players and will destroy annything two leagues below me ... So anyone with some sense knows you have to match similar skills in a competative environment. And beside that. You can give me a tennis racket and send me in the same league as i am ranked in table tennis .. guess what will happen ..

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> @Mordalus.8146 said:

> The population is so small that it’s impossible to get a competitive match. Noobs have infiltrated every level of play as a result. It’s purely random chance to get a good match. Dump ranked and pool everyone back into unranked and keep the rewards. If we can’t have a decent competitive system, then let’s at least bring back the fun.


its going to be reseted for sure...in 8-12monts :P is my bet

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Didn't realize this would be a serious topic... In that case, you could remove ranked and replace it with the old system they had in the beginning of the game with having a soloq and teamq but no ranked/unranked queues. If they did that and kept the loot and visible mmr that they have in ranked I'm sure many would be okay with this. Outside of that I don't see any really good way to just remove ranked without angering a lot of players and making unranked a bigger fustercluck than it already is.

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> @Ziggityzog.7389 said:

> Hahaha I dumped ranked after season 5. Seasons 1-4 and pre seasons wasn't bad. But then 5-9 came around.


> I've been enjoying pvp while all the toxic, pve Hunter/afk, and Mach manipulators are in ranked play.


> Even have a choice on 2 game modes over just conquest.


> Welcome.to the better pvp unranked


"Seasons 1"

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> @Chaith.8256 said:

> > @Swagg.9236 said:

> > > @Rukia.9860 said:

> > > How about no. Unranked is a cesspool that replaced hotjoin, it should remain how it is. Rank may be garbage but it still not as bad as unranked, why make the problems even worse? You want to play with MORE noobs?

> >

> > I'd rather play with new players over people who aggressively insist that there is a measurable skill level involved in spamming points, looking at a minimap, and chaining instant-cast abilities while stealthed, invulnerable and/or at range.


> Yup no skill difference between new players and veterans in GW2 because the game is soo faceroll.


> Never heard that one before. :wink:


> Lots of GW2 veterans are idiots but they're idiots winning 1v3's vs new players very efficiently


The only skill barrier in GW2 is reading tool tips. Once players know why they died to an invisible, max-range spike or a single circle which lit up their status bar, GW2's skill progression plateaus almost immediately. 1v(1+X)s are not won without a massive amount of kiting and rotating through damage negation cooldowns, and most fights that people take are also almost exclusively hard-counter matches. A mesmer might 2v1 a revenant and a ranger, but no mesmer will ever 2v1 two thieves if the thieves just play passively. The highest skill threshold of GW2 is choosing a class that can generally run on a skill rotation without interruption and then knowing every class or teamfight scenario which you can defeat without really putting yourself at risk. Since the game is incredibly homogenized and binary, max skill in GW2 is effectively a short laundry list of yes's and no's which are answered at a glance before combat would even begin.


The people who get so swept up in implying that there is any real player skill in memorizing a few binary match-up scenarios are the only ones holding back what the community's attitude should be toward this failed gimmick called GW2 PvP.

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> @Swagg.9236 said:

> > @Chaith.8256 said:

> > > @Swagg.9236 said:

> > > > @Rukia.9860 said:

> > > > How about no. Unranked is a cesspool that replaced hotjoin, it should remain how it is. Rank may be garbage but it still not as bad as unranked, why make the problems even worse? You want to play with MORE noobs?

> > >

> > > I'd rather play with new players over people who aggressively insist that there is a measurable skill level involved in spamming points, looking at a minimap, and chaining instant-cast abilities while stealthed, invulnerable and/or at range.

> >

> > Yup no skill difference between new players and veterans in GW2 because the game is soo faceroll.

> >

> > Never heard that one before. :wink:

> >

> > Lots of GW2 veterans are idiots but they're idiots winning 1v3's vs new players very efficiently


> The only skill barrier in GW2 is reading tool tips. Once players know why they died to an invisible, max-range spike or a single circle which lit up their status bar, GW2's skill progression plateaus rather immediately. 1v(1+X)s are not won without a massive amount of kiting and rotating through damage negation cooldowns, and most fights that people take are also almost exclusively hard-counter matches. A mesmer might 2v1 a revenant and a ranger, but no mesmer will ever 2v1 two thieves if the thieves just play passively. The highest skill threshold of GW2 is choosing a class that can generally run on a skill rotation without interruption and then knowing every class or teamfight scenario which you can defeat without really putting yourself at risk. Since the game is incredibly homogenized and binary, max skill in GW2 is effectively a short laundry list of yes's and no's which are answered at a glance before combat would even begin.


> The people who get so swept up in implying that there is any real player skill in memorizing a few binary match-up scenarios are the only ones holding back the community's attitude toward this failed gimmick called GW2 PvP.


Ooo, Quaggan found a treasure, the most stupid post among stupid posts! Wooo-hooo!

Same people who were winning ESLs, been participating World Series are dominating ATs and often are around top of leaderboards, that all because there is no skill in GW2 PvP!

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> @Morwath.9817 said:

> > @Swagg.9236 said:

> > > @Chaith.8256 said:

> > > > @Swagg.9236 said:

> > > > > @Rukia.9860 said:

> > > > > How about no. Unranked is a cesspool that replaced hotjoin, it should remain how it is. Rank may be garbage but it still not as bad as unranked, why make the problems even worse? You want to play with MORE noobs?

> > > >

> > > > I'd rather play with new players over people who aggressively insist that there is a measurable skill level involved in spamming points, looking at a minimap, and chaining instant-cast abilities while stealthed, invulnerable and/or at range.

> > >

> > > Yup no skill difference between new players and veterans in GW2 because the game is soo faceroll.

> > >

> > > Never heard that one before. :wink:

> > >

> > > Lots of GW2 veterans are idiots but they're idiots winning 1v3's vs new players very efficiently

> >

> > The only skill barrier in GW2 is reading tool tips. Once players know why they died to an invisible, max-range spike or a single circle which lit up their status bar, GW2's skill progression plateaus rather immediately. 1v(1+X)s are not won without a massive amount of kiting and rotating through damage negation cooldowns, and most fights that people take are also almost exclusively hard-counter matches. A mesmer might 2v1 a revenant and a ranger, but no mesmer will ever 2v1 two thieves if the thieves just play passively. The highest skill threshold of GW2 is choosing a class that can generally run on a skill rotation without interruption and then knowing every class or teamfight scenario which you can defeat without really putting yourself at risk. Since the game is incredibly homogenized and binary, max skill in GW2 is effectively a short laundry list of yes's and no's which are answered at a glance before combat would even begin.

> >

> > The people who get so swept up in implying that there is any real player skill in memorizing a few binary match-up scenarios are the only ones holding back the community's attitude toward this failed gimmick called GW2 PvP.


> Ooo, Quaggan found a treasure, the most stupid post among stupid posts! Wooo-hooo!

> Same people who were winning ESLs, been participating World Series are dominating ATs and often are around top of leaderboards, that all because there is no skill in GW2 PvP!


Dude, don't be rude :^)


But seriously, what does being top ranked in GW2 even mean, really? At this point, the people in the top 100 on the GW2 PvP leaderboards aren't necessarily there by hardcore skill alone; you must understand by now that GW2 PvP is dead, and a dead game allows anyone to float up to the top due to lack of competition. Get a group of five people who do nothing but play GW2, and you'll probably have the only team with five people who feel that it's somehow worth it to play that much GW2 despite its boring, binary design obfuscated behind a bloat of skills, passives and particle effects. Mix in an MMR system which was, at one point, admitted by devs to have been implemented in a manner which would artificially attempt to skew player win-rates to at 50% win-loss ratio, and you are set up for easy exploitation and reliance on RNG.


Moreover, GW2 was dead even during the ESL era. You know why? This game has no sponsors aside from the anet dollars that bought it into that league. You know why GW2 has no sponsors? A sponsor needs to see a stable, thriving population in which they feel comfortable investing a marketing campaign. GW2 has never had sponsors because its shallow gameplay has never retained but a handful of players who were there at the right time to capitalize on the general hype the game had at launch and then ride it out to the point at which anet felt it might be worth it to throw money at a few tournaments. It has always been the same people. That's not the sign of a healthy game; that's the sign of a hollow playerbase capped with a half-handful of people who were just in the right place at the right time to reap the profits.


The top of the leaderboard, by the way, for many seasons leading up until now, has been littered with win-traders; and the people who dominate regular tourneys are the only kind of people left who tolerate GW2's gameplay and just team-build to win. The rest of the playerbase is either on a carousel because of how quickly GW2 can turn people off to its PvP gameplay or PvE progression, and is therefore typically just too fragmented to play GW2's metagame against the, like, 12 people who do it consistently.


Call me when GW2 is a game good enough that its own players crowd-fund multiple international LANs like Team Fortress 2 did.


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> @"Swagg.9236" said:

> > @Morwath.9817 said:

> > > @Swagg.9236 said:

> > > > @Chaith.8256 said:

> > > > > @Swagg.9236 said:

> > > > > > @Rukia.9860 said:

> > > > > > How about no. Unranked is a cesspool that replaced hotjoin, it should remain how it is. Rank may be garbage but it still not as bad as unranked, why make the problems even worse? You want to play with MORE noobs?

> > > > >

> > > > > I'd rather play with new players over people who aggressively insist that there is a measurable skill level involved in spamming points, looking at a minimap, and chaining instant-cast abilities while stealthed, invulnerable and/or at range.

> > > >

> > > > Yup no skill difference between new players and veterans in GW2 because the game is soo faceroll.

> > > >

> > > > Never heard that one before. :wink:

> > > >

> > > > Lots of GW2 veterans are idiots but they're idiots winning 1v3's vs new players very efficiently

> > >

> > > The only skill barrier in GW2 is reading tool tips. Once players know why they died to an invisible, max-range spike or a single circle which lit up their status bar, GW2's skill progression plateaus rather immediately. 1v(1+X)s are not won without a massive amount of kiting and rotating through damage negation cooldowns, and most fights that people take are also almost exclusively hard-counter matches. A mesmer might 2v1 a revenant and a ranger, but no mesmer will ever 2v1 two thieves if the thieves just play passively. The highest skill threshold of GW2 is choosing a class that can generally run on a skill rotation without interruption and then knowing every class or teamfight scenario which you can defeat without really putting yourself at risk. Since the game is incredibly homogenized and binary, max skill in GW2 is effectively a short laundry list of yes's and no's which are answered at a glance before combat would even begin.

> > >

> > > The people who get so swept up in implying that there is any real player skill in memorizing a few binary match-up scenarios are the only ones holding back the community's attitude toward this failed gimmick called GW2 PvP.

> >

> > Ooo, Quaggan found a treasure, the most stupid post among stupid posts! Wooo-hooo!

> > Same people who were winning ESLs, been participating World Series are dominating ATs and often are around top of leaderboards, that all because there is no skill in GW2 PvP!


> Dude, don't be rude :^)


> But seriously, what does being top ranked in GW2 even mean, really? At this point, the people in the top 100 on the GW2 PvP leaderboards aren't necessarily there by hardcore skill alone; you must understand by now that GW2 PvP is dead, and a dead game allows anyone to float up to the top due to lack of competition. Get a group of five people who do nothing but play GW2, and you'll probably have the only team with five people who feel that it's somehow worth it to play that much GW2 despite its boring, binary design obfuscated behind a bloat of skills, passives and particle effects. Mix in an MMR system which was, at one point, admitted by devs to have been implemented in a manner which would artificially attempt to skew player win-rates to at 50% win-loss ratio, and you are set up for easy exploitation and reliance on RNG.


> Moreover, GW2 was dead even during the ESL era. You know why? This game has no sponsors aside from the anet dollars that bought it into that league. You know why GW2 has no sponsors? A sponsor needs to see a stable, thriving population in which they feel comfortable investing a marketing campaign. GW2 has never had sponsors because its shallow gameplay has never retained but a handful of players who were there at the right time to capitalize on the general hype the game had at launch and then ride it out to the point at which anet felt it might be worth it to throw money at a few tournaments. It has always been the same people. That's not the sign of a healthy game; that's the sign of a hollow playerbase capped with a half-handful of people who were just in the right place at the right time to reap the profits.


> The top of the leaderboard, by the way, for many seasons leading up until now, has been littered with win-traders; and the people who dominate regular tourneys are the only kind of people left who tolerate GW2's gameplay and just team-build to win. The rest of the playerbase is either on a carousel because of how quickly GW2 can turn people off to its PvP gameplay or PvE progression, and is therefore typically just too fragmented to play GW2's metagame against the, like, 12 people who do it consistently.


> Call me when GW2 is a game good enough that its own players crowd-fund multiple international LANs like Team Fortress 2 did.



You nailed it! And love the don’t be rude comment. Thank you. Internet anonymity always gives people big balls they wouldn’t otherwise flaunt in RL. Even when it’s veiled in weaksauce RP.

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> @"Swagg.9236" said:

> Dude, don't be rude :^)


Ooo, Quaggan isn't rude, stupid posts are stupid, you deserve your trophy.


> @"Swagg.9236" said:

> But seriously, what does being top ranked in GW2 even mean, really? At this point, the people in the top 100 on the GW2 PvP leaderboards aren't necessarily there by hardcore skill alone; you must understand by now that GW2 PvP is dead, and a dead game allows anyone to float up to the top due to lack of competition. Get a group of five people who do nothing but play GW2, and you'll probably have the only team with five people who feel that it's somehow worth it to play that much GW2 despite its boring, binary design obfuscated behind a bloat of skills, passives and particle effects. Mix in an MMR system which was, at one point, admitted by devs to have been implemented in a manner which would artificially attempt to skew player win-rates to at 50% win-loss ratio, and you are set up for easy exploitation and reliance on RNG.


It's about all of those together, Ranked leaderboards doesn't mean much by themselves, at least in Quaggans fishy opinion.


> @"Swagg.9236" said:

> Moreover, GW2 was dead even during the ESL era. You know why? This game has no sponsors aside from the anet dollars that bought it into that league. You know why GW2 has no sponsors? A sponsor needs to see a stable, thriving population in which they feel comfortable investing a marketing campaign. GW2 has never had sponsors because its shallow gameplay has never retained but a handful of players who were there at the right time to capitalize on the general hype the game had at launch and then ride it out to the point at which anet felt it might be worth it to throw money at a few tournaments. It has always been the same people. That's not the sign of a healthy game; that's the sign of a hollow playerbase capped with a half-handful of people who were just in the right place at the right time to reap the profits.


Shallow gameplay? Mobas have shallow gameplay, compared to GW2, which has one of the best among the best combat systems ever created.

GW2 never had viewership due to completly different reasons - game itself is too difficult to understand for viewers, even commentators sometimes, it would be much easier with casting bars, like those we had in GW1. Many people simply don't know what is happening, and why would you watch a game they don't understand?


> @"Swagg.9236" said:

> The top of the leaderboard, by the way, for many seasons leading up until now, has been littered with win-traders;


Ooo, like Blackjack or Sindrener? Quaggan doesn't think they were win trading.


> @"Swagg.9236" said:

>and the people who dominate regular tourneys are the only kind of people left who tolerate GW2's gameplay and just team-build to win. The rest of the playerbase is either on a carousel because of how quickly GW2 can turn people off to its PvP gameplay or PvE progression, and is therefore typically just too fragmented to play GW2's metagame against the, like, 12 people who do it consistently.


You mean, only players who enjoy GW2 gameplay are left? Unbelievable...


> @"Swagg.9236" said:

> Call me when GW2 is a game good enough that its own players crowd-fund multiple international LANs like Team Fortress 2 did.



Why would people crowd-fund tournaments with $, if game is bad for spectating (read above why).


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> @"Morwath.9817" said:

> > @"Swagg.9236" said:

> > But seriously, what does being top ranked in GW2 even mean, really? At this point, the people in the top 100 on the GW2 PvP leaderboards aren't necessarily there by hardcore skill alone; you must understand by now that GW2 PvP is dead, and a dead game allows anyone to float up to the top due to lack of competition. Get a group of five people who do nothing but play GW2, and you'll probably have the only team with five people who feel that it's somehow worth it to play that much GW2 despite its boring, binary design obfuscated behind a bloat of skills, passives and particle effects. Mix in an MMR system which was, at one point, admitted by devs to have been implemented in a manner which would artificially attempt to skew player win-rates to at 50% win-loss ratio, and you are set up for easy exploitation and reliance on RNG.


> It's about all of those together, Ranked leaderboards doesn't mean much by themselves, at least in Quaggans fishy opinion.


Then why mention leaderboards at all in your little bit about how all these "top players" are "consistently dominating" in them then? Guess they aren't really accomplishing anything after all.



> > @"Swagg.9236" said:

> > Moreover, GW2 was dead even during the ESL era. You know why? This game has no sponsors aside from the anet dollars that bought it into that league. You know why GW2 has no sponsors? A sponsor needs to see a stable, thriving population in which they feel comfortable investing a marketing campaign. GW2 has never had sponsors because its shallow gameplay has never retained but a handful of players who were there at the right time to capitalize on the general hype the game had at launch and then ride it out to the point at which anet felt it might be worth it to throw money at a few tournaments. It has always been the same people. That's not the sign of a healthy game; that's the sign of a hollow playerbase capped with a half-handful of people who were just in the right place at the right time to reap the profits.


> Shallow gameplay? Mobas have shallow gameplay, compared to GW2, which has one of the best among the best combat systems ever created.

> GW2 never had viewership due to completly different reasons - game itself is too difficult to understand for viewers, even commentators sometimes, it would be much easier with casting bars, like those we had in GW1. Many people simply don't know what is happening, and why would you watch a game they don't understand?


Are you seriously trying to say that a mirage stealth condibomb, a scourge/support spam combo or any thief/holo kill is something that is easily understood by anyone new to GW2 (even those actively experiencing it in game)? Cast bars in GW2 would probably provoke epileptic attacks anyways since people often blow 6 skills within 2 seconds in the heat of this game's poorly-paced and frantic spam combat.


GW2 is not difficult to understand, but understanding it is artificially obfuscated artificially behind a veil of particle spam, instant cast abilities, passives and teleports/instant gap-closers which constantly undermine player timing and positioning (and also possess erratic, esoteric behaviors when used to move through walls and the ground). No GW2 caster will ever provide an on-the-fly breakdown of combat in GW2 because its either this huge bloom of eye garbage on a point within which nobody dies, or its some 1v1/2v1/off-point fight in which someone died to a flurry of skills dumped into an easy, hard-counter win.



> > @"Swagg.9236" said:

> > The top of the leaderboard, by the way, for many seasons leading up until now, has been littered with win-traders;


> Ooo, like Blackjack or Sindrener? Quaggan doesn't think they were win trading.


That's two people out of a long list, and "I think" isn't an argument for anything.



> > @"Swagg.9236" said:

> >and the people who dominate regular tourneys are the only kind of people left who tolerate GW2's gameplay and just team-build to win. The rest of the playerbase is either on a carousel because of how quickly GW2 can turn people off to its PvP gameplay or PvE progression, and is therefore typically just too fragmented to play GW2's metagame against the, like, 12 people who do it consistently.


> You mean, only players who enjoy GW2 gameplay are left? Unbelievable...


Yeah, all twelve-ish of them, while the rest of the world regards it as a complete joke for reasons that have long since been established within the dissatisfied community. Like I said, the only people still invested in GW2 in any way are the ones who were just lucky enough to tolerate this game's boring, binary design long enough that they were rewarded for it. Not exactly a healthy community: basically paying 20 people to play your game.



> > @"Swagg.9236" said:

> > Call me when GW2 is a game good enough that its own players crowd-fund multiple international LANs like Team Fortress 2 did.

> >


> Why would people crowd-fund tournaments with $, if game is bad for spectating (read above why).



That's just another glaring GW2 issue then, isn't it?

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