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Human Gods *Spoilers*


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I... don't know how to respond to this. Is there even anything to respond to? What are you trying to say, exactly? I will say this, though: have you compared the size of a norn to Balthazar, in or out of his mursaat outfit? He's three times larger than the largest norn, and that's been modest. Plus, we do know that they have magic that is different from that which is typically used on Tyria, so they aren't just "huge norn", unless you want to classify the norn as just "giant humans" (which is not an unfair assertion to make).

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> @Rognik.2579 said:

> I... don't know how to respond to this. Is there even anything to respond to? What are you trying to say, exactly? I will say this, though: have you compared the size of a norn to Balthazar, in or out of his mursaat outfit? He's three times larger than the largest norn, and that's been modest. Plus, we do know that they have magic that is different from that which is typically used on Tyria, so they aren't just "huge norn", unless you want to classify the norn as just "giant humans" (which is not an unfair assertion to make).


I have seen Balthazar's model up close and personal. He's an oversized Norn.

I expected more from a 'God'. Especially a God of a very significant Guild Wars race. The lore clearly states they came from the Mists along with the humans but all I see I an oversized Norn going around doing things.


The model could have been inhumane; the model could be a fiery being in an armor. Yet we just have.. This. There was so much room for innovation and imagination here.


It's very disappointing. The story has, imo, gone horribly downhill, and this is just another point added to its fall.


Buck up ANet. Make a God look like a God.

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> @Alasia.9502 said:

> > @Rognik.2579 said:

> > I... don't know how to respond to this. Is there even anything to respond to? What are you trying to say, exactly? I will say this, though: have you compared the size of a norn to Balthazar, in or out of his mursaat outfit? He's three times larger than the largest norn, and that's been modest. Plus, we do know that they have magic that is different from that which is typically used on Tyria, so they aren't just "huge norn", unless you want to classify the norn as just "giant humans" (which is not an unfair assertion to make).


> I have seen Balthazar's model up close and personal. He's an oversized Norn.

> I expected more from a 'God'. Especially a God of a very significant Guild Wars race. The lore clearly states they came from the Mists along with the humans but all I see I an oversized Norn going around doing things.


> The model could have been inhumane; the model could be a fiery being in an armor. Yet we just have.. This. There was so much room for innovation and imagination here.


> It's very disappointing. The story has, imo, gone horribly downhill, and this is just another point added to its fall.


> Buck up ANet. Make a God look like a God.


So.. you preferred the _HUMAN_ god to be as small as a human? the problem in this analogy is not that the gods look like Norn, but that the Norn look too much like Humans. This wasn't an issue in GW1 because of their distinct culture and shapeshifting, but that culture and shapeshifting has been washed out in GW2, so the Norn look mostly like normal but bigger humans.


No one expected the gods to look different than big humans with fancy armor and lots of magic. Dwayna is a human with blue skin, Lyssa.. well, she's covered, Balthazar just wears a giant forge as an armor, and Melandru is both shown as a dryad (humanoid tree) as well as a normal human emerging from a tree. I think they can take any shape they want, though

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A god can look like a human and still look like a god. A god can look like a norn and still be a god. Since when was it a requirement for a god to look inhuman in order to be defined as a god? Since when were they less of a god by having a humanoid appearance? Sure, it isn't as ~cool~ as having some extreme magical/divine look about them, but so what?


The Six as we know them have always been humanoid in depiction, regardless of scale. With and without wings, branches, skin colour, multiple faces/twin, and in Balthazar's case - [a giant dude that is literally on fire](https://imgur.com/JEp6G7s "a giant dude that is literally on fire").


They're still pretty awesome looking gods to me.

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We don't exactly know the true nature of Tyrian gods or true origins of humanity.

As far as we can tell humans might have been created on some distant world in image of the gods.


Or and that's a theory I lately really like, **Tyrian gods could be just Ascended humans from alien world that brought the rest with them.**

We all know that you can by some means become god in GW universe (Kormir/or failed Gaheron)


So I don't see anything wrong with the look of Balthazar.

Remember also that his supossed to be a shadow of his former self, stripped down from most of his power.

That's why we could face him.

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To be honest. Norns usually look like buff big man and woman.

Thus having Balthazar the god of war and fire beeing buff might have him look like a Norn.


Is _the Rock_ a Norn? He has the physique.


However, the other argument is true. They could have gone further with it. Right now any character wearing flaming armor could be Balthazar.

Right now his appearance and behaviour (as well as our characters reaction) doesn't strike me as someone I should fear or bow my head towards.


Even the preview videos, where we see more of him, don't really have the impact, that it should have. Maybe because we didn't see him do something himself and we twarted his plans on several occasions allready.

I don't know. I really hope Balthazar does bring something more to the table in PoF.

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Balthazar is a god, he needs to be this size.

Or am I supposed to bow to a small sized human in fiery armor ?

Great size means normally great power and Balthazar is the embodiment of power, even though that he´s not at his peak of strength he´s still a god walking amongst mere mortals and worth worshiping.

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Size does not equal power. If we are going with that then Primordus is Balthazar's God according to what you say since size means power. That is like saying smaller Gods are weaker which is rather silly since that raises the question about the Norn Gods. So bowing to a bear or a wolf is suddenly being weaker (animals are smaller)? Don't give me that argument.

You can legit put anyone in a fiery armor and call it Balthazar. The Avatar armor looks more Godly than the actual model they brought into the lore. The Gods came from the Mists, how about showing that ANet? Moreover, they should not look like any creature in Tyria because, need I remind us all, they blessed all of the races with magic. Do you think this Norn man that we see looks the part? Not in my eyes, no.


This is not a discussion on size or how buff he is. This is a discussion on him not looking like a 'God'.

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In my eyes, he looks perfectly like a god, especially one that whose light has been "dimmed".


Gods don't need to be flashy. They don't need to look completely inhuman (note: a lot of gods in world mythology are human in appearance and there's plenty of humanoid looking gods in other fantasy movies/tv/games/books) - it's not some sort of prerequisite. Balthazar might look like an oversized Norn but he is an oversized norn that is on fire, with a lovely flame aura bubble around him, giant flaming hounds that were formerly at his side, and a big flaming greatsword hovering next to him where ever he goes that he can wield without even touching it.


Looks like enough of a god to me.

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> @Maethor.2810 said:

> In my eyes, he looks perfectly like a god, especially one that whose light has been "dimmed".


> Gods don't need to be flashy. They don't need to look completely inhuman (note: a lot of gods in world mythology are human in appearance and there's plenty of humanoid looking gods in other fantasy movies/tv/games/books) - it's not some sort of prerequisite. Balthazar might look like an oversized Norn but he is an oversized norn that is on fire, with a lovely flame aura bubble around him, giant flaming hounds that were formerly at his side, and a big flaming greatsword hovering next to him where ever he goes that he can wield without even touching it.


> Looks like enough of a god to me.


So you agree he is just an oversized Norn? Glad to see someone did. Now we can conclude that Balthazar is indeed an oversized Norn who is an overpowered Elementalist with an attunement to flame.

Please note that I did say you can put anyone in a fiery suit and call him Balthazar. This model, as you just described it, is a disappointment.

The problem with your logic of mythological beings is that those beings had a backstory that supported their form. Balthazar's backstory does not support his appearance.

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imo, all that needs to be done to make balthazar look more like a god is some effect that makes it look like his face is burning, or hide his face completely and just make the eyes burn red. something like that.

at the current state, his babyface just looks weird inside this epic armor.


this looks like a human god of war:

![](https://orig11.deviantart.net/e999/f/2010/329/3/c/the_wild_hunt_by_genzoman-d33kxt7.jpg "")


this doesn't:

![](http://images.mein-mmo.de/magazin/medien/2017/09/Guild-wars-2-pof-trailer.jpg "")


i mean...

take a look at lazarus for example. this guy looks epic. (yea, i know he's a mursaat. doesn't matter for now :smiley: )

meanwhile balthasar looks like some dummy.



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> @MVP.7961 said:

> > @Maethor.2810 said:

> > In my eyes, he looks perfectly like a god, especially one that whose light has been "dimmed".

> >

> > Gods don't need to be flashy. They don't need to look completely inhuman (note: a lot of gods in world mythology are human in appearance and there's plenty of humanoid looking gods in other fantasy movies/tv/games/books) - it's not some sort of prerequisite. Balthazar might look like an oversized Norn but he is an oversized norn that is on fire, with a lovely flame aura bubble around him, giant flaming hounds that were formerly at his side, and a big flaming greatsword hovering next to him where ever he goes that he can wield without even touching it.

> >

> > Looks like enough of a god to me.


> So you agree he is just an oversized Norn? Glad to see someone did. Now we can conclude that Balthazar is indeed an oversized Norn who is an overpowered Elementalist with an attunement to flame.

> Please note that I did say you can put anyone in a fiery suit and call him Balthazar. This model, as you just described it, is a disappointment.

> The problem with your logic of mythological beings is that those beings had a backstory that supported their form. Balthazar's backstory does not support his appearance.


"Just an oversized norn"? No. No 'just' about it to me. Does the base of his model look like that? Yes, but there is more to it. I don't see just an oversized norn that is an overpowered fire elementalist. I see a large, imposing figure that is similar in base appearance to a larger norn that has some pretty cool effects around him and some awesome looking armor that makes him an imposing looking figure that I could absolutely say looks like a god of his status, to me.


How does Balthazar's backstory not support his appearance when we don't know much of anything about his backstory? We don't know his origins. We don't know where he comes from. We only know how he arrived on Tyria and have heard of things he has done. There's not enough backstory to determine what he should and shouldn't look like.


This comes down to personal taste, really. Could he be cooler looking? Yes. But I will stay in the camp of 'Gods don't need to look inhuman or overly magical to be defined as a god and Balthazar looks plenty like a god (albeit dimmed) to me'.

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> @Maethor.2810 said:

> > @MVP.7961 said:

> > > @Maethor.2810 said:

> > > In my eyes, he looks perfectly like a god, especially one that whose light has been "dimmed".

> > >

> > > Gods don't need to be flashy. They don't need to look completely inhuman (note: a lot of gods in world mythology are human in appearance and there's plenty of humanoid looking gods in other fantasy movies/tv/games/books) - it's not some sort of prerequisite. Balthazar might look like an oversized Norn but he is an oversized norn that is on fire, with a lovely flame aura bubble around him, giant flaming hounds that were formerly at his side, and a big flaming greatsword hovering next to him where ever he goes that he can wield without even touching it.

> > >

> > > Looks like enough of a god to me.

> >

> > So you agree he is just an oversized Norn? Glad to see someone did. Now we can conclude that Balthazar is indeed an oversized Norn who is an overpowered Elementalist with an attunement to flame.

> > Please note that I did say you can put anyone in a fiery suit and call him Balthazar. This model, as you just described it, is a disappointment.

> > The problem with your logic of mythological beings is that those beings had a backstory that supported their form. Balthazar's backstory does not support his appearance.


> "Just an oversized norn"? No. No 'just' about it to me. Does the base of his model look like that? Yes, but there is more to it. I don't see just an oversized norn that is an overpowered fire elementalist. I see a large, imposing figure that is similar in base appearance to a larger norn that has some pretty cool effects around him and some awesome looking armor that makes him an imposing looking figure that I could absolutely say looks like a god of his status, to me.


> How does Balthazar's backstory not support his appearance when we don't know much of anything about his backstory? We don't know his origins. We don't know where he comes from. We only know how he arrived on Tyria and have heard of things he has done. There's not enough backstory to determine what he should and shouldn't look like.


> This comes down to personal taste, really. Could he be cooler looking? Yes. But I will stay in the camp of 'Gods don't need to look inhuman or overly magical to be defined as a god and Balthazar looks plenty like a god (albeit dimmed) to me'.


And you agreed with my point that his model could have been made much better than, in my humble opinion, the OP Elementalist Norn with fire attunement.


There are plenty of backstories, please do your research.


Back to the main point, ArenaNet's quality is dropping. Come on company! Even if his powers are weak, Balthazar is still a God! You could have made him so much better. He could have been the flaming Lord of Hell garn nammit!

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> @Hyrai.8720 said:

> imo, all that needs to be done to make balthazar look more like a god is some effect that makes it look like his face is burning, or hide his face completely and just make the eyes burn red. something like that.

> at the current state, his babyface just looks weird inside this epic armor.


> this looks like a human god of war:

> ![](https://orig11.deviantart.net/e999/f/2010/329/3/c/the_wild_hunt_by_genzoman-d33kxt7.jpg "")


> this doesn't:

> ![](http://images.mein-mmo.de/magazin/medien/2017/09/Guild-wars-2-pof-trailer.jpg "")


> i mean...

> take a look at lazarus for example. this guy looks epic. (yea, i know he's a mursaat. doesn't matter for now :smiley: )

> meanwhile balthasar looks like some dummy.




dude, yeah. I thought the fact that his "human like" face is showing makes him seem more human which takes away from the godlike perception. Make his body incomprehensible to mortals. His face should be vague with glowing eyes like you said and possibly a beard made of fire. The rest of his face should be black or smokey or have celestial effects.

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I think what you're all forgetting in your whining about this particular god not looking as all-powerful and awesome as you would like him to, is that he looks exactly as he is supposed to based on how the designers of the game think he should look after his light was dimmed, and who knows what else. He showed up on Tyria holding his father's severed head, holding a flaming sword and with two dogs who were on fire. He could have looked like Tim The Enchanter from Monty Python (who I think he presently resembles) or he could have looked like Mickey Rooney and it was up to the game designers to figure that out, and they did.


They're the gods of the humans, so it makes sense that at least a few of them vaguely look like humans, and if you think that size is power then that's just silly. Maybe he had more effects when he had more divinity but for now, he looks like an old guy who was probably more buff when he wasn't missing his divine light and had to steal his batteries from the dragons to charge his sword up.

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> @MVP.7961 said:

> > @Maethor.2810 said:

> > > @MVP.7961 said:

> > > > @Maethor.2810 said:

> > > > In my eyes, he looks perfectly like a god, especially one that whose light has been "dimmed".

> > > >

> > > > Gods don't need to be flashy. They don't need to look completely inhuman (note: a lot of gods in world mythology are human in appearance and there's plenty of humanoid looking gods in other fantasy movies/tv/games/books) - it's not some sort of prerequisite. Balthazar might look like an oversized Norn but he is an oversized norn that is on fire, with a lovely flame aura bubble around him, giant flaming hounds that were formerly at his side, and a big flaming greatsword hovering next to him where ever he goes that he can wield without even touching it.

> > > >

> > > > Looks like enough of a god to me.

> > >

> > > So you agree he is just an oversized Norn? Glad to see someone did. Now we can conclude that Balthazar is indeed an oversized Norn who is an overpowered Elementalist with an attunement to flame.

> > > Please note that I did say you can put anyone in a fiery suit and call him Balthazar. This model, as you just described it, is a disappointment.

> > > The problem with your logic of mythological beings is that those beings had a backstory that supported their form. Balthazar's backstory does not support his appearance.

> >

> > "Just an oversized norn"? No. No 'just' about it to me. Does the base of his model look like that? Yes, but there is more to it. I don't see just an oversized norn that is an overpowered fire elementalist. I see a large, imposing figure that is similar in base appearance to a larger norn that has some pretty cool effects around him and some awesome looking armor that makes him an imposing looking figure that I could absolutely say looks like a god of his status, to me.

> >

> > How does Balthazar's backstory not support his appearance when we don't know much of anything about his backstory? We don't know his origins. We don't know where he comes from. We only know how he arrived on Tyria and have heard of things he has done. There's not enough backstory to determine what he should and shouldn't look like.

> >

> > This comes down to personal taste, really. Could he be cooler looking? Yes. But I will stay in the camp of 'Gods don't need to look inhuman or overly magical to be defined as a god and Balthazar looks plenty like a god (albeit dimmed) to me'.


> And you agreed with my point that his model could have been made much better than, in my humble opinion, the OP Elementalist Norn with fire attunement.


> There are plenty of backstories, please do your research.


> Back to the main point, ArenaNet's quality is dropping. Come on company! Even if his powers are weak, Balthazar is still a God! You could have made him so much better. He could have been the flaming Lord of kitten garn nammit!


Yes, his model could be better, but I don't think his current model is bad, disappointing, ungodly, or lacking quality. I think he looks pretty cool as is. A difference of opinion here.


I have done plenty of research in my days playing in this universe, thank you. But by all means, please list which backstories of his supposely determine that he should look like some flaming Lord of whatever instead of what was currently determined as their desired appearance. I would love to see which ones you think require him to be more than what he is currently and what he has been shown as in previous statues/artwork. I think this is just a case where you are unhappy with the model, want something you find more bad***.


Which, I don't blame you for, but I don't think any existing lore really does back anything up other than giving the inflated imagination on what he should look like, which was not met with the model we were given.

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> @Maethor.2810 said:

> > @MVP.7961 said:

> > > @Maethor.2810 said:

> > > > @MVP.7961 said:

> > > > > @Maethor.2810 said:

> > > > > In my eyes, he looks perfectly like a god, especially one that whose light has been "dimmed".

> > > > >

> > > > > Gods don't need to be flashy. They don't need to look completely inhuman (note: a lot of gods in world mythology are human in appearance and there's plenty of humanoid looking gods in other fantasy movies/tv/games/books) - it's not some sort of prerequisite. Balthazar might look like an oversized Norn but he is an oversized norn that is on fire, with a lovely flame aura bubble around him, giant flaming hounds that were formerly at his side, and a big flaming greatsword hovering next to him where ever he goes that he can wield without even touching it.

> > > > >

> > > > > Looks like enough of a god to me.

> > > >

> > > > So you agree he is just an oversized Norn? Glad to see someone did. Now we can conclude that Balthazar is indeed an oversized Norn who is an overpowered Elementalist with an attunement to flame.

> > > > Please note that I did say you can put anyone in a fiery suit and call him Balthazar. This model, as you just described it, is a disappointment.

> > > > The problem with your logic of mythological beings is that those beings had a backstory that supported their form. Balthazar's backstory does not support his appearance.

> > >

> > > "Just an oversized norn"? No. No 'just' about it to me. Does the base of his model look like that? Yes, but there is more to it. I don't see just an oversized norn that is an overpowered fire elementalist. I see a large, imposing figure that is similar in base appearance to a larger norn that has some pretty cool effects around him and some awesome looking armor that makes him an imposing looking figure that I could absolutely say looks like a god of his status, to me.

> > >

> > > How does Balthazar's backstory not support his appearance when we don't know much of anything about his backstory? We don't know his origins. We don't know where he comes from. We only know how he arrived on Tyria and have heard of things he has done. There's not enough backstory to determine what he should and shouldn't look like.

> > >

> > > This comes down to personal taste, really. Could he be cooler looking? Yes. But I will stay in the camp of 'Gods don't need to look inhuman or overly magical to be defined as a god and Balthazar looks plenty like a god (albeit dimmed) to me'.

> >

> > And you agreed with my point that his model could have been made much better than, in my humble opinion, the OP Elementalist Norn with fire attunement.

> >

> > There are plenty of backstories, please do your research.

> >

> > Back to the main point, ArenaNet's quality is dropping. Come on company! Even if his powers are weak, Balthazar is still a God! You could have made him so much better. He could have been the flaming Lord of kitten garn nammit!


> Yes, his model could be better, but I don't think his current model is bad, disappointing, ungodly, or lacking quality. I think he looks pretty cool as is. A difference of opinion here.


> I have done plenty of research in my days playing in this universe, thank you. But by all means, please list which backstories of his supposely determine that he should look like some flaming Lord of whatever instead of what was currently determined as their desired appearance. I would love to see which ones you think require him to be more than what he is currently and what he has been shown as in previous statues/artwork. I think this is just a case where you are unhappy with the model, want something you find more bad***.


> Which, I don't blame you for, but I don't think any existing lore really does back anything up other than giving the inflated imagination on what he should look like, which was not met with the model we were given.


Did you ignore the fact that they're from the Mists?

Also, shaped like a human is fine and all, but the skin color or face should not look like a human being to begin with. They could have gone with his concept art or the armor that we got from the Gem store. Even THAT was much cooler! ![](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/9/92/Avatar_of_Balthazar_concept_art.jpg "")



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> @Sun.2036 said:

> > @Maethor.2810 said:

> > > @MVP.7961 said:

> > > > @Maethor.2810 said:

> > > > > @MVP.7961 said:

> > > > > > @Maethor.2810 said:

> > > > > > In my eyes, he looks perfectly like a god, especially one that whose light has been "dimmed".

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Gods don't need to be flashy. They don't need to look completely inhuman (note: a lot of gods in world mythology are human in appearance and there's plenty of humanoid looking gods in other fantasy movies/tv/games/books) - it's not some sort of prerequisite. Balthazar might look like an oversized Norn but he is an oversized norn that is on fire, with a lovely flame aura bubble around him, giant flaming hounds that were formerly at his side, and a big flaming greatsword hovering next to him where ever he goes that he can wield without even touching it.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Looks like enough of a god to me.

> > > > >

> > > > > So you agree he is just an oversized Norn? Glad to see someone did. Now we can conclude that Balthazar is indeed an oversized Norn who is an overpowered Elementalist with an attunement to flame.

> > > > > Please note that I did say you can put anyone in a fiery suit and call him Balthazar. This model, as you just described it, is a disappointment.

> > > > > The problem with your logic of mythological beings is that those beings had a backstory that supported their form. Balthazar's backstory does not support his appearance.

> > > >

> > > > "Just an oversized norn"? No. No 'just' about it to me. Does the base of his model look like that? Yes, but there is more to it. I don't see just an oversized norn that is an overpowered fire elementalist. I see a large, imposing figure that is similar in base appearance to a larger norn that has some pretty cool effects around him and some awesome looking armor that makes him an imposing looking figure that I could absolutely say looks like a god of his status, to me.

> > > >

> > > > How does Balthazar's backstory not support his appearance when we don't know much of anything about his backstory? We don't know his origins. We don't know where he comes from. We only know how he arrived on Tyria and have heard of things he has done. There's not enough backstory to determine what he should and shouldn't look like.

> > > >

> > > > This comes down to personal taste, really. Could he be cooler looking? Yes. But I will stay in the camp of 'Gods don't need to look inhuman or overly magical to be defined as a god and Balthazar looks plenty like a god (albeit dimmed) to me'.

> > >

> > > And you agreed with my point that his model could have been made much better than, in my humble opinion, the OP Elementalist Norn with fire attunement.

> > >

> > > There are plenty of backstories, please do your research.

> > >

> > > Back to the main point, ArenaNet's quality is dropping. Come on company! Even if his powers are weak, Balthazar is still a God! You could have made him so much better. He could have been the flaming Lord of kitten garn nammit!

> >

> > Yes, his model could be better, but I don't think his current model is bad, disappointing, ungodly, or lacking quality. I think he looks pretty cool as is. A difference of opinion here.

> >

> > I have done plenty of research in my days playing in this universe, thank you. But by all means, please list which backstories of his supposely determine that he should look like some flaming Lord of whatever instead of what was currently determined as their desired appearance. I would love to see which ones you think require him to be more than what he is currently and what he has been shown as in previous statues/artwork. I think this is just a case where you are unhappy with the model, want something you find more bad***.

> >

> > Which, I don't blame you for, but I don't think any existing lore really does back anything up other than giving the inflated imagination on what he should look like, which was not met with the model we were given.


> Did you ignore the fact that they're from the Mists?

> Also, shaped like a human is fine and all, but the skin color or face should not look like a human being to begin with. They could have gone with his concept art or the armor that we got from the Gem store. Even THAT was much cooler! ![](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/9/92/Avatar_of_Balthazar_concept_art.jpg "")




He's.... But did you....


He's half the god he used to be.

This is an ex-divine being.

His light's out and no Supreme Being is home.

E's not Blindingly Immortal, e's ah.... resting.

Armor's on, but no one's Divinely occupying it at the moment.

He's stealing powers because his have gone into Vacation Mode.

Balthazar is as Godly as my Cat. He's tough, but he's not one of the pantheon anymore.

He is the Pete Best of the Six and now has no fabulous hair powers.


So no. He doesn't have to look like a god anymore. He can look different and not have swirly awesome skin of spooky firey doom or however you want him to look.

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> @Sun.2036 said:

> > @Maethor.2810 said:

> > > @MVP.7961 said:

> > > > @Maethor.2810 said:

> > > > > @MVP.7961 said:

> > > > > > @Maethor.2810 said:

> > > > > > In my eyes, he looks perfectly like a god, especially one that whose light has been "dimmed".

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Gods don't need to be flashy. They don't need to look completely inhuman (note: a lot of gods in world mythology are human in appearance and there's plenty of humanoid looking gods in other fantasy movies/tv/games/books) - it's not some sort of prerequisite. Balthazar might look like an oversized Norn but he is an oversized norn that is on fire, with a lovely flame aura bubble around him, giant flaming hounds that were formerly at his side, and a big flaming greatsword hovering next to him where ever he goes that he can wield without even touching it.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Looks like enough of a god to me.

> > > > >

> > > > > So you agree he is just an oversized Norn? Glad to see someone did. Now we can conclude that Balthazar is indeed an oversized Norn who is an overpowered Elementalist with an attunement to flame.

> > > > > Please note that I did say you can put anyone in a fiery suit and call him Balthazar. This model, as you just described it, is a disappointment.

> > > > > The problem with your logic of mythological beings is that those beings had a backstory that supported their form. Balthazar's backstory does not support his appearance.

> > > >

> > > > "Just an oversized norn"? No. No 'just' about it to me. Does the base of his model look like that? Yes, but there is more to it. I don't see just an oversized norn that is an overpowered fire elementalist. I see a large, imposing figure that is similar in base appearance to a larger norn that has some pretty cool effects around him and some awesome looking armor that makes him an imposing looking figure that I could absolutely say looks like a god of his status, to me.

> > > >

> > > > How does Balthazar's backstory not support his appearance when we don't know much of anything about his backstory? We don't know his origins. We don't know where he comes from. We only know how he arrived on Tyria and have heard of things he has done. There's not enough backstory to determine what he should and shouldn't look like.

> > > >

> > > > This comes down to personal taste, really. Could he be cooler looking? Yes. But I will stay in the camp of 'Gods don't need to look inhuman or overly magical to be defined as a god and Balthazar looks plenty like a god (albeit dimmed) to me'.

> > >

> > > And you agreed with my point that his model could have been made much better than, in my humble opinion, the OP Elementalist Norn with fire attunement.

> > >

> > > There are plenty of backstories, please do your research.

> > >

> > > Back to the main point, ArenaNet's quality is dropping. Come on company! Even if his powers are weak, Balthazar is still a God! You could have made him so much better. He could have been the flaming Lord of kitten garn nammit!

> >

> > Yes, his model could be better, but I don't think his current model is bad, disappointing, ungodly, or lacking quality. I think he looks pretty cool as is. A difference of opinion here.

> >

> > I have done plenty of research in my days playing in this universe, thank you. But by all means, please list which backstories of his supposely determine that he should look like some flaming Lord of whatever instead of what was currently determined as their desired appearance. I would love to see which ones you think require him to be more than what he is currently and what he has been shown as in previous statues/artwork. I think this is just a case where you are unhappy with the model, want something you find more bad***.

> >

> > Which, I don't blame you for, but I don't think any existing lore really does back anything up other than giving the inflated imagination on what he should look like, which was not met with the model we were given.


> Did you ignore the fact that they're from the Mists?

> Also, shaped like a human is fine and all, but the skin color or face should not look like a human being to begin with. They could have gone with his concept art or the armor that we got from the Gem store. Even THAT was much cooler! ![](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/9/92/Avatar_of_Balthazar_concept_art.jpg "")




Did you ignore the fact that just because they come from some place within the Mists doesn't mean they shouldn't look humanoid with human skin tone? Especially considering that the human race also comes from somewhere else within the Mists? Stating they are from the Mists like that is the sole reason for why they shouldn't look like a suped-up human kind of falls short here. If your argument is that the beings (demons) created FROM the Mists look drastically different from humans, that still doesn't prove anything considering we have zero evidence that the Six were created from the Mists. Just that they were from some other world other than Tyria.


His model isn't that much different than the concept art. The armor has changed, the helm is still pretty much the same but without the faceplate portion, he has more bulk than the art, and he has lava-looking fire showing between the portions of his armor as well as more places than what the concept art shows. Slap the face place back onto the helmet and you essentially have the same thing with a different armor skin. Granted, not as pretty as the artwork.

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