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Balance patch 12/12


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> @dragonkain.3984 said:

> Educated prediction, based on observing anets brilliant balancing in the past:


> All condition classes will become absolutely worthless in any pvp modes except scourge (if no nerfs on it again)


Dubt wit will change much, dont forget this is a mmo towards pve players so they cant make it difficult, some carrying is needed to bring pve players to the thing they most hate .. pvp.


It wont change much, just a few ticks more needed to condi burst.

It will be more like a placebo patch than anything else, still easy to stack bursts gamemode wide.


And to start with.. its ANet @ balancing, dont expect much.

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> @Aeolus.3615 said:

> > @dragonkain.3984 said:

> > Educated prediction, based on observing anets brilliant balancing in the past:

> >

> > All condition classes will become absolutely worthless in any pvp modes except scourge (if no nerfs on it again)


> Dubt wit will change much, dont forget this is a mmo towards pve players so they cant make it difficult, some carrying is needed to bring pve players to the thing they most hate .. pvp.


> It wont change much, just a few ticks more needed to condi burst.

> It will be more like a placebo patch than anything else, still easy to stack bursts gamemode wide.


> And to start with.. its ANet @ balancing, dont expect much.


Considering the only meta condition specs are Scourge and Mirage, this change will certainly not help the other 7 underperforming condition classes in pvp.

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> @santso.9201 said:

> They need to get rid of passive cleanses as well +there are no amulets that would benefit attrition based builds when put against bursty Power builds. And they should make resistance harder to stack.


resistance was only a band aid fix to begin with. 2-4s of resistance is good vs burst condi, less useful against sustain conditions. if the game never moved towards burst condis we would have never needed resistance. sustain conditions require you to manage your cleansing cooldowns, so does it require the other party to manage their condition skills cooldowns.

the best example in this case would be burn guardian. pre condi stacking patch, burn guard was an attrition spec. post, it became a burst spec. instead of managing your burn cooldowns to have the condition on your target all the time, it became "spam it and hope for a slow reaction to deal 5-10k burst".

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i honestly don't think much gonna change, condi still gonna be strong it just wont melt someone down in a second or two.


condi still going to be meta and it's still gonna conquer the PvP life of gw2 for a while, IMO some builds might need to be reworked after the update to still be viable for pve/pvp.

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> @ArthurDent.9538 said:

> That mutilated defense change will actually be a significant nerf to power rev since you can now just clear the vuln stacks and totally negate the targeted destruction and focused siphoning traits. Fortunately sigil of fallibility still exists which will be mandatory now.


I am actually amazed that of all Condi problems, in a thread where a developer finally talks about our issues with conditions, they talk about power rev and vulnerability application, and about how that vulnerability application was nerfed to the ground. 5 stacks on entering combat, fuck this game.

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> @dragonkain.3984 said:

> Educated prediction, based on observing anets brilliant balancing in the past:


> All condition classes will become absolutely worthless in any pvp modes except scourge (if no nerfs on it again)


How is that in any way an educated prediction, given that necro has always been their favourite target of the nerf bat, *even when the gear guys had to remove the celestial amulet* to balance ele?


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> @Klaeljanus.7695 said:

> > @dragonkain.3984 said:

> > Educated prediction, based on observing anets brilliant balancing in the past:

> >

> > All condition classes will become absolutely worthless in any pvp modes except scourge (if no nerfs on it again)


> How is that in any way an educated prediction, given that necro has always been their favourite target of the nerf bat, *even when the gear guys had to remove the celestial amulet* to balance ele?



Because the Scourge can still deliver a full menu of conditions. The balance patch will allegedly reduce stacks (intensity) and increase duration. It will kill condi mirage, burn guard, etc....

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The balance direction is extremely bad. I know condi burst is flagged as the "issue," it is not. Boon corruption and instantly applying 5-6 various condi is. And honestly, this only pertains to scourge and Mesmer. Why will every other condi build get nerfed considering the vast majority of them are not even PvP viable?!


Then the rev change... I guess we cannot have a balance patch without a rev nerf. I also, like how Anet tagged it as "new build styles." Like what exactly? It is not like the power build has changed over more than a year (beside the nerfs, like removing equilibrium), or this will change it in any conceivable way.

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There is a reason why expertise isn't used in PvP, that reason is its usually cleansed before any serious damage is done at high stacks, all this is a nerf to Mesmers and Necros and condition bombs in WvW.


When it comes to PvP were in a power meta we have never left it most classes run power.

If your going to make changes to condition damage please do so in a way that will won't destroy it because if what i think your planning to do is true you may aswell remove condition damage out of the game.

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> @Genesis.5169 said:

> There is a reason why expertise isn't used in PvP, that reason is its usually cleansed before any serious damage is done at high stacks, all this is a nerf to Mesmers and Necros and condition bombs in WvW.


> When it comes to PvP were in a power meta we have never left it most classes run power.

> If your going to make changes to condition damage please do so in a way that will won't destroy it because if what i think your planning to do is true you may aswell remove condition damage out of the game.


Ooo, but Quaggan remembers an old tale... Once upon a time, far behind the mountains, in deepest among deep lakes lived small Quaggan community, we had windy day, when HoT alongside with Revenant and viper amulet were released. Since that day, for many months, Krait were torturing little fishy Quaggans with Malyx Viper Revenants, short long story - expertise used to be meta... and any serious kind of condi oriented burst players should be forced to play high risk high reward amulets.

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> @Morwath.9817 said:

> > @Genesis.5169 said:

> > There is a reason why expertise isn't used in PvP, that reason is its usually cleansed before any serious damage is done at high stacks, all this is a nerf to Mesmers and Necros and condition bombs in WvW.

> >

> > When it comes to PvP were in a power meta we have never left it most classes run power.

> > If your going to make changes to condition damage please do so in a way that will won't destroy it because if what i think your planning to do is true you may aswell remove condition damage out of the game.


> Ooo, but Quaggan remembers an old tale... Once upon a time, far behind the mountains, in deepest among deep lakes lived small Quaggan community, we had windy day, when HoT alongside with Revenant and viper amulet were released. Since that day, for many months, Krait were torturing little fishy Quaggans with Malyx Viper Revenants, short long story - expertise used to be meta... and any serious kind of condi oriented burst players should be forced to play high risk high reward amulets.


I don't understand how using a high risk high reward amulet is going to solve the issue of the abundant amount of condition cleanse in the game already, nerfing conditions without addressing its counterplay which is complete denial of the skill which power doesn't have to worry about.


But even in your case and if condition is OP, let me restate 2 Classes use it almost exclusively Mesmers/Necros and they have a near equal power equivalent everyone else is either down the middle or favors power, blanket nerfing condition damage going going to severely hurt multiple specs for 2 classes that aren't op in my opinion. And its going to severely hurt mesmers in all game modes. (maybe not pve)

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