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A better Inventory System ?


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The only One thing that i would like to see in GW2 is a better inventory management. The inventory system just feels so ancient as we are not being able to sort it at all. e.g. every other games would have Sort inventory "by type" by now (without special bags shenanigans, so as in built in from the start). And moreover, that the minor runes always took over the entire bags after a short time (maybe add a "sell all minor runes" features to npc?). What does the GW2 population think about the current inventory system? R u guys happy with the current special bags being the only way to ever sort your inventory? just curious.

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I am fine.

I managed to solve all the problems with


* 32 slots bag

* 10 bag slots

* 14bank slots

* 8 expaned storage slots

* permanent bank access

* permanent merchant access express

* personal Merchant Express

* personal Trader Express


I know it's not something which can be affordable to all players, but still here's an explanation:


![](https://i.imgur.com/KBEa8FQ.jpg "")



If you notice, the last 4 bags are invisible bags.

You have to put 1x every green and yellow rune/sigil there, and then when you salvage something you can simply deposit materials and don't have runes on vendor list or in the inventory part you are supposed to use. Once you hit 251 sigil/rune of a kind, you simply sell that stack and replace it with new runes ( or better just move 249 quantity and leave 1 at its own place ).

This can also work with Luck essences and other currencies ( silky sand or unidentified gear, which stacks ).


If you have something that bothers you in terms of space, you can


* Sell it on TP

* Open your personal Merchant and sell it

* Open your bank and deposit it ( if it does not fit into the storage ).


And that's it.


Ps: This is my main, so it's the only charas who has this setup bacause


* I only use 2 characters ( Thief and Revenenat ).

* Many of my alts have their bags full of essences of luck stacks ( i do really hope to see some fix for wintersday ).

* 5 extra slots and 10x 32 slots bag are a little expensive ( around 2300g ), so maybe i will give em to my rev somedays, but it's not something you can achieve in a rush.


That's it.

I want to give you a few suggestions:


1. Don't play with useless stuff in your bag ( everything runes apart you see in my invisible bags is not needed. i only take it there because free space ).

2. Make a good use of invisible bags

3. Consider to incrase your characters bag slots, and eventually to buy at least the first step of bags ( 24 slots ).

4. Shared inventory slots are indeed expensive, but they are definitely a must.

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I have no major complaints about the GW2 inventory system. I think it's no better or worse than most MMOs out there. I've not played many games that have inventory sorting by type, the only one I can recall offhand didn't even sort your inventory it just greyed out items not of the selected type so that didn't see much use. Still, I almost always prefer to organize my inventory myself.


That said, more options are never bad! Just please let us choose to hide it from the drop down list, much like the current sort. Oh how I dreaded pressing that by mistake. And customized junk would be a helpful addition.

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The GW2 inventory system is one of the best ones I've seen so far. I especially like the fact that you can toss crafting/rare materials into your material storage with a single click and that you can craft while you still have the materials in your bank/storage. And additions like the keyring and wallet have been nice also.


The only point of improvement would be to have less trophy/quest items which tend to fill your bags without clear indication if you will need them later on or not. But overall I think GW2 is doing a good job with inventory management.

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The lack of sort options doesn't bother me, probably because there's very few things I keep in my inventory so I don't need sort options to manage them and everything else goes through the same process:

* deposit materials,

* check for anything I want & move to invisible bag,

* sell on TP,

* salvage anything left,

* deposit mats,

* sell any mats that don't fit in storage/tradable runes on TP,

* sell anything remaining to a merchant


I actually wouldn't want the kind of sort options we're likely to get because then it'd do things like dump the exotic weapons I want to keep in with exotic weapons I want to sell or salvage and it'd make it harder to sort them out than with the current system where the ones I want to keep stay safe in my invisible bag and new ones go into my first (or 2nd) bag along with all the other loot I want to sell or salvage.


I much prefer sorting things manually so they're in the order that makes most sense to me, even if it makes no sense at all to everyone else, than having a computer put it into what seems like sensible groups.

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Honestly I find gw2 inventory very easy to work around. Compared to eso and ffxiv. It’s fairly easy. Depositing materials is easy. Bank is amazing for when you can’t put mats in inventory. As much as outdated though? I think other mmos are outdated. Instead of all mats stuck within your bags. There is an inventory storage. And bank. Don’t think other mmos have an inventory storage. You would have to get another bag separate just for mats.


Arenanet just added keys to be allowed to be in the wallet which I thought is freaking awesome. Tired of having lay around keys and now all classes can unlock things instead of 1 class. Arenanet also added instead of 8 bag expansion, we have 10. So on average you can get to 200 spaces for items per character. Or you can get to the most which is 340 I think? So 340 items for the characters you unlock bags in. Bank which is up to 14 extenders? So 340 slots for All characters to pick up. And shared slots idk what’s the maximum you can get. However if you do the shared slots and make legendary armor and weapons and leave them there that’s good for whichever classes you can both use. There’s much open space to not worry about.


You also have 5 slots of characters. Which you can make the other 4 carry bags that you don’t need. Which gives much more space.


As far as gw2 inv outdated? No. Could gw2s inventory be better utilized? Yes. But trophy and junk are also collections for achievements...


But runes I can understand. Instead each time I take it to the mystic forge until it creates a full time or sigil and sell it. U never know. Sometimes you get a rune that you don’t need and it’s a gold piece for it.

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> @mtpelion.4562 said:

> Runes/Sigils are not an inventory problem, but rather a salvage system problem.


> Make it so that all runes/sigils can be salvaged and you've solved that problem.


Then material price will eventually drop, and this must not happen.

Sigils are worth 16c ( green ). a mithril ore or scrap of silk are worth 2x or 3x.


A new tool like copper salvage o matic which does not drop runes would be the best, but then extra bags slots, better bags, bank tabs and storage will less useful.

It wouldn't be a good deal for ANET though it would be a great QoL for us.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > @mtpelion.4562 said:

> > Runes/Sigils are not an inventory problem, but rather a salvage system problem.

> >

> > Make it so that all runes/sigils can be salvaged and you've solved that problem.


> Then material price will eventually drop, and this must not happen.

> Sigils are worth 16c ( green ). a mithril ore or scrap of silk are worth 2x or 3x.


> A new tool like copper salvage o matic which does not drop runes would be the best, but then extra bags slots, better bags, bank tabs and storage will less useful.

> It wouldn't be a good deal for ANET though it would be a great QoL for us.


Your economic impact assumption is a bit backwards: sigil/rune prices would rise, as crafting materials from crafting are used in huge amounts, thus the influx of materials from sigil/rune salvaging would have very little impact. All of the cheap runes/sigils would be bought up almost immediately and salvaged for a one time drop in material prices, however, prices would return to normal once that one time supply dump is used up and sigils/runes would now all be listed at prices that are reflective of the items they salvage into.


Plus, the green tier items are made with lower tier crafting goods, so they would be salvaging into copper, iron, etc.

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You don't have any economy notions i guess.

If the offer exceeds the request of an item, then its price will drop.


That is what will eventually could happen.

Unless ofc anet will decide to introduce a new resources sink, or simply modify refined materiale recipes, incrasing their cost.


The rarer the material, the better.

The more time you spend because of runes filling your inventory, regardless the fact that you could or not buy bags and slots, the best for anet.

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gw2 inventory system is purposely bad because they make money off it. If you could stort your inventory and didn't get loot explosions with buckets of useless loot that takes up huge amounts of space before being salvaged and sold, people wouldn't buy bag slots and such.


It's extremely simple to add a sorting mechanism. If they were ever going to do it, it would have been done a very long time ago.

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> @reikken.4961 said:

> gw2 inventory system is purposely bad because they make money off it. If you could stort your inventory and didn't get loot explosions with buckets of useless loot that takes up huge amounts of space before being salvaged and sold, people wouldn't buy bag slots and such.


> It's extremely simple to add a sorting mechanism. If they were ever going to do it, it would have been done a very long time ago.


If that's Anet's thinking then they're doing a really bad job of it. They should never have created the wallet, which allowed us to clear dungeon tokens, WvW badges, guild commendations, transmutation charges (stones/crystals at the time) and other things out of our inventories. They shouldn't have created the wardrobe which allowed us to use mini pets and finishers without having them in our inventory and to save skins for later without taking up inventory space (I used to have an entire mule character dedicated to holding items with skins I couldn't get again, just in case I ever wanted to use them). They shouldn't have expanded the material storage to allow us to store all the new materials that used to sit in your bank/inventory. They shouldn't have added keys to the wallet either. Or introduced stackable loot bags which slow down your inventory filling up. Or unidentified gear which slows it down even further.


Instead they should look at what Elder Scrolls Online is doing - very limited bank and inventory space relative to the number of items in the game (including an ever increasing number of crafting materials) and you have to pay a monthly fee for the equivalent of material storage. People freely admit they stay subscribed to that game purely for access to something we've had for free since day 1.

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Oh dont get me wrong. I do love the wallet system and the addition with keys recently just make it much more easier to manage multiple keys in multiple toons which is a big thumbs up to the dev. but the thread is really about the bags . For me its a bit hectic to manage inventory across multi toon (9toons) without sort by type, ive to rely on my observation skill in locating that one "misplaced" item everytime. But i can definitely learn a thing or two from how "Shirlias.8104" organise his/her bag, the work-around is so organized and neat. Thank you everyone for all your inputs and recommendations.

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