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Legendary weapon owners: share your stories and insights

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The precursor for The Flameseeker Prophecies dropped for me, so I went ahead and created the legendary, even though I none of my multitude of characters uses a shield.


It sat in the bank for a few months.


My gold stockpiled up to about 4000, so I decided to sell the legendary for 2000+ and bought a permanent bank access and permanent merchant, of which I will get way more use than a legendary shield.


And that's my legendary success story!

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The first one I crafted was The Dreamer as well, still love it but I don't main a thief anymore and my Druid is set up as a concentration healer. I switched to playing an Ele sometime later and made Bifrost. Then made another switch to maining Chrono after HoT came out, so with that came making Bolt and Flameseeker Prophecies . Most recently I made The Minstrel because I am not a fan of the new focus skin. I also own the Fractal back piece as well.


I do fractals daily mostly for the gold to make these things...thankfully, I think I am done for now.

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> @"Nemezijus.6851" said:

> I just started my long path towards getting The Dreamer. The path which will take me many months to complete. I was wondering whether the owners of legendary weapons could share their advises in this crafting :)


> Which weapon(s) did you craft?

> How long did it take to reach your goal?

> What were the biggest pitfalls on your way to legendary weapon?

> Any advise to people just starting their legendary journey?


> In general all the stories are welcome :)


I've crafted Quip, Bifrost, Incinerator, and I completed Astralaria recently. I usually wait to craft a legendary until I have a good stockpile of T6, ascended, mystic coins, and mystic clovers as well as enough gold to actually craft the item. I don't like having to farm a lot of gold/materials halfway through a project, and with a legendary it could easily be many hundreds of gold that you need. So be sure you know where you stand BEFORE you start or you could end up locking most of your gold/materials into a weapon you can't complete for months! I use gw2efficiency.com for this.


If you do have plenty of gold, pay attention to any time-gated materials on the list - especially those you can't buy like charged quartz, collection items that you need many of but only sell 1 per day, items linked to completing a meta event, etc. It may save you a lot of trouble to start working on collecting those items first, since you can always purchase the other materials you need.


Beyond that I will tell you that these weapons aren't strictly worth the cost for their functionality alone. You could craft all the ascended weapons you need for just about any build you like and still come up well shy of the cost of crafting a legendary weapon. So only craft these items if you really love the skin (or if you just have gold to burn, I guess?)!

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Not worth by any means.. I mean you get a particle effect, woooo..... I have 6 legendaries and you think I would have learned from the last 5 but nope I only did them because I had beaten everything else. Literally the most boring thing ever. Korea grinding legendaries, precursors etc was lame. The worst part was any of the events required like jormag no one was ever there so I had to pay guilds to meet me there and run it with me.... Anyways I like Bolt that is about it.. Meteorologicus is good but the worst part is crafting a legendary just to have ANET nerf the weapon or damage class into the ground rendering your skin useless...

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I made after all these years only 1 legendary weapon, after I decided myself to go for one and that is so far only Chuka & Champawat for my canthan based Thief Main Chara, I thought it would be correct to fight off Dragons with a Tiger Bow :D


Costed me around like 780 Gold or so if i remember right, was very fun the journey with doing the stuff on the way to get the precursor Tigris, once i had that, the rest again felt just only like braindeads borign grind for materials just to make all thoase stupid gifts that exist only as material sinks, where I think making legendaries woudl be much more fun, if these thigns would need to be crafted, but require of you also too challinging things to be done instead... and gettign therefore rewarded with those gifts, instead of grindign your butt of several monthas, until you have from all t6 materials enough ect. until you can finalyl click once the craftign button and through the results with the precursor into the mystic forge ....

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The only roadblock for me after playing this game for awhile--even with my large break--was just the gold for precursor and clover gambling. I remember being so nervous with my clover gambling for Incinerator, I used the +10 method, and luckily after some bad luck I stringed some good luck and it evened out to normal 1/3 average. I will make another one since I have all the non-gold mats for a like a Bolt, but I will most likely sell that to make 700-800g. So far I have the legendaries I really want, BUT if next xpac LB is changed or we get another build using LB I might be tempted to make one - also I think we're getting another LB legendary in LW4.


So for now I just await LW4 legendaries, if there's something ridiculous awesome like Eternity then I will start another journey. I don't think I'll ever make legendary armor, but I am more than happy with ascended/exo for armor. It would be a dream to be full legendary including trinkets, but I still look forward seeing someone/people doing it, it just won't be me. :)


For now I am saving gold to try get more infusions - I mean the cost of those are basically legendary heh. Well I think confetti is worth like 6+ legendaries if prices I heard were correct.

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Abit Late on this post.


Which Weapons did you craft;


-Howler x2




-Ad Infinium


-Chuka and Champawat

-Ipos (Currently 50% done)

-1 Set of Medium Legendary Armour

-2 Pieces of Legendary Heavy Armour


How Long;

-Avg 3 months per weapon

-1 Month for Back pieces

-2 to 3 weeks per Legendary Armour Piece



-Not so much as pitfalls, but bumps. Collections requiring failed meta events. Or doing events not on your own terms.

-Also 10 clover recipe can end disastrously.



-Do your Clovers first, before your T6 Mats. you get some T6 mats out of the deal, and less to buy out later.

-Have some alts parked in Malchors Leap for elder wood farm. Use a Item Booster if you have any, to get extra strikes in.

-Remember your Daily the needed ascended / T7 mats as they're time gated.

-Invest in doing T4 fractals. On avg they give you 10g place the occasional Ascended Mat.

-Do your Dailies for another 2g

-Farm Winters day JP or Bell Choir. JP gives you about 5-7g in presents (12-14 runs) per Half Hour (Sell on tp, do not open). Bell/Guitar Hero game is less profitable, but an alternative if your not good at the Wintersday JP. Don't forget to use any Karma Boosts you can. You can daily 30k karma for the first 3 runs. then 2k karma per run after. (With Karma Boost, Guild Hall Karma Boost, and Banner Karma Boost)


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My first try with a legendary weapon was The Predator about 1 year after release. Some friends got a legendary, so I felt I had to get one as well. As soon as I bought the precursor from the tp, I realized it will take ages with a measly 400 gold left and almost no material storage, so I sold it again (at a plus of 40 gold).


My real weapon of desire was The Bifrost, although one of the most expensive weapons. In that time I started to learn how to trade in the trading post. I told my friends about how easy it is to spend less money by following the most simple rules, and to show them I ordered The Legend at a price one third below the lowest order. It was more a joke than a real try, but to my surprise one week later I had The Legend at a discount price.

The rest was easy, I realized I secretly hoarded material the whole year and I just had to order some remaining quantities from the trading post for actually making The Bifrost.


I also made The Flameseeker Prophecies and Bolt, together, since their precursors dropped within one month's timeframe.

Ad Infinitum, between my fractal runs.

Then The Minstrel, whose precursor dropped from the Mystic Forge. Total gold spent: 120 gold for runestones and recipes. Everything else was already in store. Fastest and cheapest legendary ever: from nothing to legendary in 3 days, where 3 days took the decision if I should sell the precursor or create the legendary.

After that, I thought it would be nice if my Ele would carry The Incinerator, whose precursor I got from the trading post at the start of the falling precursor market this year. Funny enough, I don't use it, I think I don't even bound it to my account. The most difficult thing this time was the fifth gift of exploration for my account. The third world exploration turned out to be a real chore. The first two were somewhat entertaining, but the third turned out to be really boring.

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I've made HOPE and I've made the Chuka&Champawat precursor. I've also made the very first stage of the new focus, mostly because I do like the stages up to the full legendary. But I hate the mats grind and really don't like how much elder wood -- greatly needed by my guild hall -- is disappearing into my and my guildies' various legendary hunts.


I don't recall any real pitfalls in HOPE other than my months-long stall because I didn't feel like PuGging fractals and my friends had drifted away from fractals around then. And of course the mats grind. Minor issues included having widgets I had to have active when a boss died, but the widget lasted 5 minutes and the boss lasted longer than that so I had to open inventory in the middle of active combat. Also having to find events, some based on previously failed events (hi there, quaggan escort in Frostgorge). I had the Gift of Battle thanks to buying it back when badges from achieve chests were enough, and if I'd known they were changing that I'd likely have bought one or two more just in case as making any more legendaries will require me to spend time in a part of the game I don't really find fun. I enjoyed maxing out my HoT masteries even though the last 3 points were a bear to find, and I enjoyed the journey parts of making HOPE. I also enjoy having HOPE.


Chuka&Champ's pre? I had to deforest the world a thousand times over, and only the thought of tiger cubs on my back kept me going. I got heartily sick of Malchor and Cursed Shore. The new focus has similar massive wood requirements, I fear.


My main advice is to activate any legendary collections that interest you and then don't worry too much about pushing for them in particular. Just save up what you need, knock out an event or two that will help the process when you can, do incremental progress when you feel like it (so you could take a couple of weeks or a couple of years, it's all in doing it when it's fun). Also, keep lists. The wiki is great but I did better by listing everywhere I had to go for events and collection items on a legal pad and checking it off as I completed it. Took around 4 sheets of paper all told even with my tiny handwriting.

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  • 3 weeks later...

**Which weapon(s) did you craft?** HOPE

**How long did it take to reach your goal?** Probably 3-4 months. I wasn't in a hurry.

**What were the biggest pitfalls on your way to legendary weapon?** The material outlay and bugs in the collection

**Any advise to people just starting their legendary journey?**

- The legendary collections are an order of magnitude bigger than similar content. Making a plan of attack is very helpful. Take an hour or so to read up on the step you are about to complete; knowing when you have to go after item A during peak hours because you can't handle the content by yourself will save a day of frustration.

- Similarly, get an idea of the time-gated materials you'll need so you can start making them or gathering gold to buy them.

- Be ready for your inventory to bloat. Tackling the collections in sections may allow you to combine items and free up space.

- It is really helpful to know if there are any bugged events involved with the collection. Prioritize these and check on them daily to see if you catch them on a good day and get them out of the way.

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I crafted the predator and bolt. I guess you could say it took me a year and a half to craft them. But from the time I decided to craft them to the time I pulled them out of the forge took me two weeks for bolt and 4 months for predator.


The reason I was able to do that though is because I used EVERYTHING I had earned in the last year and a half (including all my gold, mats, almost all laurels, inbound magic, various map and dungeon currencies). I farmed ranked pvp and lake Doric for gold. I got super lucky with mystic coins as the forge spit out 50 coins back out twice for me.


The thing that took the longest was world completion for gift of exploration. I think it will go a lot faster for my next two legendaries (that I plan on selling) now that we have mounts.


I also crafted The Ascension. The thing that took the longest was completing the pvp achievements on that. That took me about 4 months to craft once I actively started working towards it.


I’m completely broke now in terms of mats, map currencies, and gold. But I’m happy with my legendaries.


If I have one piece of advice it’s to buy the precursor instead of crafting it. My friend also crafted the predator, but he crafted the precursor instead of buying it. I bought the precursors off the trading post. It took him longer to craft and he ended up spending more gold on it. That is unless you like the challenge of crafting the precursors.

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My 1st legengary would have to be the legendary armor. I wasn't planning on making it, but my raid guild was awesome enough to kill all the bosses (after days of practice) and I just wanted to complete the achievement since it was almost done, and after months of collecting the mats I needed, I had the light legy armor. Then aurora was anounced and I decided I wanted it. Just had to wait on the time gates for that one. Then I decided to try to get ad infinitum. After almost a year of slacking off,I managed to get it done, and that would have been the end of it, except dusk dropped while I was trying to do the timed mote for solid ocean, so I HAD to make it. Took me three monts, but I am now a proud owner of twilight. Right now I have my sights set on making rodgort, and all I need now is the gold to make the gift of fortune and I'm done. Will prob make the gen 2 scepter when that's releases coz I want a legy scepter that isn't meteo

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**Which weapon(s) did you craft?**

Nevermore and Bifrost crafted precursors

FSP, Twilight and Moot after purchasing precursors

Nevermore was for myself, the others have been gifts for friends over the years for birthdays or holidays.


**How long did it take to reach your goal?**

Nevermore took me about three months and Bifrost took me about two months. The rest were a little less than that, closer to a month or month and a half.


**What were the biggest pitfalls on your way to legendary weapon?**

Map Comp. I hate it, haha. Though having some friends do it with me made it seem to go by faster.

The others usually center around Mystic Coins, Clovers and Amalgamated Gemstones (Nevermore).


**Any advise to people just starting their legendary journey?**

* Make sure you stay up on daily crafting even if you aren't actively crafting anything. When I have decided to make one I was surprised at how much I already had for the crafting or even to sell for extra gold if I had excess.

* Watch the TP for older precursors as some of them you can get pretty cheap which could save over crafting. I ended up getting The Energizer and The Chosen on bids for super cheap.

* Learn the ins and outs of the TP. I WvW mostly and would have a hoard of materials I never use so I learned about posting them or crafting items that you can turn and list for a profit. I do this regularly as well as the SW meta if I find myself low on funds in general or bored with WvW and just want a mindless farm while watching TV or something.

* If you don't use your laurels consider trading them for crafting bags for T6 mats if you find yourself in need. There are also other currencies you can do this with.

* Go at your own speed. I personally set myself a goal/deadline but give myself enough time to do it. Since most of mine were for presents for whatever holiday/birthday it kept me on track, but not to the point I was super burned out by farming anything in particular.




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  • 4 weeks later...

I recently crafted my first, The Predator. A funny story really. I've been playing since the betas, casually, and have had my share of different legendary projects. All of these dropped off at some point due to running out of gold or other motivational issues (other people here have had real good advice regarding this particular pitfall).

Then I made a new character. A thief, deadeye. I liked him, surprisingly much, and out of the blue I got this urge to get him the ultimate rifle. Well, I remembered how well the other hunts for legendaries went, so I almost brushed it off as a stillborn idea, but I took the time to check through my bank, and to my surprise I had quite a few of the components already there. I had also collected a hoard of materials without noticing, and a few quite expensive BL skins.

So, I sold everything I didn't need, bought the precursor and the missing materials, and BOOM, finished The Predator in less than a week. This is something I never thought possible with real chaotic casual playing and the attention span of a hamster. There was some luck involved since I had gotten some nice things to sell from BL chests, and my dear fiancé gave me the last missing bit when I ran out of gold at the very end, but I'm quite proud of myself.

So I guess my advice is to not give up even when you first or second of fifth try fails. Just take some time of and start again. :)

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  • 3 months later...

So I finally did it. In more than 5 months I crafted my first legendary. And I ended up making not the Dreamer but Chuka and Champawat.

Here are some tips from me, now that I'm over it.


1. Be sure which legendary you really want. Changing your mind until T2 collection is pretty much cost free so before you start T2, make up your mind for good. Once you start draining your mats in T2, stick with your choice. Use gw2efficiency website. It is very helpful to overview what and how many mats you will need.


2. T2 is the most tedious material sink and can be the biggest buzzkill. I suggest to try getting over it asap. Usually it requires a very large amount of T5 materials which are very common from salvaging and easy to farm. They are also very cheap on TP, so I recommend buying all the necessary mats to finish T2 collection asap, otherwise theres a chance you will loose your interest and excitement in working on your leggy. If you're still not on T2, consider visiting Southsun Cove daily to gather Passion Flower blossoms since they are time-gated, and also do Dry Top to get enough geodes to pay off the T2 part (200 needed).


3. If you are working on Gen. 2 legendary do HoT meta's daily religiously. The first three maps (VB, AB and TD) can be completed in one hour, giving you 3 amalgamated gemstones per day (out of 250 required). Do DS meta if possible time-wise for an extra amalgamated gemstone. Even if you are not doing Gen.2 legendary, gathering amalgamated gemstones is a good source of money. They sell well on TP.


4. Unless you're a dedicated farmer you will run into materials you are missing (especially for the gift crafting). Those are much easier to buy than farm, so do some good old gold farming. If you have access to LS3, do Maguuma Lily farm on Bloodstone Fen and Draconis Mons (also in some HoT maps) and Freshwater Pearl farm in HoT maps (VB and AB are the easiest) and Bloodstone Fen. If possible do it on several characters and boost your gathering bonus. If you have access to LS4, do either Istan meta to farm UNID gear (and sell it) or Sandswept Isles to farm volatile magic and buy shipment crates. Sell T6 mats, don't store them. From my experience time-wise its much more efficient to farm gold and buy missing mats than trying to farm these mats. I in particular was low on T4 mats (totems, fangs etc), so I ended up buying them off TP (and they aren't cheap).


5. Keep in mind that for your first legendary you will need to buy gift recipes from Mystic Forge attendant. They are 10 gold each and I ended up needing 8 of them. Icy Runestones cost 1 g each and you need 100 of them. If it hits your wallet too much to buy them at once, do Claw of Jormag once a week and buy 10 runestones at a time. In 10 weeks you will be done, and chances are it will take you more than that to craft your weapon. You will need a lot of gold, yes, so plan ahead your expenditure on these non-craftable components.


6. Mystic Clovers. 77 isn't that much but if you don't swim in mystic coin pool then you are safer off saving the coins (you need 250) and earning the clovers. Monthly reward chest gives you 7. Non-repeatable pvp and wvw tracks give you 7 clovers at the end. Repeatable ones give you 2. If you are not much into wvw then you will have to rely on clover crafting from mystic coins, but still, give another try to wvw, maybe you will end up liking it, like i did, and get your clovers through rewards.


7. You don't need a lot of gold to begin your legendary journey. Once you are done with T2 collection (and once again, I recommend getting through it asap) you start feeling better about spending money on T3 (and T4 ) collection items as well as crafting stuff.


8. Most importantly, do it at your own pace and enjoy the tasks behind T1, T3 and T4 collections. If you're not enjoying your legendary journey, you might end up disappointed after crafting your precious legendary.

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To return to the original theme...


I crafted Rodgort from scratch because it is one of the very easiest to crank through the collections. I've also done all the non-fractal barfing for Quip, and I got Howl (for Howler) in a drop somewhere.


I recall being disappointed with Rodgort's footfalls. Nice skin, but very meh footfalls.

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> To return to the original theme...



The OP posted an update *to his own thread*... with some tips for other users in his predicament 5 months prior.


Kudos OP on your first Legendary! Be warned it can be addictive, but you’ve experienced the process and your next one will seem easier.



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**Which weapon(s) did you craft?**


First Twilight, then The Minstrel, then The Juggernaut (just to sell it). I'm in the process of crafting The Shining Blade, but that's a very long term goal because I hate farming.


**How long did it take to reach your goal?**


Twilight took me about 6 months. Maybe a little more. The Minstrel took 2 months because I already had a lot of materials and the precursor was so cheap that I just bought it. The Juggernaut took a couple of days lmao, since I already had the mats (I was planning on crafting Zap>Bolt, but a bag of green gear dropped me the Juggernaut pre).


**What were the biggest pitfalls on your way to legendary weapon?**

Mapping. Ahhhh, I hate map completion. OW is just boring and tedious to me, so having to explore is a torture.


**Any advise to people just starting their legendary journey?**


Don't rush it. If you do it you'll end up sick of it, very frustrated. Set reasonable smaller goals, cut the legendary to pieces: one or two things at a time. Also, start with the time-gated or longer things to get. Like, first map completion. Complete a map per day. You need to save up gold to buy mats? Save the 2gold from the daily to buy them. Or the money you get from fractals. Very important: don't force yourself to do anything. If you don't like farming, don't farm.


When I was crafting The Minstrel, I saved all the money I got from my weekly raids. That money would be only used on my legendary. So, if a week I got 30 gold, I would spend 30 gold on my legen. Nothing more, nothing less. I also saved the 2 daily gold. That way, the legen didn't feel so big and endless.

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Crafted: Claw dagger, Shooshadoo, Astralaria

Bought: Eternity, Bolt, Bifrost

Advice: For crafting, do it in phases so you don’t burn yourself out. Check the recipes ahead of time to see if any component is time gated and start working on the time gates during the first phase. Take your time and enjoy the content when doing map completion, gathering materials along the way. If you WvW, spirit shards from tomes fall like rain. Mystic clovers can be gained from reward tracks.

Edit: For my own length of time, Im hitting my 1 year this month :). But each leggy took about a month or so depending on my time and/or

my wallet.

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> @"Nemezijus.6851" said:

> I just started my long path towards getting The Dreamer. The path which will take me many months to complete. I was wondering whether the owners of legendary weapons could share their advises in this crafting :)


> Which weapon(s) did you craft?

> How long did it take to reach your goal?

> What were the biggest pitfalls on your way to legendary weapon?

> Any advise to people just starting their legendary journey?


> In general all the stories are welcome :)


I started to craft Legendary weapons after the HoT launch. First Legendary for me was Nevermore. It took around 4 months to complete it. After that I crafted in order: Bolt/ Incinerator/ Bifrost / Chuka and Champawat / Sunrise + Twilight combined into Eternity / The Shining Blade / Frostfang. I have the light stat swapping armor from WvW, the legendary backpack from Fractals and Aurora.

All the precursors are crafted, because in almost 4 years I dropped only the Quip - I have it in storage. I also crafted the precursors for the scepter (Meteorlogicus) and for the shield (Flameseeker Prophecy). In a moment of great financial challenge I sold the Bifrost. My heart is still bleeding for this. I will craft it again soon.


No pitfalls during the legendary journeys. I liked the journeys - that means no pitfalls :-). Still, I have a great disappointment - ANet replaced the legendary journeys with mindless gathering. I cannot understand how a metal sword (The shining blade) needs over 26k of WOOD for crafting?


Advises? I saw this in one of the posts before - this is how I proceed too: Make a spreadsheet with all the steps required and the materials needed for every step.

Craft the ascendant materials everyday. If not all, at least the Spiritwood and the Deldrimor. You will need a lot of them if you decide to craft the precursors.

NEVER start (officially) a legendary journey (if you start to craft the precursor) if you don't have the materials. Delay the purchase of the first item until you have the Deldrimor or the Spiritwood. It's the same effort and time involved no matter how you proceed, but the morale will be better if you wait to have the materials.


And in the end: NEVER GIVE UP. Many of the posters worked months and months for one Leggy. Some talked about years between the start and the completion of the weapon. Conclusion: no matter how long the process is, you can complete it :-).

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First and only legendary so far: Bifröst.


It took me less than half a year (playing less than 2 years now). I think it was roughly 4 month.


And it almost broke me mentally. When it was done, I was spent. I couldn't even imagine ever going down such a horrible route again. The coral farming alone filled me with so much rage and annoyance...


That is probably why I am currently going after Incinerator, Astralaria, Meteorlogicus, Warbringer and Aurora at the same time...

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Crafted the Predator, my one and only legendary :p

I simply bought the Hunter off TP because I wanted the skin(and also the perfected rifle skin) so 400ish gold for 2 good rifle skins seems good to me.

And then I was satisfied lol. After a few weeks I gave wvw a go, and casually finished gift of battle in a week. It's a pretty fun mode but my laptop just couldn't handle big zerks.

Then I finally got on to my main and did map completion. I was at around 80% and just did one map per day so I don't get burn out by that.

Got lucky from opening BL chest for the dungeon token so I didn't have to run dungeon for the gift of knowledge.

After that it's just a ton of mats. Clovers and mystic coins are quite the pain in the ass. Even tho Istan made everything easier to get, ecto are also pretty cheap these days. That said it probably took me a few months for all the mats.

First time so everything seems fun to me.

Take you time. When you don't feel like farming and grinding, just do something else.

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