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Worlds that are really good for commanding?


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So I have a problem with tag culture. Part of ehmry bay here, and things have changed alot since the beta started.


I mean I've hit the point long ago where I finished learning everything there is to about the mode, where I maxed all my gear and maxed my inventory and did everything imaginable to make myself the most efficient as possible at what I want to do 'ingame'. I got my inventory jacked for wvsw commanding...food banners...all types of siege....things organized so managing my inventory is fast and efficient. I got a squad message and all this to streamline the experience when I command. I got an lfg message. I've done everything I can think of ingame to do what I wanna do in wvsw well.


So what is the problem? Anyone who did this should be pro mlg at a certain part of an open sandbox like this game if its true no?


But there's a problem with this and its related to stuff outside the game.

See the way the game has been going since the beta started....we've firmly put ourselves in a situation where you now can't do much of anything unless you tag up and lead groups of people. I mean maybe there is a world still where this isn't true, and I am loooking to find you if this is the case lol.


Now the problem is how people have been choosing to elect and follower their leaders.


It used to be based evenly on things like:

-skill/efficiency/speed/whatever being good at what you do ingame

-ability to communicate ingame: so type, symbols.....squad messages...lfg's....using the different chats.....etc

-use a third party program to communicate via microphone: having open join enabled, letting people come and go easily.

-time: setting time aside to commit for an hour or whatever....its like a moba game basically....you gotta sit there and pay attention like there's no tomorrow for good chunks of time before you can even think of calling 'a 5 mins break'.


I'm looking for a world where this still holds true...proportionally even components here.


But the problem is this ain't how things have gone for a long time, because there's a problem child of the fact there has always been a component where leaders are chosen by factors outside of the actual game. And I am talking about third party programs like teamspeak, discord, and whatever voip type services other people use.


These are managed outside of the game by social factors not specifically related to the actual game.


Being good at wvsw is effectively now a case of being good at voip. Its a case of being able to effectively herd people into the voip you use, and getting them to maintain their attention spans and listen to the things you say, and getting them to be there when you join the game.


This is the only game, and perhaps its cause of that challenege that it keeps me coming back, that has this game outside the game thing.



I don't see why I can't sometime in my freetime say "oh look I have an hour, lets jump into gw2 and play some wvsw". So I just jump in and immediately tag and can get going and play for an hour....

Why can't you do that anymore? Its been so long since you could do that. You can be the only tag running on all of the 4 maps and you still can't do that anymore lol. Cause you can't get people to follow you without this longggggg lonnnnggg longggg windup period where you spend like an hour advertising and snowballing and finally if your lucky (matchups pending ofc!) you have a zerg to play with. The amount of time and effort you have to invest just to get this zerg that willl disappear the moment you leave.....its stupid! ITs painfully stupid.


So the system people setup among themselves that you proabably see alot of: is they make this snowball.....spend all that time, then they hand it to someone else to command and keep the snowball alive. And this keeps the snowball living a bit longer sometimes. But what does that do? Well it basically means nobody else can just jump in and tag up when they want to and expect to rally forces large enough to do stuff. SO you sit there and join the snowball and wait however many hours it takes to get ur chance to tag. Asking if you can tag or asking how much longer they are gonna tag.....you can do that, but you gotta be realllly careful there cause it can be seen as a threat....and if you catch the snowball captain on a bad day and he childlishly takes his anger out on you, well you are screwed! Like you could be outcast from any group activities, and thus the entire mode, if they are powerful and angry enough.


Can we please invest in a system where people are automatically part of an INGAME network? There should be a command system ui for tags, where they specify and coordinate with eachother. THe lfg system is a failure, lets be honest....its a failure. WE neeed a more intrusive system to get people grouping and communicating. And we need more ingame ways to commmunicate outside of text (heck we even need more text ways to communicate), and we need more ingame systems to support voip type stuff.....we honestly should have dedicated voip INGAME at this point. Everyone is so fractured between worlds.....betweeen teamspeak addresses....betweeen discord addresses......why is it so hard for us to come together? We should be able to say "i wanan do this, I need x many people, anyone else for it?" and just jump right in......but its a case where you have to wait patiently and sit around for hours to get to that point if it ever presents itself. Just aint worth it.


Is there a server out there where you can just jump and in command for an hour, where you don't have to spend the hour making a snowball? Like even something simple and clunky like a teamspeak roooom that everyone is in.....and you just express interest in tagging and you can either start immediately or be told "its gonna be about xx many minutes before we can have a

new or second/third/fourth taggroup or whatever...like ur ordering a pizza lol". Why can't that exist? All I see when I log is tags wasting time building their snowballs....and the snow just running around loooking for the biggest and strongest ball to join wasting everyones time: cause they say no to joining the tag they should be joining, and run around waiting and eventually come back and join that same ttag lol....its just omg I know how it works and its funny as can be. And you just seee how inefficient the process is. facepalm worthy all around.


I mean seriously, everyone must do this at some point.....there's a tag on the map you scout it out and go "its tooo smalll....they dont' have enough people, no point they must be noob..." and you leave and run around and get bored and come back 30 minutes later and join the tag cause he finally has people and is now somehow pro mlg .... well if you and everyone else had just joined at the start we wouldnt' have needed to waste 30 minutes of everythings time!


So are there any worlds where you dont have to deal with this kitten? You just express interest: I wanan tag for an hour......and the current leadership processes the request and gives you an ETA? Why can't that exist? where is this?!?!?? I want this! Give me a name.


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There are 2 kinds of commanders:


"I only have 30 people on me right now, I dont have enough, we can never do this, I cant fight like this, I need more in squad!"




"If I had 30 people on me right now I could *rule the world* muahahahahahahaaaaaaaaa!!!"


Either way players arent here to serve commanders. No one has been "elected" and no commander is our "leader". If you want to tag, then tag. If people want to follow you, they'll follow. That's what the tag is there for.


Also, we created community guilds for this very reason. Anet doesnt need to created a forced, fake and artificial system to accomplish this.

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@"Cerby.1069" you can do that in JQ mostly outside of NA prime. In fact there's a few tags that do just that. Guild groups/cloud fly sometimes deop their zerg off on these tags when they stop.


There's also this tag who literally announces (casual, no ts) and gets a blob.


Compared to other servers JQ is normally more tolerant towards casual commanders (outside of NA prime at least)

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alot of servers have a community guild and on mine most commanders post when they start a lead to get some people out of pve. but our community guild is full. so a serverchat.. no not teamchat, but one that can be read everywhere if you want, would be great but might turn into troll chat.

most commanders actually welcome a 2nd or 3rd tag, unless their own zerg is soo small they hardly achieve anything (e.g. 10 pugs on your tag and 60 on enemy one).

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> @"Caliburn.1845" said:

> You want to jump on, pin up and instantly have a force to command.


> Why don't you join a guild, or make a guild that provides that?

Every Ehmry guild has limited uptime, and i dont have the desire to make my own and go through all that kitten.....and I'd have to somehow oneup countless other guilds on the server in terms of numbers ...so I don't see it being likely. Plus there are limited numbers to fill the ranks with. I wouldn't be able to popin and command if I went that route as desired....which is what I said I wanted.


Thus I am asking about other servers.......YOU GET IT NOW?

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> @"ThunderPanda.1872" said:

> @"Cerby.1069" you can do that in JQ mostly outside of NA prime. In fact there's a few tags that do just that. Guild groups/cloud fly sometimes deop their zerg off on these tags when they stop.


> There's also this tag who literally announces (casual, no ts) and gets a blob.


> Compared to other servers JQ is normally more tolerant towards casual commanders (outside of NA prime at least)


Mmkay you have my attention. I'll look into JQ.

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got to have charisma if you want to lead. takes practice and is doable. =)


communicate regularly with ppl.


> @"Cerby.1069" said:

> > @"ThunderPanda.1872" said:

> > @"Cerby.1069" you can do that in JQ mostly outside of NA prime. In fact there's a few tags that do just that. Guild groups/cloud fly sometimes deop their zerg off on these tags when they stop.

> >

> > There's also this tag who literally announces (casual, no ts) and gets a blob.

> >

> > Compared to other servers JQ is normally more tolerant towards casual commanders (outside of NA prime at least)


> Mmkay you have my attention. I'll look into JQ.


try nsp. jq is stacked hehe

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Big part of the problem is server linking, people used to be on one server, so asking people to get in TS, if the did voice coms at all, already had the server and were verified. Now it's not so easy, whos the tag? What server are they on? Whats the server address? Now I need to go get my API key again and get verified etc etc. Back in the day tags used to get in map chat and tell people to get in TS and you would have a flood of people joining, that all seemed to take a massive hit once linking happened and without an introduction of a in game voice com of some sort, it makes getting together harder, and lets face it, it was hard enough getting some people in TS when it was zero effort.

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> @"Optimator.3589" said:

> I'm a pug. I do what I want. If you're an effective commander, I'll follow you. If not, I'll kitten off and do something else.

> A good commander is able to assess what he's able to do with the forces he currently has at his disposal, and gets to it.



Yup. Personality also counts for a lot. There is always a reason people won't follow someone, especially if they tag up often. This is not unique to Ebay.


Changing servers won't fix the above.

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Me and my havoc switched to SBI a few years back now and no regrets. Came from a place that had some of these mega guilds that thought if you don't have 50 from a guild why are you out here. Its a great server and it has a mountain of tenacious pugs. Its funny because SBI is the land of herding cats but it works. I wouldn't say there are any huge guilds but more a lot havoc sized ones that can suddenly come together on a map and get a dust up going. Community is friendly and there's a bunch of fun peeps out there. Some tags do voice, some don't and it still works. Just a roamer/havocer myself but might be a good fit if you are looking for a new home. Either way, good hunting!

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If you think you're entitled to get 30 people on you every time you tag just because you have the proper siege, then I don't think you get commanding at all. Getting 30 people on you every time you tag up is a matter of trust - People on the server need to see your name, recognize it, and trust that you'll make the experience rewarding. Sometimes that comes from pure mechanical skill in terms of positioning/skill calls. Sometimes it comes from persistence. Sometimes it's personality. Every commander on every server has to establish trust and recognition because you're leading people, not AI bots in a MOBA. You have to establish your core people who trust you, guild or not, and make that happen. If you're not getting that core after years of commanding, you need to look at yourself.


Honestly, that you even made this post shows a personality type that I can understand people not wanting to follow.


Also, if you think you've "finished learning everything there is to about the mode" because you've got a sorted inventory, a tag, and can make a squad message, you're not suited to command in the first place. No good commander is *ever* done learning. There are always new metas to learn, new people to play with, new enemies to learn, and better positioning to acquire. That's the whole point of a PvP game mode. If you think you're finished, you never even started.

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I had lots of fun in squads where the commander was the only other person....


I had lots of fun in squads that 'just happened' - a bunch of roaming people all came together at the same spots again and again until they just created a party/squad


I had lots of fun in regular, in tchat announced, weekly open tag squads with and without ts. Btw, the only server that ever demanded verification for their voip was Vabbi...


I had lots of fun in regular closed guild squads.


I had lots of fun in open tag squads.


I had lots of fun running around alone.


So...yeah... maybe a NA problem....

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> @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> I had lots of fun in squads where the commander was the only other person....


> I had lots of fun in squads that 'just happened' - a bunch of roaming people all came together at the same spots again and again until they just created a party/squad


> I had lots of fun in regular, in tchat announced, weekly open tag squads with and without ts. Btw, the only server that ever demanded verification for their voip was Vabbi...


> I had lots of fun in regular closed guild squads.


> I had lots of fun in open tag squads.


> I had lots of fun running around alone.


> So...yeah... maybe a NA problem....


Sounds like u play on NSP, we had 7on tag and ts with another 5 or 6 not on ts vs other 2 servers blob....

We still managed to win some fights but just a few... since we lacked aoe spam.

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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> got to have charisma if you want to lead. takes practice and is doable. =)


> communicate regularly with ppl.


> > @"Cerby.1069" said:

> > > @"ThunderPanda.1872" said:

> > > @"Cerby.1069" you can do that in JQ mostly outside of NA prime. In fact there's a few tags that do just that. Guild groups/cloud fly sometimes deop their zerg off on these tags when they stop.

> > >

> > > There's also this tag who literally announces (casual, no ts) and gets a blob.

> > >

> > > Compared to other servers JQ is normally more tolerant towards casual commanders (outside of NA prime at least)

> >

> > Mmkay you have my attention. I'll look into JQ.


> try nsp. jq is stacked hehe


Yeah...don't let JQ fool you. They have plenty of players. Trust the NSP guy above :)

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> @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

> Big part of the problem is server linking, people used to be on one server, so asking people to get in TS, if the did voice coms at all, already had the server and were verified. Now it's not so easy, whos the tag? What server are they on? Whats the server address? Now I need to go get my API key again and get verified etc etc. Back in the day tags used to get in map chat and tell people to get in TS and you would have a flood of people joining, that all seemed to take a massive hit once linking happened and without an introduction of a in game voice com of some sort, it makes getting together harder, and lets face it, it was hard enough getting some people in TS when it was zero effort.


oh it's even better now... Now people are also using Discord... So now I have TS for 6 different servers now... yes I can get into enemy ts now if I want ... but meh, what a waste of time. and Discord is similar, many discords. The result for me is almost never using either anymore unless I am with an organized group. When I tag I run havoc and never use TS or Discord. It's all about causing trouble, dieing a lot, and wp mastery! oh ya, and fun of course.

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