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Guild decoration limit

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This is absurd.

There is literally no excuse for why there is a limit. If a person abuses the decorations then the guild could fix that with permissions. If you are being trolled you can leave the guild.


I thoroughly enjoy personalizing our hall and it makes me so angry when I put down 5 snow mounds and suddenly an entire section is off limits... with nothing there. ?????


Fix it. Don't fix it. I'll get over it. But come on, you force being a scribe expensive to become -which i accept and like- and create recipes that are equally expensive for small guilds -which I'm also okay with- but them you offer sub par options for decorations and make it a challenge (accepted!!!!) to use our imagination to create awesome things and then out of the blue the build limit is reached. How is that even remotely a good thing? Anti-trolling? Anti-lag? ... for me and my guild it's anti-players of the game and a slap in the face for our efforts to make it a unique experience.


Go ahead and throw this complaint into the trash and enjoy the money I still throw at you. But still, it's not okay. It's not a player friendly thing to do to the few of us who wanted to be guild hall scribes/decorators.

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So, once again.... the Christmas Monster strikes.... i mean last year we got blocks of ice that looked like something from minecraft...this year we get giant presents... the presents are not bad in design... the snow even looks better then it did last year. I would have to agree that the decoration limit is a big problem. The potential for guild hall decorations is basically limitless, we have a "Halloween Town", SAB area, Christmas Corner, hell we even have a graveyard. The build limit nees to not exisst.

> @"Nick Lentz.6982" said:

> bringer of bad news here, they cut their guild team. Because Anet reasons.

If this is true then I do hope that this gets a second look. Guild Halls was the main thing in GW1 and continues to be a part of guilds in GW2. There should be some sort of focus on it.



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They are prolly working GW3 or another xpac that will feature housing down the road and a better scribe system totally revamped. They publicly cut their guild team so they can privately work on this, but they currently are limited by resources, so "MAX objects and objects to close" are in effect. Hopefully these things won't be an issue in the future wink wink.

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The last known stated reason was technical limitations. I believe they said at the time that to up it, would change the minimum specs.


However, as time goes on, minimum specs change in an mmo. They already did with PoF as they stated themselves. What it could come down to, aside from any technical limitations is a matter of priority. I imagine their list of to do things is well beyond achievable and something like this is likely quite low down on it at this point.


For the record, I support the desire for upping the limit a bit having encountered the problem myself.

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Why the hell are they cutting teams anyway, I doubt they are short of money. It does explain why guild levels have stagnated, I expected the expansion to add new guild levels up to 100. The restriction is insane, and it's not like it's tied to decorations of a particular size, it's just a blanket ban. I tried making a library with some of the smaller items etc, i mean you can put 2 chairs, a table and a rug, BAM TOO MUCH STUFF! WHAT HOW IT'S JUST A GODDAMN CANDLE!


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> @"Sernius Alathar.6538" said:

> Why the hell are they cutting teams anyway, I doubt they are short of money. It does explain why guild levels have stagnated, I expected the expansion to add new guild levels up to 100. The restriction is insane, and it's not like it's tied to decorations of a particular size, it's just a blanket ban. I tried making a library with some of the smaller items etc, i mean you can put 2 chairs, a table and a rug, BAM TOO MUCH STUFF! WHAT HOW IT'S JUST A kitten CANDLE!



The candle rage is real... I've felt it oh so many times.

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If you're referring to the amount of things you can place in a certain area, I believe there was a comment long ago in the old forums (I'm at work, no time to go hunt it down) saying that they though there would be performance issues for people with less than idea machines if there were too many items in one place.


If you're referring to the 2,000 item cap, would it surprise you that it started out at 1,000 items?

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  • 5 months later...



Anet's all about liquidating gold to keep the coinage rate leveled. Want to know the way to make many high end guildies I know spend their saved gold?


Break the decoration limit, the most things we can use for our guild homes for Fashion Wars are expensive and we're not afraid to spend!

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I wholly agree, how often we had to completely scrap our designs because of arbitrary or pointless decoration limits.

It serves little to no purpose other than annoying decorators.


> @"Polarbear.9604" said:

> > @"Nick Lentz.6982" said:

> > bringer of bad news here, they cut their guild team. Because Anet reasons.


> Oh that's great. It isn't like "guild" isn't literally part of the name of the game or anything.


The age old "guild is in the name".

That's from GW1 and has nothing to do with actual guilds ;)

Tbh, the name is so detached from the game now its kind of surprising the game didn't get a new name like "A Tyrian Odyssee" or something

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  • 3 weeks later...

> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> The age old "guild is in the name".

> That's from GW1 and has nothing to do with actual guilds ;)

> Tbh, the name is so detached from the game now its kind of surprising the game didn't get a new name like "A Tyrian Odyssee" or something


Last time I checked Destiny's Edge and Dragon's Watch are guilds.

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  • 7 months later...

Anet. I would just like to let you know that I have a guild army of people ready to spend a lot of real world $$$ mooonneeeyyyy on guild hall decorations once you increase the local area decoration limits for guild halls. :D Ty for everything you have done so far, really hoping this system can be improved in the Near Future! :D PS: The race track decorations are probably the largest value add decoration you have ever added. We can now actually build additional structures, make buildings multi level, and much more :D!

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Please increase the local area decoration limit OR better yet take it off all together. Or PLEASE let us decide if we want it for our guild or not.

I have very small guild with only few members and we all have pretty good PCs. We would love to decorate all the time BUT the freakin local area limit makes putting decorations down so much pain and hopeless struggle to do anything. I simply can't do anything creative or fun I would do like to do with all these decorations but I'm forced to scatter all things in wide range and btw now all guild halls just look the same because of this stupid limit. I'm constantly wondering why I'm putting my hard-earned gold on this but I would just love to build stuff.

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> I wholly agree, how often we had to completely scrap our designs because of arbitrary or pointless decoration limits.

> It serves little to no purpose other than annoying decorators.


> > @"Polarbear.9604" said:

> > > @"Nick Lentz.6982" said:

> > > bringer of bad news here, they cut their guild team. Because Anet reasons.

> >

> > Oh that's great. It isn't like "guild" isn't literally part of the name of the game or anything.


> The age old "guild is in the name".

> That's from GW1 and has nothing to do with actual guilds ;)

> Tbh, the name is so detached from the game now its kind of surprising the game didn't get a new name like "A Tyrian Odyssee" or something


The game was never attached to the name to begin with...

It refers to an event that takes place even before Guild Wars Prophecies. So how can it be more detached now when it never was attached to it?

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I always wanted to build an igloo from the transparent solid ocean blocks to do goofy asuran things in, I know in my previous guild it was beautiful in there, but the owner had to keep thinning and thinning just to decorate other areas because we stayed at global and local cap.

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  • 5 months later...

I did a small search and the last deco cap thread was like in 2017. I understand the cap of 2000 was introduced in 2016 because some ppl run on minimum specs with their PCs, but that was 3 years ago; a huge development in VGAs has occurred since then.

Add to that the fact that with each new thingy, raid, festival or lore, new decorations are being released.

It might not be an urgency subject such as the need to fix a bug or so, but could it at least be considered to increase the cap in the near future.

We've been in pain since 2 years now, removing stuff to add stuff and so on.

Thanks for reading and for support!

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Re bump!


I'm telling you, I've already en-massed so many more decorations, and you guys continue to make more and more with each passing event. Not trying to toot my horn here or something but it's literally to the point I have nothing to spend my gold on (at least that -I- personally want to spend it on.) I've even went through and minimized what locations I have made... But I can't even decorate the full extent of the hall because of the cap. You're killing my completionist OCD here...


Lets not even get on the subject of my roller beetle racing track, I can't even start on it because of the limit. Furthermore I can't even add to my SAB monument, and I feel that should almost be grounds for legal charges. You even added a whole series of snow-pieces that I could do TWO SEPARATE ONES, but no... Capped.


You just don't understand, my seven player homes and the two beach bars and the four normal bars and the medic bay and the arena stands and the God monuments and the prayer hall and the WVW factory and the bridge defenses and the POF showcase and the trophy room and the craftsmen hall and the spa/sauna and the garden and the wagon bivouac and the underwater ruins and the Zephy hangout and the waterfall overlooks and... and the other tidbits of stuff I've placed hither and yon clearly aren't enough to sate my need to decorate!


IIRC it's 2k at the moment. Could you at least bump it to 3k? Maybe a nice 2.5k? Even if you want to make the WPs off limits for decorations, or whatever other performance issues you have in mind I'd totally appreciate it and load you down with the money. Could even lessen the 'decorations per area' cap as long as you bump the 'overall' cap. Quit giving me shiny new scribe things I can't use, it's immoral and cruel. Honestly I can't even place down my holographic dragon generator and plan out a whole dragon-bash zone!


Just up the cap. Pretty please with sugar on top? =(

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I'm on a decent computer, running the game on near-max specs (except for nameplates and number of characters displayed) and it takes up to 30 seconds for a non-fully utilized guild hall to fully render for me.


I'm sure it would be great fun if they increased the cap on decorations in GHs; I'm also sure it would produce unacceptable results for some players.

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