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New playable races study - Choose your favorite


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I voted for Tengu because they are a huge part of the game that was never followed up on but should have been. If it was supposed to be a playable race but canceled I imagine there is lot of back end resources in their archives on it.


I would like to see skritt added as a playable race but have them with a limited wardrobe of armor because they don't display a lot of variety on their clothing. I'd rather it be focused on a unique style of game play that make the skritt fun and interesting.


I've always thought their chasing of shiny stuff is related to their own form of magic. The more shiny something is the more likely it has positive magic potential to them or the ability to reflect and focus magic.


They could also give them attributes other playable races don't have like the ability to go in smaller spaces, climb and control skritt tunnels. They could be dominate healers in the game with the ability and have skritt unique professions like lobber, burglar, forager, etc.


I can't see the skritt comfortable with using mounts so I'd rather see them focused on ground and underground based.

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> @"Erasculio.2914" said:

> In many ways, ArenaNet feels like half a developer making half a game. It's fun to speculate and discuss things like this topic, but in reality Guild Wars 2 is not going to have things like this; they can't afford it. ArenaNet needs goodwill of their players, low expectations and people willing to accept subpar support for everything other than the newest release because, well, that's the best they can do.


The last thing I'm sure Anet wants from anyone is pity.

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> @"Erasculio.2914" said:

> > @"Alga.6498" said:

> > I mean, it can't really be **THAT** hard to create a new race? Take a look on WoW for an example... what's the difference for GW2?


> Money.


> WoW was a massive success for Blizzard, which was already a juggernaut in the gaming industry. They became so successful that they could afford to do a lot of things in their game.


> Meanwhile, ArenaNet is a small (if not in number of employees, in the amount of resources they have) studio surviving on a single, niche game that is five years old.


> Which means, ArenaNet is not going to do a lot of things they could do (nor, IMO, a lot of things they should do). Apparently their revenue is now based on focusing on new content (living world releases and expansions) and on monetizing things on the Gem Store. Which means:


> * ArenaNet will not go back to the core game and rework content that is outdated/aged poorly/was poorly implemented in the first place. WoW reworked their core game in one of their expansion, but this is way out of reach for ArenaNet.

> * ArenaNet will not fix dungeons; and by "fix" I don't mean reworking old mechanics, I mean fixing years-old game breaking bugs. They cannot afford it.

> * The Gem Store will always have more weapon skins than the real game. ArenaNet will never invest so much on rewards available in-game as they do on things displayed in the Gem Store. ArenaNet has to do this to survive.

> * Likewise, don't expect things like glider skins, outfits and mount skins to be made available in-game for the majority of players. I'm sure ArenaNet would love to, but they can't afford to not monetize those things.

> * ArenaNet will not add a new race, because this requires redoing a lot of the old content that they are not going to address again. Voice acting for the old content by itself would severely push their limited resources.

> * ArenaNet will not do big changes to core game mechanics (like removing stats from items and turning them into attribute points for players to assign). They can't afford big changes like this when they have to dedicate everything to new content and to the Gem Store.


> In many ways, ArenaNet feels like half a developer making half a game. It's fun to speculate and discuss things like this topic, but in reality Guild Wars 2 is not going to have things like this; they can't afford it. ArenaNet needs goodwill of their players, low expectations and people willing to accept subpar support for everything other than the newest release because, well, that's the best they can do.


the real truth be told it is more like this half a quarter developer making half quarter a game. the game could be so much more but. we both know that will never ever happen in this case. no matter how they want to put it . :# :#

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many many times anet has come out on reddit and said this will never ever happen . but yet as well as some other things i noticed as of late. for what ever reason it be they never ever get the message .or they do not want to hear it and hope if they keep it up anet will cave in one day maybe. :# :# so far for both sides that has not worked out well at all. :# :#

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None of the above. I’m not sure why people are clamouring to play tengu. They’re just a bird variation on the charr model. Most clothes and all that will look just as bad on tengu as they do on charr. And, isn’t charr the least played race?


Now, choya on the other hand... Bring on The Pale Cactus.

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Mursaat, for sure. I don't actually expect it. In fact I'm 100% positive we'll never see it. I just don't really care anymore. I've been with this game for 3 years and content seems to move forward at such a glacial pace that I've all but preserved my care for "lore" or "accuracy." Or I'd settle for some gizmos that changed how characters moved for a floaty human. Or, and this is what I'd prefer the most, more endless tonics usable in combat.

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> @"Gabbynot.2654" said:

> many many times anet has come out on reddit and said this will never ever happen . but yet as well as some other things i noticed as of late. for what ever reason it be they never ever get the message .or they do not want to hear it and hope if they keep it up anet will cave in one day maybe. :# :# so far for both sides that has not worked out well at all. :# :#


All good and true, but you maybe remember how Anet stood to gliding in core tyria, raids, housing, mounts in Tyria and a whole multitude of other things deemed too high of a price for not enough of a gain.

I for example think that housing is a complete waste of time, still that does not make me cry fool when someone has a liking for it and pushes for it to be implemented. Still I am only human and lobbied hard against the implementation of raids, so I understand where you are coming from. :)

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> @"mbhalo.1547" said:

> There will never be a new race in GW2, yet these threads are popping up each week.


> > @"Lonami.2987" said:

> > If Guild Wars 2 wants to be on the spotlight once again, we need a new playable race.


> Thats quite a stretch.


If i wanted a crossbreed between a flying penguin and a guinea pig as in the trailers of SW8 I could and would ask for that. :)

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Dwarves don't fit as a playable race because they are immortal and don't produce offspring. This means the players will be playing 250+ year old characters, it's not appropriate from a lore standpoint to do such a thing. Plus it makes no sense for them to join the Orders or in become "commanders" or members of Dragon's Watch. Plus, the dwarves have different bodies that Asura which means armors will have to be redesigned for them which is a massive undertaking. The dwarves also do not have a capital city.


Largos can use humanoid armors, Tengu can use Charr armors, it has been "proven" that they use the same skeleton as Charr. This means these two races have the least difficulty in adapting existing armors. The Largos wings will need to be explained somehow. They also have a capital city, which means they can have their own personal story. Kodan can use Norn armors but I don't think they are unique enough to get a playable race spotlight.


The lesser races will never become playable because they are called in the lore "lesser races" for a reason. They also don't wear armor and have their own skeletons, this means Hylek, Grawl, Ogres, Quaggan and Skritt are out. The only lesser race that wears armor and could potentially work as a playable race are Ogres.


The rest of the Races you mentioned have a mix of issues similar to the above. Unique skeletons, not wearing armor, not enough customization, no central city hub so they are unlikely to be made playable.


From all the above, the most likely race to ever become playable is Tengu because it's the only race that has little to no issues, all the others have one or multiple problems. Largos also fill all the criteria, with the exception of their wings.

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i don't want stone dwarfs, i wand actual flesh and bone dwarfs not relative to deldrimore dwarfs.


but as a new race, i want a more alien kind of race (i use the protoss for concept art but only to get my point across)





their story is that they existed on this planed far earlier then when the 5 gods arrived, after a long battle against unnatural foes they decided to go underground.

anyone who they could save were stored in underground hibernation capsules to sleep until their time was right, some stayed behind to protect but were forgotten in time. (the only ones who knows about them are the exalted)

after the dragons awaken their capsules begun to wake them up and they have bin making their home underground for many decades, marveling in their tech and highly advanced knowledge.

they know nothing of the upper world, no one has dared to get out there and explore the world.

until now......

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> Dwarves don't fit as a playable race because they are immortal and don't produce offspring. This means the players will be playing 250+ year old characters, it's not appropriate from a lore standpoint to do such a thing. Plus it makes no sense for them to join the Orders or in become "commanders" or members of Dragon's Watch. Plus, the dwarves have different bodies that Asura which means armors will have to be redesigned for them which is a massive undertaking. The dwarves also do not have a capital city.


> Largos can use humanoid armors, Tengu can use Charr armors, it has been "proven" that they use the same skeleton as Charr. This means these two races have the least difficulty in adapting existing armors. The Largos wings will need to be explained somehow. They also have a capital city, which means they can have their own personal story. Kodan can use Norn armors but I don't think they are unique enough to get a playable race spotlight.


> The lesser races will never become playable because they are called in the lore "lesser races" for a reason. They also don't wear armor and have their own skeletons, this means Hylek, Grawl, Ogres, Quaggan and Skritt are out. The only lesser race that wears armor and could potentially work as a playable race are Ogres.


> The rest of the Races you mentioned have a mix of issues similar to the above. Unique skeletons, not wearing armor, not enough customization, no central city hub so they are unlikely to be made playable.


> From all the above, the most likely race to ever become playable is Tengu because it's the only race that has little to no issues, all the others have one or multiple problems. Largos also fill all the criteria, with the exception of their wings.


I know this will never happen but if they ever were to revamp Guild Wars 1 and 2 into a single game engine it would be interesting to play a character in GW1 era that becomes immortal then pick up playing it in GW2 era. I'd love to see GW3 to be something that pulls GW1, GW2 and post GW2 era into one environment.

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> @"ananda.5946" said:

> None of the above. I’m not sure why people are clamouring to play tengu. They’re just a bird variation on the charr model. Most clothes and all that will look just as bad on tengu as they do on charr. And, isn’t charr the least played race?


> Now, choya on the other hand... Bring on The Pale Cactus.


You make a very valid point but there's a very valid resolution to that problem as well:

- Give players a little more freedom in character creation for the Tengu: interesting feather color combos and patterns.

- A more lenient character height slider.

- Also spend time with armor models instead of just throwing a sheet with a armored texture over them. Give their cultural armor a Native Indian style or something really interesting.


The biggest issue with charrs is how insanely big they are, how very bland and dull their eyes are, how terrible their armor models look on them and how unenthusiastic their story is. B O R I N G !!!!!!!

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