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Just an observation - seems to me that the whole game is from here definitely geared to grouping.. As a solo player, unless you are ueber and then some, you cannot really be expected to do the quests alone. I guess to pass the time with little quest, ignore the main one unless you GROUP, and unless you keep trying solo and die having to go back to a reset point of which I have found but only one up to now, i.e. artificially dragging the game out, I kind of wonder if that is the rason why the game is not only empty, it is EMPTY.

Somebody in development should maybe check the original GW or other games to see how a mmorpg is supposed to go.

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> @"Katoomba.6905" said:

> Just an observation - seems to me that the whole game is from here definitely geared to grouping.. As a solo player, unless you are ueber and then some, you cannot really be expected to do the quests alone. I guess to pass the time with little quest, ignore the main one unless you GROUP, and unless you keep trying solo and die having to go back to a reset point of which I have found but only one up to now, i.e. artificially dragging the game out, I kind of wonder if that is the rason why the game is not only empty, it is EMPTY.

> Somebody in development should maybe check the original GW or other games to see how a mmorpg is supposed to go.


90% of the time I'm soloing. I don't play any of the classes I can't solo with.

I play as a Deadeye, a Scourge, a Soulbeast, a Dragonhunter (Still testing it out as I still struggle with it), and I've retired my Mirage until someone can show me how to solo with that thing since they changed up that class through balancing.

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> @"Katoomba.6905" said:

> As a solo player

> to see how a mmorpg is supposed to go


LOL! **MMORPG = MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER** online role playing game, it is supposed to go to the multiplayer direction. If you are a solo player and you're so unhappy with GW2 then go play single player games. This game is far from empty and it has more than enough soloable content. GW1 is CORPG, btw.

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@ OP, I cannot follow you on what you say.


Personally, that's one of the thing I find good and like in GW2: The nice balance between soloing and grouping.


I like both solo and group. There is little I cannot solo, although I play with casters only, as in light armor. There are a few primaries of the story lines I do not achieve to solo. In such cases, I call for help and always get helped. I play on a daily basis, all over the world, and never see any map empty. I just ask in map chat and that's it.


Now fact is that even if GW2 allows a lot for soloing, it is not intended for that. As said in replies before my, GW2 is a MMORPG. Therefore, if what you want is to solo only, then to chose a MMORPG is maybe not the proper type of game for you.


Kind recommendation: Try to find a guild which objectives are mainly PvE and with many players who like to solo. That way, you will have same type of game play than guildies, and at time one or the other need support, help can be asked inside the guild. It will be easier. :)

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Most if not all MMOs are geared towards group content.......Otherwise they'd make them single player games. If you want to solo a game, buy a single player game, cus you won't find many MMOs more soloable than this one.


As far as story goes, the only instance I have ever needed to group with in all of the existing stories, is 1. hearts and minds (HoT) and 2. confessor's...stronghold? in bloodstone fen, though actually I could've done that solo if I wasn't too lazy to gear my characters up properly (and yes, I have done all story instances in terrible gear :P), and even then only one or two other fights took a long time solo...in all story, living world 2 3 and 4, and both expansion packs, so few need grouping. If you're facerolling things and expecting to survive they will not be soloable, the mechanics for most fights aren't difficult to grasp...if you aren't using the dodge button then you will die a lot.


I've also never failed anything except for group events alone in open world, well, except for a time when a bunch of afkers scaled up an already difficult event, but that doesn't quite count.

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> @"Katoomba.6905" said:

> Just an observation - seems to me that the whole game is from here definitely geared to grouping.. As a solo player, unless you are ueber and then some, you cannot really be expected to do the quests alone. I guess to pass the time with little quest, ignore the main one unless you GROUP, and unless you keep trying solo and die having to go back to a reset point of which I have found but only one up to now, i.e. artificially dragging the game out, I kind of wonder if that is the rason why the game is not only empty, it is EMPTY.

> Somebody in development should maybe check the original GW or other games to see how a mmorpg is supposed to go.


I solo everything, there is nothing about story that requires a group, also original GW was group orientated. GW2 is way too easy and you can solo 95% of it by just running around and pressing 1 . You just need to git gud, there is no other way to help your problem. This game needs more engaging content not less, watering everything down just so that 1% of special snowflakes could experience everything, will make more people quit the game. Why do you think so many people quit the game right after relase? Because there was nothing to do and none of the content was engaging, all of it revolved around pressing 1 and f to loot. Even now it's still too easy, but at least you gotta move a bit instead of just standing still and hitting things.

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The game was designed from the beginning for solo play; in general. you can "group by association"... that is, be in the same general location as everyone else doing an event of whatever type. Heart quests in the main game are all solo-able; in many cases you'll complete them without even knowing you're doing them because the game has been so horribly dumbed down and simplified since release.

I have nine characters, one of each class, and five are level 80. I've yet to group in-game; but I always help others when they are in need and always join in on local events. I don't go out trying to take out champions on my own (although I came close once), but if I see others taking on a champion I join in. You don't have to formally group to cooperate.

In any case, most of the rewards for quests and even killing bosses are crap, so you're not missing anything if you don't.

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> @"Katoomba.6905" said:

> Just an observation - seems to me that the whole game is from here definitely geared to grouping.. As a solo player, unless you are ueber and then some, you cannot really be expected to do the quests alone. I guess to pass the time with little quest, ignore the main one unless you GROUP, and unless you keep trying solo and die having to go back to a reset point of which I have found but only one up to now, i.e. artificially dragging the game out, I kind of wonder if that is the rason why the game is not only empty, it is EMPTY.

> Somebody in development should maybe check the original GW or other games to see how a mmorpg is supposed to go.


Your experience will depend upon your expectations and skill level. The less skilled you are, the less likely you will be to complete group events on your own. That being the case, you will tend to seek help at a greater frequency and instances where players who are available and willing to help are scarce will occur more often, potentially leading to the perception that the game is empty. That's as best I can figure because my experience doesn't match up with yours.


To provide a relevant example of a routine activity: I like the PoF bounty events, and I am capable of soloing many of them. However, when I want/need help all I do is turn on my mentor tag (I don't have a commander tag yet), announce in map chat, and begin the event. Players always show up, slowly at first, but within a few champion bounties I usually have enough players following me to take on the legendary bounty champions.


So for me the game seems far from empty and I have plenty of things I can do either solo or by simply putting out a call in map chat.

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Guild Wars is the most solo-able MMO I've ever seen. Considering that MMOs weren't really meant to be played independently. With the exception of the last instance in HoT and its hero point challenges, I've done everything on my own. I don't actually join groups for anything unless it's bounties, Triple Trouble, or to taxi to a meta like Dragon's Stand. The story can be challenging, but at least it doesn't make you restart everything if you fail. Stock up on those instant repair kits if you have any from opening Black Lion Chests or daily rewards. What I save them for. And take a look at what you might be doing wrong. I did HoT on a mesmer. After that, I switched my story character to a necromancer to make it easier since mesmer was causing me some issues. Might be better now that she's a chronomancer and I've had more practice, but eh. I'm attached to the reaper as my commander. Fits her personality more than the other one.

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I always play solo except for events that can't be played alone. My complaint is that there's often no one around who'll join for those. The Silverwastes in particular, and also the new regions, are loaded with events that fail because too few people show up. I think they need to adjust the number of maps operating to maximize population in those areas. I'm really sick of failing every single time on some of these events.

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> @"Biff.5312" said:

> I always play solo except for events that can't be played alone. My complaint is that there's often no one around who'll join for those. The Silverwastes in particular, and also the new regions, are loaded with events that fail because too few people show up. I think they need to adjust the number of maps operating to maximize population in those areas. I'm really sick of failing every single time on some of these events.


Hi! I don't know how experienced a player you are, so please disregard if you know all of this, but I find that many times when players observe that large events like the Vinewrath in SW are difficult/impossible to complete it's because they aren't using LFG to find active maps. I don't spend much time in SW myself, but I do go there from time to time and have done so at least a couple of times since PoF released. In both instances I found active RIBA squads in LFG that had no trouble completing the Vinewrath. I've had similar experiences with the HoT events prior to and after PoF release.


I signed on to GW2 shortly after HoT release and it's been this way from the start. Initially, I was frustrated that I'd find myself on an empty map, accept a map swap dialogue only to find myself on another empty map. That was until I understood why that was happening. When it's time for a big event to start, players use LFG to find active maps. Those maps fill up while leaving all other instances depleted. If you aren't using LFG, chances are good that you'll end up on one of the depleted instances, wondering where everybody is and why you can't ever seem to complete the event! And when you accept that map swap dialogue, because the active maps are probably full capacity from all of the players using LFG to swap to them, it simply dumps you onto another depleted map. Where did everybody go!?

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> @"Biff.5312" said:

> I always play solo except for events that can't be played alone. My complaint is that there's often no one around who'll join for those. The Silverwastes in particular, and also the new regions, are loaded with events that fail because too few people show up. I think they need to adjust the number of maps operating to maximize population in those areas. I'm really sick of failing every single time on some of these events.


Too many of them are also not worth doing. For example a 5 minute defense event is a waste of time. The new map suffers from poorly designed mobs. I don't want to bother fighting things where I am permanently CC.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Perhaps, you missed the original Guild Wars (before Heroes) where groups were pretty much mandatory.

> Regardless, you might ask others for help with your build or gear as almost all of the story is able to be completed solo. Same with DEs, unless, of course, they are labeled 'Group Events'.


> Good luck.


players and the game were amazing at that time, that was quit a feel of a true mmo when people party up to do a mission :)



> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Well, some might disagree about Hearts and Minds, but...yes, all of the Story has been created to be completed solo.


> Also, do keep in mind that many of the same Devs that created Guild Wars are creating Guild Wars 2 content. :)


Does not look and feels like it....i would say just a few from gw1 are still on Anet..???

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Story hasn't been to hard to do solo so far. Tried the LFG system once but they were overpowered and running, so while i was listening to the cut scene they had killed everything. Can't say I would recommend. I think the only thing I'm disappointed with story wise for solo is that some of it is hidden behind the dungeons with no possiblity to lower the level to solo. Hope when i make it to acendant everything that i will be powerful enough to do solo dungeon storys then.

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I was (and am) a pretty non-uber player, and I played the entire story solo. Didn't even know there was another way until someone from my guild asked for help with a story mission and I said, "What, you can DO that?" In general, I prefer to solo a game until I know what I'm doing. (Finally accepted a guild invitation when I had just finished the Tribulation Ridge JP for the first time and was still in shock.)


You might want to find a noob-friendly guild, not necessarily to party up with, but who will help you sort out whatever it is that is making the game difficult for you.


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