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Sorry. Need to get this off my chest. I Hate the Guilds in this game


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Maybe I've had a bad experience but so far I've joined and left two and been rejected by one.

These were all Guilds that advertised for new players.

The first told me to jump to this location, then 20 minutes later to a second after 20 minutes I said i still couldn't see anyone and what do i do. The answer was "your in the wrong instance", "dont you know what your doing?" . Clearly no, or I wouldn't of asked. And sorry If you all laugh but I still dont know what a wrong instance is.¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The second expected me to have reached Ascended weapons to play with them. I could stay in there guild but not join in till i got there. I left.

And the reject 'No Mount'. Yes i own the expansion and no i'm not willing to do the story out of order. (how did they manage before september)


And why is making a solo guild so I can learn the mechanics so insurmountable. I've helped a number of guilds with the bear run by durmand priory but cant start it as a solo or even gain from it.


Dont take this as a dig at people or guild members in general. Other than this I've had very good general experience in the game, most will stop and help or jump halfway accross the map to kill a boss with you. And I've lost count of the number of times that complete strangers will still pick me up when i've fallen to my death for the fifth time in a row.


Thank you for reading my rant. No thank you to any requests to join a guild. Maybe in the future i'll give it another go.

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Sounds like you did indeed have bad experiences with guilds. Not all guilds are like that, but I can perfectly understand you do not want to join any for the time being.


As for instances it is different versions of the same map, if one map is full a new instance of the map is created. This is for most part out of player control, however if you are in a party with some friends/guildies or in a squad you can right click them at the top left and "join" their map, if it is not full. Hope that helps a bit although my explanation might not be the best.


For now enjoy the game at your own pace and do the story in the order that you want. :)

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To clarify what a 'wrong instance' is: sometimes the game opens duplicates of the same map, generally for population purposes. When one map is full, the game opens a new instance of the same map. Provided the map your squad/party mates are in isn't full, you can join them by rightclicking on their empty portrait and selecting 'join in.." from the dropdown menu.


Hope that helps.

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I've had very similar experiences with guilds. I've been in and out of them since release; the longest I've been with one has been one year, and even that one I only tolerate for guild commendations.


If it helps, what I do is join a guild specifically for different content I want to do. I have a dungeon running guild, and a raiding guild. If I need a run I'll post in one of those. If not, I keep chat off. I'd join a WvW and high-end fractals guild but I've got two personal bank guilds and don't have room for more.


Personally I've found that gw2 guilds tend to be harder to fit in than they were in gw1.

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> My advice is not to join a guild that advertises unscrupulously in map chat. The best experience you can get with one of those is "neutral".


I agree, mapchat recruiters always seem to either gather as many members as possible or have strange requirements or offer no help.


The best way to join a guild, if you don't care about joining one fast, is joining one after a positive experience in instanced or group oriented content.

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I'm sorry you've had bad experiences with a few guilds. It can be daunting trying to find a group of people who like the same sort of things that you do. It's every bit as difficult as trying to find a good group of friends in real life that aren't from school or work (where many of us meet people in droves).


Your best bet is to think of guild adverts (in /map or here in the forums or wherever) as an invitation to start a conversation. Talk to the Guild Leader or a recruiting officer. Ask them what they are looking for, ask what they do. Pay attention to what they ask you about. (Personally, I have never had a good time in a guild that had no questions for me; those have always turned out to be loose associations of folks just waiting until they can find something better.)


If you like doing the story, one of the best ways to meet people is to wait a bit before starting and advertise in /lfg and in /map. Be clear that you're looking for people who want to take their time, talk to NPCs, etc. You'll meet some great people and... some not so much.


In short, finding a good guild is every bit as tricky as dating, except that we don't have _Guilder_ (`Guild+Tinder`) to help us out.

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I don't mind helping out as much as I can if you're on US servers.


I'm one of those players that understand that players can have more fun with a game when you don't tell them how to play and what to expect so I just go with the flow. I tend to be a solitary player so if you see me on, I'm most likely not too busy.

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I'm in 4 right now.

One I got invited to after I saw someone was trying to solo a Guild Bounty (didn't know it was one at the time) and I jumped in to help.

They saw I was not in a guild and gave me an invite. To this day they're still somewhat small and quiet, but they're nice.


One was a much bigger group that my friend got invited to first. They were level 80, had just bought HoT and such and asked them if I could join.

Still with them and they're more social than the last and a nice cheerful group that do sometimes events and help others out.

Of course if you're inactive for a while, they will kick you out, but you can always mail them and when they get to it they will reinvite you.


Another that I've joined I asked to join myself. First time I've ever seen an HP Train (which I needed as I have not done any hero points in HoT at the same and PoF was coming... then the rumour of the elites might need 500 hero points because HoT did made me panic get them all in HoT to be prepared.

I couldn't get the last hero point before Dragon's Stand (which they wasn't going to do.. didn't know at the time you could've soloed them as I've never been to Dragon's Stand yet) and asked if it would've been okay if I can join as I would like to know when they do HP trains again.

Of course they invited me in and they're much more talkative than the last 2. Many events and does even Raid Training that I've tried to squeezed myself into getting into to see how Raids are and so far? They've been really nice as well.


The 4th one is one my friend wanted to make and just decided to make it one of the super casual/small ones. Aimed to be a PvE group that does Fractals sometimes, and other stuff. Friend made me a Co-Owner to it as well which the most that ever happened are those that asked to join that had a high ranking in mastery or something tend to stay for 5 minutes to scout the place and then leave.


I think the ones you've gotten into are just bad ones. Also, I would advice never going to ones that mention any form of repping.

> @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > My advice is not to join a guild that advertises unscrupulously in map chat. The best experience you can get with one of those is "neutral".


> I agree, mapchat recruiters always seem to either gather as many members as possible or have strange requirements or offer no help.


> The best way to join a guild, if you don't care about joining one fast, is joining one after a positive experience in instanced or group oriented content.


> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> My advice is not to join a guild that advertises unscrupulously in map chat. The best experience you can get with one of those is "neutral".


Can't agree with this one honestly as the HP train one did advertise their Guild during the whole thing and they've been really nice to me and the one that my friend owns saw people advertising guilds decided to advertise their guild on some of the mid level maps (well mid as in level 30-70 maps) and they seem fine.


I say read what they say in the ad and then if they talk in the guild, try and see how their attitude is.

If they come off as weird, strict, snotty, disgusting, best leave before they boot you.


Like what the TC said:

> @"MattDu.7123" said:

> "dont you know what your doing?"

You shouldn't even ask that to the person that say they don't see people on the map.

If they say they don't see people or don't know how to get to the group.. don't even ask. Just say in chat "look for one of the greyed out names in the party/squad... you see it say join in XXXXX? Click that and you should be able to join us. If it say it's full... don't worry and keep trying or we will try and get to you instead if your map is more empty so we all can join" or something.

as the TC said... he wouldn't even ask if he knew.


> And the reject 'No Mount'. Yes i own the expansion and no i'm not willing to do the story out of order. (how did they manage before september)

This is another that's a problem I would say.

I can understand for certain things like let's say the Mad King Labyrinth or certain HP Trains or certain RIBAs or whatever they might say "Mounts required" or "Better if you have Mount" or "No mount needed" or something.

So make mount a requirement to just join a guild? Don't join. Don't even think of that guild's name.

For world bosses you don't need mounts, for fractals you can't use mounts, for raids you can't use mounts, what the hell would a guild need a mount for?

Don't need for Guild Missions either. Can't do races with them, can't do guild dungeons with them, and bounty and trek is fast as it is when you have the whole group doing it... so yes... these people are nasty disgusting creatures. Never bother with them.

Plus there's people that just don't need/care for mounts.

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Before to join any guild, I would check if they have a detailed description either in wiki, here in GW2 official, or on own site. That way, you can get a better idea about what to expect.


There are many good guilds of all types (small, big, PvE, PvP, WvW, nothing at all just joking and laughing, and so on....). The trick is to find the one(s) suiting you best. It can take a while. Don't give up. :)

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Well guilds...it is hard to find a good one. I sometime looked for a pve guild, to do some fractals dungeons and stuff. Told them i mostly play rp in my time in gw2,not really interested in farming mats or something. Yeah its okay,they said, do what you want. One Week later...youre doing to much roleplay, and get kicked.

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> @"Lyndina.7984" said:

> Well guilds...it is hard to find a good one. I sometime looked for a pve guild, to do some fractals dungeons and stuff. Told them i mostly play rp in my time in gw2,not really interested in farming mats or something. Yeah its okay,they said, do what you want. One Week later...youre doing to much roleplay, and get kicked.


To be fair, if you do mostly RP and the other stuff is secondary, it would've been better in your situation to find an RP guild then.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @"Lyndina.7984" said:

> > Well guilds...it is hard to find a good one. I sometime looked for a pve guild, to do some fractals dungeons and stuff. Told them i mostly play rp in my time in gw2,not really interested in farming mats or something. Yeah its okay,they said, do what you want. One Week later...youre doing to much roleplay, and get kicked.


> To be fair, if you do mostly RP and the other stuff is secondary, it would've been better in your situation to find an RP guild then.


But some RP guilds are in a league of there own when it comes to rules... I can definitely understand the OPs frustration, I've joined and left a few guilds because of stupid rules, or just witnessing gchat and not liking what I'm reading from other members. I've been in one guild since I started playing this game 5yrs ago, but have known some of these people going on a decade now, and it is 'home'. People come and go as they please, play be inactive, chat or not, do group stuff or solo. It doesn't matter, and I like it this way. If people want to do group stuff (like myself with Fractals) we just pug it, or if we are enough online then great.

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Well i already have Rp guilds,yes. They focus mostly on Rp. The thing is...i wanted to search for a pve guild to do some pve, fractals dungeons,story,you name it. And i am more than willing to accompany them. But...if most of the players are offline on the guild and theres no...hmm..how do i call it...offer for dungeons or fractals(as boring as they could be...) then whats wrong with doing your main thing in the game i.E. Roleplay? But then saying...yeah youre doing to much roleplay,while nothing except the guild missions on sundays is offered...yeah. But well,ive given up searching for a guild now.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> In short, finding a good guild is every bit as tricky as dating, except that we don't have _Guilder_ (`Guild+Tinder`) to help us out.


I'd say something like Uber would be good. If you're in the guild (would obviously need to be API verified) you could leave a "rating" for it and describe why you gave it what you did.

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So you had three bad experiences and see it fit to hate all the other hundreds of thousands of guilds in this game. I run a friendly/helpful guild, but I still expect people joining to understand the basics, I find Google, YouTube, Guild Wars 2 WIKI, and alike, to be very helpful in finding out the answers for yourself if you're the type of person who wants to do a bit of digging before just asking questions.

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> @"Odokuro.5049" said:

> So you had three bad experiences and see it fit to hate all the other hundreds of thousands of guilds in this game. I run a friendly/helpful guild, but I still expect people joining to understand the basics, I find Google, YouTube, Guild Wars 2 WIKI, and alike, to be very helpful in finding out the answers for yourself if you're the type of person who wants to do a bit of digging before just asking questions.


> @"MattDu.7123" said: I've helped a number of guilds with the bear run by durmand priory


I didn't use utube to learn the guild run by durmand priory i kept doing it till I worked it out. If i use utube and google to do all the puzzles in the games It wouldn't be worth playing.

And I did say it was a rant about a bad experience, that comments on here have agreed with, which points out mine is not an isolated experience. But theres also been other that have pointed out that


> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> In short, finding a good guild is every bit as tricky as dating, except that we don't have _Guilder_ (`Guild+Tinder`) to help us out.


so I have hope


> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> I wouldn't recommend joining a guild as a new player, I would wait until you're a little more wet behind the ears.


I'm level 80 mapped most of the map, my crafting is in the 200's on most(started late). I've completed the main story on my own and most of the jumping puzzles.

Are you suggesting that I finish PoF get a mount, accendant gear and start a solo guild to practice it all so i'm more "wet behind the ears". Because that would make you part of the problem :(





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I guess I can't talk much, I played most of the game solo, and joined a random invitation to Shards of Life at what seemed an auspicious time. (Just did Tribulation Ridge scaffolding for the first time.) My guild was very friendly, people there helped me through all the noobiest noob moments, every time I needed to ask questions, someone was willing to help, and they still don't get annoyed when I get lost during fractals and everyone has to wait for me to catch up. XD I am still in it, and see no reason to ever look for another guild.


I know you said no guild invitations, but if you change your mind, I'd be happy to invite you.

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