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WvW needs balanced gear


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> @"Swamurabi.7890" said:

> > @"Kaiser.9873" said:

> > > @"Swamurabi.7890" said:

> > > For a pvp game mode there is too much pay to win in WvW.

> > >

> > > We've had Pay to overstack servers.

> > > We've had Pay to get the best sigils/runes/armor/weapons/mats

> > > We've had Pay to get the best food/wrenches.

> > > We've had Pay for expansions for the best elite specializations.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Not exactly sure you know what pay to win is, because anything you can get while **playing** the game doesn't count as P2W.

> >

> > 1. No one has to overstack servers, and doing that does not in any way shape or form cause you to become a better or more effective player. Gold earned in game can be used to move servers. Not P2W.

> > 2. Earnable in game by playing the game. Not P2W.

> > 3. Earnable in game by playing the game. Not P2W.

> > 4. In general if you play a game long enough you buy the expansions. Could be argued P2W if core classes were not ever winning versus new specs.


> 1. Nobody has to overstack servers, but it happened. Buygate isn't a term used for no reason.

> 2-3. Sure you can earn gold in game by playing but the option to pay real money to get the best food/equipment/transfer has always been an option for WvW. There is no advantage between a player in sPvP that started at launch and one that started last month except the learning curve that experience gives, and once that is learned they are equal.

> 4. Have you heard of vanilla raids where a guild uses the original classes? Next thing you'll be telling me that the original classes are viable in WvW like Necro is in PvE raids.


> As more expansions are added and more elite specs are added it just increases the gap between a new WvW player and a veteran WvW player and this is something that is not good for the future of WvW.


Server transfers can be bought with gold as well?

It's how they are able to transfer large guilds. Lots and Lots of gold, which is collected by player donations and a few guilds contributing to the overall "community bank/ warchest"


A game that gets expansions doesnt have a bleak or bad future. In fact it's the polar opposite.

And example.

If WvWer's and PvPer's straight up didn't buy the first expansion and everyone just dropped both of those aspects of the game completely THEN we would be bale to agree that expansions are bad in a pvp environment, because it would essentially force the community to drop every form of pvp in it's entirety.


But that isn't the case nor the reality


A good place to start for reducing power creep in WvW


Remove Food.


Something I said needed to be a thing when condi food gave +20% duration


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This would require build templates, but I wonder how it would work if you could have like 5 or so saveable builds. For each one, you could choose the stat type (all at exotic level) for each piece of armor/trinket/weapon, with certain stat types being restricted. You'd also have a drop-down list of runes and sigils, with some also being restricted. That way, it is standardized but still allows for almost the same build diversity while also putting some restrictions on stat, sigil, and rune choices that may be a bit too overperforming. If something like this were implemented, I think there would need to be a minimum out-of-combat timer to switch builds (like 2 minutes or so unless in home spawn territory) for it not to be abused as easily, but I think it could be a happy medium between WvW build diversity and powercreep exacerbated by stat choices. Food, wrenches, and infusions could also be eliminated. It would be more standardized, but not as restrictive as sPvP's amulet system.

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> @"Aenaos.8160" said:

> Anyone who's played PvP recently understands that this suggestion if implemented,it would make combat in WvW even worse than it is now.

> Imagine similar amounts of damage without the defensive attribute combos.


> The "powercreep" that the OP refers to,or "garbage combat" as I prefer to call it,is just as apparent in PvP,and it has less to do with the gear and

> more with the design of the classes,skills,and traits.


Well, I take a slightly different view of this. Take those 'garbage combat' classes, like scourge for example. In PvP they are bad enough. Then put them in WvW and give them TB or Dire gear. Gear matters in WvW, especially for condi specs with dire/tb.


What people tend to forget about ascended: in addition to the increase in stats, which is not insignificant, they are the infusions. These add even more stats per piece.

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Even with templates applied to wvw it won't do anything to the viability of builds in a bad way. In pvp you gotta keep points, focus damage to kill stuff and running doesn't help you in most cases. In wvw you can basically oneshot people without even having to coordinate. If that is fixed we get at least better matches and fights because they are not over because someone ran through a red circle.

I tried to played solo a bit today in wvw and it's absolutely terrible. Even with high toughness almost every class can hit you for 10k and above. If you meet two people you have your instagib event.

Sorry, but I prefer having less build diversity and getting better fights for that.

Still waiting for a stealth nerf tho

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> @"shagwell.1349" said:

> Still waiting for a stealth nerf tho


I've always thought that the stealth in WvW should be for sneaking around, not escaping combat (teleports are for that).

I'd like stealth to not be usable in combat, and fade when you get too close to other enemies.

And I say this as a mesmer main. Stealth is too good to NOT use, so I can't really play with the other toys.


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> @"Swamurabi.7890" said:

> > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > > @"Swamurabi.7890" said:

> > > For a pvp game mode there is too much pay to win in WvW.

> > >

> > > We've had Pay to overstack servers.

> > > We've had Pay to get the best sigils/runes/armor/weapons/mats

> > > We've had Pay to get the best food/wrenches.

> > > We've had Pay for expansions for the best elite specializations.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Don’t have to pay for any of those things they are acquired through ingame Gold quite easily, so clearly not pay to win.


> You didn't use ingame gold for expansions, or didn't you read that far.


Why are you being rude to them? Are you complaining about paying for an expansion(s)? Disappointing. That's supporting this franchise and of course having both expansions is going to help you have more options. Paying for food? It's an MMO, you can make 15-30g an hour with Leather, Istan, Meta, SW farms, but you actually have to put in the hours - and it doesn't take that much. So the real question is do you want to put in some hours? Of course you should. Yeah you can speed the process up with a CC, but once you have your gear/armor you never have to worry about it being superseded. There is no treadmill.


You can get full ascended trinkets in a few days if you have several 80s, or 1-2 weeks without. You only need to spend 60-90g to get your ascended weapons+sigils. That's all you need, you DON'T need ascended armor, the increase is around 2%. Exotic armor with the correct stat allocation and runes is all you need, in fact it's better if you want multiple sets to just use exotic because of this.


I can't feel sympathetic when this MMO has the LEAST gear grind and gear progression of any MMO and that's why everyone likes it. The weapon or armor I crafted years ago is STILL the best. You're complaining about just playing the game, GW2 is the furtherest from p2w of any b2p MMO that has an extensive cash shop. I cam back to GW2 with 25g to my name, and it didn't take me long to be right up there with farming and TP flipping.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Kaiser.9873" said:

> > @"SweetPotato.7456" said:

> > 100% agree, let player keep their super legendary skins etc. but the stats should be balanced. Thank you for posting, save me making new post.


> Go play sPvP. Making that large of a fundamental change to the game this long in would backfire in epic ways.


backfire how? do elaborate please. you can't just throw this in like its going to hurt wvw and not explain.

infact it may infact give confidence and encourage new player to go to WvW. More ways to play a game is alwasy better, restriction to a certain place in a game is not healthy.


The more so should the gear be balance since the server cannot be balance, do you know how frustrating it is that you try your best to protect your server when there are not enough population to be deploy to help, when you are alone trying to defend a camp only to have one power mesmer strike you down with 1 hit the whole camp just perish, the camp supervisor, the ogre, the scouts , the guards all dead with 1 hit by the power mesmer and then they dance and jump over your dead corpse. !

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> @"SweetPotato.7456" said:

> > @"Kaiser.9873" said:

> > > @"SweetPotato.7456" said:

> > > 100% agree, let player keep their super legendary skins etc. but the stats should be balanced. Thank you for posting, save me making new post.

> >

> > Go play sPvP. Making that large of a fundamental change to the game this long in would backfire in epic ways.


> backfire how? do elaborate please. you can't just throw this in like its going to hurt wvw and not explain.

> infact it may infact give confidence and encourage new player to go to WvW. More ways to play a game is alwasy better, restriction to a certain place in a game is not healthy.


> The more so should the gear be balance since the server cannot be balance, do you know how frustrating it is that you try your best to protect your server when there are not enough population to be deploy to help, when you are alone trying to defend a camp only to have one power mesmer strike you down with 1 hit the whole camp just perish, the camp supervisor, the ogre, the scouts , the guards all dead with 1 hit by the power mesmer and then they dance and jump over your dead corpse. !


“Balanced” gear won’t change anything besides make people that invested in the game mode quit, it won’t magically make Lower pop servers better against higher pop servers and it won’t magicall make people that blowup to glass cannon builds not blow up to glass cannon builds, all it would do is make players leave.


And lulz a whole camp and player die in a camp to one hit! Lulz there is something called a hit cap most Attacks have them, might want to look it up.


This sounds like another rant for players not wanting to put the small effort of making the small investment into either proper Exotic or Ascended gear(which Exotic is more than adequate in the majority of all situations) and wants the same treatment as those that spent time and effort tailoring their character to their needs/wants for wvw.


If you want standardized gear there is a gamemode for you it’s call Standardized PvP(hint it’s not WvW)

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> @"Aenaos.8160" said:

> Anyone who's played PvP recently understands that this suggestion if implemented,it would make combat in WvW even worse than it is now.

> Imagine similar amounts of damage without the defensive attribute combos.


> The "powercreep" that the OP refers to,or "garbage combat" as I prefer to call it,is just as apparent in PvP,and it has less to do with the gear and

> more with the design of the classes,skills,and traits.


Precisely. I do not see the rationale to this call to remove gear and foods and use the PvP system. We already see that process at work where there IS NO balance in PvP so how on earth do people think it would magically balance WvW?


Pvp sees even less diversity in builds, much more limited roles and has as many complaints and more on balance issues.


It's the traits and skills doing the work. Not the gear.


Added to that many people avoid PvP for reqasons of less ability to do what one wishes in their given build rather then be restricted to a small combination of preset gear. That is why many favor WvW over PvP. There will be far more of these people LEAVING the game were these suggestions implemented then would be moving to WvW because of it. This would lead to even emptier servers. It simple mathematics.

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Have to go with a No here. What's makes WvW end game is that its evolving and all sorts of builds have value and people should be able to run whatever they want. WvW is the happy middle of PvP and PvE, should remain that way. You can earn things from both as well and use that in WvW which is another tie into it being the end game.

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WvW needs balancing, and gear balancing is a part of it. Also, the need to grind for gear should be removed: I suggest that all gears should be available via wvw reward track; NO PvE side grinding.


Some nonsense comments were posted. When exo gear vs ascended gear with wvw infusions *do make difference*, it really does. That is why sPvP does not use PvE gear.


BTW, how big is difference between exo vs ascended with wvw infusions? Recalculate, because +5% was calculated 4+ years ago.


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I allways have been in favor of WvW having the same kind of gear from sPvP, the amulets...not only that, but also the removal of nourishments and other buffs and some sigils and runes. Would this solve all the unbalance on WvW? Obviously no, but would help a little a bit...I honestly fail to understand how this would "kill build diversity" on WvW, lets face it, we dont have that...roaming is disgusting right now, if you dont play one of the top roamers builds you might as well dont even leave spawn, and zerg is allways the same, if you dont play meta get ready for the squad kick...build is not about your passive stats gear, is about trait+weapon+utility skills, in truth i believe most of these players are just way to scared to lose their edge over other players while fighting, remenber when Anet decided to remove guard stacks? lol Most of the WvW community went insane, "oh my god! How i gonna make my build without those 250 free vitality! The game is unplayeable!"

In conclusion, I honestly think that this would be a step in the right direction, broken builds would still exist, since the professions are broken on its core, but they would for sure take a hit...i believe would be worth a try, lets say a 2 weeks test...after that the devs take our feedback and decide whatever or not to implement this.

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You misunderstand the game mode, friend.


WvW fights will never be balanced - your server is competing against other servers with different populations and skill. You'll want matchmaking next!


If you want a fair fight and small scale skill-based combat, play PvP. WvW is for fighting huge numbers with the gear you've worked hard for.

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> @"Swamurabi.7890" said:

> > @"Musty.3148" said:

> > > @"Swamurabi.7890" said:

> >

> > > We've had Pay to overstack servers.

> >

> > Stopped reading there... LOLOLOLOL man that is one warped view.

> >


> So you've never heard the term Buygate? I'm sure all the gold ever used to transfer entire guilds to T1 have come completely from PvE


I understand, but saying you HAVE to buy a one way ticket to a huge ass server just to win is just fucking stupid.


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> @"Musty.3148" said:

> > @"Swamurabi.7890" said:

> > > @"Musty.3148" said:

> > > > @"Swamurabi.7890" said:

> > >

> > > > We've had Pay to overstack servers.

> > >

> > > Stopped reading there... LOLOLOLOL man that is one warped view.

> > >

> >

> > So you've never heard the term Buygate? I'm sure all the gold ever used to transfer entire guilds to T1 have come completely from PvE


> I understand, but saying you HAVE to buy a one way ticket to a huge kitten server just to win is just kitten stupid.



Up until the time Anet started locking servers it was standard WvW procedure to poach from the lower tiers.


But I remember my WvW guild leader saying he spent real money to pay for siege, food and upgrades, back when the guild raided 5 days a week. I bet some of that real money eventually went to the server's warchest to pay for transfers.


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> @"Rasp Sabreblade.5421" said:

> Gear is fine. Skills and traits need to be balanced around PvP/WvW instead of PvE. Until this is done, we could all be in our underwear and still things would be imbalanced for this area of the game.


Because historically, we've seen a lot of skills be utterly crapped on because of PvE issues. Oh no, its usually because WvW!


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> @"Pelto.9364" said:

> WvW needs balancing, and gear balancing is a part of it. Also, the need to grind for gear should be removed: I suggest that all gears should be available via wvw reward track; NO PvE side grinding.


> Some nonsense comments were posted. When exo gear vs ascended gear with wvw infusions *do make difference*, it really does. That is why sPvP does not use PvE gear.


> BTW, how big is difference between exo vs ascended with wvw infusions? Recalculate, because +5% was calculated 4+ years ago.



You want Standardized Gear? Great there is a game mode for you, it’s called Spvp, You can acquire all Ascended gear through WvW without ever having to grind in PvE, Skirmish Rewards and WvW Reward tracks provide a plethora of every tier crafting material (that includes Ascended Crafting mats) you get next to free Exotics while you build up to Ascended, you get Infusions without having to leave WvW and you get access to the new Runes and Sigils for each expansion! Oh glorious day you can never leave WvW and be decked out in Legendary Armor never having to step foot in PvE except to hit a Crafting station.

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > @"Rasp Sabreblade.5421" said:

> > Gear is fine. Skills and traits need to be balanced around PvP/WvW instead of PvE. Until this is done, we could all be in our underwear and still things would be imbalanced for this area of the game.


> Because historically, we've seen a lot of skills be utterly crapped on because of PvE issues. Oh no, its usually because WvW!


I agree with you here. Yes the skills get crapped on sometimes. But it is the traits that need the real adjustments. I will say it again. Professions need to be balanced without traits first, then the traits should add a single flavorful thing for each selection and not 2-4. Make all traits selectable, which means move the free minor traits to a selectable one. no free traits. 4 selectable in each tier, and still only 3 tiers (adept, master, Grand).


This is the example I like to pick on, because it is free trait and what it does:

Warrior: Minor Grandmaster in Defense called, spiked armor. This is what is does.

Gain retaliation when you block or are struck by a critical hit. Retaliation gives you bonus toughness.


There could be 3 traits just out of this one free trait.


1) Gain retaliation when you block.

2) Gain retaliation when you are struck by a critical hit

3) Retaliation gives you bonus (+???) toughness (this should be moved to another trait line or these would be all in the #3 spot in minor/major/grand master spot)




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  • 2 months later...

I've always wanted to see this, ever since I stopped playing in 2016. I'm disappointed it still hasn't gotten in! WvW would be much more fun and competitive if newer players didn't need to get to 80 and get gear in order to contribute. There's already the WvW skill points system for progression in the game mode, adding a gear gate to it just lowers the population which reduces the fun for everyone.


Well, everyone except people who like farming the occasional undergeared newbie who just wants to try the mode out. Which I don't think we should cater to.

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