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Gib Reputations with expac 3.


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Ya, Reputations are imo areally good idea for the game going forward which sadly isnt really in the game yet.


The concept of reputations is quite simple, they are another form of masteries but not quite.


*The concept:*


Reputations are map specific masteries which

purpose is to provide a sense of pride and

accomp-- no, its to provide long term

engagememt to specific maps for rewards.


*The way they work:*


Basically unlike other masteries they arent

made with completion within a few days in

mind. They are built with the idea that the

player will comeback every day to the map to

do the content of said map (if he wants to get

the goods in least amount of time).


*Why not make them normal masteries then?*


Because unlike normal masteries where you

get exp from matters alot more. Normal

masteries are tied to a region, reputations are

tied to their specific maps.


The main way to get reputation is through the

map specific dailies which can be done once

and give ALOT of reputation xp.


Other than than completing events on that

specific map also rewards u with less xp that

isnt timegated.


This would work alongside the maps being

rewarding on their own so doing the event

shouldnt feel like a chore because "gotta grind

them reps"


To start the reputation u need to talk to a

specific Npc for each map.


As with many other features of the expansion

reputations could be added to living world

maps to give them alot more value and keep u

busy in the down time.




As i said these are long term. U shouldnt

expect casually playing the game to have them

unlocked the first week. In theory u will prob be

able to unlock them in a week or a week and 3

days, but thats gonna be a week and 3 days of

you playing for 10+ hours on that 1 map.


This is more of a thing u would do over the

course of a month or so.




Each reputation lvl (like mastery lvls) will come

with its own set of rewards. For each lvl u will

be able to go back to the Npc of which u

started the rep from and he will have a tiered



U then can go to the tier of which u completed

and pick the rewards. (Now the rewads can

have a small currency cost to not just be " oh i

finished it and i got everything from that tier at

once for no gold" but nothing "crazy" like the

cost of the griffon ( for early tiers)).


Ofc higher tiers will come with better things for

you to show off with the highest having the

best stuff.


Rewards can be armor skins, weapon skins,

tonics, minis ( idk about these), titles etc.

The highest tier id wish it could have mount

skins and such, but i dont see that happening

so it could have auras and maybe legendary

gifts ( for new legendaries if by 2020 we are

done with the hot ones and they decide to sell a

new set).


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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> I wouldent want anet to put reputation grind into the game tbh.

> And even if they did do you think they would put armor weapon and mount skins into the pot?

> Maybe a armor set over 6 episodes and 6 maps mate and thats a big maybe.


Armor skins not armor sets. Armor skins such as the se3 stuff that are like outfit parts.


As for the grind of in the "minority" that finished pof in the first 5 to 6 days so thats where im comming from.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> Ya, Reputations are imo areally good idea for the game going forward which sadly isnt really in the game yet.

Not sure what this is but, isn't it in the game already known as Karma?


> The concept of reputations is quite simple, they are another form of masteries but not quite.

Um... already sounding bad...


> *The concept:*


> Reputations are map specific masteries which

> purpose is to provide a sense of pride and

> accomp-- no, its to provide long term

> engagememt to specific maps for rewards.

And now it's sounding worse than bad...


> *The way they work:*


> Basically unlike other masteries they arent

> made with completion within a few days in

> mind. They are built with the idea that the

> player will comeback every day to the map to

> do the content of said map (if he wants to get

> the goods in least amount of time).

We're already kind of forced back to certain maps we might not like for dailies, now you want to force people back to certain maps to grind?


> *Why not make them normal masteries then?*


> Because unlike normal masteries where you

> get exp from matters alot more. Normal

> masteries are tied to a region, reputations are

> tied to their specific maps.

Which makes masteries sound better as it's better to be based on a region than a specific map.

I like Auric Basin. I already have the least amount of currency in B... well Brink I have a ton because I was stuck there for what felt like a billion years trying to get mastery points for the glider... BUT have the least amount of currency in the others because I just don't like those maps.


> The main way to get reputation is through the

> map specific dailies which can be done once

> and give ALOT of reputation xp.

The "main" way? That would mean the main way is based on praying that daily for that map even shows up.

This is sounding more horrid the more I go down.


> Other than than completing events on that

> specific map also rewards u with less xp that

> isnt timegated.

So I'm now I'm sitting in a place I hate like Dredgehaunt or Tangled Depths or Desolation to farm events for "less xp" reputation.

This isn't sounding like pride and accomplishment. It's sounding like torture.


> This would work alongside the maps being

> rewarding on their own so doing the event

> shouldnt feel like a chore because "gotta grind

> them reps"

But it IS sounding like a chore. It's a chore.


> To start the reputation u need to talk to a

> specific Npc for each map.

Okay... listening...


> As with many other features of the expansion

> reputations could be added to living world

> maps to give them alot more value and keep u

> busy in the down time.

Yeah. No. Another map I don't like from Living World is Draconis Mons, Bloodstone Fen, and Istan. I'm getting my value from going to maps I actually like going to, playing, "farming", and whatever.



You... kind of lost it with some of these suggestions, but I'm listening still.


> As i said these are long term. U shouldnt

> expect casually playing the game to have them

> unlocked the first week. In theory u will prob be

> able to unlock them in a week or a week and 3

> days, but thats gonna be a week and 3 days of

> you playing for 10+ hours on that 1 map.

And knowing me, those days I have 10+ hours to bloody waste I WOULD try and do that to get it over with as I don't like this kind of grinding for "Reputation" nonsense.

I would want to get them over and done with as it does not sound like fun.


> This is more of a thing u would do over the

> course of a month or so.

If 10+ hours would get it done in a week... "a month or so" would be let's say 6 weeks. Meaning around 2 hours a day on a single map... that isn't Dragon's Stand and not a map I'm trying to 100% for map completion... yaaaaay?

Oh, and I guess Silverwastes too as you can be there for about 2 hours if you do the meta twice.


> *Rewards:*

This will be good...


> Each reputation lvl (like mastery lvls) will come

> with its own set of rewards. For each lvl u will

> be able to go back to the Npc of which u

> started the rep from and he will have a tiered

> shop.

Still listening. This part sounds "okay", but eh at the same time.


> U then can go to the tier of which u completed

> and pick the rewards. (Now the rewads can

> have a small currency cost to not just be " oh i

> finished it and i got everything from that tier at

> once for no gold" but nothing "crazy" like the

> cost of the griffon ( for early tiers)).

What currency. Normal copper/silver/gold? Map currency? Unbound/Volitile?

Also "nothing crazy like the cost of the Griffon". How "crazy" though?

To have to farm the reputation like this much to even unlock this thing it has to be decent.


> Ofc higher tiers will come with better things for

> you to show off with the highest having the

> best stuff.

That is the matter of opinion I would have to say. "Better things for you to show off".


> Rewards can be armor skins, weapon skins,

> tonics, minis ( idk about these), titles etc.

> The highest tier id wish it could have mount

> skins and such, but i dont see that happening

> so it could have auras and maybe legendary

> gifts ( for new legendaries if by 2020 we are

> done with the hot ones and they decide to sell a

> new set).


And this already made me not interested.

The armour/weapon skins sounds nice.


Tonics, unless I can use the humanoid ones with mounts, I don't want anymore. Already regret getting that Kodan one in Bitterfrost as I thought I could've used it on my Raptor when I got it.


Minis I have 0 care for, and to buy titles (NOT GOING TO MENTION THE "I'm rich, you know" ONE AS IT'S STILL ACHIEVEMENT RELATED) sound meh to me.

Will all these titles be achievement based too? how much achievement points? how much the cost? Once again, you said "not as crazy as Griffon", but that "I'm rich, you know" one makes the Griffon looks like a 5 slot pouch I can buy in Shaemoor.


I loathe Auras and until I can turn off footprints, I don't want Legendaries.


BUT this isn't about me of course, so once again still for those that do like Auras and Legendaries and Minis and whatever else... need prices. That's all it comes down to after putting a meaningless and pointless grind into the game.


How. Much.


Oh, and just to say. I'm 1,000,000% against this.


Also before I forget, what legendaries, minis, skins, titles can I unlock in Metrica Province? I just want to know. Or Queensdale? Snowden?

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this is a video game only !!! only thing Reputations should mean at the very least is they are a game rank and mean noting other wise at all !! and honestly should not ever be in a video game other wise !!!


what op is suggesting oh to the kitten no!!!!!!! no way no how no matter how you spell it say it just kitten no !!!

any one that thinks Reputations should mean something in this game should go looking for other games !!!

that is not going to fly in this game and never will work !!!!

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> @"WARIORSCHARGEING.2637" said:

> this is a video game only !!! only thing Reputations should mean at the very least is they are a game rank and mean noting other wise at all !! and honestly should not ever be in a video game other wise !!!


> what op is suggesting oh to the kitten no!!!!!!! no way no how no matter how you spell it say it just kitten no !!!

> any one that thinks Reputations should mean something in this game should go looking for other games !!!

> that is not going to fly in this game and never will work !!!!


Who says that reputations mean anything? lul

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> Uhh, I actually think OPs idea is a nice way to bring back relevance to old maps. On the other hand? I just know they won't put in worthwhile rewards. I don't think their team is big enough for it.


Since its next expansion stuff if it get implemented its those expansions maps and maybe the ones going forward.

Anet aint going to update all the core maps and 2 expansions thats up in the clouds thinking.


OP if you want reputation grind I hear wow have a ton of them that may be your cup of tea.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > Ya, Reputations are imo areally good idea for the game going forward which sadly isnt really in the game yet.

> Not sure what this is but, isn't it in the game already known as Karma?


> > The concept of reputations is quite simple, they are another form of masteries but not quite.

> Um... already sounding bad...


> > *The concept:*

> >

> > Reputations are map specific masteries which

> > purpose is to provide a sense of pride and

> > accomp-- no, its to provide long term

> > engagememt to specific maps for rewards.

> And now it's sounding worse than bad...


> > *The way they work:*

> >

> > Basically unlike other masteries they arent

> > made with completion within a few days in

> > mind. They are built with the idea that the

> > player will comeback every day to the map to

> > do the content of said map (if he wants to get

> > the goods in least amount of time).

> We're already kind of forced back to certain maps we might not like for dailies, now you want to force people back to certain maps to grind?


> > *Why not make them normal masteries then?*

> >

> > Because unlike normal masteries where you

> > get exp from matters alot more. Normal

> > masteries are tied to a region, reputations are

> > tied to their specific maps.

> Which makes masteries sound better as it's better to be based on a region than a specific map.

> I like Auric Basin. I already have the least amount of currency in B... well Brink I have a ton because I was stuck there for what felt like a billion years trying to get mastery points for the glider... BUT have the least amount of currency in the others because I just don't like those maps.


> > The main way to get reputation is through the

> > map specific dailies which can be done once

> > and give ALOT of reputation xp.

> The "main" way? That would mean the main way is based on praying that daily for that map even shows up.

> This is sounding more horrid the more I go down.


> > Other than than completing events on that

> > specific map also rewards u with less xp that

> > isnt timegated.

> So I'm now I'm sitting in a place I hate like Dredgehaunt or Tangled Depths or Desolation to farm events for "less xp" reputation.

> This isn't sounding like pride and accomplishment. It's sounding like torture.


> > This would work alongside the maps being

> > rewarding on their own so doing the event

> > shouldnt feel like a chore because "gotta grind

> > them reps"

> But it IS sounding like a chore. It's a chore.


> > To start the reputation u need to talk to a

> > specific Npc for each map.

> Okay... listening...


> > As with many other features of the expansion

> > reputations could be added to living world

> > maps to give them alot more value and keep u

> > busy in the down time.

> Yeah. No. Another map I don't like from Living World is Draconis Mons, Bloodstone Fen, and Istan. I'm getting my value from going to maps I actually like going to, playing, "farming", and whatever.



> You... kind of lost it with some of these suggestions, but I'm listening still.


> > As i said these are long term. U shouldnt

> > expect casually playing the game to have them

> > unlocked the first week. In theory u will prob be

> > able to unlock them in a week or a week and 3

> > days, but thats gonna be a week and 3 days of

> > you playing for 10+ hours on that 1 map.

> And knowing me, those days I have 10+ hours to bloody waste I WOULD try and do that to get it over with as I don't like this kind of grinding for "Reputation" nonsense.

> I would want to get them over and done with as it does not sound like fun.


> > This is more of a thing u would do over the

> > course of a month or so.

> If 10+ hours would get it done in a week... "a month or so" would be let's say 6 weeks. Meaning around 2 hours a day on a single map... that isn't Dragon's Stand and not a map I'm trying to 100% for map completion... yaaaaay?

> Oh, and I guess Silverwastes too as you can be there for about 2 hours if you do the meta twice.


> > *Rewards:*

> This will be good...


> > Each reputation lvl (like mastery lvls) will come

> > with its own set of rewards. For each lvl u will

> > be able to go back to the Npc of which u

> > started the rep from and he will have a tiered

> > shop.

> Still listening. This part sounds "okay", but eh at the same time.


> > U then can go to the tier of which u completed

> > and pick the rewards. (Now the rewads can

> > have a small currency cost to not just be " oh i

> > finished it and i got everything from that tier at

> > once for no gold" but nothing "crazy" like the

> > cost of the griffon ( for early tiers)).

> What currency. Normal copper/silver/gold? Map currency? Unbound/Volitile?

> Also "nothing crazy like the cost of the Griffon". How "crazy" though?

> To have to farm the reputation like this much to even unlock this thing it has to be decent.


> > Ofc higher tiers will come with better things for

> > you to show off with the highest having the

> > best stuff.

> That is the matter of opinion I would have to say. "Better things for you to show off".


> > Rewards can be armor skins, weapon skins,

> > tonics, minis ( idk about these), titles etc.

> > The highest tier id wish it could have mount

> > skins and such, but i dont see that happening

> > so it could have auras and maybe legendary

> > gifts ( for new legendaries if by 2020 we are

> > done with the hot ones and they decide to sell a

> > new set).

> >

> And this already made me not interested.

> The armour/weapon skins sounds nice.


> Tonics, unless I can use the humanoid ones with mounts, I don't want anymore. Already regret getting that Kodan one in Bitterfrost as I thought I could've used it on my Raptor when I got it.


> Minis I have 0 care for, and to buy titles (NOT GOING TO MENTION THE "I'm rich, you know" ONE AS IT'S STILL ACHIEVEMENT RELATED) sound meh to me.

> Will all these titles be achievement based too? how much achievement points? how much the cost? Once again, you said "not as crazy as Griffon", but that "I'm rich, you know" one makes the Griffon looks like a 5 slot pouch I can buy in Shaemoor.


> I loathe Auras and until I can turn off footprints, I don't want Legendaries.


> BUT this isn't about me of course, so once again still for those that do like Auras and Legendaries and Minis and whatever else... need prices. That's all it comes down to after putting a meaningless and pointless grind into the game.


> How. Much.


> Oh, and just to say. I'm 1,000,000% against this.


> Also before I forget, what legendaries, minis, skins, titles can I unlock in Metrica Province? I just want to know. Or Queensdale? Snowden?


Daily quest like the ones the lw maps have. Every lw map has its one daily quest u do t have to "pray" for the right ones.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > Uhh, I actually think OPs idea is a nice way to bring back relevance to old maps. On the other hand? I just know they won't put in worthwhile rewards. I don't think their team is big enough for it.


> Since its next expansion stuff if it get implemented its those expansions maps and maybe the ones going forward.

> Anet aint going to update all the core maps and 2 expansions thats up in the clouds thinking.


> OP if you want reputation grind I hear wow have a ton of them that may be your cup of tea.


The idea is to not leave and go to a diff game. The idea is to implement systems that dont hurt some ppl but give value to others.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> The idea is to not leave and go to a diff game. The idea is to implement systems that dont hurt some ppl but give value to others.


It does hurt people, and feed those who have a problem with the game ( i don't have nothing here to do but still i pretend to have something, even useless as farming reputation ). The moment you realize that you are bored, you should stop for a while and try to realize that


1. You don't have a subscription.

2. You can return whenever you want and be capped and with your previous endgame equipment which still works.

3. If the game has currently nothing more to give, you should simply take a break from it and do something else.



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> @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > The idea is to not leave and go to a diff game. The idea is to implement systems that dont hurt some ppl but give value to others.


> It does hurt people, and feed those who have a problem with the game ( i don't have nothing here to do but still i pretend to have something, even useless as farming reputation ). The moment you realize that you are bored, you should stop for a while and try to realize that


> 1. You don't have a subscription.

> 2. You can return whenever you want and be capped and with your previous endgame equipment which still works.

> 3. If the game has currently nothing more to give, you should simply take a break from it and do something else.




That can say i have never met that mind set. Its like telling me "raids hurt ppl who dont do them while feed those who hate the game" or "masteries hurt ppl who dont like them while also feed ppl who hate the game"


1. Not having a subscription is no reason to keep ppl from suggesting ideas.

2. Id prefer my friends to leave less often if ever to not have to come back more often.

3. The game often has nothing to give after few days of new content be added.

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> A completely unnecessary system considering the fact that the same can already be achieved through map specific currency and adjusting the prices for whatever length of time is desired.


True except pof maps have 1 currency and not really alot if any map specific rewards. Outside of minis that is.

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> @"CptAurellian.9537" said:

> I have yet to see a halfway interesting reputation system that isn't pure, pointless grind.


That would be reputation system that for each milestone would have a quest like some of the ones we got with the griffon or the reforging of caladbolg.

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