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Loot for healers


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Please give credit for healing.


If you're going to make it possible for some classes to be dedicated healers, then please at least distribute the loot. I understand where it may be difficult to say, if player A hits boss, and player B heals player A, then distribute a percentage of the kill to player A. However, when the game knows someone is in combat, give them the some credit for healing other players (treat healing points like damage points).


This really struck me the other day. I was running in WvW with a group, and stuck on a healing/boon class. I hate healing as it is (was just trying to support my guild), but here is the kicker: Some DPS-god in my party kept stepping in red circles (I was breaking out in a sweat trying to keep him alive). I had no time to hit the enemy, as I had to spend all my time healing and sending out boons. After a particularly long battle, this guy cries out "Look, I've got 96 bags from that fight! Woohoo!" I look in my bags, and I've got six. This sucks on so many levels.


In some games, the culture is to pay healers, because the game is so broken, healers don't get loot. In this game, I was given to understand there initially wasn't supposed to be dedicated healers, so am not sure the concept was really addressed or built in. The loot on a healer stinks. If we're going to continue down that horrible holy-trinity path, then at least fix the loot. Please, provide credit for healing others. ...or if there is actually credit (I did get six bags), then crank it up...A LOT.


Thank you.

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You won't like the answer, but even in trinity based games that has been an issue.


If you really want loot, you kill. So do yourself a favor. Let the blind player start learning that red circles are bad.

If they want you to continue to play a healer and you hate it? They better start to pay you in some agreeable fashion. Don't expect anet to make any change any time soon.

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> @"OneYenShort.3189" said:

> You won't like the answer, but even in trinity based games that has been an issue.


> If you really want loot, you kill. So do yourself a favor. Let the blind player start learning that red circles are bad.

> If they want you to continue to play a healer and you hate it? They better start to pay you in some agreeable fashion. Don't expect anet to make any change any time soon.


PSO2 you just have to be in range and you get 100% credit.

Things die way too fast at times that pretty much just being in the area you get the exp and drops.


Only difference of course here is GW2 has a mastery to get autoloot. PSO2 doesn't.

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It's been a while so things might have changed, but when I healed in WoW and was in a group, if the group got a kill, I got credit and loot...no hits required. Some healers would occasionally toss damage spells but I generally just stuck to my healing. Now, if you were open world and playing alone, yeah, you had to get a hit in. But, again, it's been a while and it might be different now.

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Only time I've seen healers given due credit is in FFXIV, in the dungeon roulette thing. And that's not saying they get decent loot or anything (I really wouldn't know/can't remember, plus it's only from my very limited experience), but the group props usually go to them or the tank.


GW2 doesn't have classic trinity. If you're stuck healing someone all the time/a full non-raid session, my advice is even the odds and let them take hits. They'll become a better player for it, if initially a bit sore about it. Make sure you get some damage in yourself, and don't be bogged down in sacrificing yourself like this (in other games, I think you'd be wonderful. Here, unless it's a raid, don't sweat it). Your alternative is you and your guildies taking turns to be healer, if you really need to have such a thing outside of a raid.

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It is easily possible to support and heal while gaining a good amount of loot in WvW. Even the most supportive of builds, the firebrands, which is stuck on their tomes for a big chunk of the fight is able to do so. A well timed Epilogue: Ashes of the Just will not only increase your party damage but also make your allies tag everything for you.

Another thing you need to get used to is to squeeze out as much damage or crowd control as possible even when you are on a support. This will not only improve your own play but also award you with more bags.


That said, they could possibly give us the option to "share" loot with certain players the same way we can share participation if this is such an issue. Would actually make scouting more attractice now that I think about it. Not the worst of ideas, I guess.

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I am fairly sure this mechanic already exist in WvW too, you get assistance cred for heals on people that get kills.


Also, even healbots should have 2000+ power and do some damage. Maybe not *kill* stuff like support tanks but enough to dent them. Ele healbot in particular while in fire does more base damage than some zerker builds due to power scaling.

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I noticed in PvE that participation works just fine for support classes, so it surprises me that they don't get it done in WvW. When I do Octovines with my thief, I only get more than 145% participation if I participate in more than one lane. When I play chrono, I get almost 200% by simply playing one lane. Apparently, the game takes into account how many people received my boons. And I'm doing a lot of dps with my thief, so it's not about that.


In general, I think support classes should get more credit. If you play a hand kiter or tank in raids, you should get more credit than the dps class. You have much more responsibility and it requires more experience and skill. I would even be fine if the dps got 0.5 LI while the support classes get 1 LI per raid kill.

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> 1) That mechanic already exists ... at least for PvE. No idea if they ever applied it to other places.


You get it in WvW, at least when I'm healing on my ele I do.


> 2) There is also the squad shared participation thing ... which IIRC was made for WvW so that thing mentioned in 1) probably didn't get applied.


I think that squad shared participation was added so that scouts on the map could get credit for supporting the main zerg without having to run with them.


They don't get any rewards for kills made by the squad, just reward track participation for objectives captured and so on.

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> @"Ceridwen.6703" said:

> my advice is even the odds and let them take hits. They'll become a better player for it, if initially a bit sore about it. Make sure you get some damage in yourself, and don't be bogged down in sacrificing yourself like this (in other games, I think you'd be wonderful. Here, unless it's a raid, don't sweat it).


You should be able to sneak an AoE for some tags with most of the healing/support builds available. I could see where it might be more difficult if Rev healing, but most other professions have weapon swaps or utilities you can use to attack/debuff.

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Yes please let me get credit for only doing heals that way I can AFK auto heal those AFK players and get loot. /s


Allowing players to get credit for solely doing heals/buffs will create more issues than they solve. If you’re in a party/squad, you only have to hit something once to get credit for loot.

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> @"Faaris.8013" said:

> I noticed in PvE that participation works just fine for support classes, so it surprises me that they don't get it done in WvW. When I do Octovines with my thief, I only get more than 145% participation if I participate in more than one lane. When I play chrono, I get almost 200% by simply playing one lane. Apparently, the game takes into account how many people received my boons. And I'm doing a lot of dps with my thief, so it's not about that.


> In general, I think support classes should get more credit. If you play a hand kiter or tank in raids, you should get more credit than the dps class. You have much more responsibility and it requires more experience and skill. I would even be fine if the dps got 0.5 LI while the support classes get 1 LI per raid kill.


Participation level in meta events is a completely different thing. That is just a matter of how many events you complete that counts for participation and things like bringing supplies for VB.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> PSO2 you just have to be in range and you get 100% credit.

> Things die way too fast at times that pretty much just being in the area you get the exp and drops.

> Only difference of course here is GW2 has a mastery to get autoloot. PSO2 doesn't.

The Japan only game that would/does ban US players. Assuming you are talking Phantasy Star Online 2. Which makes me sad as I was looking forward to that game given I played PSO and PSU.



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> @"OneYenShort.3189" said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > PSO2 you just have to be in range and you get 100% credit.

> > Things die way too fast at times that pretty much just being in the area you get the exp and drops.

> > Only difference of course here is GW2 has a mastery to get autoloot. PSO2 doesn't.

> The Japan only game that would/does ban US players. Assuming you are talking Phantasy Star Online 2. Which makes me sad as I was looking forward to that game given I played PSO and PSU.




The only time I've seen of banning is if someone use a bad exploits or RMTers.

Since I've been on GW2 a lot for the last year or so, my account is perfectly fine with me living in the US.

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