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Finally, is the AFK farm ok or not ?


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> @"YoukiNeko.6047" said:

> > @"Theros.1390" said:

> > Actually, a mate on FR forum recently told us that he got a 1 week ban, because he was simply AFK, in town. He did nothing more than be in town.

> >

> > He sent a ticket, and the support told him that "it doesnt matter where you were, the action of being AFK is forbidden" Was this a mistake from the GM who gave the ban ? Is it really not allowed to stay AFK even for 10 min if our character is in town and cannot loot anything ? Eh, that was weird. :)

> >

> > And also, a whole week is pretty long for an AFK. I thought it was three days for this kind of infraction.

> >

> > Anyway.


> Maybe he was mass reported. (You know, people abusing the system.)

> I've never been banned for AFK. Even when I'm doing it while the meta is going on.


Or maybe your "friend" was talking rubbish and the GM's knew exactly what had transpired and acted accordingly.. ooh I miss those little interventions by Gaile to give us the real low down on what had forced the ban cos you don't get a week ban for that kind of offence, in fact I would rather think its was due to a culmination of "things" or something a little more nefarious, but hey I guess your "friend" just got a bad strike naturally. :)

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> @"dodgerrule.8739" said:

> The real question should be are engineer turret farms ok or not?

Every farm is allowed, as long as people follow the rules. If you are placing turrets (and not having software/hardware do it for you), then sure, of course it's fine.


> @"dodgerrule.8739" said:

> A few years ago engineers were banned for doing so

As phrased, that's inaccurate.


Players were suspended (more than a few) for AFK farming. I'm sure many (perhaps even nearly all) were engineers. However, plenty of other engineers were not suspended and plenty of non-engineers got their own time out.

Again, the only issue is whether the person is playing the game, based on the criteria ANet has laid down. It doesn't matter if it's a bearbow, a turret engie, a minion master, or any other sort of build with a lot of passive abilities. If you are playing (however inattentively), you're okay.


The vast majority of players do not have to worry about it.

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  • 5 months later...

Sorry for reviving old thread, but i still fail to get the point after reading whole conversation.

I see those 3 conditions that are required to be met **ALL together** to get you banned:

**1. Using skill (1 or more) while AFK

2. AFKing in a place where it is beneficial for your character to be at

3. Unresponsive to interaction with GMs**

But rangers and necros dont need to press or hold skill 1 or anything at all. They have durable enough builds to kill mobs while totally AFK.

No macros, no bots, no cheats, no rubbers on keyboard involved. Its just game mechanics allowing them to farm with pet AI.

But if condition #1 is **not the case** - than why afk necro farm is called "not ok"?

The game allows one to gain benefits for an hour and then kicks for being idle. Well, kicking for being away for too long seems legit.

Still necro can go and press "skill 1" once an hour to not get kicked. Mindblowing contradiction.

It's a valid game feature, but using it is "not ok". Im not defending afkers or witch hunters, just want to understand.

If a behavior is considered not legit - than make it not possible in game..

For example, make AFK kicking timer 10-15 mins in PVE - as it is in WvW.


Scenario number 2:

I see a blob of 8 asura chars standing for hours and days and months in certain hot farm area at the very same position.

All 8 chars enter the game at same moment, leave at same moment. They dont ever move, just refresh crazy amount of turrets and kill tons of mobs.

I do believe all 8 accounts belong to 1 man. And he makes **thousands** of gold being afk this way.

Peeps who think afk farming doesnt make significant profit - you are so wrong.

It does make profit when you run 8 accounts and it does affect the health of normal trading.

I dont believe he actively (or even lazy) plays this way on 8 chars at once.

Seems like goldseller pushes tons of gold to RMT market. Even if its not a goldseller, just imagine making thousands of gold doing nothing

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> @"Sinful Mustache.3589" said:

> Sorry for reviving old thread, but i still fail to get the point after reading whole conversation.

> I see those 3 conditions that are required to be met **ALL together** to get you banned:

> **1. Using skill (1 or more) while AFK

> 2. AFKing in a place where it is beneficial for your character to be at

> 3. Unresponsive to interaction with GMs**

> But rangers and necros dont need to press or hold skill 1 or anything at all. They have durable enough builds to kill mobs while totally AFK.

> No macros, no bots, no cheats, no rubbers on keyboard involved. Its just game mechanics allowing them to farm with pet AI.

> But if condition #1 is **not the case** - than why afk necro farm is called "not ok"?


Any farm while AFK is «not ok». The key word is «AFK». If you are in front of your screen when you minions or pet kills stuff, you are obviously not AFK. Using minions or pet is most likely considered «using skill».


> Scenario number 2:

> I see a blob of 8 asura chars standing for hours and days and months in certain hot farm area at the very same position.

> All 8 chars enter the game at same moment, leave at same moment. They dont ever move, just refresh crazy amount of turrets and kill tons of mobs.

> I do believe all 8 accounts belong to 1 man. And he makes **thousands** of gold being afk this way.

> Peeps who think afk farming doesnt make significant profit - you are so wrong.

> It does make profit when you run 8 accounts and it does affect the health of normal trading.

> I dont believe he actively (or even lazy) plays this way on 8 chars at once.

> Seems like goldseller pushes tons of gold to RMT market. Even if its not a goldseller, just imagine making thousands of gold doing nothing


Report them and go do your stuff, you have no way of verifying if they are the same player, and if he/they is/are AFK or not. The only way to check if someone is AFK is #3 «Unresponsive to interaction with GMs».

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The tolerance for the "AFK" term in this game is far too extensive.


If you have turrets placed and you're not doing anything yourself, even if turrets are considered skills (I don't know, I don't have an Engineer) it IS AFK Farm because ANet can't tell for sure if the player is REALLY "watching the fights" (seriously, that was a ridiculous excuse — probably from an AFK'er him/herself). These "players" could be watching a video on YouTube, could be doing some work, eating or worse! Multiboxing just because they can afford multiple accounts and a PC powerful enough to handle simultaneous instances. Every now and then the cheater — yes that's the word — does some alt-tabbing to see if a GM is interacting with him/her.


And the same apply to Minions Reapers. I get deeply sad because my main is a Reaper and do my best to do everything, including money.


I reported some of these "players" during Halloween, Reapers farming while AFK and worse! Macro'ing skills to fire them in predefined intervals. Over the months I reduced drastically the number of reports because, as for an example of Orr's wood cluster, there's a "player" in there that's always in the very same position, I could even say in the very same spot (X/Y/Z coordinates, I mean). I reported him/her several times and once in a while he/she goes away which *could* indicate ANet is doing something about the case. But then again a few days/weeks later he/she's back doing the same thing over and over again, getting extremely rich without doing nothing.

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> @"magnusthorek.8027" said:

> But then again a few days/weeks later he/she's back doing the same thing over and over again, getting extremely rich without doing nothing.

And how, exactly, does this affect your ability to play the game? Don't get me wrong -- I don't like it either, and I don't participate in this kind of farming, but there is nothing gained by players who do this that affects others ability to play the game. So they get more gold? Still doesn't affect one's ability to play the game.


Now, when they camp farmers at heart quests, that affects others ability to play the game (imo), so I would report them and let Anet figure it out.




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> @"magnusthorek.8027" said:

> The tolerance for the "AFK" term in this game is far too extensive.


> If you have turrets placed and you're not doing anything yourself, even if turrets are considered skills (I don't know, I don't have an Engineer) it IS AFK Farm because ANet can't tell for sure if the player is REALLY "watching the fights" (seriously, that was a ridiculous excuse — probably from an AFK'er him/herself). These "players" could be watching a video on YouTube, could be doing some work, eating or worse! Multiboxing just because they can afford multiple accounts and a PC powerful enough to handle simultaneous instances. Every now and then the cheater — yes that's the word — does some alt-tabbing to see if a GM is interacting with him/her.


> And the same apply to Minions Reapers. I get deeply sad because my main is a Reaper and do my best to do everything, including money (despite some allegedly GM's "advice")


> I reported some of these "players" during Halloween, Reapers farming while AFK and worse! Macro'ing skills to fire them in predefined intervals. Over the months I reduced drastically the number of reports because, as for an example of Orr's wood cluster, there's a "player" in there that's always in the very same position, I could even say in the very same spot (X/Y/Z coordinates, I mean). I reported him/her several times and once in a while he/she goes away which *could* indicate ANet is doing something about the case. But then again a few days/weeks later he/she's back doing the same thing over and over again, getting extremely rich without doing nothing.


I do most of this, short of using any macros, and it is not cheating per Anet. I park my necro somewhere where there is something I want to farm and occasionally click on a well to place at my feet while I watch something on my other monitor. Could be I am getting low on butter, so go camp a low level bandit camp for a couple of hours.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> And how, exactly, does this affect your ability to play the game? Don't get me wrong -- I don't like it either, and I don't participate in this kind of farming, but there is nothing gained by players who do this that affects others ability to play the game. So they get more gold? Still doesn't affect one's ability to play the game.


> Now, when they camp farmers at heart quests, that affects others ability to play the game (imo), so I would report them and let Anet figure it out.


This one "player' in particular only makes me angry because cheating is wrong and those who cheat, no matter how, should be warned, suspended and if doing again banned forever. Period. But there was once when I needed some Luminous Dust and, as usual from an occasional farmer, I searched about places where it was easier to farm. Found a wall with incoming Ascalon Ghosts and an engineer was sitting there doing nothing, farming with his turrets. He was online and I'm sure of this, but it's still wrong.


> @"Blanche Neige.7241" said:


> I fail to see how he can become «extremely rich», by killing a couple of earth elementals every minute.

One stack of elder wood Log costs roughly 3.5 G. If someone (like me) decides he/she wants to make the Legendary Longbow Pharus, he/she will need 33 thousand logs. Now do the math for someone with that much wood that, possibly, is also using the not-so-secret TP bots and see the advantage they have over honest players.




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How do you know the person is gone and not logged in at a different time of day? Are you checking there 24/7? When I log in to get the elder wood logs I go to the same spot and log out and log in and do the same routine every time. That does not mean I am a bot or use macro. It’s just how I do stuff. How do you know that person does not do the same?


Ppl need to stop making assumptions cause there is no way to know. Anet has their rules and if the players play by their rules, there’s nothing you can do about it. AFK is not ok. Inattentive play is. You can watch a movie or read a book or do whatever and play your engineer and manually put down turrets. You just have to pay attention to the game. If you have suspicions do report them and move on. Let it go

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> @"magnusthorek.8027" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > And how, exactly, does this affect your ability to play the game? Don't get me wrong -- I don't like it either, and I don't participate in this kind of farming, but there is nothing gained by players who do this that affects others ability to play the game. So they get more gold? Still doesn't affect one's ability to play the game.

> >

> > Now, when they camp farmers at heart quests, that affects others ability to play the game (imo), so I would report them and let Anet figure it out.


> This one "player' in particular only makes me angry because cheating is wrong and those who cheat, no matter how, should be warned, suspended and if doing again banned forever. Period. But there was once when I needed some Luminous Dust and, as usual from an occasional farmer, I searched about places where it was easier to farm. Found a wall with incoming Ascalon Ghosts and an engineer was sitting there doing nothing, farming with his turrets. He was online and I'm sure of this, but it's still wrong.


> > @"Blanche Neige.7241" said:

> >

> > I fail to see how he can become «extremely rich», by killing a couple of earth elementals every minute.

> One stack of elder wood Log costs roughly 3.5 G. If someone (like me) decides he/she wants to make the Legendary Longbow Pharus, he/she will need 33 thousand logs. Now do the math for someone with that much wood that, possibly, is also using the not-so-secret TP bots and see the advantage they have over honest players.





How can it be considered cheating? How do these players "win" GW2? What advantage is gained? Again, understand that I am NOT advocating farming, but I just can't stand the argument that somehow these players are at some advantage or that they somehow are cheating.


Now, if they are truly AFK, then that is against the game's rules and would be considered cheating. When reported, if they don't respond to a GM then they are punished accordingly.

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> @"Hashberry.4510" said:

> This is simple. A game that can't be bothered to police afk farmers is one that is likely to have other sloppy practices. Its a bad look.


They are checked regularly though. They get whispered and teleported and if they do not respond accordingly, action will get made.


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You need to look at the bigger picture with these kinda issues. A few hundred people AFK farming won't change anything major. They might slightly influence material prices but that is about it. No need to panic, let those poor people farm...

However, leaving them entirely unchecked might cause something far worse. There are games (such as Silkroad Online which I am quoting from here) where the majority of players ends up botting multiple characters or heavily buying from the RMT sites as they are pretty much "forced" to do so by ridiculously inflated prices. Any item that keeps you even remotely competitive would take a very long time to acquire by anyone who legitimately plays the game. Who and how this issue started or grew doesn't matter in the end. Everyone simply find themselves in this shitty spot where they are a part of the issue but can't stop unless they wish to sacrafice their own enjoyment.

There were other systems in play such as a very P2W cash shop and having their version of legendary items (only) drop from world mobs at a very low rare. You would run your bot(s) 24/7 for a year without getting more than a drop or two or more often none. None of the items were accountbound on acquire or even use. Making the game a haven for the cash shop / RMT whales.


I am mentioning all of this because it puts things into perspective. Guild Wars 2 is a light year away from being that bad and all but it also shows where things could ago in the end if these issues are ignored as they are deemed to not affect the playerbase at large. Thus we need to talk about the bigger picture and why this needs to be considered or at least talked about.

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