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Mounted/Aerial Combat --- Who wants it?

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I would like to see more combat options to use with our mounts. I don't want this to be open world content (yet), but if it is an area set aside for other, like-minded individuals I'm all for it. By rolling it out in smaller areas, it can be a Beta testing environment for various attacks, defenses, and possibly alternate mounts in the future.

For those who don't have a certain mount, I could see renting a mount for a 24-hour period so a person could try different attacks with differing classes. It may also help some who never wanted the griffon to now see the benefit of one in the open world content.

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> @"Deadly Moonshiner.1354" said:

> Your poll doesn't offer all options. I want mounted fight, I don't want aerial fight (had enough of that in Aion) and I would allow it for all game modes.


Yeah this is the part I was thinking of. If they could make it an instance and give as a skillbar for the mounts. They'd have to change how we dismount but that could be made so you can't dismount or, somehow, put it on the skillbar or use the special action key. The glider in BF seemed like it was gonna open up some really cool options for the future, but then the idea seemed to have fell flat. It's a pity really.

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So I put "only in PvP', but wouldn't mind if it were a Fractal/Raid/Instance Only mechanic either.


Main thing is that aerial combat would either require gliding and/or griffon mount, or make both of those rather null. I find the latter idea to be just bad, and I cannot see ArenaNet going with the former.


So I would disagree with the idea of aerial (or mounted) combat in a form of "available in open world / available regularly" situation. As a "map gimmick" or something, however, I can see.


I think the most we'll get out of aerial combat would be cases like the gliding skills from Bloodstone Fen being given the Lake Doric treatment (becomes available upon touching a ley line should one be trained in such). But I cannot see that happening without a big balance patch to core HoT areas and/or perhaps a mastery rebalance pass.


On the topic of mount combat, or really mount requirement for anything, I don't think such would occur as common/mandatory content for anything but Raptor, Skimmer, and Springer (due to the three being required in PoF storyline, so they're expected for players to get).

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Aerial combat would face the same issues as under water combat. To be honest, the way underwater combat is now, means it was a waste of development time before the game lauched. I hope Arenanet learned from that mistake.


However.....an Aerial activity would be totally awesome. Maybe do something with a ball, that needs to be used to be thrown to one of three enemy hoops defended by a single player. Also two players with badges to launch very heavy balls that throw you off a mount and a very tiny golden magic balls that hides, which is worth 150 points when caught and would end the match (although there might be some coypright issues if Arenanet would go for the exact plan)

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Oddly, I'd never found the aerial combat in Aion to be bad. I stopped playing it because the gameplay was boring.


I'm not convinced it's possible to make aerial combat in GW2 good without making the game needlessly complex. I am a big fan of aerial combat when it's done well, but I have a feeling this would end up like an unfortunately misguided minigame.

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