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the game is at its worst since release


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no idea whats going through your heads arena net, i don't play gw2 as main game but i've played it since release more or less and i've seen it in all its different patches (and the best one was the patch before heart of thorns)


path of fire is the biggest bs i've ever seen, hell you're even giving bad games a run for their money with how bad path of fire is - every spec is incredibly overpowered filled with ranged insta cast abilities that have incredibly strong effects and the old specs are completely useless?


i'm not even complaining about damage or anything, i'm complaining about how a necro can press one button and get insta cast 8 conditions from 10 meters away and here i am trying to play a core condi necro and random scepter skills have 1 sec animation lock lul, then there's holo which is also a joke since everything hits the entire screen and is also an insta cast ability cus why not


not only are the new specs overpowered but they're also braindead and you're falling for the pattern of "just add more of whatever is op" which is what other games do too, look at pof - warriors get insta cast dmg ability, holo, necro gets insta cast stuff, btw whats the point of having the ability to make 300 builds if 297 of them arent viable at all? normally i play stuff thats somewhat good vs scourges but whenever i start trying new builds the game is completely and utterly unplayable, you literally can't do shit to a scourge in close range so that already kills most of the other potential builds, not to mention you can't play any condi build vs scourge either cus why would you bother with something so inferior in the first place? (same with mirage btw, it's just as overpowered)


everyone spamming invulnerability and also insta casts and then theres also classes with perma heal spam too cus why not, look at all the meta builds its iframe damage or insta casts cus nothing else stands a chance - why bother having so many skills in your game if they're utter garbage compared to the newer ones?


there are too many things that arent worth at all because the new shit is just too overpowered



and then there's the ranking system which is a complete and utter joke, soloq ranking in a team game based around objective literally does nothing to show player skill, i had over 1.7k after my placement games then i signed at night which apparently is a taboo thing to do cus at night i get matched with bunch of silver people that are uncarriable even if you get 40% team damage with least (or zero) deaths so i actually went sub 50% win rate, then at day my elo goes up high again and at night it plummets down and at this point i dont even care any more im just even testing builds in ranked cus i get matched with some people that are so bad that i'm more useful than them even with builds ive never played in my life


no seriously the ranked system is incredibly outdated and bad, the teams are hardly ever equal and the elo doesn't do jack shi to represent player skill at this point cus it can be easily manipulated and in the end it's still a team objective based game, heard even faker from league was having trouble getting into masters and then there was the part where c9's top laner was stuck in D2 for a while or something and they made jokes out of it, objective based TEAM games with soloq and rating are a joke and the best part is that you have some kids taking pride in it


anyway i wanna play different classes or builds but they are complete garbage compared to others and thus they're not fun to play, you need to balance the game and by that i don't mean for you to reduce the damage numbers (or increase) , i mean re-adjust the casting speed and animations of different skills and make the game feel more fluid and responsive (tfw you get 3 sec cd cus a guy walked behind you and you tried to use a skill that doesnt turn you around lol how 2012 is that) and reduce the number of conditions that some of the newer specs can get with insta cast abilities cus that shit has no counterplay - look at old gw2 the only skill that threw 100 conditions at you was necro's signet of spite and that has cast time and huge cooldown,.. right.. and rework the amount of condi removals and potential different builds that classes have- i dont really see this game having a future the way it currently is



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1) Don’t like the new specializations because they have balance issues but especially don’t think scourge, holo, firebrand are balanced due to high condi/dps/heal-sustain.


2) Really don’t like match-making and/or having to play with other people who don’t always play as well or how they should be playing.


3) Off-meta builds should be more viable.


4) “Back when I was a young-in things were better and we should go back to the way things were.”

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To fix counterplay all vs all they need to rethink whole concept. Just for example charge vs cc (resist should not work vs cc (blind and immobility for example), only damage conditions). Heavy damage = slow animation, longer cooldowns. Punish for mistakes. Remove auto-(immune/break/etc) abilities. Etc etc... I don't see how they can balance it now. Tuning damage numbers will not help.

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The guy who made this thread is my spirit animal!


I play power core necro, and only thing worse for your winrate i can imagine is his choice (condi core).

He may be angry, but for a good reason. A lot of what he says is the pure, unexaggerated truth.

PoF specs often blow HoT ones (let alone core professions) out of the water, rather then being an alternative in spvp. Scourge being primary example.

Exactly as he pointed out it's worse - it's not only killing core and reaper, but unlike them, it lacks build variety and it's the "same, same and more of same" to watch.

Scourge is all about F1-F5 skills + trail of anguish....and occasionally rest of his kit, while reaper and core have some real build and choices. Or would have in spvp wasn't such a meta/scourge slaughterfest.


Everything is indeed about insta casts, i-frames (which necros don't have), and overspam of condies/boons rather then making critical decisions when to apply a given condi or use a cleanse.


And let's not forget how necros are shafted amulet-wise. Because everyone gets I-frames (but necro), bunker amulets are out, but that's exactly how necro is supposed to defend himself - with high defense stats, augumented by our skills (protection, shroud etc). We don't get a free pass outta enemy burst like others do.


And let's not forget the most "overpowered" part of it all - as **the** profession with longest skill casts, it's only natural that we necros get 2nd worst access to stability to see our skills actually go through....


/end rant.

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LamerNet happened, they made a game for pve and lamers mostly, dev's ideals arent that good as well.


Overal gw2 is mmo for noobs, and btw it is amazing how playes say "this game has no armor progression it is amazing"... while buying new elite specs is mostly where the forced class progressions is... mostly a lie and a maketing placebo to make players forced to buy new lame specs.

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> @"MarshallLaw.9260" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > Overal gw2 is mmo for noobs


> So, do you like, play this game or something?




> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> @incisorr.9502


> LamerNet happened, they made a game for pve and lamers mostly, dev's ideals arent that good as well.


> Overal gw2 is mmo for noobs, and btw it is amazing how playes say "this game has no armor progression it is amazing"... while buying new elite specs is mostly where the forced class progressions is... mostly a lie and a maketing placebo to make players forced to buy new lame specs.


Well you know they are true. A zerker gear of core GW2 will still be relevant in PoF. You don't even need ascended gear. But you tell me now, could players in GW1 only rely on skills released in prophecies to play the content released in eye of the north ?

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> @"flog.3485" said:

> > @"MarshallLaw.9260" said:

> > > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > Overal gw2 is mmo for noobs

> >

> > So, do you like, play this game or something?

> >

> >


> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @incisorr.9502

> >

> > LamerNet happened, they made a game for pve and lamers mostly, dev's ideals arent that good as well.

> >

> > Overal gw2 is mmo for noobs, and btw it is amazing how playes say "this game has no armor progression it is amazing"... while buying new elite specs is mostly where the forced class progressions is... mostly a lie and a maketing placebo to make players forced to buy new lame specs.


> Well you know they are true. A zerker gear of core GW2 will still be relevant in PoF. You don't even need ascended gear. But you tell me now, could players in GW1 only rely on skills released in prophecies to play the content released in eye of the north ?


Ill try to respond to that, sorry if english will sound borked or confuse >_>"


It is a good question, still the issue is not the same has it migh look that logic of thinking can be used, but since classes were designed difrently, u cant aply that logic(question) to gw2 design.


Gw1 had a lot of team work envolved and some weapon mechanics required understanding from players side(with a low learning curve) when using them, u dont have that in gw2, and teamwork is something that Anet in gw2 atached to a player alone, everytime a expansion is realeased and GAP of damage output increases alot, that did not happened in GW1, Gw2 classes are poorly design to make player feel strong and be carried with gimmicks, while on gw1 gimmicks were played by decent teams, if they werent good even that gimmick would come a disaster even against somothing that would be countered by such gimmick or gameplay strategie.


TDLR: So, i believe it would be possible to just play the gw1 game with vanilla stuf,, lot of vanilla skill were being used in HM(besides the pve only skills for mor easy metas) and GvG, mostly the news classes like assassin rt and dervish were the new aditions to the game, and still other classes tend to run hybrid to more core skills builds with just a few from newer expantions, cause it was more a game towards teamplay rather than search power creep momentum trough condi spam or direct damage like gw2 is.


A night fall warrior wasnt totally build with night fall skills, same aplies to other core classes.

On gw2 if u want the low effort gameplay u need to keep buying the class "evolution", i dont know wich system is bad, the one that enforces you to upgrade armor or the one that makes your gameplay completelly useless since the developers gave access to more spam or more damage output, more classes that sacrifice less withitng thr next expantion...


One system is old and feels outdated, and the other system sounds like dev's only care about €€$$$$ only.

Just compared this game with older GW game or other mmo's it is a complete empty botle, in skill gameplay, mehcanics... rewards and some gamemodes content look and feel a mess..

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"flog.3485" said:

> > > @"MarshallLaw.9260" said:

> > > > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > > Overal gw2 is mmo for noobs

> > >

> > > So, do you like, play this game or something?

> > >

> > >

> >

> > > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > @incisorr.9502

> > >

> > > LamerNet happened, they made a game for pve and lamers mostly, dev's ideals arent that good as well.

> > >

> > > Overal gw2 is mmo for noobs, and btw it is amazing how playes say "this game has no armor progression it is amazing"... while buying new elite specs is mostly where the forced class progressions is... mostly a lie and a maketing placebo to make players forced to buy new lame specs.

> >

> > Well you know they are true. A zerker gear of core GW2 will still be relevant in PoF. You don't even need ascended gear. But you tell me now, could players in GW1 only rely on skills released in prophecies to play the content released in eye of the north ?


> Ill try to respond to that, sorry if english will sound borked or confuse >_>"


> It is a good question, still the issue is not the same has it migh look that logic of thinking can be used, but since classes were designed difrently, u cant aply that logic(question) to gw2 design.


> Gw1 had a lot of team work envolved and some weapon mechanics required understanding from players side(with a low learning curve) when using them, u dont have that in gw2, and teamwork is something that Anet in gw2 atached to a player alone, everytime a expansion is realeased and GAP of damage output increases alot, that did not happened in GW1, Gw2 classes are poorly design to make player feel strong and be carried with gimmicks, while on gw1 gimmicks were played by decent teams, if they werent good even that gimmick would come a disaster even against somothing that would be countered by such gimmick or gameplay strategie.


> TDLR: So, i believe it would be possible to just play the gw1 game with vanilla stuf,, lot of vanilla skill were being used in HM(besides the pve only skills for mor easy metas) and GvG, mostly the news classes like assassin rt and dervish were the new aditions to the game, and still other classes tend to run hybrid to more core skills builds with just a few from newer expantions, cause it was more a game towards teamplay rather than search power creep momentum trough condi spam or direct damage like gw2 is.


> A night fall warrior wasnt totally build with night fall skills, same aplies to other core classes.

> On gw2 if u want the low effort gameplay u need to keep buying the class "evolution", i dont know wich system is bad, the one that enforces you to upgrade armor or the one that makes your gameplay completelly useless since the developers gave access to more spam or more damage output, more classes that sacrifice less withitng thr next expantion...


> One system is old and feels outdated, and the other system sounds like dev's only care about €€$$$$ only.

> Just compared this game with older GW game or other mmo's it is a complete empty botle, in skill gameplay, mehcanics... rewards and some gamemodes content look and feel a mess..



A core thief is better than a DP thief with the current balance. And a mirage is not only build with mirage skills also as far as I know. If you wanted to play a prot monk in GW1 there is no way you would be able to play this sort of build without a proper meta elite skill called zealous benediction gated behind nightfallfor example.


When I played pure prophecy warrior in GW1 when I did not yet purchase the latest expansion released Eye of the north, with hammer, I started to feel competitive only when I had access to the skill that allowed you to have an unblockable first knockdown against a target under the effect of an enchantment. Because guess what, the game released a lot of new strong enchantments that pretty much made it kind of necessary to run this particular elite skill if you wanted to play with a hammer.

When I played axe warrior, the devs at some point reduced the duration of "for great justice", which pretty much made it necessary to first stack adrenaline with a spear, gated behind nightfall and the release of the paragon, if I recall correctly.

As for playing with sword, well I pretty much don't recall any decent build nor did I see anyone being competitive without a hammer or axe build. Please correct me if I am wrong on that point.


As for the spammy nature of builds, may I remind you that a ranger touch necro was spamming life stealing skills, that a ritualist could spam spirits that could interrupt and knock down targets, that ranger interrupt would just load up his skill bar with interrupting skills with, once again, one unblockable interrupt skill released with eye of the north ? Or I could talk about the Paragon spam dazing burst that used a warrior stance that you could permanently renew to attack 33% faster ?


The only big difference between GW1 and GW2 is the lack of a energy bar to handle. But now that I think of the spam of blinding surge from eles, I don't think it is such a big deal.


GW1 also relied on money. These were called stand alone campaigns and further ahead eye of the north to give skills that made professions stronger as well. They had a better overall balance, true, but they better had it better because besides the expected festivals I did not recall many free update of any kind except for the balance patches.


People complain confusion being too strong and they say they will change how confusion acts. And they also announce some WvW/PvP splits on top of that. You can blame them for the patches being slow but the thing is, compared to to GW1, the difference in content update releases is like night and day between the two game. And if they stick to a game without subs, I don't see them releasing updates just for the sake of balance patches because in today's gaming environment it is just unreliable unless of course they decide to completely shut down everything related to PvE content, which is certainly not a path they have ever considered viable, even in GW1.

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@flog.3485, al true, but the way gw2 is made to make something that required some teamplay or effort needs to be easy for the most dull of a player... made the gamaplay so dumbly easy towadrs giving alot to players so they feel strong rather than be them makign the classes and gameplay stronger...


In terms of content being faster than Gw1, imo i dont care much Anet already killed my interest for any kind of pve in this game :\

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> @"flog.3485" said:

> > @"MarshallLaw.9260" said:

> > > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > Overal gw2 is mmo for noobs

> >

> > So, do you like, play this game or something?

> >

> >


> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @incisorr.9502

> >

> > LamerNet happened, they made a game for pve and lamers mostly, dev's ideals arent that good as well.

> >

> > Overal gw2 is mmo for noobs, and btw it is amazing how playes say "this game has no armor progression it is amazing"... while buying new elite specs is mostly where the forced class progressions is... mostly a lie and a maketing placebo to make players forced to buy new lame specs.


> Well you know they are true. A zerker gear of core GW2 will still be relevant in PoF. You don't even need ascended gear. But you tell me now, could players in GW1 only rely on skills released in prophecies to play the content released in eye of the north ?


Well, as to that last question, yes. I play GW1 fairly regularly. A pure Prophecies character would cut out some of the most interesting skills, but you could play Eye of the North,( or any of the other expansions,) with it, successfully.


Sadly, that's not as true with HoT and PoF.. but I have played core characters in Magumma and Elona.

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> Well, as to that last question, yes. I play GW1 fairly regularly. A pure Prophecies character would cut out some of the most interesting skills, but you could play Eye of the North,( or any of the other expansions,) with it, successfully.


> Sadly, that's not as true with HoT and PoF.. but I have played core characters in Magumma and Elona.


Well I was more speaking of GW1 PvP here. But please, tell me as well, did you entire team only rely on Prophecies skills ? The fact that you now relies more on heroes to play GW1 pretty much invalidates your point.

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  • 10 months later...



a year old thread -

they nerfed condition all over the place by reducing duration, stacks, how it works (confusion) etc which is a step in the right direction cause back then things were bad but for some reason they decided to buff power all over the place on top of nerfing condition and now we're living in a meta that might be even worse than before.


tfw a core guard playing like garbage and using his judge and hammer 2 on a dodge roll cus he was obvious but then he just uses a insta cast smite condition (no animation skill) and procs glacial heart off of it and does 18k damage anyway with just the smite condi and glacial heart proc

xD sKiLl xD

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I played the game from the beta too and almost only pvp.

Everything you are writing is completly true.


But the past 4years or so, I posted like 4 threads that addressed basically the same core issues and there were alot of other people who did the same.

Anet doesn´t react at all. Anet didn´t bother s** about pvp from the start and thats just how it is and probably will be.


It rly fc**s me up to see Anet responing to random posts, marginal issus, sensitivitiys, but I never saw them respone ONCE to a thread like this one, what rly tries to address core issues. Not ONCE.


It´s very clear for me that Anet doesn´t bother about the pvp community at all and they are probaly only trieing to get as much cash out of the causals and pve players as possible at this point.


Good post.


I also think the core issue with the matchmaking is the same, the combat and how it is only a spam today.

When I played the game the first 2 years I felt the impact that I was having and not just because I played OP shit, I multiclassed. Todady there is NOTHNIG left of that game and combat.

It is just spammy and there is no considerable carry potential, no impact.

Logically. If you have a spamy-combat like today, with such low difference in skill, how should the algorymth know more about our skill if the combat doesn´t show.


I watched streams of healseth and other good players and this 50% winrate reality is totally the same they are having. Even when they are rly just playing perfectly fine.

You just need to play meta. I think there is no considerable difference between a average player and a pro in game reality anymore. (well, of hard noobs and pros probably)


Good post.

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With any luck, the GW2 playerbase will lose interest and abandon the PvP mode. This will force the game devs to show their true colors. Will they try to fix the core problems or give up on half their game because it doesn't have E-sports potential. Which, sorry to be honest with you Arenanet, IT NEVER HAD THAT POTENTIAL.


Look at any game that is popular on Twitch: They are easy to understand at a glance, the screen clutter is minimal and it looks FUN to play. Hearthstone has flashy animations and is EASY TO UNDERSTAND. Fortnite, like it or hate it, has a nice visual style that is easy on the eyes and IS EASY TO UNDERSTAND. See a pattern yet? Let me go further! Street Fighter and Smash Brothers have pleasing art styles and ARE EASY TO UNDERSTAND. DO YOU GET IT YET? *Beats you over the head with a brick* HOW ABOUT NOW!?


Guild Wars 2, as a game, is a cluttered mess. Skills are too flashy and blind the players. Take a look at ANY PvP fight. The skills make the ground impossible to see, characters are glowing beacons of blinding light and it sounds like an entire silverware set has been thrown into a blender. The buff and debuff bars explode when players so much as LOOK at each other. It isn't visually pleasing to the eyes, is hard to understand for people who haven't put at least 10 hours into each of the 9 classes at maximum level and is based around the most boring PvP objective I have seen to date: Capture the Hill. Why is this a problem? It encourages bunker builds that never die, or builds so absurd that they DESTROY players in seconds.


There is no capture the flag. There is no deathmatch. There is no specialty mode like spawning in with random skills and weapons when you die. NOTHING LIKE THIS. Why? It would reveal the gaping hole in your horribly flawed combat system. The balance is a joke. It has been since day 1! If deathmatch was a mode, people would play less than HALF OF THE CLASSES IN THIS GAME. Some are so absurdly good at killing players, especially in team situations, that they have become mandatory staples in the current PvP mode. That's a problem.


So your game isn't fun to look at, isn't easy to understand from a spectator's perspective and is horribly stilted by the PvE. What DOES Guild Wars 2 have going for it? In terms of PvP? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. The current system is so janky that it only appeals to an incredibly small range of players. Namely, the players who enjoy breaking systems and exploiting obvious balance problems for free wins. Axe on a power necro doing 15 THOUSAND damage with the single push of a button at range, completely unavoidable because the damage SPAWNS INSIDE OF YOU? Sure. That seems fun and fair to die to! What about dying INSTANTLY to a shatter mesmer emerging from stealth while you're fighting another player and don't react in the 500 ms window before you take 30 THOUSAND damage? Also fun to die to! Fun builds are discouraged because they are incredibly weak, leaving each Elite and class to have EXACTLY one way to play them. You see their class elite icon, you know exactly what to expect. There is no deviation. Because there can't be! Your system DOES NOT ALLOW FOR IT.

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