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WvW will we ever get mounts and what mounts should we see and not see?


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Mounts are not the only conveyance. How about a system of zip lines with mastery track. How about the tubes that shoot you like a cannonball? Maybe the zip lines could be like siege, where you have to buy them, and install them, and they can be damaged or torn down, or just fall apart in whatever lifetime seems appropriate. That would open the world up to mission impossible type invasions, especially if we had hand lines and grappling hooks. O.o, you could even buy modified grappling hooks from TP. I can see it all now, Bent tire iron 2 silver; iron pick 10 silver; titanium pick good for 10 uses at least 1g; 3 prong unbreakable pick guaranteed to set on first throw 5g. The tubes could limit large incursions by only firing once ever 3 seconds or so. That way, the Mesmer would be first in, and drop portals just like now. I don't know, just thinking out loud, haven't really fleshed the whole idea out. Jumping mushrooms, and speedy mushrooms would be a nice add.

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I want 3 arguments for and 3 arguments against having a mount.

I am on a side that is against having them.


1. Balance problems.

They do not have a place in WvW. Maps are small, mobility is a very strong asset and this would be problematic. It would be even worse if mounts were to be allowed to have their skills. Also, P2W if you don't have the expansion or you didn't unlock them.


2. FPS problems.

The more you add, the more problems you get. Sometimes I can't even load my mount's look in LA, imagine it in WvW, it would kill all the performance, and the "downloading" of the textures would not look nice at all


3. Their addition would not add anything to better the WvW. We don't need them at all. The only reason some want them is that they like their mounts, it is purely for a selfish reason to show off and have fun riding around the map.

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mounts would change so many things. For example why would we need rams and catapults if we could just jump over the walls? At the same time it would be a small revolution if we think about fights - time required to regroup would decrese significantly. Also thief roamers wouldn't be able to jump from the stealth to other players if they got speed bonus from raptors... To make mounts work they would need to bring whole new map with different size and ideas with capture points. And i'm sure that we all remember how fun it was when desert map was introduced ;-)

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> @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> Agreed with the disabling abilities of mounts, I'm having a hard time imaging how wvw would work if the bunny-jump or griffon flying was allowed. On the other hand, it might actually would have made it more fun fighting against T3 smc and keeps... And I do love the idea of roaming small group on a raptor-pack.


> So yeah, I do think the best solution I've seen so far is to keep just the passive speed advantage, equal it to the shrine bonus somehow (so those without mount can also get similar), and perhaps limit it to Desert to begin with to see how it works first?


> That said, even while disabling the special abilities of each mount, there is something to be said about the extra "dismount jump", I'm sure someone would find some way to exploit that to get in somewhere they shouldn't...


Even if they add only the raptor, I already know that I can get inside Anzalias, Ogrewatch, Quentin, Klovan, Osprey Palace and Blistering Undercroft with a simple Raptor Jump. And I'm not even counting conditional objectives like Veloka if I own Overlook.

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> @"Jeknar.6184" said:

> > @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> > Agreed with the disabling abilities of mounts, I'm having a hard time imaging how wvw would work if the bunny-jump or griffon flying was allowed. On the other hand, it might actually would have made it more fun fighting against T3 smc and keeps... And I do love the idea of roaming small group on a raptor-pack.

> >

> > So yeah, I do think the best solution I've seen so far is to keep just the passive speed advantage, equal it to the shrine bonus somehow (so those without mount can also get similar), and perhaps limit it to Desert to begin with to see how it works first?

> >

> > That said, even while disabling the special abilities of each mount, there is something to be said about the extra "dismount jump", I'm sure someone would find some way to exploit that to get in somewhere they shouldn't...


> Even if they add only the raptor, I already know that I can get inside Anzalias, Ogrewatch, Quentin, Klovan, Osprey Palace and Blistering Undercroft with a simple Raptor Jump. And I'm not even counting conditional objectives like Veloka if I own Overlook.


Yup, which is why I specified disabling ALL mounts special abilities (mobility) and all Dismount attacks. At this point it would be a glorified shrine swift.


The part I mentioned at the end, is if you're mounted, and then use the dismount button (not the dismount action), you're actually jumped a little bit higher than a normal jump. And I'm sure someone would find some creative use of even THAT to get in somewhere they shouldn't.

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Maybe if there is a 3rd map where it's the only place for mounts, then I would be OK with it. We've needed a 3rd and very different map for awhile. Alternatively, mounts in EoTM with bubbles over the keeps/towers to prevent the obvious flying in, might not be bad. Griffons would be amazing there, and since it doesn't affect war score, it would make the mount lovers happy, and the hard-core WvW'ers wouldn't care.


Mounts on all maps? I truly hope not. I think game play tactics would become very limited and boring. No need to consider builds when the main strategy is speed across map on beetle (or raptor or griffon in red bl) and then be the first to bunny-bomb the enemy zerg. Bunny bombs would be entertaining for about an hour, then the PvE players would go back to whatever part of PvE keeps them happy, and I would be left itching for real WvW.

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > @"Thanathos.2063" said:

> > I'm pretty sure that this would lead to unwanted effects, like whole zergs jumping in 30 secs from one end of the map to the other...


> Only if they already own a big chunk of the map but it would definitely skew things in favor of defending.


Almost right, it would skew things in favor _of the already dominant side_.

The blob is king.



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> @"Ronin.9376" said:

> > @"Blockhead Magee.3092" said:

> > > @"Ronin.9376" said:

> > > > @"Blockhead Magee.3092" said:

> > > > I don't like mounts in PVE, I sure the heck wouldn't like them in WvW

> > >

> > > I love mounts don't just come here to say you no like where you creativity

> >

> > Liking or disliking mounts has nothing to do with creativity.

> >

> > Putting in mounts to increase speed just means that the 50 man zerg can catch up and run down the 10 man one faster than it could before.


> your not thinking out side the box


Its a video game, mostly casual, dont need to think like that all day?

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> @"Ronin.9376" said:

> > @"Blockhead Magee.3092" said:

> > > @"Ronin.9376" said:

> > > > @"Blockhead Magee.3092" said:

> > > > I don't like mounts in PVE, I sure the heck wouldn't like them in WvW

> > >

> > > I love mounts don't just come here to say you no like where you creativity

> >

> > Liking or disliking mounts has nothing to do with creativity.

> >

> > Putting in mounts to increase speed just means that the 50 man zerg can catch up and run down the 10 man one faster than it could before.


> your not thinking out side the box


He's thinking accurately on how it will be. Zerg chasing randoms, slow zerglings fall behind and get out of combat then mount and proceed to catch up the small group who can't get ooc because of the faster zerglings. So YOU think outside the box and tell me how to fix this?


Mounts will greatly benefit the larger force and the most dominant server.

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