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Map Completion Options

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How many of you are like me and have all the Transmutation Charges you'll ever need?

They are common drops in terms of what you have to do to acquire them.

I would like to make one change: give people the option of a Transmutation Charge or Black Lion Key on map completion.

Right now you get either a Charge or a Key, you have no option which one. I suggest giving players the option of one or the other.

Map completion is a slow process so it shouldn't unbalance the number of "free" keys in the system.

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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> How many of you are like me and have all the Transmutation Charges you'll ever need?

> They are common drops in terms of what you have to do to acquire them.

> I would like to make one change: give people the option of a Transmutation Charge or Black Lion Key on map completion.

> Right now you get either a Charge or a Key, you have no option which one. I suggest giving players the option of one or the other.

> Map completion is a slow process so it shouldn't unbalance the number of "free" keys in the system.


If BL keys were guaranteed, more people would do map completion and more keys would be generated. It will change the balance of "free" keys in the system.


I know we all like getting more today for the same effort we did yesterday. It's just not likely that it benefits the game overall.



The thing about transmutation charges is that... those who use them run out quickly. And those who don't... always think they have too much. There is no realistic way to balance it so that everyone gets about the amount they need or want. Having too fee means you spend on the TP for more. Having too many means... you can experiment, because you don't have to worry about trying a skin and changing your mind. It means being able to "store in wardrobe" all consumable skins, saving you space.

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> @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> I have 0 keys and about 160ish Black Lion Chests. Guess which of the two I could use more of?


Having completed everything for the Griffon collections except for the parts I needed to buy I needed to generate more gold than I had on hand so I started to burn down my inventory. Think I had a stack of 60 chests gathering dust. Sold off 50 of them on the TP for a quick 1.2g. :3

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> @"Hypatia.3160" said:

> > @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> > I have 0 keys and about 160ish Black Lion Chests. Guess which of the two I could use more of?


> Having completed everything for the Griffon collections except for the parts I needed to buy I needed to generate more gold than I had on hand so I started to burn down my inventory. Think I had a stack of 60 chests gathering dust. Sold off 50 of them on the TP for a quick 1.2g. :3


Oh yes, I've sold off full stacks of Black Lion Chests before. It's really the only thing to do with them other than destroy them. There's no way I'll _ever_ buy 250 keys.

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According to the gem store Black Lion Keys are worth about 4 times more than Transmutation charges: 1 key costs 125 gems, whereas 5 charges costs 150 gems (so 30 gems each). According to the drop rate research on the Wiki map completion has a 77% chance of giving a transmutation charge and a 23% chance of giving a black lion key. That's pretty close to a 1 in 4 chance of getting a key, meaning it matches the value from the gem store.


It's highly unlikely they're going to let you choose and therefore get the 4x as valuable drop 100% of the time. At best they might change it so instead of a charge or a key you get a token and you can trade 1 token for a transmutation charge or 4 for a key.


I wouldn't mind that, but I suspect a lot of people would resent having another item to store if they don't want to choose immediately.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > How many of you are like me and have all the Transmutation Charges you'll ever need?

> > They are common drops in terms of what you have to do to acquire them.

> > I would like to make one change: give people the option of a Transmutation Charge or Black Lion Key on map completion.

> > Right now you get either a Charge or a Key, you have no option which one. I suggest giving players the option of one or the other.

> > Map completion is a slow process so it shouldn't unbalance the number of "free" keys in the system.


> If BL keys were guaranteed, more people would do map completion and more keys would be generated. It will change the balance of "free" keys in the system.


> I know we all like getting more today for the same effort we did yesterday. It's just not likely that it benefits the game overall.


> ****

> The thing about transmutation charges is that... those who use them run out quickly. And those who don't... always think they have too much. There is no realistic way to balance it so that everyone gets about the amount they need or want. Having too fee means you spend on the TP for more. Having too many means... you can experiment, because you don't have to worry about trying a skin and changing your mind. It means being able to "store in wardrobe" all consumable skins, saving you space.


Having over 500 of them is too much.


Guaranteed keys will never happen, but they could throw some other stuff in the mix.

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> Random idea.

> Since you get a mail from the cartographers, how is the idea we made a cartographer guild in LA where you can exchange map currency.

> Every full map exploration gives you a token, which can be used to buy rewards.

> For example, 10 tokens for 1 BLkey


So, go from having a 1-in-4 chance of a key on every map, or change to a guaranteed key after ten maps? (Meaning, guarantee of nothing for 9 maps?)


Not broken, don't fix. I cuss a little when I get a transmutation charge then start the next map with high hopes. I like it that way.

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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> How many of you are like me and have all the Transmutation Charges you'll ever need?

> They are common drops in terms of what you have to do to acquire them.

> I would like to make one change: give people the option of a Transmutation Charge or Black Lion Key on map completion.

> Right now you get either a Charge or a Key, you have no option which one. I suggest giving players the option of one or the other.

> Map completion is a slow process so it shouldn't unbalance the number of "free" keys in the system.


I'd love to see this change, but there's a reason that the keys are a 25% drop rate. Anet needs to keep money flowing in through key sales.

That said, I like this idea. Unfortunately it's more likely that Anet will remove the keys as map drops all together. At which point, for me, world completion becomes pointless.

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> Random idea.

> Since you get a mail from the cartographers, how is the idea we made a cartographer guild in LA where you can exchange map currency.

> Every full map exploration gives you a token, which can be used to buy rewards.

> For example, 10 tokens for 1 BLkey


Short answer: No

Long answer: Heck no thank you sir/ma'am/pronoun of choice.

4 tokens for 1 BLKey, sure, but 10 for 1 would be a huge drop in the number of keys I get through the current system.

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> @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> Having over 500 of them is too much.

Right, because you play content that generates them like candy and don't change wardrobe often. I, too, have more than I need.


However, I know people who blow through 50-60 charges in a month and would use more if they dropped more often (for them). There's never going to be any way to set things up so that wardrobaholics have "enough" and "one look is fine for life" players don't have too many.


> Guaranteed keys will never happen, but they could throw some other stuff in the mix.

They could, but I doubt they will. Anything that they add would dilute how many charges drop (annoying the group that already thinks they have too few) and allowing us to trade charges that we find value-less would undermine something else in the gem shop.


I'd be very happy if I got fewer xmute charges or was able to trade them for something else. In the meantime, I simply use the ones I have without worrying too much about hoarding them (and I'm thankful for the fact that they have been turned into currency and no longer take up room in inventory).


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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > Random idea.

> > Since you get a mail from the cartographers, how is the idea we made a cartographer guild in LA where you can exchange map currency.

> > Every full map exploration gives you a token, which can be used to buy rewards.

> > For example, 10 tokens for 1 BLkey


> So, go from having a 1-in-4 chance of a key on every map, or change to a guaranteed key after ten maps? (Meaning, guarantee of nothing for 9 maps?)


> Not broken, don't fix. I cuss a little when I get a transmutation charge then start the next map with high hopes. I like it that way.


No, just keep the old table, skew the odds a little, make it 1 in 6 or something.. or 1 in 7. And then the extra currency on top for the very unlucky few


The lucky few will still have their normal keys +1

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> @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > > How many of you are like me and have all the Transmutation Charges you'll ever need?

> > > They are common drops in terms of what you have to do to acquire them.

> > > I would like to make one change: give people the option of a Transmutation Charge or Black Lion Key on map completion.

> > > Right now you get either a Charge or a Key, you have no option which one. I suggest giving players the option of one or the other.

> > > Map completion is a slow process so it shouldn't unbalance the number of "free" keys in the system.

> >

> > If BL keys were guaranteed, more people would do map completion and more keys would be generated. It will change the balance of "free" keys in the system.

> >

> > I know we all like getting more today for the same effort we did yesterday. It's just not likely that it benefits the game overall.

> >

> > ****

> > The thing about transmutation charges is that... those who use them run out quickly. And those who don't... always think they have too much. There is no realistic way to balance it so that everyone gets about the amount they need or want. Having too fee means you spend on the TP for more. Having too many means... you can experiment, because you don't have to worry about trying a skin and changing your mind. It means being able to "store in wardrobe" all consumable skins, saving you space.


> Having over 500 of them is too much.


> Guaranteed keys will never happen, but they could throw some other stuff in the mix.


500 is nothing, I wouldn't be surprised if there are people with over a 1000 Transmutation charges...I know I have over 800 as I type this. Of course I've also bought over 1000 BL keys so it evens out....yes, I buy keys, a lot of them, because I neither have the time nor inclination to farm them...and I buy BL chests from the TP as well.

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As much as i'd like more keys and less charges, the balance that exists already is fine. We already get a lot of free keys (I had 28 BL keys in total during black lion statuette guaranteed drop from BL chests. I've never bought a key in my life. That was just from map completion across multiple characters, lv10 story and RNG) - any more and gem sales go down.

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I currently have over 1200 transmutation charges all from map completions & BL chests etc. - I probably get a key 1in8 maps completions.

I have probably used no more than 300 transmutation charges so far.

It would be nice to have another use for them - and for spirit shards as well as I have over 14k of those.

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I'd like to see an overhaul of the entire system for customized appearances, with swappable sets of gear/dye combos etc. BUT, given the way things work now, i think you need to keep in mind that some people aren't long-time players. For many, when you're starting out and have cleared a map, a transmutation is a pretty nifty item. Sure, when you've been playing a couple of years you no longer want them, but then by that point you also have stacks of all sorts of things you no longer want. Your real complaint is that there are rewards in the game that no longer impress when you've acquired bazillions of rewards. It's just the nature of spending so much time in the game.

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> @"Biff.5312" said:

> I'd like to see an overhaul of the entire system for customized appearances, with swappable sets of gear/dye combos etc. BUT, given the way things work now, i think you need to keep in mind that some people aren't long-time players. For many, when you're starting out and have cleared a map, a transmutation is a pretty nifty item. Sure, when you've been playing a couple of years you no longer want them, but then by that point you also have stacks of all sorts of things you no longer want. Your real complaint is that there are rewards in the game that no longer impress when you've acquired bazillions of rewards. It's just the nature of spending so much time in the game.


I definitely agree. I'm one of those players that finds a niche` doesn't change unless there's a good reason. I found good armor skins, so I change that maybe once every three months. My weapons are changed a bit more often.


I haven't used any of may "summon merchant/banker/other" in ages, but still keep them around in case one day we can sell/trade/monetize them.


I guess my real issue is not to radically change the whole game, but make subtle changes that long-term players (as you put it) can enjoy as well.

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