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How do you spend your gold?


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I use a mix of things. Any time I break a new 100, I make that my running "floor," where I'm willing to spend anything over that on whatever takes my fancy, or to quickly restock my materials hoard or finish out a stack of something I need for whatever legendary I've got in the works. Once I get within 25 gold of the next 100, I start working on reaching that new threshold, and sometimes will sell off spare stacks of mats to do that more quickly.


I'm also working a little at a time on buying the three most expensive items for the Treasure Hunter collection, so I have low buy orders in for those that I add between 1 and 3 gold each to when I think about it and it won't drop me below my floor amount. I still haven't managed to get the [Chalice of Rhendak](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Chalice_of_Rhendak "Chalice of Rhendak") to drop, so I'm in no hurry there, and if one of those three drops for me in the meantime, I'll split whatever I've built up toward that between the other two.


I buy either 1 or 10 Icy Runestones any time I do the Claw of Jormag event, depending on how much over my floor I have, so I never have to drop 100 gold at once when I'm making a legendary. I also don't get serious about crafting a new legendary until I've passively accumulated at least 200 T6 trophies, by which time I've usually also made a pretty good dent in piling up the other materials I'm going to need.


That usually means that when something requiring a significant outlay pops up, like the griffon or the steamroller mini collections, I've got the coin to drop on it. I really only do any grinding for gold when we're getting close to a new episode dropping, since I like to get the new home node the first day, and I try to make sure I've added at least 100 gold to my wallet make sure I've got the 50 for the node covered, plus a little extra banked in case there are other things to buy in the new content.

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Most everything goes into ascended crafting. Usually I get an idea for a new toon, level it and meanwhile I horde until I have what I need for a whole set . Then I pour everything I have into making sure they are full ascended when they hit 80. I make sure I have the perfect skins for them to transmute to when they ding to the cap, which also costs.


18 alts and a buildcraft addiction.... I have a problem.

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Honestly half the time I never remember lol

Mostly I think over the years it's been on QoL stuff for my account, then skins and such I really want(ed) with a couple legendary's sprinkled in there. Currently working on leg. armor so saving up gold atm; though as I say that I just bought a Thunder Springer Kit for 90g but that's how I roll B)

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My main gold sink is building up gems continuously, so that I can purchase 5 BL keys (450 gems) regularly. Aside of this, the next main consumers are ascended equipment and legendary weapons (as I don't like the collections method for legendary weapons, I do those of generation 1 only, for which I purchase the precursor). Last but not least, I invest once in a while into expensive items like - for example - the endless repair contract that I did afford some weeks ago.

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> @"Klipso.8653" said:

> Spend gold?


> You don't spend gold. You save it and farm more so you can have more gold youll never spend


> Just like in life, the real secret to being rich isn't buying worthless crap, it's just not spending money.


Well, I guess I never saw the point in having money unless you did something with it. I always find this interesting because to me money is a means and not a goal. I confess that I have a hard time understanding people who see money as a goal but there you are.


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I put the vast majority of my gold in a personal guild bank, so it's out of my pocket and I can't spend it. I usually start each playing session with around 2 gold on my character, and stash anything above that, so I've got enough for expenses like fast travel, and then I empty out whatever I've added to that at the end of the day.


I didn't use to do that, but I've got more in the habit of wanting large amounts of gold for bigger things like legendaries or mount skins or skins off the TP, so I'm trying to make sure I have a few hundred gold stashed away all the time. If I have to make a special trip to the guild bank to get hold of it, I'm less likely to randomly splurge on things I don't need.

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> @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > @"Klipso.8653" said:

> > Spend gold?

> >

> > You don't spend gold. You save it and farm more so you can have more gold youll never spend

> >

> > Just like in life, the real secret to being rich isn't buying worthless crap, it's just not spending money.


> Well, I guess I never saw the point in having money unless you did something with it. I always find this interesting because to me money is a means and not a goal. I confess that I have a hard time understanding people who see money as a goal but there you are.



Not so much a goal, you'll make gold doing anything in the game. But if you just don't spend it on everything you find as soon as you've got enough, then you'll have the freedom of being able to spend it later just because you feel like it.

Being rich isn't just buying expensive things as soon as you can, to show them off, it's just the freedom to buy those things if you wanted to


I've made 2 legend weapons and 3 legend armors at once before just because I wanted to, and I had enough gold to basically sneeze at the TP and still have 2k gold left over.

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> @"Klipso.8653" said:

> > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > @"Klipso.8653" said:

> > > Spend gold?

> > >

> > > You don't spend gold. You save it and farm more so you can have more gold youll never spend

> > >

> > > Just like in life, the real secret to being rich isn't buying worthless crap, it's just not spending money.

> >

> > Well, I guess I never saw the point in having money unless you did something with it. I always find this interesting because to me money is a means and not a goal. I confess that I have a hard time understanding people who see money as a goal but there you are.

> >


> Not so much a goal, you'll make gold doing anything in the game. But if you just don't spend it on everything you find as soon as you've got enough, then you'll have the freedom of being able to spend it later just because you feel like it.

> Being rich isn't just buying expensive things as soon as you can, to show them off, it's just the freedom to buy those things if you wanted to


> I've made 2 legend weapons and 3 legend armors at once before just because I wanted to, and I had enough gold to basically sneeze at the TP and still have 2k gold left over.


If you put it like that, then it makes a lot more sense to me :)

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I tend to be rather spendthrift, saving up my gold as much as possible until I'm ready to make bigger purchases. I currently have about 800 gold on hand, but I would prefer to have over 1000. At one point, I had well over 2000, but after crafting some legendary weapons and buying the griffon, it hasn't recovered.


Periodically, I buy up cheaper skins, minis, etc (usually 10g or less) to help ensure that any Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlocks I get will give me an item worth more than 10 gold.


Otherwise, I really don't buy much.

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> I make legs, sell them for even more gold and then waste it til im down to the sum buy a new precursor, rinse, repeat


^^ This. Also, it allows me the gold to pay for legendary armor as well. Just sold three legendaries, so working on medium and heavy legendary as I've already finished my light.


Once those are done, might have enough left to buy some more precursors.

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