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GW2 Has Become The New WOW


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What do you guys think?? Considering the fact that WOW was at its peak when there was zero competition on the market. I’d say that Guild Wars 2 is starting to become the go to when it comes to mmorpgs.


Edit: in terms of revenue GW2 has never been the money hoarding type so guys let’s not talk about revenue because you and I both know they can make loads more. Also no one cares about wow killers, no one cares to beat wow anymore. What I mean is that GW2 has become a go to for mmo players.

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> @"Adry.7512" said:

> What do you guys think?? Considering the fact that WOW was at its peak when there was zero competition on the market. I’d say that Guild Wads 2 is starting to become the go to when it comes to mmorpgs.


Not really gw2 is a nice choice but for a specific market. Wow's reach is far greater.

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> Considering the fact that WOW was at its peak when there was zero competition on the market.

WoW still has more players.


> I’d say that Guild Wads 2 is starting to become the go to when it comes to mmorpgs.

How are you measuring this? I don't see any evidence that it's a "go to" choice in a more competitive market.


GW2 is a successful game and many games borrow from its design and feature aspects, but that's true of GW2, as well (it also borrows).





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Since we do not see actual serer population in GW2 and WoW has some sites outside of Blizzard to track somewhat likehttps://realmpop.com/us.html it is really hard to make a comparison. GW2 also has no monthly fee and some people run multiple accounts in GW2. All we really see are numbers in sales but that does not mean all are active. Sure there is https://gw2efficiency.com/ but not everyone knows about the site or uses it so any data gathered there are only users who have used the API key funtcion. 5 RL friends I played WoW with still play. Others have gone on to other MMOs or just quit playing. With out hard data we will never know.....

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> @"Leo G.4501" said:

> From a profit and competitive PvP standpoint, Blade and Soul are about even if not completely surpassing GW2 despite GW2 being advertised more (from my perspective).


the lastest reports i've seen GW2 is out performing alot of the newer games in terms of active population. a few games beat it, ff14, and wow of course. but as far as blade and soul, revelation online and black desert, gw2 has more active population. the report was based on dec 2017 stats.

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> @"Galaa.8475" said:

> > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > From a profit and competitive PvP standpoint, Blade and Soul are about even if not completely surpassing GW2 despite GW2 being advertised more (from my perspective).


> the lastest reports i've seen GW2 is out performing alot of the newer games in terms of active population. a few games beat it, ff14, and wow of course. but as far as blade and soul, revelation online and black desert, gw2 has more active population. the report was based on dec 2017 stats.


Every game you listed is beating GW2 revenue-wise by a lot, so I wouldn't conclude that GW2 has a much bigger playerbase.


And no, it's not the new WoW, not even close. GW2 expansions devolved TREMENDOUSLY, to the point where I would call them DLCs and not real expansions. WoW pumps out more endgame content in a random patch than GW2 does in an expansion.


GW2 is also dropping the ball when it comes to anything other than open world PvE. The game is regressing a lot these days.

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What's the point of all this "the next WoW (killer)" anyway? We've been hearing this for a long time with regard to many new MMOs and none of them managed to come even close to WoW's success. I'm confident that won't change in the foreseeable future. Blizzard were extremely lucky to release the right game at the right time, now they still benefit from those amazing start conditions. With a stagnating or declining MMO market in general, there is just no space for a new WoW.

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This game still lacks a heckload of features, with that this game still makes not usage of its full potential , a heckload of needed QoL , needs still lots of fixed content, like the reimplementation of Season 1 and stuff that is still uncomplete or still isn't part of thids game, when it fact it should have been part of the game from release day on..


This game lacks still proper high endgame content, that is accessible for everybody by design and not just made only for a minority of the community that concists of hardcore gamers and elitists that got washed over to here from other games like WoW and screamed the loadest from that point on to mutate GW2 into something, that GW2 originalyl NEVER wanted to be - Raids need to become more accessible by splitting it up at least into 2 difficulty modes, so that casual players also have a way to get used to this content, without having to rely themself upon extra made raid guilds that are "willing" to teach them. Dungeosn are anyways nothign but Dungeons 2.0 with 10 peoople instead of 5, so the simpler lesser rewarding ,but far more accessable diffilcuty mode should be doable also like Dungeosn with simple PuGs fro mthe LFG, without needing for this extra super perfect builds. Peopel should be able to get their feet into the content, by just learnign by doing, even if this means that they receive in that mode then lesser rewards and dont get under them the biggest shinies, which stay exclusive for the harder difficulty, but at least the goal would be reached this way to make Raids more accessible for everybody.


This game still makes absoliutely no usage of its great design potential for possible content that lies within Fractals of the Mist as a game mode, which allows it practically to implement everythign you can think off as a feature into the game. This game mode needs so much more depth, than what it provides right now since its introduction...


This counts for Pvp in general as well, a game mode, that needs to receive finalyl much more depth in form of new additional sub modes. Stronghold needs to get revived already, only because Anet immediately ignored it after its implementation, just because stronghold wasn#tz so well received by the community I guess how they hoped it would be received by us...but thats not a reason to abandon and forget it instantly and not support it anymore by more content to make a great sub mode for Pvp out of it, thats different than the same old borign permanent Conquest PvP.


Could continue further, but thesres still so much wrong with this game, that needs to get looked and and improved, or just to be fixed, so that anet closes finally some of the cheeseholes in their game which they masde over the course of time due to changed decisions and not fixing the consequences of their changed decisions immedietely, so that the problems around these consequences couldnt grow up at all to become so big, that it requires now much more effort to fix them, than it woudl have costed effort, if anet would have looked into certain things sooner, like the season 1 fiasco, when it comes to this ive never seen before GW2 a game, that was by design such a mess, where content is permanently excluded out of the story of a game. Somethign that could have been iommediately fixed, even it it would have meant implementing for this phasing into the game that maps receive multiple versions baseed in the time line, into whicjh players phase then as they continue within their story, because this would essentiialyl allow ANet much better to update and change all pve maps in a matter of dynamic events.. yes, it would split of the community that plays on a map, that they can#t eventually play together on the same map, because they are on different phase versions due to them being differently much far into the story, or some not owning an expansion to have access to the latest phased version of a map, but IT WOULD FIX IMMEDIATELY THE PROBLEM of reimplematatign the whole season 1 story stuff, whole not disturbing in the same map other players that are on an other later phase of the same map.


Technology like phasing would also allow to update all the old Main Game Maps and give them complete overhauls7new content, like for example a visualyl completely overworked and changed Arah that has recoverd from Zhaitans influence and been build up again with completely different new flora and fauna there then, than at the time when zhaitan was still alive..


Darn it, we HAVE CHRONOMANCERS, a class that is able to create easily time holes that could enable us to travel back and forth in time, so that we could phase between map versions of the present and the past, so by lore there is no reason anymore to say somethign like this woudl be impiossble.. just let Asuras give us improved Asura gates with the help of chronomancy to turn them into Timespace Gate, if we activated before entering them a Chronometer Device with that we decide when and where we want to travel back or forth in time with them. That would be really unique for GW2 to have as a feature and would mean a real upograde to the whole dynamic event and living world concept of this game. If you reallx want to have a true living world, then is Phasing Technology absolutely inevitable to have in the game over short or long and an absolute must have.. Just think of all the possibilites ANet could have by updatign via phasing the old maps..


Turnign beginner maps with new content into high endcontent maps for example ... which look different eventually and have completely new and different events running in them ...


Other mmos have stuff, you can still only dream about here in GW2, like for example Player Housing - a feature, which counts meanwhile for MMORPGS to the good tone to have...


One of the biggest selling reasons of GW2 has been gutted for years and totally abandonded - its tiem that ANet brigns it fulminantly back finalyl with the 3rd expansion - underwater gameplay - another big reason for me why I'd yet never say, that GW2 has replaced in asny way, shape or kind WoW as the "to go to game"

If you want a MMORPG still with one if not the best combat system so far - thats the only point where I have to agree, in regard of this outshines GW2 everythign else on the market, but also here has still alot of unused potential, which could make combat in GW2 much greater, than it is already - and it needs mostly more balancing only due to the game still usign way too many outdated combat mechanics from 2012, which Anet kept ignorign to update them properly over time, so that they stay adapted to all the changes they did meanwhile on skilsl and traits over the years

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It's most definetly not, but it's really quite simple:


GW2 came out.

There where *lots* of new MMOs coming out, like "GW2 killers", Asian MMOs, crowdfunded games and some big developer names. People ranted on this forum about them like it was the second coming of Christ. GW2 would die.

The big name games where either broken buggy messes or killed by subscription limitations.

The crowdfunded games are still in early alpha stages 5 years later.

The Asian MMOs where... Asian.

The GW2 killers never even came close because all of the above.

So what we are left with is... GW2.


And now we have is TF2 clones, battle royale gamemodes making billions in $$$ (and of course Call of Duty and Battlefield on a yearly basis), no one really care about renewal in the MMO genre anymore, they're just letting the old ones run.

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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> > @"Galaa.8475" said:

> > > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > > From a profit and competitive PvP standpoint, Blade and Soul are about even if not completely surpassing GW2 despite GW2 being advertised more (from my perspective).

> >

> > the lastest reports i've seen GW2 is out performing alot of the newer games in terms of active population. a few games beat it, ff14, and wow of course. but as far as blade and soul, revelation online and black desert, gw2 has more active population. the report was based on dec 2017 stats.


> Every game you listed is beating GW2 revenue-wise by a lot, so I wouldn't conclude that GW2 has a much bigger playerbase.


> And no, it's not the new WoW, not even close. GW2 expansions devolved TREMENDOUSLY, to the point where I would call them DLCs and not real expansions. WoW pumps out more endgame content in a random patch than GW2 does in an expansion.


> GW2 is also dropping the ball when it comes to anything other than open world PvE. The game is regressing a lot these days.


Lol if you are looking for dlc go play eso. The expansions gw2 drops are actual expansions. As for the wow updates having more content than gw2 ye i guess the patch that droped the expac in wow had more content idd. Also revelation online LUL

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"witcher.3197" said:

> > > @"Galaa.8475" said:

> > > > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > > > From a profit and competitive PvP standpoint, Blade and Soul are about even if not completely surpassing GW2 despite GW2 being advertised more (from my perspective).

> > >

> > > the lastest reports i've seen GW2 is out performing alot of the newer games in terms of active population. a few games beat it, ff14, and wow of course. but as far as blade and soul, revelation online and black desert, gw2 has more active population. the report was based on dec 2017 stats.

> >

> > Every game you listed is beating GW2 revenue-wise by a lot, so I wouldn't conclude that GW2 has a much bigger playerbase.

> >

> > And no, it's not the new WoW, not even close. GW2 expansions devolved TREMENDOUSLY, to the point where I would call them DLCs and not real expansions. WoW pumps out more endgame content in a random patch than GW2 does in an expansion.

> >

> > GW2 is also dropping the ball when it comes to anything other than open world PvE. The game is regressing a lot these days.


> Lol if you are looking for dlc go play eso. The expansions gw2 drops are actual expansions. As for the wow updates having more content than gw2 ye i guess the patch that droped the expac in wow had more content idd. Also revelation online LUL


Please tell me how GW2 expansions aren't glorified living story chapters.


**Things living story does**: open world maps and story.


**Things expansions do**: open world maps and story.


**Things missing that should be included** (if it's not there on day 1 of the launch it's not part of the expansions, sorry):

* Dungeons

* Fractals

* Raids

* PvP content

* WvW content

* Guild content


GW2 expansions lack the most important thing what MMO expansions are supposed to deliver - replayable team content. Some of it was straight up dropped by Anet and will never be revisited again.

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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > @"witcher.3197" said:

> > > > @"Galaa.8475" said:

> > > > > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > > > > From a profit and competitive PvP standpoint, Blade and Soul are about even if not completely surpassing GW2 despite GW2 being advertised more (from my perspective).

> > > >

> > > > the lastest reports i've seen GW2 is out performing alot of the newer games in terms of active population. a few games beat it, ff14, and wow of course. but as far as blade and soul, revelation online and black desert, gw2 has more active population. the report was based on dec 2017 stats.

> > >

> > > Every game you listed is beating GW2 revenue-wise by a lot, so I wouldn't conclude that GW2 has a much bigger playerbase.

> > >

> > > And no, it's not the new WoW, not even close. GW2 expansions devolved TREMENDOUSLY, to the point where I would call them DLCs and not real expansions. WoW pumps out more endgame content in a random patch than GW2 does in an expansion.

> > >

> > > GW2 is also dropping the ball when it comes to anything other than open world PvE. The game is regressing a lot these days.

> >

> > Lol if you are looking for dlc go play eso. The expansions gw2 drops are actual expansions. As for the wow updates having more content than gw2 ye i guess the patch that droped the expac in wow had more content idd. Also revelation online LUL


> Please tell me how GW2 expansions aren't glorified living story chapters.


> **Things living story does**: open world maps and story.


> **Things expansions do**: open world maps and story.


You forgot new specs which are on its own close to releasing new professions and require a lot of work from designing and coding to balancing. Also, PoF maps are way more work and way more content than LW maps.



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No, GuildWars2 is not even remotely close to go the same way of WoW.

Today, people do care about two things:


* Graphics

* Dumbed-down gameplay <-> Mobile Gaming


**Graphic-wise,** GW2 is _comparibly_ poor. And for what it delivers, the hardware usage is abysmal. In the armor thread (or basically anywhere else) when I see a GW2 screenshot I see disabled anti alias, subsampling, low texture quality, no post-processing etc. When I launch a game with a high-end graphic card like mine (GTX1080) and I get unstable framerates with graphics that are like 2006 for no reason, this drives people off. FF14 looks way better and ran fine on my GTX670 (!!).


While in 2003, WoW people seemed mostly to care about a new MMORPG experience far from the ones we knew back then, and less about actual graphics (which was still a hardware killer for most). Today, people want a visual experience, too. They play nice-looking games on PC and console. Sitting on a PC with keyboard and mouse and a dated graphics like GW2s is what drives away many players - unlike WoW, where people did not care (yet) about such things.


**Gameplay-wise,** I feel people do not want to actually spend time on something. I see people reading Dulfy guides all the way. Figuring out something by themselves as the challenge in itself? Nah. It took me once like 90 minutes to find the entrance of a dungeon below surface level, but I refused to look up guides. The world turns faster. People are overexcited and highly charged with their smartphones, 24/7 online, Facebook, Snapchat, permanent competition about who has the best lives and selfies with their food. Sitting down to play a game with coffee/tea and no Netflix at the same is outdated. GW2 takes time, you need to farm and grind often. And that is what people don't like today. Times have changed a lot, people love to "play" games on their 7" tablets - at least that's what the gaming industry want us to believe. WoW hasn't had this problem, people were still used to play in front of a PC.


In overall, the gaming ecosystem has changed. It's not only the titles that video game developers are pushing out, it's also "where", "when", "how" and such. It's like comparing office work in the 1960s with a today's office.

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> @"Shaogin.2679" said:

> > @"KeoLegend.5132" said:

> > GW2 is the best MMO these days, period.

> > But the MMO genre is not on the spotlight anymore


> Well that is simply an opinion, one with no factual data at all that supports it.


The data for WoW is also very distorted. It had a great fanbase for similar games, Blizzard already had a good reputation and there was barely any competition, especially if you wanted an U.S. game and not something from Asia (e.g. Final Fantasy XI). If you have no real choice like today, where F2P MMOs mushroom and you can choose between like 5 high-quality games, of course you get the highest market share.


It has many players because it did something right and people got hooked en masse, but also dropped the game very quick with a certain expansion pack. Not sure if that is loayality or just the lack of choice. GW2 is "being born" into a different time than WoW. Guess why IBM grew so big. Surely not because they were super duper awesome. Lack of competitors.

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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> > @"Galaa.8475" said:

> > > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > > From a profit and competitive PvP standpoint, Blade and Soul are about even if not completely surpassing GW2 despite GW2 being advertised more (from my perspective).

> >

> > the lastest reports i've seen GW2 is out performing alot of the newer games in terms of active population. a few games beat it, ff14, and wow of course. but as far as blade and soul, revelation online and black desert, gw2 has more active population. the report was based on dec 2017 stats.


> Every game you listed is beating GW2 revenue-wise by a lot, so I wouldn't conclude that GW2 has a much bigger playerbase.


> And no, it's not the new WoW, not even close. GW2 expansions devolved TREMENDOUSLY, to the point where I would call them DLCs and not real expansions. WoW pumps out more endgame content in a random patch than GW2 does in an expansion.


> GW2 is also dropping the ball when it comes to anything other than open world PvE. The game is regressing a lot these days.


> @"Zedek.8932" said:

> > @"Shaogin.2679" said:

> > > @"KeoLegend.5132" said:

> > > GW2 is the best MMO these days, period.

> > > But the MMO genre is not on the spotlight anymore

> >

> > Well that is simply an opinion, one with no factual data at all that supports it.


> The data for WoW is also very distorted. It had a great fanbase for similar games, Blizzard already had a good reputation and there was barely any competition, especially if you wanted an U.S. game and not something from Asia (e.g. Final Fantasy XI). If you have no real choice like today, where F2P MMOs mushroom and you can choose between like 5 high-quality games, of course you get the highest market share.


> It has many players because it did something right and people got hooked en masse, but also dropped the game very quick with a certain expansion pack. Not sure if that is loayality or just the lack of choice. GW2 is "being born" into a different time than WoW. Guess why IBM grew so big. Surely not because they were super duper awesome. Lack of competitors.


I think WoW was great for its time and still does most things better than GW2. I give the nod to GW2 mostly for open world PvE, which they do exceptionally well here. Honorable mention for having much prettier visuals, unique class design, and a faster, more enjoyable combat system. But certainly when it comes to raids/dungeons and PvP, I think WoW is the better game.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> No MMO will ever become new WOW

This. That ship has sailed, and the golden era for MMORPGs has passed. Also, no game will ever be in the situation WoW had when it launched.


Additionally, OP, notice how WoW at its low is still more populated and generates more income than GW2. Which isn't exactly growing either.



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> @"Adry.7512" said:

> What do you guys think?? Considering the fact that WOW was at its peak when there was zero competition on the market. I’d say that Guild Wads 2 is starting to become the go to when it comes to mmorpgs.


WOW will always be the benchmark by which other MMO's are judged, for good reason, there is no MMO currently available or in development that can touch what WOW has done.


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