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Increasing level cap


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So I was wondering if we should increase the lvl cap to 100 with the next expansion.

In my opinion always being lvl 80 is very boring and having to level up again at 80 can be fun I think (in form of elite zones e.g).

Also armor should either be adjusted or newly crafted. I don’t have a problem to craft all new ascended sets… I enjoy the process of progression a lot.

What do you think?

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> @"Deathok.2914" said:

> So I was wondering if we could increase the lvl cap to 100 with the next expansion.

> I think increasing the lvl cap can be big fun and those who wouldn’t enjoy it could easily spend their tomes of knowledge.

> What do you think?


Well, if you want my thoughts on the matter




That's one of the central concepts of Guild Wars: level cap at launch is forever the level cap. You can step away for a couple of years and your max stats character will still be max stats when you come back. You did not get invalidated just because an expansion came out.


If this ever did change, I would immedietly quit the game. I play daily with very low risk of taking a long break, but I absolutely would leave if they did this. I KNOW I'm not alone on this.

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> @"Deathok.2914" said:

> So I was wondering if we could increase the lvl cap to 100 with the next expansion.

> I think increasing the lvl cap can be big fun and those who wouldn’t enjoy it could easily spend their tomes of knowledge.

> What do you think?


What is the fun of releasing to level 100?


O you mean release level cap to 100 so that we can have fun using tome of knowledge. O thats surely fun to use 20 tomes to max your raised level cap in like 10sec...


And what do we get after raising level cap? Rework all our gears to level 100 by playing lv 100 contents which is no differences to any lv80 contents besides higher stats.


No thanks.


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I am okay with increasing the level cap, as in allowing you to gain experience to increase your stats a bit further, however all gear should stay locked at level 80 to keep the gear grind horizontal. Games have done this before, and it works out quite well, all they do is put "Item level 90, requires level 80" and it keeps people from complaining about not receiving any max-level gear once the level cap is increased.


This technically already exists - the game was balanced around rares so currently ascended gear is ~lv105.


That said, as far as I know ArenaNet has no plans to do this because they wanted to make all future progression account-bound, which is why the mastery system was developed, because when people have to earn experience on individual characters it boxes them into playing that character.

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the problem is that, in this game more levels means more work for Anet and just a week of new stuff for players, ppl will use ToK anyway and the ones who don't can level their toon within a few days at level cap, further more, all the gear we now have would be useless and only a fraction of the would would then be the max level environment.


look, i like to have more levels but since this game kicks out anyone already below lvl 80 increasing the level cap would only do harm.

if they would ever add more levels you would see the elite specs to be shifted to lvl 100, all the masteries can only be gained at level 100 which means all the lvl 80 areas and expansions where masteries and elite specs are made for are then quite useless and underleveled.

this would mean that all the under leveled expansions need their levels to be equal to the level cap which means you would end up with a 20 level gap, a gap that needs to be filled and just one expansion isn't gonna fill it since anyone who doesn't buy the expansion is now stuck with two expansions they can't play and a new expansion that allows the player to level to 100 but since the player didn't buy it there is now a player not able to enjoy the game as it's suppose to be enjoyed. (long line of text...i know -_-)


to sum it up, it would do more harm then good.

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How is increasing the level cap fun? It seems clear a lot of people don't understand the appeal, so if you could explain why you think it's fun that would help increase support for your idea.


At the moment I don't get it either. If you enjoy the types of content you do while levelling then you can already just keep doing it. Living story and expansion maps are all level 80 but they still include map completion elements and events, the newer ones even have hearts again. And if it's the progression aspect you like then that's what the mastery system is for - you earn XP and it unlocks new abilities. Ok sure they're more situational than a straight-forward stat increase, but with level scaling a stat increase would be pointless the majority of the time anyway.


Adding new levels can be fun, if it includes giving access to new abilities or something, but that's not how it works in this game. Even below level 80 unlocking skills and traits isn't directly tied to levelling up because you can get Hero Points from other places. And as I already said above level 80 they've got the mastery system to do that.


But there's also a lot of downsides to increasing the cap, especially in a game like this which is designed to allow players to come and go and to focus on the things they like doing. An increased level cap would mean anyone returning to the game has to catch up before they can start playing the new content, and even if you keep up to date all your equipment periodically becomes out dated and you have to get new stuff. (And if you suggest solving that by making ascended equipment upgrade automatically and/or easy to get then we're right back to the point where increasing the cap doesn't actually add anything.)


Imagine if all those people who came back to the game when PoF was released and hadn't played for 6 months, a year, 4 years, whatever were told "yeah you're right, the new maps are pretty cool and mounts are fun. You've got about 6 months of catching up to do - grinding up to the new level cap (or even the previous level cap - say HoT had increased it to 90 and PoF to 100, you'd have to be level 90 to start PoF) and then you'll need all new equipment...but after that you can start on the stuff that looks fun. Oh, but make sure you take time out from doing that to keep up to date with the new level cap and get the new equipment which comes out....I imagine a lot of them wouldn't have stuck around for long. I know I wouldn't.

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The number 1 reason why increasing level cap works in other games is, that when they sell an expansion you get dozens of new armor sets, weapons, new skills, classes, races, entire continents filled with quests, tons of new dungeons and raids and new tasks to do.


With a gw2 expansion you get like 2 new armor sets for each armor class 2-3 weapons sets, 5 maps and after a few months one single raid wing, that only 1% of the playerbase is willing/capable of playing and maybe one new fractal.


The main reason why raising the level cap in GW2 doesn't work is, because Anet doesn't give us a complete "set" of new "endcontent" to acquire the new stuff, new continent with all new maps, new dungeons, fractals, raids etc, all in one expansion, enough content for players to play until the next expac hits (which is in many other games only 1 year instead of 2 years).


In GW2 you would've have to run the same old dungeons, the same old fractals, the same old meta maps to farm stuff just to get the new gear, which really doesn't sound all that fun to me.

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> @"Adenin.5973" said:

> The number 1 reason why increasing level cap works in other games is, that when they sell an expansion you get dozens of new armor sets, weapons, new skills, classes, races, entire continents filled with quests, tons of new dungeons and raids and new tasks to do.


> With a gw2 expansion you get like 2 new armor sets for each armor class 2-3 weapons sets, 5 maps and after a few months one single raid wing, that only 1% of the playerbase is willing/capable of playing and maybe one new fractal.


> The main reason why raising the level cap in GW2 doesn't work is, because Anet doesn't give us a complete "set" of new "endcontent" to acquire the new stuff, new continent with all new maps, new dungeons, fractals, raids etc, all in one expansion, enough content for players to play until the next expac hits (which is in many other games only 1 year instead of 2 years).


> In GW2 you would've have to run the same old dungeons, the same old fractals, the same old meta maps to farm stuff just to get the new gear, which really doesn't sound all that fun to me.


But why can't they add all that stuff without raising the level cap? As far as I can see all that achieves is making the new content mandatory - something you have to do (and for many people have to complete as quickly as possible) to catch up to the new cap, instead of something you can choose to play for fun.

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> @"Adenin.5973" said:

> The number 1 reason why increasing level cap works in other games is, that when they sell an expansion you get dozens of new armor sets, weapons, new skills, classes, races, entire continents filled with quests, tons of new dungeons and raids and new tasks to do.


Well, you could get all these things without an increase of the level cap. For games like WoW, that increase is pretty much a necessity for one simple reason: to provide a halfway regular reset and bring everyone back to a common power level. Afterwards, people's power levels can diverge again until the next addon.

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The only way they could increase the level cap it's if level 80 equipment automatically got its level increased to level 100, or all the time people spend grinding for it would be wasted.


But the point of increasing the level cap is to make old gear pointless and force people to get new gear.


So why do it in the first place?

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> @"Deathok.2914" said:

> So I was wondering if we could increase the lvl cap to 100 with the next expansion.

> I think increasing the lvl cap can be big fun and those who wouldn’t enjoy it could easily spend their tomes of knowledge.

> What do you think?


I feel it would trivialise all i have done so far (which admittedly isn't as much as a lot of other players) and i would quit playing instantly.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > @"Adenin.5973" said:

> > The number 1 reason why increasing level cap works in other games is, that when they sell an expansion you get dozens of new armor sets, weapons, new skills, classes, races, entire continents filled with quests, tons of new dungeons and raids and new tasks to do.

> >

> > With a gw2 expansion you get like 2 new armor sets for each armor class 2-3 weapons sets, 5 maps and after a few months one single raid wing, that only 1% of the playerbase is willing/capable of playing and maybe one new fractal.

> >

> > The main reason why raising the level cap in GW2 doesn't work is, because Anet doesn't give us a complete "set" of new "endcontent" to acquire the new stuff, new continent with all new maps, new dungeons, fractals, raids etc, all in one expansion, enough content for players to play until the next expac hits (which is in many other games only 1 year instead of 2 years).

> >

> > In GW2 you would've have to run the same old dungeons, the same old fractals, the same old meta maps to farm stuff just to get the new gear, which really doesn't sound all that fun to me.


> But why can't they add all that stuff without raising the level cap? As far as I can see all that achieves is making the new content mandatory - something you have to do (and for many people have to complete as quickly as possible) to catch up to the new cap, instead of something you can choose to play for fun.




The reason why we get so few things with each expac is probably simply because Anet is not a company that can really compete with a company like Blizzard for example. They simply can't produce that much content because they have not enough people and resources, they have to much "spaghetti code" and need massive amounts of time for every little addition to the game code.


They don't want their old content to become insignificant, because the truth is they just can't in any way produce every year enough content to keep the payers happy, if the new content would render old content useless (by raising the level cap for example, adding new gear tiers or by making new meta maps that offer the most gold per hour). And this may be a good thing for getting new players into the game, because the old maps are still somewhat filled and old content is still played but for older players there is not much new content that is significant. Which means old and new players have to play the same old content over and over again, even after 2 expacs hit the live servers.


WoW has the exact opposite problem. It's harder to do the old content, which is bad for newer players but old veterans have a constant flow of significant new content that keeps them logging into the game.


And I think we can say that this concept works for Blizzard. I am pretty convinced that WoW wouldn't be developed today anymore if they would've had the same approach to new content as Anet has right now.

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