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How to have fun in WvW?


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Hey, I am a solo roamer guy, I play holosmith, spellbreaker and dragonhunter mainly.


Lately I am not having fun anymore because I always find those stupid builds like perma stealth deadeye impossible to counter. I get them to 10% they go 5000 range in a couple of seconds resetting the battle and returning again oneshotting you.


Same story for mirages, the damage is broken and I know can be avoided but they have too many ways to evade and escape and make the oneshot rotation again if the first time failed.

Fights with other roamers are not fun and engaging when there are always those profession around, which add you immediately even saying "git gud".


That's really makes yourself even more mad that those profession have such a low risk high reward factor.


I know dh spellbreaker and holo are easy to play as well, but they are far from being that cancer level of deadeye and mirage especially.

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There is no fun in roaming :


1) you get chased/ ganked by 4-5 people all the time

2) you get ganked while duelling

3) you get ganked by a whole zerg

4) you meet a cancer unkillable build like core war with endurance food/strength runes and " might makes me right" or perma boon "marauder" holosmith or deadeye or...any sort of unkillable nike/stealth crap you may think of


Sorry...I'd like to sympathize with you but...as admitted you play an easy class , one which is low risk=high reward itself, you can't complain about a cancer class when you play one yourself

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Gameplay is broken by design, wich is intended since this is a game for casuals.


And those "git gud" ignore them cause they are saying that cause they suck at games and this is the only game where they can be good due how gimmicks work. ;)


If they were any good pvp'ers they were playing a decent pvp game anyway...

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I used to enjoy solo roaming and sometimes still do, but I'd recommend finding a small group instead.


In my experience the number of other solo players has been too small to have many good fights, so I usually end up rotating around sentries and camps while being peeled off by larger groups.

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OP, there is hardly anything called solo roaming anymore.

Everywhere you go, you will find 2 or more together taking camp or sentry etc with cheesy builds.

Well thief that has perma stealth, nothing can do about that but just see that line come before the shot hits.

Mesmers on the other hand are bit of a problem. Some i've seen are really good when then go in stealth and attack or even if they miss they have these long ass blink and sword ability that has a leap which they use to get away and come back again.

Then you have these macro ones, and you can tell these ones, you get hit so quickly in even less than 1/2 a second with all those hits its ridiculous.

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> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> There is no fun in roaming :


> 1) you get chased/ ganked by 4-5 people all the time

> 2) you get ganked while duelling

> 3) you get ganked by a whole zerg

> 4) you meet a cancer unkillable build like core war with endurance food/strength runes and " might makes me right" or perma boon "marauder" holosmith or deadeye or...any sort of unkillable nike/stealth crap you may think of


> Sorry...I'd like to sympathize with you but...as admitted you play an easy class , one which is low risk=high reward itself, you can't complain about a cancer class when you play one yourself


I complained of holos dh or sb? Nope, I complained of thieves and mesmers which are way more cancerous than all the other professions in wvw.

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> Hey, I am a solo roamer guy, I play holosmith, spellbreaker and dragonhunter mainly.


> Lately I am not having fun anymore because I always find those stupid builds like perma stealth deadeye impossible to counter. I get them to 10% they go 5000 range in a couple of seconds resetting the battle and returning again oneshotting you.


> Same story for mirages, the damage is broken and I know can be avoided but they have too many ways to evade and escape and make the oneshot rotation again if the first time failed.

> Fights with other roamers are not fun and engaging when there are always those profession around, which add you immediately even saying "git gud".


> That's really makes yourself even more mad that those profession have such a low risk high reward factor.


> I know dh spellbreaker and holo are easy to play as well, but they are far from being that cancer level of deadeye and mirage especially.


Anet removed any fun that is to be had from WvW with the introduction of the condi meta. wvw is a toxic showdown and anet wants it that way. mechanics are toxic, players are toxic this whole game is just toxic. metabattle helped to destroy what fun was left in wvw after carry me meta was introduced.

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > There is no fun in roaming :

> >

> > 1) you get chased/ ganked by 4-5 people all the time

> > 2) you get ganked while duelling

> > 3) you get ganked by a whole zerg

> > 4) you meet a cancer unkillable build like core war with endurance food/strength runes and " might makes me right" or perma boon "marauder" holosmith or deadeye or...any sort of unkillable nike/stealth crap you may think of

> >

> > Sorry...I'd like to sympathize with you but...as admitted you play an easy class , one which is low risk=high reward itself, you can't complain about a cancer class when you play one yourself


> I complained of holos dh or sb? Nope, I complained of thieves and mesmers which are way more cancerous than all the other professions in wvw.


Regardless whose profession is more cancer..I have given you a suggestion : roaming is dead and you will only find gankers or fight against cheesy mechanics, if you want to have fun in wvw , drop any roaming wannabe class and play a zerg spec...you will laugh your way to the bank and have real fun

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Yeah, sorry, but roaming died with the expansion powercreep from HoT and has just gotten worse with PoF. The game is no longer capable of being competitive as a consequence.


Any semblance of required skill in the game for small-scale play has pretty much been removed. Cheese or be cheesed. Everything is spammed.

Holosmith and Spellbreaker are just as bad as thief and mesmer, btw.


Welcome to Build Wars 2.

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You just need to accept that some professions (mostly thief and mesmer) will always have an easier time playing solo than others. If you still want to have fun, then don't bother fighting them "honorably" since they already have an advantage.


Don't fight them straight 1v1 (definitely not 1vx) where they can focus on you and easily pull off an instagib combo. Don't fight them in open field where they can run away and reset. Hitting them when they're outnumbered, unaware, or recovering from another fight are probably the only good opportunities to engage them. Otherwise, you might as well just waypoint out of there.

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Have not seen solo roamers in EU T1 long time (mostly applies to Deso since w ehave been stuck against them for long time now). There are groups and whole guilds that just gank people whole day, but they start at 5 vs 1 and go up to 10 vs 1. If more then 1 enemy shows up, or if they run into same sized group, or god forbid, they get outnumbered, they all run away.


I would not personally call them even "roamers".

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Yeah, every solo roamer finally start to Group because not important how good you are, if you beat 1 v 2, enemy number growth to 3. if you beat 1 v 3, enemy number growth to 4 and 5 and 6.... finally enemy number can growth more than your skill can compensate. there will ever come the time where its simply too many.


solo roaming is only possible on max mobility classes (thief,mesm) because they can escape all the time.


biggest Problem with that classes is the great stealth uptime they have and the number of instant cast skills. funny to see all the People complaining about instant shade casts of scourges, but everyone if fine with same OP instant casts of thief and mesmer?

this classes are completely OP but anet will never nerf them, cause anet gave classes fix roles. so mesmer and thief have to be OP in roaming because anet want that, while scourge and firebrand dominating zergs.


best Balance patch would delete scourge, firebrand, deadeye, daredevil, Mirage, chrono, druid. imagine what game we would have....dream \ ( * o * ) /


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Deadeye, not really. It takes but a sneeze to kill a paper build, which most run. If you can't kill a DE you need to play more against them. Then you'll learn it's actually the easiest of all Thief specs to kill, so don't look for excuses in stealth. Deadeye is a class for sniping enthusiasts who enjoy the role play of sniping, but by design it's a ridicule to the sniper profession (have you ever seen a sniper waving at you from very long distance saying "Hi, I'm about to shoot you"?).


Mirage / Mesmer, that my friends, is true cancer. Zero tells, zero preparation compared to DE to land a kill shot aside from stacking excessive amounts of stealth, and can down multiple enemies in one combo; dodge on stun......... like........


It fundamentally breaks other game mechanics. It's like peeing against the wind made possible. Completely broken.

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> @"Inoki.6048" said:

> Deadeye, not really. It takes but a sneeze to kill a paper build, which most run. If you can't kill a DE you need to play more against them. Then you'll learn it's actually the easiest of all Thief specs to kill, so don't look for excuses in stealth. Deadeye is a class for sniping enthusiasts who enjoy the role play of sniping, but by design it's a ridicule to the sniper profession (have you ever seen a sniper waving at you from very long distance saying "Hi, I'm about to shoot you"?).


> Mirage / Mesmer, that my friends, is true cancer. Zero tells, zero preparation compared to DE to land a kill shot aside from stacking excessive amounts of stealth, and can down multiple enemies in one combo; dodge on stun......... like........


> It fundamentally breaks other game mechanics. It's like peeing against the wind made possible. Completely broken.


Deadeye in spvp is a joke, deadeye in open fields in wvw is just impossible to kill even 4vs1, can perma stealth, almost perma evade and have so much travel speed that you can't never get close to him unless he makes a mistakes and he is too greedy for a kill, 1500 range is a lot, and even in melee range if played right can be deadly too, im not talking of those newbie who camp rifle all the time and stand still shot and autokill with reflects, talking of those who really mastered the cancer and you can't kill them unless they want to.

Mirage is the same, too much burst and dps and zero disadvantages.


I have zero problems with oneshot weavers, because you have a window to counter them and if you get them you can pretty much oneshot them yourself, mirage is a constant shatter clone spam nonstop and when in trouble he is already at 5000 range from you.

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

>deadeye in open fields in wvw is just impossible to kill even 4vs1, can perma stealth, almost perma evade and have so much travel speed that you can't never get close to him

that is nonsense and those who play DE know it. you clearly don't play Deadeye. DEs have one of the worst mobility except for when traited for stealth when they gain bonus movement speed via Hidden Thief. only time a DE can evade is by using Shadowstep and Death's Retreat properly, besides that they have 2 normal dodges like everyone else. any additional manoeuvring like Roll For Initiative take slots in utility bars, so when a DE traits for Trickery instead of Critical Strikes the difference in damage is significant, so those going for fast kills will trait for higher damage sacrificing mobility and stealth.


on top of that, we have some of the worst condi cleanse.


who are you trying to fool here.


>1500 range is a lot

do you expect to shoot a rifle as a sniper at ranges lower than 900?


> I have zero problems with oneshot weavers

I do have something against that. first, if you run a condi build, it's very hard to counter constant, near infinite cleanse. second of all, that sustain added to being able to one-hit something is just blatant imbalance. they can wear paper gear and still not die from being countered by no less than 3 ppl at once.

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> @"Gemnaid.4219" said:

> It’s more fun to troll a roamer than to kill them. I’ll just run a tanky mobility thief, pick a fight with them and them watch them try to chase me. It’s fun.


Clowns with cheese buildz everywhere and Alliances won´t fix nothing. Poor s hit

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> @"Inoki.6048" said:

> > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> >deadeye in open fields in wvw is just impossible to kill even 4vs1, can perma stealth, almost perma evade and have so much travel speed that you can't never get close to him

> that is nonsense and those who play DE know it. you clearly don't play Deadeye. DEs have one of the worst mobility except for when traited for stealth when they gain bonus movement speed via Hidden Thief. only time a DE can evade is by using Shadowstep and Death's Retreat properly, besides that they have 2 normal dodges like everyone else. any additional manoeuvring like Roll For Initiative take slots in utility bars, so when a DE traits for Trickery instead of Critical Strikes the difference in damage is significant, so those going for fast kills will trait for higher damage sacrificing mobility and stealth.


> on top of that, we have some of the worst condi cleanse.


> who are you trying to fool here.


> >1500 range is a lot

> do you expect to shoot a rifle as a sniper at ranges lower than 900?


> > I have zero problems with oneshot weavers

> I do have something against that. first, if you run a condi build, it's very hard to counter constant, near infinite cleanse. second of all, that sustain added to being able to one-hit something is just blatant imbalance. they can wear paper gear and still not die from being countered by no less than 3 ppl at once.


do you actually play deadeye ? i am sorry but deadeye only dies to their own mistakes, sure if you are not full glass it is easy to survive a deadeye but it is impossible to kill a deadeye unless the deadeye makes a mistake. i am playing deadeye pretty much non stop since shortly after PoF, i still do die but only of greed or my own stupidity - if i keep my concentration up and emotion low i am unkillable in open wvw.

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I usually solo roam as well (DrD, druid, condi mirage (despite the DPS loss) and scrapper)


1) I dont typically get chased/ ganked by 4-5 people all the time

2) rarely get ganked while duelling (1 in every 100)

3) can get ganked by a whole zerg, however as a solo roamer I make sure I have some sort of escapability

4) you do meet cancer/unkillable build like core war with endurance food/strength runes and " might makes me right" or perma boon "marauder" holosmith or deadeye or...any sort of unkillable nike/stealth crap you may think of, however thats a risk as a solo roamer and I enjoy fighting them as I say "In order to get good, you must face those better". The more I am exposed, the more I can analyze the build/playstyle. It happens. You meet builds hard to beat. Its life.


I keep it fun 2 ways:


1.) I love to fight, I love to duel and I love tweaking my build(s) to better my playstyle and ability. Bring on the ghost DE, That way I can learn to beat it eventually.

2.) My guild are main WvW and its fun to win or lose together (whether solo or small scale) as we always test each others abilities.

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> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> There is no fun in roaming :


> 1) you get chased/ ganked by 4-5 people all the time

> 2) you get ganked while duelling

> 3) you get ganked by a whole zerg

> 4) you meet a cancer unkillable build like core war with endurance food/strength runes and " might makes me right" or perma boon "marauder" holosmith or deadeye or...any sort of unkillable nike/stealth crap you may think of


> Sorry...I'd like to sympathize with you but...as admitted you play an easy class , one which is low risk=high reward itself, you can't complain about a cancer class when you play one yourself


Pretty much this. Roaming is dead compared to what it once was. Now its normal to see groups of people all running around with the same cheese builds needing groups to kill a single person. On a good day, roaming can be fun. On a bad day its a tedious chore. Unfortunately, more often than not these days its the latter and that is why i have barely played the game recently, just got no urge. Because its no longer fun.

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> @"Nocturnal Lunacy.8563" said:

> > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > Hey, I am a solo roamer guy, I play holosmith, spellbreaker and dragonhunter mainly.

> >

> > Lately I am not having fun anymore because I always find those stupid builds like perma stealth deadeye impossible to counter. I get them to 10% they go 5000 range in a couple of seconds resetting the battle and returning again oneshotting you.

> >

> > Same story for mirages, the damage is broken and I know can be avoided but they have too many ways to evade and escape and make the oneshot rotation again if the first time failed.

> > Fights with other roamers are not fun and engaging when there are always those profession around, which add you immediately even saying "git gud".

> >

> > That's really makes yourself even more mad that those profession have such a low risk high reward factor.

> >

> > I know dh spellbreaker and holo are easy to play as well, but they are far from being that cancer level of deadeye and mirage especially.


> Anet removed any fun that is to be had from WvW with the introduction of the condi meta. wvw is a toxic showdown and anet wants it that way. mechanics are toxic, players are toxic this whole game is just toxic. metabattle helped to destroy what fun was left in wvw after carry me meta was introduced.


Aren't you that guy who has sent angry salt messages to almost every player in WvW across all servers? If so, I don't think you have any right to be commenting on what is or is not toxic in this game.

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> @"Turk.5460" said:

> > @"Nocturnal Lunacy.8563" said:

> > > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > > Hey, I am a solo roamer guy, I play holosmith, spellbreaker and dragonhunter mainly.

> > >

> > > Lately I am not having fun anymore because I always find those stupid builds like perma stealth deadeye impossible to counter. I get them to 10% they go 5000 range in a couple of seconds resetting the battle and returning again oneshotting you.

> > >

> > > Same story for mirages, the damage is broken and I know can be avoided but they have too many ways to evade and escape and make the oneshot rotation again if the first time failed.

> > > Fights with other roamers are not fun and engaging when there are always those profession around, which add you immediately even saying "git gud".

> > >

> > > That's really makes yourself even more mad that those profession have such a low risk high reward factor.

> > >

> > > I know dh spellbreaker and holo are easy to play as well, but they are far from being that cancer level of deadeye and mirage especially.

> >

> > Anet removed any fun that is to be had from WvW with the introduction of the condi meta. wvw is a toxic showdown and anet wants it that way. mechanics are toxic, players are toxic this whole game is just toxic. metabattle helped to destroy what fun was left in wvw after carry me meta was introduced.


> Aren't you that guy who has sent angry salt messages to almost every player in WvW across all servers? If so, I don't think you have any right to be commenting on what is or is not toxic in this game.


I still have some of the good ones saved. =D


~ Kovu

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