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LWS4 Ep2 - Rox's Voice Change?

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> @"Healix.5819" said:

> "Rachel Robinson has been wonderful for us, and we thank her for her hard work. However, we’ve decided to take the character of Rox in another direction, and have cast Misty Lee to bring Rox on that journey." (reddit)


Well that’s garbage. Voice actors get no regards I tell ya. Who’s to say Robinson couldn’t have adapted to the change? Sigh.


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> "Rachel Robinson has been wonderful for us, and we thank her for her hard work. However, we’ve decided to take the character of Rox in another direction, and have cast Misty Lee to bring Rox on that journey." (reddit)


"Take the character in a different direction" is phrasing that's usually reserved for "the actor was hard to work with" or "the actor didn't like working for us any longer." When the parting is amicable, it's usually more like, "we're very excited that the actor has found other opportunities." Not that we'll ever know the real skivvy.

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Definitely noticed the difference. I suspect there was something in post-recording that still needs to be sorted out.

But for Episode 2, it sounds like Rox has a really bad head cold. :skull:

If it's anything like the male charr voice change, I suspect they'll keep working on it until it's less dramatic of a change. The transition there took an episode or two to pan out.

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Yeah, I noticed the change too. No offense to Misty Lee (because I think she does do a good job of making Rox sound like an actual female Charr), but after having Rachel voice Rox for so long, it just feels... unnatural hearing another voice coming from her. Feels a bit like the male Charr voiceover change all over again. (Which, speaking of which, I STILL hope that Ron Yuan will come back for male Charr one day. Lex Lang does a good job too, but his voice sounds... too refined. Like a Charr nobleman. :P I loved Ron's voice because it matched the kind of gruff, surly Charr Warrior I envisioned.)

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> @"Underdark.3726" said:

> That's good. Means Zojja is coming back too.


Yeah that what I were thinking too, fingers crossed! :)


Rox's new voice is way better than her original one, I like it. I was like ''woaaah, what happened to her voice?!'' when I heard her in our new episode but she sounds like an actual Charr now and it sounds alot better! Great job with the new VA.

Now, bring our beloved Zojja back in action too with another VA too! :D

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Her voice always seemed to be cheerful and optimistic to me. Higher pitch than the one now, and not as rough. This new voice is more of a warriors voice. Someone tough and ready for battle. Not that Rox wasn't before.


This to me sounds like a different character completely. So much so that when hearing it i have to read chat to see who was speaking.

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If a change in voice actor means we'll see more of Rox and, in turn, means that she'll develop more as a character, then I'm all for it. I personally thought her voice was more fitting than the last one.


Likewise, I hope this means Anet is in the process of finding a new voice actor for Zojja because I'm really sick, tired, and fed up with how Anet has treated her since HoT and LWS3 E1 all because (from what I heard) it's a pain in the butt to schedule Felicia Day for voice acting.

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