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Legendary weapons lore


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So, I believe everyone knows that developing lore and story for old content simply consumes time and resources.

But would it be a bad idea if people could submit fan stories about the origin of specific legendary weapons and have some partners (maybe some youtubers willing to help and others) could help judging a winner to have it implemented inside a game library like the one on Divinity's Reach, inside a dungeon, etc?

I'm thinking of simply 1 little readable book, nothing big.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> Claw of Khan Ur being legendary weapon delivered in the current system is slap in the face to every lore freak. I'm out.


I think its cool, if we gonna get some legendary weapon, might aswell be an actual weapon with lore and stuff, and not some random Quaggan Shield lol

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> Claw of Khan Ur being legendary weapon delivered in the current system is slap in the face to every lore freak. I'm out.


Not really.


It's obviously thought of as a sort of replica of the actual lore item, not the ACTUAL single unique lore item. Lest we forget the gen 1 legendary shield: The Flameseeker Prophecies. Did you think that legendary was the ACTUAL Flameseeker Prophecies? Was that shield a "slap in the face"? Of course not.

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> @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > Claw of Khan Ur being legendary weapon delivered in the current system is slap in the face to every lore freak. I'm out.


> I think its cool, if we gonna get some legendary weapon, might aswell be an actual weapon with lore and stuff, and not some random Quaggan Shield lol



I think they at least tried to release weapon that's related to specfic episode theme.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> Claw of Khan Ur being legendary weapon delivered in the current system is slap in the face to every lore freak. I'm out.


Iirc the legendaries u get from zommoros' are copies of the originals.


The display of multiple legendaries in his lair and also a boss in arah having twilight further supports that theory.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> Everything seem to be a slap in the face of people these days.


This comment is a slap in the face.

Jk, I agree. Lots of threads recently mention a metaphorical slap in the face.


If you don’t like the dagger, don’t craft it.

It’s a replica weapon, like Flameseeker Prophecies, Fiery Dragon Sword etc.

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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > Everything seem to be a slap in the face of people these days.


> This comment is a slap in the face.

> Jk, I agree. Lots of threads recently mention a metaphorical slap in the face.


> If you don’t like the dagger, don’t craft it.

> It’s a replica weapon, like Flameseeker Prophecies, Fiery Dragon Sword etc.


I like the dagger. I hate aquisition method. It destroys lore.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > Claw of Khan Ur being legendary weapon delivered in the current system is slap in the face to every lore freak. I'm out.


> Iirc the legendaries u get from zommoros' are copies of the originals.


> The display of multiple legendaries in his lair and also a boss in arah having twilight further supports that theory.


Copies of what exactly. Because only few legendaries have any lore tied to them. Also... every player in GW2 is same person in lore - the Commander.

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> @"Wolfheart.7483" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > Claw of Khan Ur being legendary weapon delivered in the current system is slap in the face to every lore freak. I'm out.


> Not really.


> It's obviously thought of as a sort of replica of the actual lore item, not the ACTUAL single unique lore item. Lest we forget the gen 1 legendary shield: The Flameseeker Prophecies. Did you think that legendary was the ACTUAL Flameseeker Prophecies? Was that shield a "slap in the face"? Of course not.


Flameseeker prophecies is a book glued to a shield. It doesn't matter as you can read the Prophecies in multiple places. Not form but substance matters.


The Claw is related to whole charr culture and government system. They wouldn't give it to anyone without explanation, yet alone to human. Also if we asume these are copies - which is stated nowhere - they also wouldn't allow to copy their sacred weapon and if anyone would disrespect the Claw like this, it would be a trigger to cut the treaty and go back fighting whole Tyria again.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> Flameseeker prophecies is a book glued to a shield. It doesn't matter as you can read the Prophecies in multiple places. Not form but substance matters.


> The Claw is related to whole charr culture and government system. They wouldn't give it to anyone without explanation, yet alone to human. Also if we asume these are copies - which is stated nowhere - they also wouldn't allow to copy their sacred weapon and if anyone would disrespect the Claw like this, it would be a trigger to cut the treaty and go back fighting whole Tyria again.


You could say a similar thing about the Shining Blade (This sword is of Seer origins, gifted to the Shining Blade after their victories over the mursaat during the Krytan civil war) but there was no kerfuffle about that one.

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I agree with the idea that Legendries are (rather good) forgeries of the real thing, procured or possibly produced by Zommoros through unknown means. The Commander, even with master level crafting, can only ever strive to create a pale imitation (a precursor), which is used as an offering by Zommoros to create the "Legendary". I assume this is the same for any precursor you might find on your travels.


The legendries that do not have lore tied to them might not yet exist, or have been lost to time. We do know there are ways of observing the past and/or future through the mists, and it’s not like Zommoros is without his wealth or means to procure information on legendary artefacts. Hell, his "portal" is currently plonked right dab in the biggest free trading hub in all of Tyria - do you think this is coincidence?


So, in my head cannon, people aren't running around with historical artefacts. They're simply running around with well-made imitations from Zommoros's vaults.

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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > Flameseeker prophecies is a book glued to a shield. It doesn't matter as you can read the Prophecies in multiple places. Not form but substance matters.

> >

> > The Claw is related to whole charr culture and government system. They wouldn't give it to anyone without explanation, yet alone to human. Also if we asume these are copies - which is stated nowhere - they also wouldn't allow to copy their sacred weapon and if anyone would disrespect the Claw like this, it would be a trigger to cut the treaty and go back fighting whole Tyria again.


> You could say a similar thing about the Shining Blade (This sword is of Seer origins, gifted to the Shining Blade after their victories over the mursaat during the Krytan civil war) but there was no kerfuffle about that one.


I was just about to point this one out xD


also please bear in mind how all legendaries are "crafted" m'kay?


you throw some stuff into mystic forge and get a weapon back


to the point that NPCs nearby mystic forge have a talk laughting about adventurers tossing ALOT of exotic weaponry into it.


no charrs giving or permitting anything involved, no shining blades either.


if anybody asks me I'd say current legendaries we craft are quantum replicas made by zommoros or something...


as for charrs breakign treaties because of some random over owning weapon awkwardly similar to the claw - some hotheaded individuals could be angry upon sight but for the actuall leadership of charr armies they all know where the "Real" one is and you can't really forbid a really skilled blacksmith to produce replica based on seeing the weapon >it's not hidden really< especially considering charrs themselves has been doing it already altho in much poorer quality - check out centurion's claw please and now try to tell me it is not a "cheap copy" of the claw of khan-ur onsame basis as fiery dragon sword is cheap mass-produced copy of sohothing/madgaer swords.


no lore breaking involved and if you still believe in lore beaingbroken you are "few" legendaries late to be throwing tantrums.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > Claw of Khan Ur being legendary weapon delivered in the current system is slap in the face to every lore freak. I'm out.

> >

> > Iirc the legendaries u get from zommoros' are copies of the originals.

> >

> > The display of multiple legendaries in his lair and also a boss in arah having twilight further supports that theory.


> Copies of what exactly. Because only few legendaries have any lore tied to them. Also... every player in GW2 is same person in lore - the Commander.


Copies of the original weapons supposedly.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > Claw of Khan Ur being legendary weapon delivered in the current system is slap in the face to every lore freak. I'm out.

> > >

> > > Iirc the legendaries u get from zommoros' are copies of the originals.

> > >

> > > The display of multiple legendaries in his lair and also a boss in arah having twilight further supports that theory.

> >

> > Copies of what exactly. Because only few legendaries have any lore tied to them. Also... every player in GW2 is same person in lore - the Commander.


> Copies of the original weapons supposedly.


Charr wouldn't allow anyone to copy their "sacred" weapon.

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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > Flameseeker prophecies is a book glued to a shield. It doesn't matter as you can read the Prophecies in multiple places. Not form but substance matters.

> >

> > The Claw is related to whole charr culture and government system. They wouldn't give it to anyone without explanation, yet alone to human. Also if we asume these are copies - which is stated nowhere - they also wouldn't allow to copy their sacred weapon and if anyone would disrespect the Claw like this, it would be a trigger to cut the treaty and go back fighting whole Tyria again.


> You could say a similar thing about the Shining Blade (This sword is of Seer origins, gifted to the Shining Blade after their victories over the mursaat during the Krytan civil war) but there was no kerfuffle about that one.


It's not the same. Shining Blade was created as A TOOL to kill mursaat. It was released with episode that was never planned to happen but was created only because PoF was late. Also, the Commander got through ceremony of becoming part of shining blade (even though it's stupid aswell), which in some sense justifies him wielding the sword.


Meahwhile, Claw of Khan Ur is an artifact that defines charr society and chain of command. This is not stupid seer toy, this is like letting us craft Holy Grail. There is nothing wrong in making the Commander earn claw of khan ur, maybe together with story arc explaining how charr are giving up all traditions of khan ur and war altogether. But it's unacceptable to give the Claw as stupid craftable weapon. Again, next time they gonna sell you Scepter of Orr via BLC. Because why not? You already prove you don't care.


Anyway, I'm aware nothing is going to change about this. What I want is Anet to hear that I am DISGUSTED with how they deal with lore and artifacts. In any other game I would be sent to a quest to get a weapon like this, in this game all I need to do is buy some materials and spend 20 minutes in front of crafting bench. That's LAME.


I'm done. Enjoy your gold sinks.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> Charr wouldn't allow anyone to copy their "sacred" weapon.


Except for the fact that the current holder of the Claw, Smodur, doesn't hold it as sacred. Here's something from his page in the Wiki:

> It is debated whether Smodur will use the Claw to further his own influence over the legions to become the new Khan-Ur, or if he is hoping to see the ancient artifact, and therefore the legacy of the Khan-Ur, destroyed.


Destroying it would be unthinkable to a lot of charr, so he may not want to do that. But he wants to weaken it as a symbol. Copies HAVE been made before, the Centurion's Claw, so why not allow more exact copies to be made? It keeps the artifact safe, but kills the impulse to react at the sight of it once you know there are good copies out there.

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> @"Palador.2170" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > Charr wouldn't allow anyone to copy their "sacred" weapon.


> Except for the fact that the current holder of the Claw, Smodur, doesn't hold it as sacred. Here's something from his page in the Wiki:

> > It is debated whether Smodur will use the Claw to further his own influence over the legions to become the new Khan-Ur, or if he is hoping to see the ancient artifact, and therefore the legacy of the Khan-Ur, destroyed.


> Destroying it would be unthinkable to a lot of charr, so he may not want to do that. But he wants to weaken it as a symbol. Copies HAVE been made before, the Centurion's Claw, so why not allow more exact copies to be made? It keeps the artifact safe, but kills the impulse to react at the sight of it once you know there are good copies out there.


That's cool. Anet definitely achieved weakening it as a symbol yesterday. If anything like this happened in game, to explain stuff you know, because random wiki speculations are not part of gw2 lore.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> That's cool. Anet definitely achieved weakening it as a symbol yesterday. If anything like this happened in game, to explain stuff you know, because random wiki speculations are not part of gw2 lore.


I'm pretty sure it has more backing in lore than your personal speculations about what the charr would or would not do with the thing.


If you're upset, fine. Be upset. That doesn't mean ANet screwed up.

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> @"Palador.2170" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > That's cool. Anet definitely achieved weakening it as a symbol yesterday. If anything like this happened in game, to explain stuff you know, because random wiki speculations are not part of gw2 lore.


> I'm pretty sure it has more backing in lore than your personal speculations about what the charr would or would not do with the thing.


> If you're upset, fine. Be upset. That doesn't mean ANet screwed up.


So what lore was presented to justify the Claw (or replica) being now in hands of the commander?


What events in game explain that Smodur wants to lower the significance of the Claw and what actions did he took to proceed with his plan?

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> @"Palador.2170" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > That's cool. Anet definitely achieved weakening it as a symbol yesterday. If anything like this happened in game, to explain stuff you know, because random wiki speculations are not part of gw2 lore.


> I'm pretty sure it has more backing in lore than your personal speculations about what the charr would or would not do with the thing.


> If you're upset, fine. Be upset. That doesn't mean ANet screwed up.


I got mine in the Black Citadel Gift Shop, next to the Meatoberfest mugs, it was half price. It has a button that you press and it says "By the Four Legions Combined, I am Khan-Ur!" and then there's a little thunder peal, but the speaker is kinda tinny and it just eats batteries!


But hey, what do you expect for 15 silver.

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