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Why Have My PoF Hearts Been Reset?

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> @"Hamfast.8719" said:

> This is SERIOUS? I thought my game was bugged, and it upset me enough to turn off the game. (I had this issue in Lake Doric the other day, and I see that my Heart vendor is gone again! GRRRRR!)


> **HUGE** mistake, ANet! If some people want to repeat hearts, fine. But forcing everyone to repeat them every time they want to use a vendor is just going to kitten off a lot of folks. Fix this.


I couldn't agree more; this is **EXTREMELY** short sighted to design repeatable hearts this way. To designed it this way, Anet's either unaware that people visit the Heart vendors more than once, or they think doing the Hearts again just to use the vendor is, "OHH.. SUCH FUN!"... **NOT!** :-1:


Anet, if for no other reason than efficiency, once a Heart has been unlocked, the vendor should be accessible... period. (Whether I like doing Hearts or not... I don't want to waste 15 minutes doing a Heart activity, again, so I can purchase an item which would have taken me just 5 seconds otherwise.)

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> @"Kraggy.4169" said:

> I have full map completions for the first three zones, such as Crystal Oasis is 4/4 on the map status but all of them are empty and when I mouse-over the heart icon on the status panel all four flash like they're not done.


Not sure this was mentioned yet, but -- as for map completion -- the hearts you already did still count towards it, you don't have to redo them for that purpose.

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> <1min. work if you dont like them or need to buy something.

There are very few hearts that take less than 1 min work to complete, unless you happen to be an expert in completing hearts (which won't be the case for those who just want to access the vendor).


And it's unnecessary. Core Tyria heart vendors aren't locked after heart completion; you only have to complete the heart once. And what value is it to the game or the community to require multiple completions of the heart just to access the vendor?



As an extreme example of the current system:

* One hour before reset, I complete a heart.

* After 55 minutes, I realize I forgot to purchase the collection item I was there to get.

* I warp to the nearest WP and get slowed by mobs on the way to the heart.

* Arriving 1 minute after reset, the heart is at 0% completion and I cannot purchase the item that was available to me 60 minutes earlier.


At that point, what difference does it make how long it takes to re-complete the heart?

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Once you complete a repeatable heart it will have an infinity symbol on it, meaning you have done it (like for map completion) but it's repeatable each day. This is helpful to look for if you can't remember which hearts you've done and which you still need to finish. You only need to do each heart once for map completion (the game will save your progress).


See the infinity heart symbol here.



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> @"Wizler.8192" said:

> Once you complete a repeatable heart it will have an infinity symbol on it, meaning you have done it (like for map completion) but it's repeatable each day. This is helpful to look for if you can't remember which hearts you've done and which you still need to finish. You only need to do each heart once for map completion (the game will save your progress).


> See the infinity heart symbol here.

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Renown_Heart#Repeatable_renown_hearts



The issue isn't map completion, or the infinity system, or being able to optionally repeat the heart, the issue is relocking the ability to purchase from them as well.

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> @"Kraggy.4169" said:

> I have full map completions for the first three zones, such as Crystal Oasis is 4/4 on the map status but all of them are empty and when I mouse-over the heart icon on the status panel all four flash like they're not done.


> I thought it happened before but wasn't sure, now I am.


> I need to purchase stuff for the Griffon but can't even though I've completed the heart.


> How do I fix this?


I haven't completed the PoF maps, nor played much PoF for this very reason. Just got the griffon and all the mastery insights and left PoF to itself.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Maikimaik.1974" said:

> > I mean, it's not like those vendors are something you have to talk to on a daily basis.


> But they do I point you to this thread with something said hearts have daily.

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/33466/flames-of-war-legendary-torch#latest


And like the OP of that thread said, do the HoT option. And this is for a legendary. It's not supposed to be easy.

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I've recently discovered another negative to this reset of Hearts .. they Royally screw-up the use of the tracker in the top-right of the screen when trying for zone completion, as they spring up when they're the closest 'not done' element on the map!


This REALLY needs revisiting IMO, re-setting them is fine, I can see the use, but not when it screws-up other important mechanics.

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> @"Kraggy.4169" said:

> I've recently discovered another negative to this reset of Hearts .. they Royally screw-up the use of the tracker in the top-right of the screen when trying for zone completion, as they spring up when they're the closest 'not done' element on the map!


> This REALLY needs revisiting IMO, re-setting them is fine, I can see the use, but not when it screws-up other important mechanics.


That I've been reporting since the first map of season 3. but it seems anet has little interest in fixing this. The event system is already nasty compared to old school quest since it prevents you from playing when you want, or even knowing theres an event.

But this system prevents you from seeing events at unless you're right next to them

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> But they don't force anybody to do it? And boohoo, you need to play 5 min to buy an item for a collection if you actually have to talk to one of them, big deal.



You are the perfect candidate for a job at Anet. “YoU dOn’T nEeD tO Do It bUt You nEeD tO dO iT”


You doughnut ...

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I think this feature is not so much intended to artificially extend "content" but rather to make sure that there are always some players around, everywhere, always, even as content gets older. Abandoned content and regions in the game that are completely devoid of players have always been a major problem in MMO's, and I always hated that. Anet actually does a great job of having people revisit old content and regions through new collections, new recipes and the newer Hearts, so that it never feels truly empty.


Combined with the way their (mega)servers are set up, this works like a charm, at least for me. I like seeing other people run around.

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> @"Griever.7480" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > But they don't force anybody to do it? And boohoo, you need to play 5 min to buy an item for a collection if you actually have to talk to one of them, big deal.


> you actually contradict yourself there, they dont force it yet you need to do it? roflo


He doesn't.

You're not forced to do any of it.

No heart vendor sells anything that is required for the story to progress with the exception that some story chapters tell you to complete the hearts as part of 'befriending the locals'.

What you confuse with necessity is actually want. Optional.


Repeatable hearts are part of the effort you put into collections

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1) For map-completion you do not have to repeat them (if you remember which one's you had done, e.g. it show 2/4 even if all 4 are resetted).

2) These merchants now sale daily repeatable items like map-currencies. It would be to easy if you could just buy them without any effort.

3) How often do you really buy there? (if it is not for map-currency, but I am sure, these would go, if you can buy without redoing them.)

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