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Will GW2 be around for long?

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> @"Airdive.2613" said:

> I doubt anyone will doubt GW2 on these forums.

> Personally, I think the game offers enough content right now that justifies its price tag, by the standards of single player games. You don't really need to worry about some far future.


Replace "content" with "nearly endless grind" please.

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Yes, we still have a number of dragons to deal with, other godly monsters, and dangling plotlines. Also, the game continues to make a boatload of money for its shareholders. So . . . the end isn't here just yet nor is it coming within the next four years . . . if I had to guess should ANet make no outrageous missteps. After that, given the legitimate observation about technology?


Only time will tell.

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Adding my voice to the people saying we can't predict the future but there's been absolutely no indication that Guild Wars 2 is going anywhere any time soon.


We had an expansion released late last year (September if I remember right), and have had 2 story updates and 2 festivals since then so they're on track for their usual development schedule (expansion every couple of years, Living Story release (DLC) every 2-3 months) and there's been no indication that's going to change any time soon. No word of massive layoffs or lots of contracts ending and not being renewed at Anet, no indication that their parent company is unhappy with their profits etc. On top of that we still see plenty of new and returning players both on this forum and in game.


Basically as far as we can tell it's business as usual for the game for the foreseeable future. Honestly it seems like the most likely thing to "kill" GW2 is the developers deciding the technology is too out-dated for what they want to do and making a GW3. But since they said when they made 2 that they were annoyed they hadn't thought of that when making GW1 and they built this game to be more easily modified that shouldn't be a problem. They could also settle for what they can do with the tech they've got like the developers of older but still running MMOs like Ultima Online did.

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I would say stick to Gw2, unless you have tons of free time then go to Ffxiv. But remember if you want to skip the Main Senario Quests in ffxiv you have to buy the booster to do so. If not you will have to trudge through each expansion or even the main story from AAR to be able to unlock the expansion story or even enter the expansion area.

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I think GW2 will remain for an extended period of time. We have a lot of things to offer, most games lack and refuse to do:

- no real gear progression. You can have a break of 1 week up to 4 years and can catch up within a few days. The exotic stats are still sufficient for most game-types. Aquiring ascended gear gets easier with every patch and ... well, legendary gear still is for the prestige alone.

- no traditional leveling curve and a level-scaling which allows you to play where you want. Ofcourse you are a bit overpowered in certain zones, but you still gain good exp.

- action based combat system, where you can do more than just stepping out of a cone to survive an attack.

- no difference between magic and physical attacks. There are neither m.def nore m.atk you have to take care about. You only have condition damage and direct damage. You can block/dodge every attack, even nukes.

- no forced trinity, except for raids. You can be what you want to be.

- nearly endless possibilities to customize your character.

- an open-world which deserves the name. If you want to reach the invisible walls, you have to get a mount or work hard for that goal. And in most cases you accidently discover a new JP or hidden treasure.

- good jumping engine. It is not the best and compared to a real Jump&Run it feels stiff and clunky, but I haven't found a better one in any MMORPG so far. As we have tons of Jumping Puzzles and other cool stuff that works with the jumping engine, I would claim that it is pretty good.

- a very stable, helpful, nice and talkative community. If there is a new patch or there is trouble with something ingame, you always find help in mapchat. People warn each other about bugs and openly offer help in difficult situations. We do not have a recommendation/reputation-system. But the community is better than in games which have any of these.



Most important aspect for me is the time. Nowadays people have less and less time. Jobs demand a lot more time than before and family&friends also deserve your attention. MMORPGs are still time-eaters, all of them. GW2 can be played by a dedicated player as well as by a person with little to no time. But we can all play together and have fun, noone is locked behind by any sort of progression or story-lock system. The expansions and related living stories can be played, without touching the other. You do not suffer too much from skipping something.



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No promises, but ArenaNet has an excellent track record for maintaining their games. A few days ago they confirmed they don't have any plans to shut down Guild Wars 1, (Which hardly brings in any fresh money at this point in time) So Guild Wars 2 is fine if you would ask me.


Even in the unlikely case that ArenaNet would start developing a Guild Wars 3 today (highly unlikely), and stop active development of Guild Wars 2 (highly unlikely), The GW2 servers will just stay open and the game continues to get bug fixes. But I don't see any reason for a GW3 yet as there is so much to continue with in the current world and story.


The only factor I can't comprehend is NCSOFT, the owners of ArenaNet. They have cancelled a few of their (non-ArenaNet) games in the past but they have been owners of ArenaNet for many years and this always turned out great so far.


As fo myself: I'm quite confident that Guild Wars 1 will stay online for a very lone time and Guild Wars 2 for a very long time + 5 additional years or so.


About the profit: Yes, the profit is there for NCSOFT as a company and Guild Wars 2 franchise:


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I feel it's important to point out that Guild Wars 2 is no longer "buy to play". One can play for free, with some restrictions, through the entire primary campaign. One may choose to purchase the expansions afterward to expand their experience, or mid-stream if they feel the restrictions are too confining.

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> @"Faline.8795" said:

> I am trying to decide whether to go for either FFXIV or GW2. I don't have the ability to dedicate myself to more than one game.


It has been around since August 2012 and is still popular. Taking into account GW1 as well, the franchise has been successful since April 2005.

New content is being frequently released for GW2, so I think that should answer your question. :)


P.S. Eww, Final Fantasy. I am not into weird manga visuals (especially the way females are depicted makes me want to throw up), so the choice would be simple for me. ;)

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Let’s say this. In all honestly old players loved pof way more then hot. A lot of gamers who left came back for pof. Pof in reality gave gw2 a light back to the game. However me I didn’t really care. I loved gw2 as soon as I bought it. But that was when hot was already released. Arenanet just now got a fluidity with living world season episodes in how they should be updated with the game.


By saying this gw2 just got there foot in. And pof was arenanets foot getting wet again. It’s honestly a new start for the game to think it will die. Depending on how many episodes. Maybe next year. The announcement of the next expansion will come. I truly believe gw2 has started a great thing with pof and that if it (was) going to die. I would expect it to be at least in 10 years. However guild wars has died long time ago and they are still leaving the servers up to play the game which I love. I would hate to buy an mmo and the company died and I can’t play it because it’s online. Arenanet made a good thing with that too.


Speaking of that. If you ever get bored or stuck. You can always hit another mmo because gw2 is b2p and no sub. And numerous people have come back to play also

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> @"Faline.8795" said:

> I am trying to decide whether to go for either FFXIV or GW2. I don't have the ability to dedicate myself to more than one game.


How small is your hard drive that you can't play both? I think I have around 12 or 13 games installed at the moment and I'm always cycling out old ones and adding new ones that interest me.


Not since introduction of mechanical disk drives have I ever found myself in a position where I was forced to choose between two games.


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> @"SpyderBite.6274" said:

> > @"Faline.8795" said:

> > I am trying to decide whether to go for either FFXIV or GW2. I don't have the ability to dedicate myself to more than one game.


> How small is your hard drive that you can't play both? I think I have around 12 or 13 games installed at the moment and I'm always cycling out old ones and adding new ones that interest me.


> Not since introduction of mechanical disk drives have I ever found myself in a position where I was forced to choose between two games.



I think its more the fact for alot of people MMO's take up most of their gaming time, trying to juggle more than one can be a real pain.


ive been looking through the comments and i have played both GW2 and FFXIV from 1.0 till a few months ago, i would say buy GW2 first, play through the story and updates and expansions etc. and if you get bored or fancy a change FFXIV is there, sure you have to pay for a subscription. but if you can't afford it one month or don't feel like it you can just jump on GW2.


Whilst i see alot of people talking about Limitations etc... all you hear from the FFXIV devs are / was:


We can't do this because of ps3 limitations.

We can't have the game openworld like 1.0 cause of ps3 limitations.

even after the ps3 was removed from service, its now PS4 limitations.


Take that as you will but thats my 2cents.

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> @"Faline.8795" said:

> Strange question, but one I am serious about.


> I'm asking this question of both Final Fantasy XIV and Guild Wars 2, because I'm tired of WoW and what seems to me to be the arrogence of the developers there. (Plus the art style is one level above a crayon. haha)


> I am trying to decide whether to go for either FFXIV or GW2. I don't have the ability to dedicate myself to more than one game.


> I have tried both out. Each has positives and negatives.


> But what I want to know is: Who will be around for the long run?


> Guild Wars 2 has a hard row to hoe being Buy to Play. Their financials make me wonder if it will still be around, putting out new content in a few years.


> Final Fantasy XIV has the advantage of a subscription, meaning more incentive to keep investing in it as long as the profit is there. Questions is: Is the profit there?


> So thoughts?


I would expect 3 more expansions. And if its 1-2 years between then make your call from there. I would expect them to keep releasing even if they are layering in plans for GW3. I think they learned that lesson that they always need to be also working on the next project. That said there are some additional market challenges in the works in this genre in the future but that's all the more reason I would expect them to keep releasing new content. Good gaming to you!

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Im a new player for about a month, came from WoW as well. Just hit 80 and it seems to have more players than as ffxiv from what Ive experienced in level 80 zones. I haven't experienced the true endgame yet, like raids or fractals, spvp etc but it seems to be doing well.


Honestly I feel ffxiv is dead, maybe it's the server Im on.

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Never played Final Fantasy XIV myself but this game has a lot of life left in it, in my opinion.


I occasionally see complaints about dead maps around here but I rarely find myself on underpopulated maps and when I do I normally get shunted off onto a more populated one quite quickly.

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Both are good but like each fir diff playstyles. One its less of an mmo in a sense that it doesnt requires that much attention and commitment. While the other is the standart mmo experience.



I cant see either going anywhere for the next 4 or so years so take that as you will.

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ArenaNet is a company with a single IP and franchise. With two games (sans expansions, extra campaigns etc. obviously). I'd say GW2 will be around as long as the company is alive and well and so far there is no evidence to the contrary (original Guild Wars is still online and in maintenance mode).


I am not Familiar with FFXIV or its life expectancy, but knowing the company and the lifespan of their previous MMO instances (afaik those are no longer officially online at least XI is not) you should be able to make an educated guess. But overall in terms of longevity ArenaNet has an advantage because they are company focused on single product (even if they are relatively speaking much smaller, you can be sure that all circa 300 people working at ArenaNet are in some way contributing to this one game, either directly or indirectly, and that it is not likely to change based on the company history).


I wouldn't worry about content production either, they only relatively recently hit their stride and are getting better and better at making said content, so unless something completely unexpected happens I'd say there is no risk for this game going down any time soon. But then again, everyone here is biased and whenever GW2 is mentioned in say reddit on r/gaming it is apparently dying (sarcasm obviously), so what do I know.

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