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Adjusted disabled area's for mounts and gilders

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Instead of > @"crepuscular.9047" said:


> for some of us who have already done them and have limited time on our hands, we just wanna get it done and over with for the daily and do other contents


I dont like pvp i dont play it and never have in this game. PvE dailies or nothing at all for me.

So again it's just a question. Instead of complaining about not having mounts in JP's why dont you ask for more PvE dailies or an alterative that requires mounts. If you made a post, that you feel you are being forced to do JP's because there are not enough dailies for you, i'm happy to back you.

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Wait, so we can glide in Dreamdark Enclave now? That wasn't mentioned in the notes, only that mounts were now disabled. That's fantastic news! Morgan's Leap is easy enough without mounts (though a boosted jump can be helpful near the end); most of it is too narrow for mounts to be useful anyway. Enabling gliding for Dark Reverie just makes sense; you don't get any advantage because most of the puzzle is climbing up short jumps so you can't really skip bits by gliding. I think all jumping puzzles should enable gliding at the very bottom so that if you fall you can at least hammer the jump key until your glider deploys near the ground and saves you – saving yourself from death isn't an advantage when you still need to redo the whole puzzle from the start if you fall.

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Limitations on when you can use a game feature is like invisible walls ... it speaks to a design flaw. Of course back in 2012 they could not have anticipated these changes but now they should fix whatever problem rather than limit something from the expansions. Plus for those of us that rarely do JPs we have no idea where they are so are just wandering around and *BAM* a feature randomly stops working.


At least let us toggle "show invisibles" so we can see these walls/areas before we hit them if we want to. They may not affect someone just walking on the ground but they surely do when flying and it gives us time to decide on another course if we are about to hit one we do not expect.

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> @"Jwake.7013" said:

> Didn't realize people were that hurt over not being able to use mounts at jumping puzzles.... Most people are saying it's cause they wanna quick daily. Not sure I've ever seen a daily jp where there wasn't a mesmer group porting people though. Again, as far as mounts go, I just want consistency (which they seem to be doing here) so I don't mind it either way. I really don't see them taking anything away from 'us' the players though; this was in core Tyria not PoF and they already had done this for a lot of the jp's.


The other day, the daily JP was Loreclaw Expanse, you know, the one where there are always three or four people downed in the spear traps and two or three corpses among the flamethrowers. I discovered (after struggling through it) that you can exit from the end through a cave entrance, and that there's a chunk of the ledge outside that's not mount-barred. Experiment: jump down, and springer up. Hmm. Works. Put up a tag, advertise in /map "come to purple tag for daily JP on springer". Unending series of people arriving and jumping up. Eventually I relogged on a Mesmer and even portalled some people up there.


NO shortage whatsoever of people trying to shortcut it.

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> @"Etterwyn.5263" said:

> > @"mercury ranique.2170" said:

> > I think the limitation is the wrong approach. The rewards should be limited, not the movement ability. Just ad an evironment effect in jumping puzzles that tracks the use of mount and glider skills. This way you reward to do the real jumping puzzle, but do not limit the use of movement mechanics (just the reward).


> Yeah I don't even care about the chest. Oooh, 4 piles of Dragonite and some masterwork armor!


> If I'm trying to get to the end of a JP it's because it's a daily. Why is it even important how I get there? If we can't use our magic bunny™ we're just going to jump in a Mesmer portal anyway.

Because... JPs have an achievement for completing them, that's why it's important that you finish them on foot, like in the HoT era (if you want the achievement). If the problem is the daily, ask for an easier daily, not to nerf the JP.

There are people who still like to complete a JP "the hard/intended way". I understand that if you don't PvP, the PvE dailies are longer to complete. But the problem are the PvE dailies, not the JPs.

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> @"Urud.4925" said:

> > @"Etterwyn.5263" said:

> > > @"mercury ranique.2170" said:

> > > I think the limitation is the wrong approach. The rewards should be limited, not the movement ability. Just ad an evironment effect in jumping puzzles that tracks the use of mount and glider skills. This way you reward to do the real jumping puzzle, but do not limit the use of movement mechanics (just the reward).

> >

> > Yeah I don't even care about the chest. Oooh, 4 piles of Dragonite and some masterwork armor!

> >

> > If I'm trying to get to the end of a JP it's because it's a daily. Why is it even important how I get there? If we can't use our magic bunny™ we're just going to jump in a Mesmer portal anyway.

> Because... JPs have an achievement for completing them, that's why it's important that you finish them on foot, like in the HoT era (if you want the achievement). If the problem is the daily, ask for an easier daily, not to nerf the JP.

> There are people who still like to complete a JP "the hard/intended way". I understand that if you don't PvP, the PvE dailies are longer to complete. But the problem are the PvE dailies, not the JPs.


If you want to do them the hard way nobody is stopping you. Frankly I never saw enough reward for them for the effort spent, unless it was related to a MP/achievement that I was trying to get.

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> @"Blude.6812" said:


> That's not the point. If someone wishes to do redo a puzzle from start to finish, who I am (or Anet) to complain or restrict that player? If another player wishes to use a mount and get it over for a quick daily, who I am to complain or restrict that player? The problem is ANET has listened to those that DON"T want others to use a mount in a JP (for what ever selfish/misguided reasons) to the exclusion of those that do. There are even members of the community that want to disable a mesmers ability to port in JP. Take away a key skill from a profession?????? Hopefully ANET won't cave to them as well.

> P.S. dont rain the on the people who want to use mounts parade--LOL


I want to be able to play with teamspeak so i can join in and tell people if i dont understand what to do or where i need to be. But i have tourettes and no one is going to play with someone that shouts (sometimes very load) random words over a microphone. I would like to use a ranger with a longbow in any dungeon. I want to build up a small RTS army and take them on a killing spree in the tangled depths And i would like to go to old lions arch and play season 1, I've bought both expansions, paid for all bank and bag slots and extras besides so shouldn't i get the same experience that others have had. It's not going to happen.


Jumping puzzles really say what they are in the name. I dont care if people use mounts or portals but if you dont want to do a jumping puzzle to the point you would rather use a mount or a mesmer portal to completely bypass the whole thing, then dont do them. If its because its the only way to get the daily then complain that you need more dailies to choose from.


I dont see how making jumping puzzles, "puzzles where you need to jump", as selfish/misguided on the part of ANET or other players. I do think tying them to dailies to the point that there are sometimes no alternative but to do them, wrong and worth complaining about.


P.S. Maybe a thought for a post of its own but i'd love to see a jp designed around and only for mounts.







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> @"MattDu.7123" said:

> Instead of > @"crepuscular.9047" said:


> > for some of us who have already done them and have limited time on our hands, we just wanna get it done and over with for the daily and do other contents


> I dont like pvp i dont play it and never have in this game. PvE dailies or nothing at all for me.

> So again it's just a question. Instead of complaining about not having mounts in JP's why dont you ask for more PvE dailies or an alterative that requires mounts. If you made a post, that you feel you are being forced to do JP's because there are not enough dailies for you, i'm happy to back you.


There are lots of PvE dailys that I would do instead of a JP, but again ANET restricted them to according to what version of the game you own. You wont be able to do some PvE dailys if you have the exp. Well you can do them them but it won't count towards the daily.


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> @"Gambino.2109" said:

> Really sucks getting dismounted for simply approaching a small area that is a near a JP...


> Seriously


Exactly, I could count the number of times I have done JPs over the years on one hand and they were not done out of random fun. I have 0 idea where most of them are so get randomly dismounted in places when I did not even know to expect something.

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> @"Urud.4925" said:

> > @"Etterwyn.5263" said:

> > > @"mercury ranique.2170" said:

> > > I think the limitation is the wrong approach. The rewards should be limited, not the movement ability. Just ad an evironment effect in jumping puzzles that tracks the use of mount and glider skills. This way you reward to do the real jumping puzzle, but do not limit the use of movement mechanics (just the reward).

> >

> > Yeah I don't even care about the chest. Oooh, 4 piles of Dragonite and some masterwork armor!

> >

> > If I'm trying to get to the end of a JP it's because it's a daily. Why is it even important how I get there? If we can't use our magic bunny™ we're just going to jump in a Mesmer portal anyway.

> Because... JPs have an achievement for completing them, that's why it's important that you finish them on foot, like in the HoT era (if you want the achievement). If the problem is the daily, ask for an easier daily, not to nerf the JP.

> There are people who still like to complete a JP "the hard/intended way". I understand that if you don't PvP, the PvE dailies are longer to complete. But the problem are the PvE dailies, not the JPs.


Mounts being enabled didn't stop those who wanted to do JPs the "hard/intended" way to do it the "hard/intended" way. Just because others were using mounts it does not mean they were forced to use them too. Mesmers, and various teleports/jumps also make JPs easier, yet those abilities seem to be fine.


The issue here is mostly a small group of people, as usual, being bored out of their minds and spend their spare time so consumed with what others are doing, what they have, and how they do/get it. It shouldn't matter how some random guy got an achievements as long as it didn't involve cheating, certain classes/skill sets make various achievements easier even without mounts.

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> @"Urud.4925" said:

> > @"Etterwyn.5263" said:

> > > @"mercury ranique.2170" said:

> > > I think the limitation is the wrong approach. The rewards should be limited, not the movement ability. Just ad an evironment effect in jumping puzzles that tracks the use of mount and glider skills. This way you reward to do the real jumping puzzle, but do not limit the use of movement mechanics (just the reward).

> >

> > Yeah I don't even care about the chest. Oooh, 4 piles of Dragonite and some masterwork armor!

> >

> > If I'm trying to get to the end of a JP it's because it's a daily. Why is it even important how I get there? If we can't use our magic bunny™ we're just going to jump in a Mesmer portal anyway.

> Because... JPs have an achievement for completing them, that's why it's important that you finish them on foot, like in the HoT era (if you want the achievement). If the problem is the daily, ask for an easier daily, not to nerf the JP.

> There are people who still like to complete a JP "the hard/intended way". I understand that if you don't PvP, the PvE dailies are longer to complete. But the problem are the PvE dailies, not the JPs.


Yes. So if they want us to do it without mounts, make an tracable effect that you loose when you mount or glide. That way people only get rewards and achievements when they do it the way the designer wants us to do it. But it should not limit people just going through. The way it is now. When I'm doing a trek and got the one in briarthorn, I have to walk half the way and loose time on doing the trek. This has nothing to with the jumping puzzle, so why is it fair I got limited.

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Idk, it seems like people got used to the mounts that they want them everywhere now. Why don't you ask to have them in your home instance too?

If "disabling the mounts in JP is pointless since there are always mesmers around", like someone said, then why don't you ask a mesmer? A mesmer must complete the JP alone, he/she doesn't get a free run. And asking him/her for a favour increases the communication among players.

Using a mount to complete a puzzle and take the achievement with 3 jumps is... idk, where's the achievement?

1) You can't use mounts everywhere, like you can't glide everywhere, so should we ask ArenaNet to allow mounts in every corner of Tyria, just because we bought PoF? No thanks.

2) Again, if the problem if that you waste more time to complete a daily, ask for an easier daily. There are players that asked for more difficult JPs and others that want to complete them with a mount. You can't make everyone happy.


Or, allow mounts in JP (so that people can complete the daily) but disqualify them for the achievement as soon as they use them. If possible, it might be a good solution for everyone.

EDIT: ahh, actually it's not a solution: a mesmer could reach the end of the JP with a mount and teleport everyone there. I give up...

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> @"Gambino.2109" said:

> Really sucks getting dismounted for simply approaching a small area that is a near a JP...


> Seriously

The path along False Lake next to Griffonrook immediately comes to mind.


Please adjust any such borders, ANet. Invisible walls already do that job in plenty other places of the world...

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> @"Gambino.2109" said:

> Why don't we Mount lovers go on Strike and counter complain about getting Dismounted when we're not even in the JP


> And to the person who says Mounts should be disabled in Central Tyria..

> ![](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/04/65/fd/0465fdaf9059358bf0341c58933164a8.png "")


That was extreme sarcasm, if you had taken it in context with all my other posts. :s

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I have to> @"Etterwyn.5263" said:


> That was extreme sarcasm, if you had taken it in context with all my other posts. :s


I have to admit when I read it, I reread it, scrolled up to look at your other post,then couldn't get the smile off my face while I browsed the rest of the forum. I could tell it was light hearted and because of that it was fun.Thanks

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