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We need griffons to benefit from updrafts

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I totally agree with this and was considering posting my own suggestion so I am glad someone else did. The Griffon is a hybrid of the glider/mount and I think it is only logical that they would be able to use the updrafts like a glider. As for Leylines, I am indifferent as they are really only useful for certain aspects in certain areas so I don't care if they could be used in those. But I can't tell you how many times i have been on the Griffon, aiming for an updraft only to face palm at myself as I remember that I cannot use them on the mount.

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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> Would be nice, but the most we could hope for would be to be able to dismount the griffon mid-air, to allow glider deployment.


This would be totally awesome! It doesn't even have anything directly to do with gliding... it's simply being able to both mount AND dismount the Griffon in mid-air. Count me as a +1 for continually aiming for updrafts on my Griffon only to realize that I need to abort for an emergency landing. It's a double-face-palm when I need to land so far away that I'm back to square one with a long tricky climb (like in Verdant Brink!). It's a QoL thing. I'm never going to consistently remember to start with my glider instead of my Griffon---I'm far too absent-minded for that!! :)

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> Alternatively, at least give us the ability to switch between glider and griffon mid-flight.


>@"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> Would be nice, but the most we could hope for would be to be able to dismount the griffon mid-air, to allow glider deployment.



A dismount function on Griffon in mid-air is the way forward with this.

HoT content - gliders and updrafts. PoF content - mounts.

It would not make sense to give the Griffon updraft ability since it would completely eclipse the need for gliders therefore making _that_ HoT content obsolete.

Arguably, there are no updrafts in PoF, which is why that synergy is not relevant.

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> If griffins can use updrafts and ley line mastery then there would be reduced need for gliders and less money going into the gemstore. For this reason I doubt ANet will add updraft/leyline abilities to griffins, unless they decide to take a decrease of profit on gliders.


so, you're more worried about profits than actual usefulness. GG.

There are still plenty of people who do not have griffon. There are plenty of reasons to still use a glider. I doubt people who already buy everything on the gem store are going to stop. I highly doubt it'll have any change. Besides, glider masteries became obsolete when PoF launched, did the profits just stop coming from gliders?

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> @"Nick Lentz.6982" said:

> Besides, glider masteries became obsolete when PoF launched, did the profits just stop coming from gliders?


I think that this is a very subjective point of view. I use my glider frequently and am glad to have unlocked all of the masteries for it so that I am able to use it to its fullest potential. I'm sure that there are many others who would feel the same way. Some of us still purchase skins, too.


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> @"Nick Lentz.6982" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > If griffins can use updrafts and ley line mastery then there would be reduced need for gliders and less money going into the gemstore. For this reason I doubt ANet will add updraft/leyline abilities to griffins, unless they decide to take a decrease of profit on gliders.


> so, you're more worried about profits than actual usefulness. GG.

> There are still plenty of people who do not have griffon. There are plenty of reasons to still use a glider. I doubt people who already buy everything on the gem store are going to stop. I highly doubt it'll have any change. Besides, glider masteries became obsolete when PoF launched, did the profits just stop coming from gliders?


I don’t have a griffin and don’t know if I ever will but I do know that a company isn’t going to deliberately decrease its profits unless there is good reason to. So what is the good reason for ANet to decrease its income from gliders?


When you consider that they’ve nerfed the griffin already I’m not seeing that they’ll buff it to make it as useful as a glider or more useful.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Nick Lentz.6982" said:

> > Besides, glider masteries became obsolete when PoF launched, did the profits just stop coming from gliders?


> I think that this is a very subjective point of view. I use my glider frequently and am glad to have unlocked all of the masteries for it so that I am able to use it to its fullest potential. I'm sure that there are many others who would feel the same way. Some of us still purchase skins, too.



Thats my point there, buddy.

Past extended gliding and the glider itself, they are not necessary to the new maps. No updrafts, or leyline uses.

But people will continue to buy the glider skins

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > @"Nick Lentz.6982" said:

> > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > > If griffins can use updrafts and ley line mastery then there would be reduced need for gliders and less money going into the gemstore. For this reason I doubt ANet will add updraft/leyline abilities to griffins, unless they decide to take a decrease of profit on gliders.

> >

> > so, you're more worried about profits than actual usefulness. GG.

> > There are still plenty of people who do not have griffon. There are plenty of reasons to still use a glider. I doubt people who already buy everything on the gem store are going to stop. I highly doubt it'll have any change. Besides, glider masteries became obsolete when PoF launched, did the profits just stop coming from gliders?


> I don’t have a griffin and don’t know if I ever will but I do know that a company isn’t going to deliberately decrease its profits unless there is good reason to. So what is the good reason for ANet to decrease its income from gliders?


Well, that's a loaded question. Designed for no argument.

PoF took away most of the gliding mastery. Have they decided they are not making glider profits, and have stopped making them? There clearly will continue to be a market for gliders,regardless if they add this.

Game mechanic wise, it makes no sense why a flying creature can not use an updraft

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> @"Nick Lentz.6982" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > > @"Nick Lentz.6982" said:

> > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > > > If griffins can use updrafts and ley line mastery then there would be reduced need for gliders and less money going into the gemstore. For this reason I doubt ANet will add updraft/leyline abilities to griffins, unless they decide to take a decrease of profit on gliders.

> > >

> > > so, you're more worried about profits than actual usefulness. GG.

> > > There are still plenty of people who do not have griffon. There are plenty of reasons to still use a glider. I doubt people who already buy everything on the gem store are going to stop. I highly doubt it'll have any change. Besides, glider masteries became obsolete when PoF launched, did the profits just stop coming from gliders?

> >

> > I don’t have a griffin and don’t know if I ever will but I do know that a company isn’t going to deliberately decrease its profits unless there is good reason to. So what is the good reason for ANet to decrease its income from gliders?


> Well, that's a loaded question. Designed for no argument.

> PoF took away most of the gliding mastery. Have they decided they are not making glider profits, and have stopped making them? There clearly will continue to be a market for gliders,regardless if they add this.

> Game mechanic wise, it makes no sense why a flying creature can not use an updraft


After thinking it over I’ve changed my mind and I think it’s quite possible that they will do it. The reason why is I think that mounts have decreased both glider use and glider gemstore purchases.


1) You no longer need gliders to cross gaps that raptors can leap across.

2) Any mount will take the damage if you jump down from a height instead of gliding down.

3) you can glide from a height to the ground using a skimmer or griffin.

4) (anecdotal) I know I’ve gone from frequent gliding to rarely gliding and from buying most gliders to not buying the last couple because I can use mounts instead of gliding. I’ve also noticed that when a new glider comes out I don’t see people using it, not like when everyone would be using the newest glider.


So if ANet has already decreased glider sales in favor of mounts then it’s to their advantage to buff the abilities of griffins to match what gliders can do.

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> Can't fathom why they are restricted from using the airdrafts.. additionally why can't we switch back from griffon to glider if its possible to do it the other way round


"Airdrafts" don't exist in PoF - your griffon cannot figure out how they work. Ever.

Additionally, you cannot currently dismount any of the 5 mounts mid-air (arguably you can with springer but there is very little control to it). This has been extended to cover the griffon also. The reason is that your griffon cannot possibly leave you until they know you are safely on the ground.

or maybe this is the problem: griffons care too much about you, not letting you use those _dangerous_ updrafts (who knows where they go) and not allowing you to jump off their back mid flight (that would be irresponsible and the griffon would lose their licence to carry).

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Nick Lentz.6982" said:

> > Game mechanic wise, it makes no sense why a flying creature can not use an updraft


> No perhaps not game mechanics wise, but for other "mechanics" reasons ... that the griffon and rider are too heavy?



How does a Griffin have the ability to dive/ return to same altitude though? I don't think physics work that way.

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I would support this, but seeing that updrafts are considered to be a HoT-thing, where the griffon is a PoF-thing, I doubt that ANet will put them together somehow. remember that you don't need one expansion for the other or any expansion at all and I think Anet wants to keep the content sepparated to some degree.


Still, I'd be happy should they do it some day ;)

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> If griffins can use updrafts and ley line mastery then there would be reduced need for gliders and less money going into the gemstore. For this reason I doubt ANet will add updraft/leyline abilities to griffins, unless they decide to take a decrease of profit on gliders.


You get a glider for free with HoT. and must have HoT to use a glider. Gemstore gliders are cosmetic and don't factor in to it.


Not including HoT as part of the base game was a mistake. They fragmented the players.

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> @"Nick Lentz.6982" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > If griffins can use updrafts and ley line mastery then there would be reduced need for gliders and less money going into the gemstore. For this reason I doubt ANet will add updraft/leyline abilities to griffins, unless they decide to take a decrease of profit on gliders.


> so, you're more worried about profits than actual usefulness. GG.

> There are still plenty of people who do not have griffon. There are plenty of reasons to still use a glider. I doubt people who already buy everything on the gem store are going to stop. I highly doubt it'll have any change. Besides, glider masteries became obsolete when PoF launched, did the profits just stop coming from gliders?


If using updrafts, a gliding mastery, is obsolete why are you asking for it to be expanded?



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