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Serpernt's Ire - IG6417

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This is just cruel.

I have only completed this meta ONCE and that was when people were still flooding to the POF maps for their achievement hunts that they wanted finished within the first week.


Trying to achieve this meta feels pretty ridiculous considering that you get to the detonation period and suddenly you are expected to fight these Zealots that seem to have stun bars twice the size of the original 5 that you have to find and their health pool seems even larger.


Today I commanded a full squad of people and told them to have their CC equipped, we didn't even kill a single zealot no matter how hard we tried. Dragon Stand, Chak Gerent, Octovine and VB Night Bosses are all easier than this. EVEN TRIPLE TROUBLE IS EASIER! Why do we have to wait for TTS to show up and be our only salvation?


There needs to be some serious adjustments to make this better. Not enough people do it because the effort you have to put in versus what you get out of it is disgraceful. The detonation phase in particular needs some serious adjustment.


Shout out on this post if you are running a decent attempt at it because I seriously need this recording though.

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> This event is great, but the rewards are lackluster for the time and effort required


I succeed at it once, tried maybe 3 times total. It would succeed a lot more if more people would come do it on a fairly regular basis, and the only way to make that happen is to provide more loot. Even if it was just a bunch of big, shiny boxes to open and melt, like AB or some of the other metas, you might get more people to show up.


When it worked, it was a lot of fun. As you said, there just isn't a lot of reason for people to repeat it.

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> This event is great, but the rewards are lackluster for the time and effort required


The concept of the event is good, but it feels like the breakbars are way overtuned. You spend more time breaking them than you do burning the zealots, and it doesn't feel good. Not to mention how often it results in a failed event.

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> @"CptAurellian.9537" said:

> There is something unique, i.e. bags from which you get guaranteed weapons for the specialisation collections. If just the drop rate wasn't close to 0.


That there is the problem, I think. The last time I did it for the backpack collection, I didn't get a guaranteed weapon drop for the specialization collections. The fact that it's a chance and not a guaranteed drop guarantees that I won't be doing this meta ever again.


Two successful completions of this meta is two too many for me for what has to be done and what rewards are offered at the moment.

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I've succeeded at it several times myself. The hardest part is getting a big enough zerg. You have to do this event half an hour before reset, but start forming half an hour before that.


The second hardest part is getting everyone to cooperate. Managing the zerg is like herding cats. Nobody pays attention to where they are supposed to go, everyone implicitly believes that "other people" are going to be the ones who bring CC, players either just auto attack or mash random buttons, and this is all in spite of the fact that areas are clearly marked and I've been giving instructions in squad chat continuously for an hour.

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> @"CptAurellian.9537" said:

> There is something unique, i.e. bags from which you get guaranteed weapons for the specialisation collections. If just the drop rate wasn't close to 0.


I would not count those as something special since you can get those weapons in other ways (TP not included)

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I completed this event for the second time now and it took me three extra goes after making this post before I got enough people onto the map AND THEN BY SOME SORT OF MIRACLE, a person who joined was the person who wrote the TTS Serpent's Ire guide and lead it for me.

Even then it was tense.

It most normal circumstances it is not achievable without some SERIOUS coordination. Even Dragon's Stand doesn't take the same level of coordination, DS allows you to make mistakes and still recover. Serpent's Ire is just too punishing.

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For others encountering this, would recommend to assume others aren't bringing CC and bringing as much of your own as you can. A full squad helps quite a bit as well so if others aren't advertising your squad, do so even if its just in map chat shout-outs. It makes a difference here especially if the tactic being used is the at least a few on each method. Admit not a fan of this one, nor the map, but if you have to do it, don't assume you can just DPS your way thru it, brings deeps but CC's as well. Good hunting!

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> @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > For the CC stuff consider throwing some fruit :)

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Spiky_Fruit


> :)


> Also see people with:

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rock



The advantage of the fruit over the rock is that the fruit can be dropped for other players to pick up.


Fruit is also half the price but does twice as much damage.

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