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Little things that annoy you

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I want to take a little break from people making threads about the game-breaking things that annoy them -cough mesmer- and give a spotlight to the little things that poke at your sense of logic or OCD! I'm curious about what annoys people (kinda bored atm)


I'll start with a few


1. The inaccuracies of logic: for example, why do ranger pet rupts NOT trigger rupt traits, when phantasms and clones do? Or furthermore, why do only SOME phantasmal rupts trigger power block but others don't? The mage will, but rupt from taunt on defender won't. Balance talk aside -cough mesmer- my OCD and sense of logic dictates that *IF I SEE THE INTERRUPT WORD ON MY SCREEN THEN I SHOULD GET THE F-ING TRAIT BENEFIT*

2. Bags within bags within bags within bags

3. Build templates being missing because anet wants to make money on character slots (maybe? I dunno lol)

4. Pulmonary impact shouldn't reveal you, it's really annoying lol.

5. The CD on stealth attack for thief is really annoying lol. (can the mesmer busters get more love? <3 )

6. All the f-ed up coding bugs that happen when they are too lazy to properly fix something: for example vault when they increased ini to 6 and reworked it, it doesn't match traits now and also vault is the only skill in game to my knowledge that you can't cancel the animation of by switching weapons which is so lazy on anet's part and really annoying lol.

7. Their hilarious attempt at fixing Ranger Deer's AI/pathing/balance. (by far my favorite)


Those are some of my non game-breaking annoyances that I can think of, it's fun to vent. Please do share yours! <3


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One thing that annoys me....


That really annoys me....


It makes me facepalm more than anything else....


When people stand there auto attacking and run off when you’re downed so you have to self rez, then more enemies come and they’re still 1000 range away....auto attacking into nothing.


There is nothing that infuriates me more. Nothing ANet has ever done has made me want to put my head through my desk more than the mind numbing absent minded players.


But yes also no valid path, classic on necro tower where you can’t teleport at all even on the same piece of wall.

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> @"Madisonlee.9641" said:

> I want to take a little break from people making threads about the game-breaking things that annoy them -cough mesmer- and give a spotlight to the little things that poke at your sense of logic or OCD! I'm curious about what annoys people (kinda bored atm)


> I'll start with a few


> 1. The inaccuracies of logic: for example, why do ranger pet rupts NOT trigger rupt traits, when phantasms and clones do? Or furthermore, why do only SOME phantasmal rupts trigger power block but others don't? The mage will, but rupt from taunt on defender won't. Balance talk aside -cough mesmer- my OCD and sense of logic dictates that *IF I SEE THE INTERRUPT WORD ON MY SCREEN THEN I SHOULD GET THE F-ING TRAIT BENEFIT*


They commented on defender actually. Due to how taunt works in the engine, the taunt has to be sourced from the defender itself (which is also why it doesn't inherit any of our condition duration). For whatever reason, our phantasms do not inherit our traits. Therefore, teh source of the taunt, and hence the source of the interrupt, do not come from the mesmer.


It sucks, for multiple reasons, but not something that I expect to be fixed anytime soon.

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The single absolute worst thing are teammates **Not Cleaving Downedbodies**: I swear my loses could be cut in half or more if my team would notice when I gank someone in a team fight and contribute towards cleaving their downed body. Like if you're a scourge and someone on the enemy team goes down you should be dropping your shade onto their body and cleaving them and everyone that comes in to res them. Heck when an enemy goes down and their team tries to pick them up, that's the ideal situation to drop your Ghastly Breach on them. If you're a DPS you should be cleaving the dead body. If you're support you should be focused on getting the safe stomp. To often the team just doesn't have any situational awareness and just plays grabass with other players while the Blood Scourge or Firebrand Support resurrects their ally and then everyone loses the team fight.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> Why can a Ranger still command his pets while in down state?



> This has bugged me for years. It's the only class that can still use F1-F4 in a down state.


Can you imagine a static discharge engineer spiking you while downed?


That would be hilarious and absurd.




Things that annoy me besides the current meta?


The way the matchmaker in GW2 seems to be worse than the absence of a matchmaker (random arenas) in GW1.

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Annoyance? Simple...


**A.** The Elementalist's downed Vapor Form being able to pass through gates/doors in WvW/Stronghold/FoeFire.


Talk about immortality! It's especially annoying in Stronghold when they just fight right outside their gates. You down them to save your doorbreakers, they mist up and get safely behind their walls, rez up, then come right back to fight again.


I must confess, I wouldn't be nearly annoyed by that if the Thief's downed shadowstep could get me through a door also. But hey, it doesn't, so I'm rightfully annoyed :-P



**B.** The Necromancer's downed lifedrain. As a Thief, if I manage to down a Necro, I'm probably going to be low on health, initiative, and utilities. So it seems that every time I down one, I'm only seconds away from getting downed myself. And once I'm down, it's all over for me :-(


Of course, it's the same for the Ranger with his pet :-P

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> Why can a Ranger still command his pets while in down state?



> This has bugged me for years. It's the only class that can still use F1-F4 in a down state.


As someone who plays Ranger a lot, I can totally understand the annoyance and I honestly do think it's a little silly, especially if they happen to trait Beastly Warden. I do have to say I feel extremely guilty when I get downed before another player I fight but still manage to win because of Ranger downstate.


This is a WvW thing, but my #1 biggest annoyance is probably thieves who jump me, run away to reset the fight as they're about to die, jump me again, and then rinse and repeat until I finally die.

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Since this is in the PvP section.

People with 0 map awareness or, more specifically - players who **double cap**. E.g. you go to cap a node, there are no enemies nearby, and a few seconds later there's someone from your team following you and just standing there staring at you. Why? Capping speed is not affected by quantity of players on a free node!

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People that respawn and run by 1v1's on home point to go to middle and die to superior numbers. People that go to far point over and over the entire match regardless of situation. (and usually die every time and lose every duel) I admit both of those have caused me to rage quite before. And people wonder why there is so much salt sometimes in conquest.

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I get annoyed by moderators in this forum delete posts for being not related to the topic but they are. They are just funny or sarcastic and give all the nerfcrypost the ridiculous touch they deserve. Ofc balance discussions should happen in a PvP forum but the way these is done in this forum is just ridiculous and don't help to get a better balance (like open 50000 threads about the same class or ppl you clearly can see in their post that they have no clue about balance in general or the class they cry about or just trying to get stuff nerfed they are just too lazy to learn how to counter).

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> @"MarshallLaw.9260" said:

> Since this is in the PvP section.

> People with 0 map awareness or, more specifically - players who **double cap**. E.g. you go to cap a node, there are no enemies nearby, and a few seconds later there's someone from your team following you and just standing there staring at you. Why?



> ##Capping speed is not affected by quantity of players on a free node!



Arenanet devs.

You really wanna blow the meta up?

This should be a thing.**

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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > @"MarshallLaw.9260" said:

> > Since this is in the PvP section.

> > People with 0 map awareness or, more specifically - players who **double cap**. E.g. you go to cap a node, there are no enemies nearby, and a few seconds later there's someone from your team following you and just standing there staring at you. Why?



> > ##Capping speed is not affected by quantity of players on a free node!


> **psst..

> Arenanet devs.

> You really wanna blow the meta up?

> This should be a thing.**


I think it actually used to be a thing back when glory was a currency and hotjoin was a big deal if I remember correctly. I'm not entirely sure, but it seems familiar.

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