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Charr character: what happened to my father?


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So I picked the personal storyline for my newest Charr character where my father is a gladium. At the end of it I help him escape from the Black Citadel prison, and his last words to me were that he will get in touch with me as soon as possible. Yet, nothing ever came of it and I've never heard from him again.


Is this an unresolved plot? If so, it would be the only one in all of the personal storylines, no? Cut off without a real conclusion. Or did I miss something?

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It's not the only unresolved storyline. There's one of the sylvari storylines - "Where Life Goes" - that never is resolved, even in Heart of Thorns when it would have been an appropriate place and time to wrap it up. It's just...dropped. Unfortunately. :(


But no, you didn't miss anything.

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> @"Crinn.7864" said:

> He got eaten by a wild beast shortly after escaping the black citadel which is why you never hear back from him.


Very funny. ;) The reason I was asking is because it was late at night when I played that story mission and I am not sure whether I might have misunderstood.


> @"Batel.9206" said:

> It's not the only unresolved storyline. There's one of the sylvari storylines - "Where Life Goes" - that never is resolved, even in Heart of Thorns when it would have been an appropriate place and time to wrap it up. It's just...dropped. Unfortunately. :(


> But no, you didn't miss anything.


Thanks for the response. :) **One more reason for ANet to continue releasing personal story content!**


P.S. What happens in the Sylvari storyline you mention?

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:


> Thanks for the response. :) **One more reason for ANet to continue releasing personal story content!**


> P.S. What happens in the Sylvari storyline you mention?


Welcome! :) I'd love it if ArenaNet released more personal story content...


In the sylvari storyline (warning, pretty heavy spoilers; if you're planning on playing that storyline anytime soon, I'd recommend not reading further),

>!You meet a sylvari named Malyck (he's the guy I have as my avatar, actually). Malyck is...odd. He claims to have woken up a few weeks prior to you meeting him, alone, injured, and with no memory at all. He's utterly bewildered by your sylvari talking about the Grove and the Pale Tree, and doesn't even seem to recognize that you're of the same race as he.

>! As it turns out, Malyck was born from _another Tree_. He starts to remember bits and pieces of what happened - his pod was floating down a river that came from the west, in the deep Maguuma Jungle - and at the end of his storyline, he sets off to find his tree. More importantly, to find his brothers and sisters that were also born from the same tree. He promises to tell his siblings about the Grove, and to come back with an army of other sylvari to fight the dragons.

>! ...Aaaaaand that's all we ever hear of him. Despite Maguuma being...well, _rather important_ to Heart of Thorns content (which deals heavily with the sylvari), there's no further mention of Malyck, other Pale Trees, other "lost" sylvari, or anything. :(

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Humans can have a "missing sister" who dropped off the face of Tyria after the Orr campaign. She supposidly went to live with the family of her dead lover on a farm outside of DR... which has recently been hit by the White Mantle coup.


Considering there are multiple options durring the personal story that can't be changed, maybe Anet doesn't see the payoff in adding these references.

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> Spare a little pity for the humans who were blessed by Balthazar as a child, please. Nobody said even one word about that during LS3 and PoF, when the said now-ex-deity killed my Dragonhuntress, nor when she killed him. (Granted, some of them wouldn't have known, but...)


Nah this is indeed mentioned during PoF, I’ll grab the quote during the Sacrifice:


Confronting Balthazar

If human who was blessed by Balthazar:

: Balthazar! Stop this! I've prayed to you and enjoyed your blessings for as long as I can remember.

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> @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > Spare a little pity for the humans who were blessed by Balthazar as a child, please. Nobody said even one word about that during LS3 and PoF, when the said now-ex-deity killed my Dragonhuntress, nor when she killed him. (Granted, some of them wouldn't have known, but...)


> Nah this is indeed mentioned during PoF, I’ll grab the quote during the Sacrifice:


> Confronting Balthazar

> If human who was blessed by Balthazar:

> : Balthazar! Stop this! I've prayed to you and enjoyed your blessings for as long as I can remember.


OK, fair point. But I don't recall any of the character's friends mentioning it *anywhere*. (I've only done anything past the end of the VB part of HoT on that character, so I had nothing to compare it to.)

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> @"Batel.9206" said:

> In the sylvari storyline (warning, pretty heavy spoilers; if you're planning on playing that storyline anytime soon, I'd recommend not reading further),

> >!You meet a sylvari named Malyck (he's the guy I have as my avatar, actually). Malyck is...odd. He claims to have woken up a few weeks prior to you meeting him, alone, injured, and with no memory at all. He's utterly bewildered by your sylvari talking about the Grove and the Pale Tree, and doesn't even seem to recognize that you're of the same race as he.

> >! As it turns out, Malyck was born from _another Tree_. He starts to remember bits and pieces of what happened - his pod was floating down a river that came from the west, in the deep Maguuma Jungle - and at the end of his storyline, he sets off to find his tree. More importantly, to find his brothers and sisters that were also born from the same tree. He promises to tell his siblings about the Grove, and to come back with an army of other sylvari to fight the dragons.

> >! ...Aaaaaand that's all we ever hear of him. Despite Maguuma being...well, _rather important_ to Heart of Thorns content (which deals heavily with the sylvari), there's no further mention of Malyck, other Pale Trees, other "lost" sylvari, or anything. :(


That stinks. That's even a greater cliffhanger than the one I encountered. :o


> @"Karaha.3290" said:

> Play Asura.


I have characters of all races, thank you. ;) That's why I was surprised about this open end, because in none of the 12 previous cases I had encountered such an instance.


> @"Westenev.5289" said:

> Humans can have a "missing sister" who dropped off the face of Tyria after the Orr campaign. She supposidly went to live with the family of her dead lover on a farm outside of DR... which has recently been hit by the White Mantle coup.


Yes, I remember that storyline, but it seemed less of a cliffhanger rather than an "abandoned child" in regard of addressing her existence in follow-up content.

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Lawd there’s so much in this thread I have wondered about. So many threads from the PS abandoned. They can’t not know these important characters have plotlines to resolve, right? Unless their writing team had high turn over it’s hard to think these would go neglected.

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To be fair the gladium storyline does get referenced in the Priory story:


Gixx: It was recovered by the Mane warband outside the Black Citadel. We have it, courtesy of Tribune Brimstone.




The Mane warband was the gladium father's warband.


Though yeah, we don't see him again. This is likely because you can also kill him. Any character who has a questionable (due to choice) fate never shows up again. This means just about everyone in the charr PC's warband since most of the recruits are "saved from execution / going rogue / suicide by wading into swarm of enemies so they join".

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These plot lines might have been intentionally left open, perhaps to facilitate players that enjoy developing backstories and side-plots for their characters that coincide to certain plot threads.


Granted, players who do such things likely could weave their bios and such even with the plots resolved.

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