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Worst Insults You've Gotten in GW2

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> @"Andrew Man.7239" said:

> I saw a Charr Deadeye at Crystal Oasis while I was playing my Charr Scourge and I said "Hi cat." He said, "Hi, Dog."

> I have never been so offended or insulted in my entire existence.


Is this a reference to CatDog?

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> Someone yelled at me for being lazy and expecting me to have everything handed to me because I loaded into Vabbi when it was the daily bounty map, saw 3 commanders and asked if any of the groups was doing a bounty. I think it had something to do with me not being the first to ask on that map, but I don't understand how asking if any of the existing groups is doing the same content is the same as demanding that someone does it all for me.


> Someone else (I assume it wasn't the same person) complained that I was using a 'generic lazy youtube meta build' because I killed griffons in Bitterfrost faster than they did. Which I thought was odd because it's the same build I've been using for ages on my ranger and normally people tell me it's terrible.


That's called PVE salt, and it happens. Once I lightly criticized a warrior in RIBA farming for trying to solo the Legendary Troll rather than ressing the dead players that didn't have enemies by it, and he cussed me out for it. Then later when me and a squad of 10+ were dead from large AoE fields, he typed "LOL" and walked away.

I got ressed anyway.

That's the worst they can do to you.


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> @"Kako.1930" said:

> > @"Andrew Man.7239" said:

> > I saw a Charr Deadeye at Crystal Oasis while I was playing my Charr Scourge and I said "Hi cat." He said, "Hi, Dog."

> > I have never been so offended or insulted in my entire existence.


> Is this a reference to CatDog?

I didn't think so.

Btw, that was a joke. I've received insults telling me to drink base liquids which I'm positive at least 30% of us have.



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I've gotten quite a few , and none are appropriate for this forum LOL


Everything from the way my toon was dressed to being called words/names that will just default to "kitten" if I type them and being booted from a guild.


Its nice that people like this are few and far between and after 5 years I can still say that the GW2 community is one of the best in any mmo I've ever played.

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Oh, actual insults. You know, I get insulted a lot in every game, but in this game I can't really recall any. People are generally pretty chill and are generally more passive aggressive when they insult you "We would have won if SOME people did better dps". Usually the raging is directed at map chat, so they're generally just angry in general, not necessarily at any individuals. It's hard to take that personally. Maybe I'm too boring or should PvP more.


Ok once....


Someone sent me an in-game mail about something I posted on the forums. It was very long and I'm sure it was very aggressive, though I wasn't completely sure since I just deleted it after reading a line. Why did they just not reply to me directly on the forum and instead send it in game is beyond me. That means I couldn't send a packet of salt back as a reply. Unfortunate.

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> @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> I had a few or perhaps the same person harass me multiple times in a ranked match because I was representing an lgbt guild.


Lol,I actually had this happen once because I was representing a primarily wvw guild.

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Probably all the salty PVP players!

Yesterday someone went on a long rant to me in whisper about how badly he thought I sucked, ended with "...and that's why you'll be in bronze" (to those who don't know, bronze is the lowest tier you can be)

In my defense--although I am a fairly mediocre PVPer--I generally rank in Gold. I also have a secret dream of seeing that PVPer late in the season--at a lower rank than I am--and sending him a salty whisper to the effect of "ha-ha look at you" (because I am not innocent of salt either xD )


A fun one in PvE was after Bug in the System went live. I was playing my charr and complaining in mapchat about the various puzzles you have to get through to access the Inquest buildings. I said I was going to punt an asura. Someone playing an asura responded that I was "probably a filthy charr," and a long exchange of charr VS asura insults ensued. Other charr and asura players on the map got involved.

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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> Insults are very rare in this game, at least for me. At least ones that I even notice long enough to remember later when a thread like this shows up. The most targeted insults I received were due to some in-guild drama where as an officer I got part of the blame for officer action against a toxic guild member, since the members didn't see all the behind the scenes stuff, and from someone that hated my RP character and decided that I RL sucked as a result. None of that made me -feel- insulted, mind you, just that's where vitriol happened.


> From strangers, um ... just two incidents. One where I was RPing with a guildie in the ruins of LA, someone randomly came up and joined the RP, we were all having fun. Then someone else showed up, saw my guild tag, and out of the blue said "JEST? I hate you guys!" and then something about us having done some horrible things. Which was baffling since we were even at our peak a very small guild with strict guidelines about being ethical and nice and as an officer I'd received zero complaints about member behavior. I asked if they were confusing us with some other group using the same tag but they just scampered off and our RP continued.


> The other is the only one where I both felt insulted and felt horrible. It was when there were a lot of legendary journey steps that required events that required other events to fail. I hadn't been paying much attention to what those were as I wasn't (yet) working on any legendary. There was a daily Shiverpeaks gather, I headed for the strawberries in Snowden, and on the way saw an event mob walking along. Ok, hey, free xp/karma/etc, I jumped in and beat the mob to death. My chat channel was on my Map tab, which doesn't have /Say showing, so it was only when I was done that I saw the stream of anguished requests for me to stop. I apologized profusely, feeling terrible, actually sick to my stomach with remorse, only to have them call me nasty names, say I was lying and a griefer. (Lying is the biggest sin in my family and in my career, by the way, I have spent my life committed to ethical honesty, hence the feeling insulted part). I took screens in case ANet thought the reports had merit. Which meant I preserved the name of the one player there who gave me the benefit of the doubt, and the next day was able to send her a large pile of mats needed for her legendary by way of apology.


> Other than that, can't think of anything in all my years in the game that constitutes an insult worth mentioning. Maybe the one doofus in a DS run where I commanded a lane and my zerg failed to follow directions in the blighting tower so it all fell apart, somehow that was my fault per the guy. Not per anyone else in the squad, though, and I'd already led many smooth lane runs in DS so it didn't really bother me ^_^


Just so you know other guilds can have same tag as your guild so its likely this guy mixed up with some other guild.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Donari.5237" said:

> > ... I asked if they were confusing us with some other group using the same tag ...


> Just so you know other guilds can have same tag as your guild so its likely this guy mixed up with some other guild.


I do know :)

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A number of people saying I "must be a white cishet male" for a variety of different reasons, not all political. Not an insult in itself, but the intent was clear.


My favorite, though, went a different direction. Some guy angry that I kited and sniped them in WvW as a Longbow Ranger, using the whisper trick to start saying how gay I am and how much my boyfriend must love having such a pushover coward under his control. So I said yeah, he thinks it's cute and his assertiveness makes me feel safe. Just kept rolling with everything the guy kept saying, and it made him so very, very angry to be unable to get under my skin.

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