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WTB Heirloom Gear... Please!

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I would love for gw2 to offer something similar heirloom gear from wow. It would scale to level. It would grant extra xp.


Additionally, I don't thing they should make it overpowered, so maybe green level itemization? This was a mistake that wow made and it hurt leveling and I think gw2 should avoid it.


Last thing is that I think it should be stat selectable/changeable like legendary gear. This would allow encouraging trying lots of different builds as you level, probably the funniest thing in gw2.


I think they should sell this in the gem store, or perhaps have it related to achievements too.


What does everyone else think of this? Are you interested in something like this?

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Huh! Never even knew those existed. Thanks for the info/link.


At a minimum price of 125g plus timegating you are probably going to get better results for less gold with Ineffable gear.


The Bloodbound weapons can also drop from the forge.

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > Huh! Never even knew those existed. Thanks for the info/link.


> At a minimum price of 125g plus timegating you are probably going to get better results for less gold with Ineffable gear.


> The Bloodbound weapons can also drop from the forge.


I agree they are pricey, but if you play to level alts, and level alts, and level alts, they're ok. You pay for their function of not having to rebuy weapons while leveling.

I don't think gw2 needs Heirloom gear though with how quickly you can level already.

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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > Huh! Never even knew those existed. Thanks for the info/link.

> >

> > At a minimum price of 125g plus timegating you are probably going to get better results for less gold with Ineffable gear.

> >

> > The Bloodbound weapons can also drop from the forge.


> I agree they are pricey, but if you play to level alts, and level alts, and level alts, they're ok. You pay for their function of not having to rebuy weapons while leveling.

> I don't think gw2 needs Heirloom gear though with how quickly you can level already.


That is exactly what Ineffable was made for ...

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > > Huh! Never even knew those existed. Thanks for the info/link.

> > >

> > > At a minimum price of 125g plus timegating you are probably going to get better results for less gold with Ineffable gear.

> > >

> > > The Bloodbound weapons can also drop from the forge.

> >

> > I agree they are pricey, but if you play to level alts, and level alts, and level alts, they're ok. You pay for their function of not having to rebuy weapons while leveling.

> > I don't think gw2 needs Heirloom gear though with how quickly you can level already.


> That is exactly what Ineffable was made for ...


Ineffable has a pre-defined minimum level though. While it is considered levelling gear you’d need to craft several variations to cover levelling from 1-80. Not precisely what the op is wanting, but I don’t think it’s worth it still for reasons I’ve already stated.

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What's wrong with just using drops? Almost all drops in this game scale to the level of the character (the only exception I know of us Unidentified Gear which always gives level 80 items) so no matter where you are in the world you're going to get equipment that's at your characters level.


I always use a combination of dropped gear and level/story rewards until my characters get to level 80 and I've never found it to be a problem. Sometimes I'll get unlucky and a piece will fall several levels behind (but I don't think it's ever been more than 10 levels below my character), or I'll decide I want a different weapon and then I'm not able to find one, but if that's a problem there's a lot of other ways to get level appropriate equipment, like the trading post, NPC merchants, karma gear or crafting something.

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Thanks all for the helpful info.


Bloodbound weapons and ineffable equipment are close to what I am looking for, but not quite.


I would really like something with stats adjustable on the fly like legendary equipment. I want it scaling so that I can plug them on at level one and play with builds on the fly without getting reagents for a reset. I don't want it exotic at level because it will make leveling too easy. I'm looking to enjoy leveling slowly while playing with build types


Bloodhound weapons would be the next closest thing to what I am looking for if they made armor, but sadly it doesn't look like they do.



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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> What's wrong with just using drops? Almost all drops in this game scale to the level of the character (the only exception I know of us Unidentified Gear which always gives level 80 items) so no matter where you are in the world you're going to get equipment that's at your characters level.


> I always use a combination of dropped gear and level/story rewards until my characters get to level 80 and I've never found it to be a problem. Sometimes I'll get unlucky and a piece will fall several levels behind (but I don't think it's ever been more than 10 levels below my character), or I'll decide I want a different weapon and then I'm not able to find one, but if that's a problem there's a lot of other ways to get level appropriate equipment, like the trading post, NPC merchants, karma gear or crafting something.


It is more about trying a condi build then switching and trying a power build. Then going back to condi if I don't like it. Or trying out a tank spec. Its hard to do that using the TP and annoying if you have to do it every couple of levels.


Also, once you hit 80 you could use the gear to test play styles and builds at max level before you invest money on ascended. You would need to keep it at a lower level at green or yellow rarity, IMO to not make it more desirable than ascended, though.

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> @"Opopanax.1803" said:

> Thanks all for the helpful info.


> Bloodbound weapons and ineffable equipment are close to what I am looking for, but not quite.


> I would really like something with stats adjustable on the fly like legendary equipment. I want it scaling so that I can plug them on at level one and play with builds on the fly without getting reagents for a reset. I don't want it exotic at level because it will make leveling too easy. I'm looking to enjoy leveling slowly while playing with build types


> Bloodhound weapons would be the next closest thing to what I am looking for if they made armor, but sadly it doesn't look like they do.




If lvling is the problem, just buy a new set every 10 lvl.

It will cost you not that much ( green rarity ).


I know what are you aiming at, but given the game trust me, you are simply trying to complicate things which are just simple right now.

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> @"Lexani.6152" said:

> Are you seriously worried about leveling in gw2 so much that you need heirloom gear? That's just sad...


Sorry you think that me enjoying leveling is sad. I want to be able to play with builds on both traits AND gear stats on my way to 80.


This is not the thread for you with that attitude.

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> @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> > @"Opopanax.1803" said:

> > Thanks all for the helpful info.

> >

> > Bloodbound weapons and ineffable equipment are close to what I am looking for, but not quite.

> >

> > I would really like something with stats adjustable on the fly like legendary equipment. I want it scaling so that I can plug them on at level one and play with builds on the fly without getting reagents for a reset. I don't want it exotic at level because it will make leveling too easy. I'm looking to enjoy leveling slowly while playing with build types

> >

> > Bloodhound weapons would be the next closest thing to what I am looking for if they made armor, but sadly it doesn't look like they do.

> >

> >


> If lvling is the problem, just buy a new set every 10 lvl.

> It will cost you not that much ( green rarity ).


> I know what are you aiming at, but given the game trust me, you are simply trying to complicate things which are just simple right now.


You are probably correct. I won't hold my breath for anet to implement something like this, and you suggestion will probably the second closest solution.

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> @"Opopanax.1803" said:

> > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > What's wrong with just using drops? Almost all drops in this game scale to the level of the character (the only exception I know of us Unidentified Gear which always gives level 80 items) so no matter where you are in the world you're going to get equipment that's at your characters level.

> >

> > I always use a combination of dropped gear and level/story rewards until my characters get to level 80 and I've never found it to be a problem. Sometimes I'll get unlucky and a piece will fall several levels behind (but I don't think it's ever been more than 10 levels below my character), or I'll decide I want a different weapon and then I'm not able to find one, but if that's a problem there's a lot of other ways to get level appropriate equipment, like the trading post, NPC merchants, karma gear or crafting something.


> It is more about trying a condi build then switching and trying a power build. Then going back to condi if I don't like it. Or trying out a tank spec. Its hard to do that using the TP and annoying if you have to do it every couple of levels.


> Also, once you hit 80 you could use the gear to test play styles and builds at max level before you invest money on ascended. You would need to keep it at a lower level at green or yellow rarity, IMO to not make it more desirable than ascended, though.


That is even easier. Both condi and support with boons is simply subpar due to the limited access to concentration and expertise. Concentration is slightly better off due to the Giver's stuff. Also all your testing will be wrong anyway due to lack of access to the elite specs. It's like trying to test the performance of a car before you put any tires on it.

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At this point you are probably better off starting a new thread with you actual intent instead of muddling it with leveling and additional exp(which is already easily available through other means).


> Additionally, I don't thing they should make it overpowered, so maybe green level itemization?


This gear will never give accurate results. Besides the previous issues mentioned having lower rarity gear will mean different breakpoints. Why should efforts be made to provide players with inaccurate data?

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To be fair, the entire crafting+TP+drop system in this game is built around people selling (some) of their drops and crafted low level gear on the TP, to keep the items in circulation. But the prices are still fairly low for most of them.


Having a leveling gear from level 1-80 (with stat select) would flat out wreck the market for those things, unless they cost it like they do the current "bloodbound" weapons, which is more rare than legendary weapons :p


So I can understand why they don't want to add that kind of gear, as it would mess up a good bit of the circulation of low level items in the game. And to be fair, the cost of 95% of gearing level 1-79 is "peanuts".


I still want the bloodbound weapons though, rare level weapons that scale with level, makes it so much nicer for me that keep deleting old toons and making them anew, because I can't decide on minor details.

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> At this point you are probably better off starting a new thread with you actual intent instead of muddling it with leveling and additional exp(which is already easily available through other means).


> > Additionally, I don't thing they should make it overpowered, so maybe green level itemization?


> This gear will never give accurate results. Besides the previous issues mentioned having lower rarity gear will mean different breakpoints. Why should efforts be made to provide players with inaccurate data?


There's also the fact that until level 20 equipment only gives a bonus to 1 stat, then it's 2 until level 60, you only get 3 attributes after level 60, and 4 only on level 80 equipment. And of course you can't equip 3 specialisations (even non-elite ones) until level 71.


So even if you have a good idea of which skills and traits you want (so you can prioritise unlocking those) and you don't want to use the elites you can't really start making builds that would bear any resemblance to what you'll have at level 80 until you're level 71 at least. And at that point you may as well get to 80 so you can do it properly (since levelling is pretty quick in this game and doesn't get more difficult as you go along).

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Because the wiki is functionally useless when it comes to delivering info about these very expensive, time-gated weapons, I have a quick request for anyone that can be bothered to answer this:


If a L2 character, fresh out of the intro, were to wield a Bloodbound greatsword, what would the numbers be on that weapon (stats and damage range)?


L2 is just an example, though. Numbers at any given character level will be useful to get an actual idea of just what the ambiguous "scaling to character level" actually means.




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