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Aurene is growing way too fast


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There is simply no way to know how dragon physiology works well enough to determine how quickly a specimen should or should not be growing. We cannot compare to other biologicals, as even among species, newborns/hatchlings can have wildly different growth rates, and none resemble dragon physiology. The only comparisons we can draw are between ancient dragons like Glint and primordial dragons like Kralkatorrik, both of which have lived multiple eons. Vlast, by comparison, is a mere 250-ish years old, and Aurene is a yearling at this stage. We can observe the stages between hatchling and adolescent, though without specific timing data, but we simply have no idea what it takes for an adolescent dragon to mature into adulthood.


However, we can compare some things between Vlast and Aurene that we know. First, Vlast hatched during a time of upheaval. The ambient magic at that point was not only weaker than modern time, but actively dropping as Primordus, Jormag, and Zhaitan awakened. Aurene, by comparison, hatched in a time of abundant magic. Modern magic is far stronger and more prevalent than in GW1 times, Zhaitan had just been killed, and Mordremoth would die soon after she hatched. Secondly, Vlast never found and bonded with his "champion". The magical focus of that bond, especially considering the raw deterministic power of the Commander, could have stunted Vlast while accelerating Aurene. We know that Vlast is male and Aurene is female, it could be possible, as it is with humans, that females tend to mature more quickly than males in early stages.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > The point of what I was saying is that this is a fictional creature within a fictional game. We cannot necessarily apply what we see in the real world to the game.

> > >

> > > I don't know about you, but I have not seen any dragons in the real world yet.

> > >

> > > I have played dozens of RPGs, pen & paper as well as computer ones, **and even the GW lore makes clear statements about a dragon's lifespan. Then think about how long Glint's egg was there before Aurene hatched from it.** It's simple logic and doesn't have anything to do with real-life biology. ;)

> >

> > You can't assume anything about dragons in one franchise carries over to dragons in another.


> That is why I wrote the marked part. As long as there is no in-game explanation that clearly states that Aurene has grown to be a teenager within only months (which is ridiculous in the context we have learnt in GW about Dragons and their eggs) due to the magic she has absorbed (which is an illogical assumption, too, because it might have transformed her _physically_, but certainly not mentally/intellectually), I am not buying it. Sorry.


Is there any indication that she even has aged too much mentally? She still doesn't even know how to speak.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Orpheal.8263" said:

> > Dragons in the World of Tyria grow by the amount of Magic they eat and aurene received and ate a huge amount of concentrated magic that gave her body a massive growth accelleration.

> >

> > You must understand, that we can't wait for storytelling reasons naturally multiple centuries, until Aurene gets finally big enough, that she will become that way a more important story character, that actually can do more, than looking only cute...

> > So your problem with her growing up faster than your little standard 0815 imagination of how fast dragons should grow up in your personal fantasy plays no role here.

> >

> > The devs handled absolutely right here with Aurene to make her grow up quick and that way quicly a more equal character to has, that can participate in the actions around her, instead of having to be protected forever like a little helpless baby.

> >

> > The only debatable thign over Aurene is, her design/looks, but thats just only a matter of taste, cause shes a kid of Glint and for my taste she doesn#t look at all as if she would be an offspring of Glint yet... her face isn't what I would expect to be dragonlike and should look more liek that of Glint so that the paralleles to her fit as her offspring

> >

> > In fatc personaly I would wish Glint woudl have growed up to the size of Vlast, cause that would have been actually the right size, so that Glint could work in story instances as a Mount, but however, the seasons not over yet and I'm sure Aurene will grow further over time, just a matter of time I guess when our ACharacters will begin to do teamwork with Aurene by riding on her and soarign through the sky eliminating foes together with right Mount KSilsl that allow you to fight while flying actually realling and not with that silly stupud wannabe flying that we have so far with gryphons which can't even handle to fly really without loosing permanently height, where you ask yourself only, wheres the kitten mastery on gryphons, that allows you to fly without permanently loosing height ^^

> >

> >

> >


> The developers touched on her looks. Its due to whos magic she absorbed that she came to look like that. In this case she absorbed mordremoth's magic and so she comes to look like him.


> Its also speculated that she absorbed zhaitan's magic as well hence her having similar features to zhaitan (her wings) and considering what we learn in se3 its a pretty safe bet to make.


Her look changed the moment she entered Elon I think if you want to make it reasonable her looks comes from the ley energy she absorbs or better said the dominate magic energy which is in the ley energy which properly is in Elon earth magic. Problem is by this logic she should had a mixed up look like blue crystal with green plant veins.


Zaithan chose also Orr because of its death magic and so on. We know that the loose of the elder dragon let the magic running wild in the theory Taimi should find a way to send this magic wireless to Auren from the Hearth of Maguma, Orr and later Elon which would gave her a very crazy look and powers no other (elder) dragon has.


If you think about it she could create Sylvari which leafs are made out of crystal or just create crystal trees which also means her and her creations harmonic frequency should be different from Kralkatorrik's . Okay there are some problems with this first the minons of the other elder dragons would go crazy also the chak would attack the necessary ley-line energy absorbers on top of this Auren would get another grow spurt because she would get at maximum settings 3x times the amount of magic the other elder dragons got by absorbing ley-line energy.

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[We are told as early as Metrica Provice that magic makes things grow very big, very fast. ](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Defeat_the_giant_hungry_baby_raptor "We are told as early as Metrica Provice that magic makes things grow very big, very fast. ")


This was not an isolated case. There's many cases of magic used to temporarily or permanently increase the size or speed up the growth of living things.


Aurene's Hatching was sped up by the jolt of magic from Mordremoth's defeat, and then she grew from baby to adolescent from the massive amount of magic released after Balthazar's dead.


Without those, she would probably still be an egg.


We probably won't notice any growth from her again unless she gets another large amount of magic, and the growth will likely match the amount of magic absorbed.

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> She's consumed a LOT of unbound magic though. No way to tell how that affects a dragons growth. Bringing in facts and lore from other games doesn't really help. We simply don't know how fast dragons grow in this game.


Dragon with unbound obesity ._." ????

Aurene in next expantion



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