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In-House DPS Meter

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It's not the first time this has been asked for, but since you're now apparently using no-appeal bans for enforcement and I have no idea of knowing which software is in violation or whether or not first-time offenders are given a warning before such action is taken, I'm obviously not going to take the chance!


So, given all of that, would you please consider developing your own DPS meter? Or find some way of allowing players who want access to this feature to have it without worrying that they're going to be banned for months without warning or recourse?

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While I'd usually promote the idea that Anet should be working on more story/PvE content first and foremost, this is one of those rare exceptions where I'd welcome them to pour resources into their own DPS meter for those who want one instead of being at the mercy of using a third-party program and end up risking a ban as a result.

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> @"GreyWolf.8670" said:

> Parsable combat logs would be sufficient. Just don't upload them to anyone if you don't want your data parsed. :P


I just want something that is convenient and easy to use, usable in game without having to upload to some other site, and has all the features. Honestly, arcdps is a piece of junk compared to the damage meters I used years ago in WoW. ANet could easily produce something better.


I know the players are somewhat divided on this issue. There are players who don't perform well and catch a lot of grief from others who probably wouldn't have had anything to say without a damage meter there to clue them in. But for many of us it's a legitimate tool to improve performance and makes the game more enjoyable.


I don't even raid or really do much instanced PvE at all! I'm into soloing champions and legendaries all over the world. DPS meters provide me with detailed information on my performance that I can use to evolve my build and strategy. Sure, I can do that without a meter, but I do it a lot quicker and with better results if I have better information to work with! DPS meters provide that information.


Of course, I am competitive and I like to see how I am doing relative to others and DPS meters are nice for that. What can I say but that some people aren't very nice? I don't see that as a good reason to deny players access to a great tool that we've become used to having in other MMOs for many years. If we can't approve third-party software for this purpose, then I would like ANet to build their own.

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > @"GreyWolf.8670" said:

> > Parsable combat logs would be sufficient. Just don't upload them to anyone if you don't want your data parsed. :P


> I just want something that is convenient and easy to use, usable in game without having to upload to some other site, and has all the features. Honestly, arcdps is a piece of junk compared to the damage meters I used years ago in WoW. ANet could easily produce something better.


> I know the players are somewhat divided on this issue. There are players who don't perform well and catch a lot of grief from others who probably wouldn't have had anything to say without a damage meter there to clue them in. But for many of us it's a legitimate tool to improve performance and makes the game more enjoyable.


> I don't even raid or really do much instanced PvE at all! I'm into soloing champions and legendaries all over the world. DPS meters provide me with detailed information on my performance that I can use to evolve my build and strategy. Sure, I can do that without a meter, but I do it a lot quicker and with better results if I have better information to work with! DPS meters provide that information.


> Of course, I am competitive and I like to see how I am doing relative to others and DPS meters are nice for that. What can I say but that some people aren't very nice? I don't see that as a good reason to deny players access to a great tool that we've become used to having in other MMOs for many years. If we can't approve third-party software for this purpose, then I would like ANet to build their own.


Its 6 of 1 and half a dozen of the other.. you might not see it as a reason just because some players catch grief.. not everyone plays to be min maxed and super competitive so turning your reasoning over to the otherside of the fence, they may not see it as a good reason to accept the use of it if all it is doing is causing grief, which we all know it does .

Personally DPS meters for personal use like you have described I have zero issue with and is a useful tool.. but in no way should there be any capability to dps meter another player in group etc without explicit consent form that player.. that way there can be no argument.

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > > @"GreyWolf.8670" said:

> > > Parsable combat logs would be sufficient. Just don't upload them to anyone if you don't want your data parsed. :P

> >

> > I just want something that is convenient and easy to use, usable in game without having to upload to some other site, and has all the features. Honestly, arcdps is a piece of junk compared to the damage meters I used years ago in WoW. ANet could easily produce something better.

> >

> > I know the players are somewhat divided on this issue. There are players who don't perform well and catch a lot of grief from others who probably wouldn't have had anything to say without a damage meter there to clue them in. But for many of us it's a legitimate tool to improve performance and makes the game more enjoyable.

> >

> > I don't even raid or really do much instanced PvE at all! I'm into soloing champions and legendaries all over the world. DPS meters provide me with detailed information on my performance that I can use to evolve my build and strategy. Sure, I can do that without a meter, but I do it a lot quicker and with better results if I have better information to work with! DPS meters provide that information.

> >

> > Of course, I am competitive and I like to see how I am doing relative to others and DPS meters are nice for that. What can I say but that some people aren't very nice? I don't see that as a good reason to deny players access to a great tool that we've become used to having in other MMOs for many years. If we can't approve third-party software for this purpose, then I would like ANet to build their own.


> Its 6 of 1 and half a dozen of the other.. you might not see it as a reason just because some players catch grief.. not everyone plays to be min maxed and super competitive so turning your reasoning over to the otherside of the fence, they may not see it as a good reason to accept the use of it if all it is doing is causing grief, which we all know it does .

> Personally DPS meters for personal use like you have described I have zero issue with and is a useful tool.. but in no way should there be any capability to dps meter another player in group etc without explicit consent form that player.. that way there can be no argument.


I'm fine with that. I prefer to see the DPS of everyone in a group, but if people want to hide their info that's their business (and you know raids will simply require that you turn it on anyway).The real meat of it is in evaluating personal performance in detail.

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > > > @"GreyWolf.8670" said:

> > > > Parsable combat logs would be sufficient. Just don't upload them to anyone if you don't want your data parsed. :P

> > >

> > > I just want something that is convenient and easy to use, usable in game without having to upload to some other site, and has all the features. Honestly, arcdps is a piece of junk compared to the damage meters I used years ago in WoW. ANet could easily produce something better.

> > >

> > > I know the players are somewhat divided on this issue. There are players who don't perform well and catch a lot of grief from others who probably wouldn't have had anything to say without a damage meter there to clue them in. But for many of us it's a legitimate tool to improve performance and makes the game more enjoyable.

> > >

> > > I don't even raid or really do much instanced PvE at all! I'm into soloing champions and legendaries all over the world. DPS meters provide me with detailed information on my performance that I can use to evolve my build and strategy. Sure, I can do that without a meter, but I do it a lot quicker and with better results if I have better information to work with! DPS meters provide that information.

> > >

> > > Of course, I am competitive and I like to see how I am doing relative to others and DPS meters are nice for that. What can I say but that some people aren't very nice? I don't see that as a good reason to deny players access to a great tool that we've become used to having in other MMOs for many years. If we can't approve third-party software for this purpose, then I would like ANet to build their own.

> >

> > Its 6 of 1 and half a dozen of the other.. you might not see it as a reason just because some players catch grief.. not everyone plays to be min maxed and super competitive so turning your reasoning over to the otherside of the fence, they may not see it as a good reason to accept the use of it if all it is doing is causing grief, which we all know it does .

> > Personally DPS meters for personal use like you have described I have zero issue with and is a useful tool.. but in no way should there be any capability to dps meter another player in group etc without explicit consent form that player.. that way there can be no argument.


> I'm fine with that. I prefer to see the DPS of everyone in a group, but if people want to hide their info that's their business (and you know raids will simply require that you turn it on anyway).The real meat of it is in evaluating personal performance in detail.


Of course it is.. but when raids requirements become even more stringent the raiding community often reduces and wait times grow.. then again guild raids are always a better proposition to PUG's and as GW2 raiding is imo a small scale affair in comparison to other MMO's it probably wont see much effect

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> It's not the first time this has been asked for, but since you're now apparently using no-appeal bans for enforcement and I have no idea of knowing which software is in violation or whether or not first-time offenders are given a warning before such action is taken, I'm obviously not going to take the chance!


> So, given all of that, would you please consider developing your own DPS meter? Or find some way of allowing players who want access to this feature to have it without worrying that they're going to be banned for months without warning or recourse?


Nothing has changed today. People are **not** getting banned for using ArcDPS. If they were, then (a) it would be a lot more than 1600 accounts and (b) ArcDPS would be shutdown.


I'm not against the concept of an in-game DPS meter (although I think there are plenty of other things we want more), but this isn't a new or convincing argument in favor of it.

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Some Asuran lab where the P³ ~~value~~ coefficient (Personal Punishment Potential - Patent pending!) can be measured in some kind of simulation (it has all been done before) IMHO wouldn't stretch the imagination that far.

On the other hand, I second the opinion that this game should NOT be solely about DPS, so we're prolly better off without any official DPS meter.


Edit: "Coefficient" sounds much more asura-y than "value".

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> @"Plautze.6290" said:

> Some Asuran lab where the P³ value (Personal Punishment Potential - Patent pending!) can be measured in some kind of simulation (it has all been done before) IMHO wouldn't stretch the imagination that far.


We have that already and it's better than nothing, but falls far short of a DPS meter because 1) It shows far more limited information, and 2) You can't use it to perform tests in real scenarios. If you're going to use development resources on this, better to design a UI element than a test area.

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > @"Plautze.6290" said:

> > Some Asuran lab where the P³ value (Personal Punishment Potential - Patent pending!) can be measured in some kind of simulation (it has all been done before) IMHO wouldn't stretch the imagination that far.


> We have that already and it's better than nothing, but falls far short of a DPS meter because 1) It shows far more limited information, and 2) You can't use it to perform tests in real scenarios. If you're going to use development resources on this, better to design a UI element than a test area.


B-b-but... the P³ value!!!

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> @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > @"Ardid.7203" said:

> > Anet should just cut for the healthiest option and simply forbid any DPS meter. Just one statement, and the problem is solved.


> DPS meters are fine.


Only if they show you your own DPS only. Ones that show the DPS of other players are not fine.

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Allowing Arc was an excellent decision. With regard to an ingame meter, no resources should be wasted on that. Third party is a perfectly fine thing and the probability that the devs would get such a meter right is close to zero. There's a reason why such stuff is always third party in games with a more reasonable stance on addons than GW2.

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> @"Nidome.1365" said:

> > @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > > @"Ardid.7203" said:

> > > Anet should just cut for the healthiest option and simply forbid any DPS meter. Just one statement, and the problem is solved.

> >

> > DPS meters are fine.


> Only if they show you your own DPS only. Ones that show the DPS of other players are not fine.


Absolutely, I would personally have no problem with one that allows you the option to share your DPS with your party or squad but I understand the issues people have with that.


My own raiding days are looooooong over I think but I do understand the importance of DPS meters, correctly used they're a great tool that individuals and groups can use to improve their performance, if that's what they wish to do.

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I'd really like to have some way to get my DPS in game, without having to install a 3rd party software that's a dll hack.

DPS is not the only component in the game but its a very important one, and getting a tool that gives an objective result is very important when you are trying to improve your gameplay. Not everyone cares about that of course, but I don't see any harm in providing a meter for those who do.

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The golem in the special forces training area works, just not in the way that we would like since it only tells us what we are doing every 20% of it's health taken. perhaps have it so that you can toggle how often the golem will broadcast your dps through it's options? ranging from 1% 2% 5% 10% 20% 50% or 100% of it's health, or even 1 2 5 10 or 20 seconds?

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