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This thread is dying

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from everything i've read the game is doing well pve side. pvp,wvw is not doing well from what i read on the forums, but you have to take that with a grain of salt. it seems there is no pleasing the pvp side no matter what anet does or any mmo for that matter. anyway from what i've seen from surfing the web people are saying GW2 is one of the top mmo's out there population and stability wise. so thats good news. Bless is coming to steam in may. we may see a population decrease for a time. bless has had some troubles in the past and i dont know how well it will do.

most asian mmo's dont make it in the west with of course the exceptions being gw2 and ff14.

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Since 2012..round 80% of my friendlist has stopped playing. My friendlist is really big! So the game as whole hmm maybe not dying but less but Wvw seems a bit like dying yeah slowly. The most I heared from the 80% that stopped wvw is that condition dmg is god and unbalanced. They hate shields and in general find the wvw experience containing lot of irritation over the years. I think the developers perceptive of wvw is to lineair. More is not always more and balance is way more interesting for gameplay!

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> Yes. The game has been dying since it first launched just as all of us began dying as soon as we were born.


Not for all, cos for all things Guild Wars - - > Legends NEVER Die.. just like me! :)

Guild Wars1 was instrumental in breaking that mould of the traditional Pay2Play MMO scene and then making it work with Guild Wars2 to offer that same experience. I am of the mind it has become a lesson for new titles and many of those already in existence when thinking about their own models and how they might best be able to make a similar experience work as well for them before taking the plunge into the murky MMO waters and seeing if they can stay afloat with it.

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No, the game is not dying. It's completely dead, we just haven't realized the extent of Zhaitan's power.


(ok ok, I'm just kidding people.)


The game is not dead, but I would call it fragmented. Balance issues, game mechanics, and social tendencies have resulted in a bit of contrast in different areas of the game that is enough to be noticeable.


For example: Depending on when you log in, if your time of day here is within the first couple hours after reset, you may find some activities to be slow, because a lot of players are doing their daily achievements.

Additionally, if you need something like a token for a legendary, you may find the game to appear quite dead if said token is not in a map that has a decent meta. An example here would be one of the tokens required for the H.O.P.E. collection (Legendary Pistol). It requires you to kill a Champion Canyon Spider in Fireheart Rise.

Due to the hours that I play, and, in my opinion, lack of a decent world boss or meta in the zone, I spent quite a while there looking for help both in map and via LFG.

In the long run, it panned out, as I spent the time and eventually killed the spider solo, but objectively, a player put in that situation might get the impression that no-one plays the game.

You'll find some maps are pretty dead especially when a new living story episode is out.


Again, the games not dying or dead, the maps just don't have enough reward to give players the desire to spend time in them unless they need a specific thing. I believe this is partially why Arenanet chose to make Renown Hearts repeatable in the Living Story zones as well as Path of Fire. It forces players to do the content in order to get whatever item they need.

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From what I've seen, the game is not dying. I spend a large part of my time in Core Tyria doing a ridiculous amount of map completion (because keys), and I often experience scenarios in which too many players are at a particular heart and killing everything for progress so fast that I have to move on to a different heart and come back later (the players will have moved on by that point). Every day I see tons of people running around doing map comp, and they are always friendly and helpful. I still see people doing Teq, I still see people doing Triple Trouble, Shadow Behemoth, and other bosses on a very regular basis.


This is just my personal experience, so it might be different for others, but based on that alone, I find it very hard to believe that the game is dying.

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This might be getting a little out of hand.

I didn't mean to complain about anything or just assume something because of a banwave. Banwaves can happen anywhere and GW2 is not one of the games where that happens a lot. It tends to happen more often in games like WoW but nobody says that the game is dying because of the massive bans. It wasn't my intention to spread anything like this, to be clear. I just wanted different opinions and stories about how the game feels for everyone actually. The question if it's "dead" was only because I've seen multiple players saying this and I also encountered fewer players than before.

Yesterday there was this case again for example: I tagged up for some events but nobody came and I waited like 7 hours until I logged off. Strangegly the LFG was also completely empty and sometimes when I typed in mapchat I got the error that nobdy is hearing me. This is one of the rarer cases but it happens quite a lot that the LFG is completely empty and only very few players show up. I think this might be because I usually play during night to early morning and it's logical that not everyone is online to that time. The other way around during daytime or evening the maps are all running on full capacity and there's a lot of stuff going on.

Well, now it comes to the WvW part:

For WvW it's the complete opposite! During the time I was more active in WvW (actually taking a break) the people were all active during night to morning. Which is quite unusual for an [DE] server. As it seems my server, Abaddon's Mouth, is the only one that seems to be active during that time compared to Kodash, Drakkar Lake, Elona Reach, Miller's Sound or Riverside. Which is one of the reasons I joined this server instead of higher ranked ones like for example Riverside. (Well, mostly because of the community that tends to be more friendly)

This is just to share my current vision on the subject of "Is the game dying?"

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i dont think it's dying, u can still get several full map metas at peak hours and 1 full map at dead/graveyard hours. a game is dying when u spot another player every 5 hours lol... or can;t find anyone.


in terms of raiding, i think a lot of ppl found their static so not as many lfg's as before. also majority already got 3 full sets of legendary armors so no more goals for them. some ppl dont even do fractals dailies anymore. i see raids going in the same direction.


problem is anet needs to give us more endgame goals/item. once someone obtained something, they lose motivation to repeat those content. like why would someone raid anymore ? if they dont need gold or legendary armor anymore? like i'm raiding cuz i need gold to make the last 4 legendary weapons. but some ppl already have like 10k gold or 30 to 36k AP and dont want to make... so why would they raid or do any other content?


like me i still have tons of AP to catch, i'm still only at 18k AP... but others simply have nothing left to chase...

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Really? lol @ some of the posts especially the one saying it died in 2012. No, last year was like their highest profit in a long time and GW2 has a top 3 MMO population. With more LW4 to come and another xpac, it's far from dying. Tt's actually a top tier MMO and one of the most populated next to FF and WoW.


Thanks for the chuckle though.

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Game isn't dead, the problem is that the** "filler content"** that people use to brave content droughts, namely sPvP and WvW, that content is severely depleted:


If you don't believe my words, think back to when sPvP was at its best. When was that? Pretty much during the big content drought between LWS2 and HoT. People wanted to play GW2 because they were hyped for the expansion, but they didn't have much else to do, so sPvP grew.


But nowadays** sPvP **is a shadow of what it was, constant balance issues, poor management and lack of "joy of playing" is marring the content severely. The lack of variability of game modes, the discouragement of team building by removing ranked teams, the farmable nature of seasons, the "pressured" nature of the ranked system that pushes you to play a lot during a short duration (apparently the sPvP team didn't read the memo of why Season 1 of the Living World was a bit of a failure), all this removes enjoyment from sPvP, and turns it into a chore.


Same for **WvW**, with the extreme bandwagoning we see in several servers, the poor balance and the permanent encouragement of "Lemmings-play" (Just following the commander, barely using your brain, to the point that people will jump of a cliff behind the commander and die).


Basically, the pvp "filler" content is kinda dead, how about other "filler content"?


**Raids and Fractals** are working well, but only some people partake. Also it gets old.

**Dungeons**... Well... They exist?

**Adventures,** these are fun, especially the Griffon adventures... But leaderboards are still not very good, and it's not really rewarding to re-do them. Maybe the Griffon Adventures, since the chests can drop the mini Griffon Mount... But still... A few titles, and exclusive rewards might fit better for Adventurers.


**Activities...** Boy... Where to start? They were basically never appealing. And they became less and less appealing after they got restricted to a "daily" schedule. Sure when they show up on the daily rotations you'll see people doing them... But otherwise... What's the point? After you do it once or twice you did it...

Now you could do it for achievements, but first you can't chose which activity you're doing for the achievements, so you're at the mercy of the rotation, and second after it's done, it's done.

A leaderboard for activities and different rewards would probably be nice. Also **new** ones could be helpful.


**Current events... **These are probably the best thing they've done for "filler content", the problem is, they're not very well "advertised", so most people won't be doing them.

Maybe add a new NPC or set of NPCs that become our "contact" and a in-game anchor for current events, so players get better introduced to what they need to do.

Also, a better delivery of that content, especially story-driven content, and story-driven content with multiple options, like "Burden of Choice", it would be nice in a Role-Playing game, that i could **role-play** that story differently according to which character i'm doing it in, instead of having it "done" at the first time.


**Seasonal Events** haven't had proper content updates in years, sure you get a couple new items and bling each year, but you get those items pretty much by doing the same things you'd do **6 years ago**:

SAB hasn't had a new world since it's second release (Back to school, which was in the **same year** as the first one);

Halloween had a nice thing going with a progressing story... This year they kinda released a re-make of year one. But maybe, we could be getting the "Year 3" content we should have had 3 years ago? And maybe return Reaper's Rumble?? I mean damn... It was the best map for the first Halloween, and it **never** returned.

Wintersday, is still the same shenanigans as year one, the only difference is that Tixx's lab now only visits DR.

Dragon Bash never did return... And was poorly replaced with the Lunar New year event.... Why not have both?

Queen's gauntlet... Same thing. Never returned, and would have been an awesome yearly festival.


So, TLDR, the game isn't so much dying, but the content we could use to fill the gaps between new releases is showing it's age and disrepair, which is what gives the "feel" that the game is getting stale. I mean most people can only have fun doing so many Legendary items before it becomes more of a chore than entertainment.


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> @"Cynder.2509" said:

> So...

> I've heard several things about a lot of players actually leaving or others saying that the game is slowly starting to die.

> In my opinion I don't think it's actually dying. The game just has a problem with content drought mostly between living world updates or seasonal events. But even seasonal events can be a bit dull once you already got everything done years before.


> I don't mean to start any fights! I just want to know hear your story of why you think the game is dying or not dying.

> Share your stories! I'm happy to hear them! :D


I don't think it is. What I think has happened is two-fold, first you always lose players after the thrill of major expansions wanes. Secondly, this game has a boat load of maps! So I am not sure if it is really that players are leaving, or they are just spread so thin across the maps. If I think about size of the original Tyrian map at launch compared to the size of the map now, that is a lot of space for the population to cover! Other than the Ruins of Orr areas, I have yet to see major events not completed due to lack of bodies. Even Orr has see a fair number of people running events the last couple of weeks. This game has a boatload of content and when you add on Fractals and Raids, PVP and WVW I think people are just becoming spread too thin across the maps. So my vote is no, it is not dying it is just too darn big! =)

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Compared to many other MMORPGs, Gw2 still has a very active community for its age.

A lot of games were released after Gw2 but they are all dead now. Even checking their subs in

reddit shows their average community profile.

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