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Why aren’t soulbeasts wanted in any squad?


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> @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:


> I have seen some amazing thiefs that do a great job , even in zerg fights.

> I cant say the same from Ranger Players.







thief is fucking amazing in zerg play but no1 gives a rats ass about you if u made a little mistake to res you after fight is over because just a thief dead on floor.

i mean i have become such a selfish asshat thief towards my own people.


tho i do play Soulbeast aswell and by no means im any good at it cus i simply dont put time in class to learn it proper, but SB is actually pretty good at doing same job as thief even tho if u just use LB then in no way u gonna be near a thief.

then again get 2/3 Soulbeast longbow pew pew rangers and they will wreck into backline pretty hard from safe distance if they do assist each other.


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> @"Majirah.5089" said:

> > @"anduriell.6280" said:

> > So last day I had to read and listen (in discord) some disheartening comments about why rangers aren’t wanted in any squad..

> > - they don’t bring support

> > - Druid is worst than firebrand at healing

> > - They don’t do damage

> > - They are dead weight

> >

> > But with the soulbeast the ranger got share stances and with LB + trait we can pierce up to 5 enemies.

> >

> > Is it true? Is Souldbeast damage so low? (I don’t use arcdps)

> > Aren’t the shared stances useful?

> > Why is the ranger kicked from squads when even the thieves are kept (they have their uses because of their speed and stealth).


> I have tried all the classes in wvw. My favorite one to play by far is power soulbeast. I don’t have a static group that I do wvw with and so I just join the commanders on the map. I must either just always join super laidback commanders or I hold my own because I haven’t ever been booted from a squad using soulbeast.


> I do focus on damage and usually stick to the front until the enemy Zerg gets to close and then I stick to the back or sides. If I see that there is an enemy group smaller than my party group nearest me I will go in with greatsword to burst people down.


> Sometimes I die sometimes I don’t. It probably isn’t the best build or play style, but it is super fun. I’ve downed multiple people at once with piercing rapid fire, or maul, or wordly impact. I definitely kill more enemies than I die. I tend to burst down scourges, revs, and eles the most.


> You can always run alongside a Zerg even if you can join them if you want. Maybe I’ve just been lucky that I haven’t been booted, but I feel like I contribute.


> I think you should play what you enjoy even if it isn’t the best build. That’s why I play power soulbeast in both wvw and pvp. It’s what I enjoy and I feel like I hold my own on it. Not that I wouldn’t mind soulbeast buffs ;)


but you need to be behind the enemy blob.


like this!

your server ( 900 range [ enemy server ] (your server thiefs wrecking in backline and SB doing it from save distance

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A longbow soulbeast kept harassing our tag.

It not only ruffled the tag's feathers but threw off the whole group's rotation because the tag had to play more defensive and roll heals more often than he otherwise would have.

While the soulbeast's damage wasn't enough to down our tag through the overpowered sustain firebrands have, it did cause us to be slower to the punch when pushing and responding to enemy pushes.


Rangers can be unsung heroes, even in group scenarios.


That said, I main ranger but almost always show up to wvw with a scourge these days. No ranger build will ever be as effective at contributing to a large wvw fight as their GWEN counterparts.


edit- Not to mention how much more rewarding necro is over ranger in the loot department, for a fraction of the effort.

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When in nsp we dont have scourges and every is a ranger , soulbeast or something with no aoe....> @"Dralor.3701" said:

> SB is fine for sniping necros and other squishy targets, just not as aoe centric as some of the other dps.


and snipe anything else since unblockables will bypass blocks, reflects and absortion domes :P


Got a wall of relfection in the way? who cares? lol....

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> @"Dralor.3701" said:

> I just mean sb needs to be picking targets a lot more than a class like necro spamming the screen.


> Also have to understand how to use cds properly to min/max damage while unblockable.


spike zones with barrage, get several zerkers and get the traits foruptime unblocables, u guys dont need even to be in the squad u guys could be a group of mobile arrow carters xD, play clever, get some awereness, positioning.

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> When in nsp we dont have scourges and every is a ranger , soulbeast or something with no aoe


Can confirm. Was farming nsp in blue air keep last night and someone pointed out that they're basically a "shitty version of the mag cloud", what, with mesmers, rangers, thieves and the like running around being on the whole ineffective.


edit- but annoying.


~ Kovu`

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> @"Kovu.7560" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > When in nsp we dont have scourges and every is a ranger , soulbeast or something with no aoe


> Can confirm. Was farming nsp in blue air keep last night and someone pointed out that they're basically a "kitten version of the mag cloud", what, with mesmers, rangers, thieves and the like running around being on the whole ineffective.


> edit- but annoying.


> ~ Kovu`


ohoh im figthign against u :), yeah i dont like some of the setups ive seen on my side to tell u the truth since they were probably not using the unbloacble aoegameplay that SB can have... >_>, still at least it is impossible for us to to have those 30/30 scourge fb's blobs...


It could be worse and u know it :P, for some reason on the last match we had queue and like 3 scourge and 1 fb... every one was basicly rangers, thiefs, even mesmers was a issue to find for veils and portal. :\ i guess we arenot a scourge fb super heavy server... stil things can change, we just know this population is... temporary.


Edit(having population once in a while feels diferent lol, usually we tend to be on the lowest side of coverage and something populatin spike as well is low)

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> @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

> even if you shared stances, you wouldn't be in range to do so.

This is the real reason most rangers get booted. Buff ranges are small, LB range is great. No reason to have a person 1500 range away in a group they'll never benefit. Druids in particular were annoying to me, all that healing potential but 99 of 100 are a mile away doing staff 1's till all their allies are dead.

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Are there any Ranger-only Guilds? That would be fun. Soulbeasts for DPS, Druids for heals, and core Rangers for conditions. Then we can kick everybody else from the squad. Mwahahaha!


Though seriously, play what you enjoy. WvW is team game, but it's still on your time and should never be a chore. It does feels bad to be left out, but you can still follow a squad while outside of it.

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It's funny when we hear things like "they don't bring support" when the very support then bring is single-handedly wipe the scourge out of the enemy zerg. You know that class.. the one people whine and moan about. Yes a ranger can bring solace to that thorn in your side.


But of course when you hear people like you did OP on discord, whether it's your guild leader/commander/squad speak the way they do about them.. those very players are the problems. The ones unwilling to adapt, the whiners, the moaners, the complainers, and the reason every class gets nerfed into the ground (including their own).


Can't begin to count the number of times our group was half the size of the enemy, but the enemy inevitably runs when all their scourge are dead. Yes.. ranger quite the useless class.. lol


I've said this before, I can't 1v1 to save my life, so what's the problem here? Why do I have no problem killing all the scourge in the enemy zerg? Is it because I'm just that good or is it because the melee and the complainers are just that bad that they chronically die to Scourge?

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> @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> I've said this before, I can't 1v1 to save my life, so what's the problem here?

I see numerous issues with playing a dps flanker class thats gonna be targetted by enemy flankers yet cant 1v1.


Being able to operate independantly is pretty much the only reason not to play firebrand or scourge (spellbreaker or rev isnt really needed).

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Commanders are people, people have biases, and in general are very slow to change their biases, if even capable.

People tend to selectively reinforce their own biases rather than register the information that challenges them.


Don't let commanders' squad preferences get you down. Trying to show someone on the internet that their opinion isn't as objective as they believe is not a useful use of your time.

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Squads that accept and utilize pugs have to assume the lowest potential skill level possible and as such classes and builds that can be at least occasionally beneficial to the group by randomly mashing buttons are highly encouraged over harder to play and/or less effective classes in general.

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Look, this isn't complicated. If I want to play soulbeast, then I will. If I want to follow a zerg, then I will. If people want to bully me for playing soulbeast, then I will /ignore them. My first day of playing WvW, I ignored obnoxious people who seem to forget GW2 is a game. Soulbeast is the class I recommend for new WvWers to start with... why because they can see how the groups work while using a relatively simple build to play. Don't complain about low pop servers, and then complain about people playing a specific class.

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> @"anduriell.6280" said:

> So last day I had to read and listen (in discord) some disheartening comments about why rangers aren’t wanted in any squad..

> - they don’t bring support

> - Druid is worst than firebrand at healing

> - They don’t do damage

> - They are dead weight


> But with the soulbeast the ranger got share stances and with LB + trait we can pierce up to 5 enemies.


> Is it true? Is Souldbeast damage so low? (I don’t use arcdps)

> Aren’t the shared stances useful?

> Why is the ranger kicked from squads when even the thieves are kept (they have their uses because of their speed and stealth).


it's mostly about everybody hating rangers cuz theyve been killed by them and tried to play a ranger and got smoked and now have a hatred for them. a squad should be more worried about numbers then their own petty hurt feelings.

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Everyone loves their ranger but there are better options for zerging. Also ranger longbow obstructs a lot. Anet could make soulbeasts more popular for wvw with just fixing obstruction on longbow and perhaps letting flying ranger pets attack targets on top of walls. Would be very useful to have 5 ranger bird pets attacking siege on top and behind gates.

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I play thief/deadeye. By default I run around with supply to drop on anyone who looks like they have a plan and play interception for squads but I don't join squad and I stay out of their range mostly if it looks like they're running tight with stealth, ports, and all that. Sometimes I'll even change map to open up the queue a bit but If the map is on fire and there's a lot of xp and pips to be had then that's on try-hards and Anet to figure something out because I'm going to get mine on the only class I enjoy playing. It's a give and take.

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the combination of builds and vlasses to ensure a win is not a lot.


fb(support) scourge (support condi wells shades) herald (pain absorb) then your x x damagers.


when we run, i enforce this setup. when i get it set with atleast 15 in ts and minimum of 25 in squad, we steam roll enemies.


sadly because not many want to cooperate, players do get farmed, and i do understand. we all play to enjoy.


but if you want to win. the trinity is the way to go.


soulbeast has a place those two xx as open. they can focus coms x scourge or eles or revs it'll.about comminicating with your team and com.


currently at nsp, we have the numbers but players spread like a cloud. that does not work against a coordinated group. when we encountered that against mag, we simply stacked and killed the cloud.


i dont get why follow a playstyle that does not work. works only for mag.

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