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Eater of Souls fight is too difficult.


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> @Malediktus.9250 said:

> Dont tune it down, make people actually learn the fights instead of blazing through everything

For the love of Dwayna, **THIS ^**


Can we please have a small portion of these Living Story Episode types of content have a **SMALL bit of challenge to it?!**


The reason why I have so loathed these PVE story quests in the past is because I could _SIT MY 16 year old CAT_ at my keyboard after starting one up, come back in 20 minutes and collect the chest. :sleeping:


People need to *LEARN* to do more than just stand still and auto-attack their way through content! GEESH! :angry:


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> @Bloodtau.4672 said:

> I had to bug it. got him stuck behind the chain/branch and just mortar gunned him dead


What you did here, OP, is use some **TACTICS**; you used the terrain to your advantage instead of just standing in one spot out in the open.

If the AI was better on the boss, he would have gotten unstuck and you would have had to reassess and counter. (It's what's done in pvp & wvw all the time.)

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> @pah.4931 said:

> > @flog.3485 said:

> > > @pah.4931 said:

> > > > @olleandersson.4352 said:

> > > > Am I the only one who actually enjoyed a bit of a challenge in the story for once? Reminded me of some of the fights in Guild Wars 1! More of this, please!

> > >

> > > I think the problem was that for certain classes / builds (especially with pets triggering the heal) the fight SEEMED unbeatable, without any real clue as to why it was working the way it was. Difficult isn't /really/ the issue. It was not properly balanced. I know on my reaper, I kept dodging the attack and he'd still heal to full ... I didn't realize my horrors from Rise! were triggering it. (In no MMO ever did kitten pet AI ever work like that)

> > >

> > > EDIT: also, the fact that it came after a long prelude without checkpoints, and you couldn't switch weapons (I know you could, but it wasn't intuitive nor common knowledge) made for very sour first experiences for people accustomed to certain playstyles. Again, especially for a game marketed pretty heavily as "play however you want."

> >

> > "Play however you want" has never been about how easy/hard the game should be.....for the gazillon time.


> Then read the rest of my comment. The issue here was not difficulty. The issue was that it was EASY for some builds and kitten near impossible for others, without any warning before going in (long prelude), no checkpoints, no access to bank/inventory, no help from friends, and no hints as to WHY it was so difficult (e.g., minions triggering the heal). So the encounter, which was a forced solo encounter, made it so it might be VERY hard for someone to beat it with a build they've been playing since 2012. This was made even worse by the fact that it blocked story progression. Imagine if you've played, let's say, Thief since launch and a certain encounter was almost impossible for thieves to beat for reasons that aren't very clear to you, while other classes are saying how easy the fight was. I think you'd be upset.


> It was bad design and it was a good decision to fix it (whether or not they overcompensated is a different conversation and one worth having).


Of course it was all about difficulty. Even the dev that created that encounter said that he never wanted the fight to be that much hard.


But you know, fighting in a fight harder than any other fight before, failing once at understanding what is happening during the fight, tuning your abilities (talking about weapons and traits) to make the fight very easy, is not bad in itself imo. But to be fair, I could to that because I have always carried extra weapons in my bags. And I would argue that in a game with no added tiers of gears over the years, yes it makes sense to be able to easily switch weapons and traits based on encounters, since you can change that whenever you are ooc. All you had to do was to press "h".


No the bigger problem is this imo: the fact that most do not want to try stuff, switch weapons and traits because there is no in game build templates.

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> @Majic.4801 said:

> > @Zaraki.5784 said:

> > Guys you're super noob if you consider this fight to be difficult, maybe you should consider changing game to Super Mario or something like that...


> Oh, you think you're so leet? Duel against me in the Hello Kitty Online Jungle Jumper mini game and I'll show you a world of pain.


> A bright, pastel-colored _world of pain!_



Oh? Well I **MAJORED** in pain, and have a minor in _suffering!_

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I did this fight last night on my elementalist -- I was ready to give up until I switched from fire to electricity and changed some attacks around (and included the shield ability). I was then able to beat it easily on the first try after switching.


Pro tip: Use the REPAIR anvil in the middle of the map every time you die.

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> @Shocktor.4570 said:

> I did this fight last night on my elementalist -- I was ready to give up until I switched from fire to electricity and changed some attacks around (and included the shield ability). I was then able to beat it easily on the first try after switching.


> Pro tip: Use the REPAIR anvil in the middle of the map every time you die.


You only have to repair every 8th death.

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Average ranger here-I managed it before the nerf. Tough, but doable. I was on condi soul beast, which I had just unlocked, and had no real clue what I was doing. After beating my head against this thing awhile, I backed out of range and had a think. Found out the inventory was locked, so swapped in brown bear and the trait that knocks you outta SB instead of downing. I also knew I had to watch the dodges


So I went into beast mode and did so much better. The bear's skills gave me another full heal, and by watching my dodges better, I was only knocked out of SB once. It wasn't pretty, but I did much better with the bear.


The only thing they really needed to fix, IMO, was it healing off pets, etc. That did make it far more difficult for those classes.

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  • 3 weeks later...

> @FANY.6524 said:

> **Spoilers. I mean, obviously, but you know... Precautions. **


> For those wanting to bring party members, it won't help. They'll be turned into little kitten of spirit light with few abilities and none are particularly helpful.


Sorry I'm late to the party too, but - it's worse than "won't help"; if they stay close to him in this fight - spamming the pathetic skills they're allowed, thinking they're helping - he'll take every chance he gets to heal off them instead. And (nerf not withstanding), you'll NEVER get him down. Any party members should just keep well away during this fight, and let the main character get on with it.



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It's not even difficult, just run away after his leap attack (after this he does this leech skill). Done. He goes down within 30 seconds or so. Took my three tries: first I went melee and brought him down to 10-20% but wasn't aware of his attacks. 2nd try was similar and then I found out.


You guys just seem extremely casual players without any incentive to observe game mechanics. I would advise you play some Dark Soul or Bloodborne so you will learn how to play games properly.

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> @Bloodtau.4672 said:

> The fight: punishes you for taking boons, punishes you for taking little defiance bar reduction skills, punishes you for taking no movement benefiting skills and punishes you for using your endurance...

> some classes don;t have access to all that.


Killed this on a glass ele no problem, prior to the nerf, once I saw he heals if you let him leech.


Hard content ;)

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> @Doghouse.1562 said:

> > @FANY.6524 said:

> > **Spoilers. I mean, obviously, but you know... Precautions. **

> >

> > For those wanting to bring party members, it won't help. They'll be turned into little kitten of spirit light with few abilities and none are particularly helpful.

> >

> Sorry I'm late to the party too, but - it's worse than "won't help"; if they stay close to him in this fight - spamming the pathetic skills they're allowed, thinking they're helping - he'll take every chance he gets to heal off them instead. And (nerf not withstanding), you'll NEVER get him down. Any party members should just keep well away during this fight, and let the main character get on with it.






![](https://i.imgur.com/0lH0BxC.jpg "")


And even without that, the EoS barely heal at all anymore.

He is the definition of nerfed to oblivion.

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Wow , what happened to this boss?? He was pretty tough to take down(hard is not the correct word, guess annoying would be the right one)...first time i did it was with my Spellbreaker...not sure if was a bug or something, but i never managed to break his bar when he was doing his steal life move...one would think that playing a war with a mace/shield could make it easy, but the F1 would only take like 30% of his cc bar and since his attack was fast I didnt had the chance to chain mace 3 and shield 4...the only way was using hyper speed and greatsword 5 away from him to prevent him from recover health....was a painfull fight and it took way longer then it should, but a few days ago i fought him again with my Firebrand, and the condi mantra, that gives blind, cripple and a few other condis was enough to allmost insta break his cc bar...i melted him in less than 30s lol he is a story boss, it shouldnt be like a Dark Souls boss, but they nerfed the poor bastard way to much, just hope they dont do the same with Balthazar

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Felipe.1807" said:

> Wow , what happened to this boss?? He was pretty tough to take down(hard is not the correct word, guess annoying would be the right one)...first time i did it was with my Spellbreaker...not sure if was a bug or something, but i never managed to break his bar when he was doing his steal life move...one would think that playing a war with a mace/shield could make it easy, but the F1 would only take like 30% of his cc bar and since his attack was fast I didnt had the chance to chain mace 3 and shield 4...the only way was using hyper speed and greatsword 5 away from him to prevent him from recover health....was a painfull fight and it took way longer then it should, but a few days ago i fought him again with my Firebrand, and the condi mantra, that gives blind, cripple and a few other condis was enough to allmost insta break his cc bar...i melted him in less than 30s lol he is a story boss, it shouldnt be like a Dark Souls boss, but they nerfed the poor kitten way to much, just hope they dont do the same with Balthazar


The power of a crying community.

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Wow some of you are openly baiting people. There are worse players there are better player thats not gonna change. I did this terrible boss before it was nerfed and on my original survival gear. I bugged this boss to kill him as I was not going to switch gear in a story mission and it took an hour to get to this point already. You should never have to change gear in a story mission. Now they need to make raids puggable or just keep it as mostly dead content theres your touche for supposedly demanding harder content.

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I still don't understand what the problem was with this. I beat him with auto attack by walking backwards. The only time I used a different attack was when he lunged to break his break bar. Nothing fancy, just walk backwards, he's too slow to hit you if you just keep walking backwards, and keep him from using his move. It took forever, but it was completely successful. This was before the nerf.

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> @"Felipe.1807" said:

> Wow , what happened to this boss?? He was pretty tough to take down(hard is not the correct word, guess annoying would be the right one)...first time i did it was with my Spellbreaker...not sure if was a bug or something, but i never managed to break his bar when he was doing his steal life move...one would think that playing a war with a mace/shield could make it easy, but the F1 would only take like 30% of his cc bar and since his attack was fast I didnt had the chance to chain mace 3 and shield 4...the only way was using hyper speed and greatsword 5 away from him to prevent him from recover health....was a painfull fight and it took way longer then it should, but a few days ago i fought him again with my Firebrand, and the condi mantra, that gives blind, cripple and a few other condis was enough to allmost insta break his cc bar...i melted him in less than 30s lol he is a story boss, it shouldnt be like a Dark Souls boss, but they nerfed the poor kitten way to much, just hope they dont do the same with Balthazar


The bar used to be up for a shorter amount of time.

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> @"Kal Spiro.9745" said:

> I still don't understand what the problem was with this. I beat him with auto attack by walking backwards. The only time I used a different attack was when he lunged to break his break bar. Nothing fancy, just walk backwards, he's too slow to hit you if you just keep walking backwards, and keep him from using his move. It took forever, but it was completely successful. This was before the nerf.


He sucks you in too you cant just keep walking backwards if you not doing enough damage it will just be a stalemate forever. That was before any nerfs.

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