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Please Add mounts to WvW

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Just remove all their skills i don't even care, make it so that we go like 33% faster if we are on them or something and dismount + 1 1/2 sec knockdown on taking damage. Its sad that we can only use mounts in pve, I want to see more of them used in pvp settings, especially wvw.


Make it so we cant mount in combat and all mounts function the same so we can use any type/skin we have.

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > Would break the game in a hundred different ways, no thanks.


> This is what people said about gliding, we saw how that turned out.


Yeah, then they introduced the territory system alongside it and it was managable. Mounts would have to also only work inside your team's territory but besides that, gliding has one massive restriction that mounts would not have: You need high ground to glide. Let's just assume only the Raptor is available, since that is the least gamebreaking mount (still very impactful, especially ont he desert where you'd instantly cross chasms that would otherwise be a crucial chokepoint..)


Even without the engage skill, the defenders have such a MASSIVE advantage from the speed alone. No need to stack up swiftness as a group, you instantly have a full and massive speedboost. You just run everybody down faster than ever before. Something that right now is only reserved to the Dune Roller tactic you can place in a tower or camp. The possibility for somebody to run to break combat, then hop on his mount and then be forever out of reach isn't very appealing either.


Absolutely terrible idea. Far too easy to abuse in best case scenarios and worst case it turns into absolute cancer to play against. Defenders REALLY don't need ANOTHER advantage over attackers.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > Would break the game in a hundred different ways, no thanks.

> >

> > This is what people said about gliding, we saw how that turned out.


> Yeah, then they introduced the territory system alongside it and it was managable. Mounts would have to also only work inside your team's territory but besides that, gliding has one massive restriction that mounts would not have: You need high ground to glide. Let's just assume only the Raptor is available, since that is the least gamebreaking mount (still very impactful, especially ont he desert where you'd instantly cross chasms that would otherwise be a crucial chokepoint..)


> Even without the engage skill, the defenders have such a MASSIVE advantage from the speed alone. No need to stack up swiftness as a group, you instantly have a full and massive speedboost. You just run everybody down faster than ever before. Something that right now is only reserved to the Dune Roller tactic you can place in a tower or camp. The possibility for somebody to run to break combat, then hop on his mount and then be forever out of reach isn't very appealing either.


> Absolutely terrible idea. Far too easy to abuse in best case scenarios and worst case it turns into absolute cancer to play against. Defenders REALLY don't need ANOTHER advantage over attackers.


simple, all it does is makes you move 33% faster, if you take any damage you are dismounted and knocked down for 1 1/2 sec. Seems like a fair penalty

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Zerg chasing people, people at back of zerg are out of combat, mount up, catch the smaller group trying to get away, no thanks. Zerg has enough advantage.

Whilst i'd love to use my shiny mounts to catch up to my group quickly it's just too unbalancing for wvw.


Im still kitten that taking damage whilst gliding in wvw doesnt drop your glider, and that immob and most cc doesnt work either. Lacks counterplay.


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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > Would break the game in a hundred different ways, no thanks.


> This is what people said about gliding, we saw how that turned out.

Gliding is not without issues.

* Gliding is not accessible for all players.

* Gliding makes it too easy to defend northern ABL towers from home spawn.

* Gliding makes it too easy to defend fire and air keep lord rooms from invaders' spawn areas.

* Gliding makes it too easy for defenders to escape a fight gone south.

* The ballista skill 4 is a joke.

* The Gliding animation fails making it look like a human yo-yo is approaching.

* The territory map graphics are an eyesore.

* Gliding feels like a cheap workaround for the vertical design flaw of the DBL.


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The question that stand above this and that should be answered first is:


What does a death in WvW mean to you and what should it mean to you?


Death means that you just have to port instantly to the next spawn and rewalk from there. Depending on map and the Destination this can take you between 1 up to maybe 10 minutes. There is no other penalty. Which means that those whose spawning Point is nearer to the object have a huge Advantage. Which is to a certain degree intended.


What happened with the implementation of gliding was, that the fraction having the high ground suddenly became an huge Advantage. Alpine borderland Spawn Towers is the best example. You can just fly in. Literally nothing one can do about that. Making this a whole lot easier to defend.


To Keep it short: Every fraction has now a big Speed Advantage on their home maps. And this Advantage can be only overcome by numbers. It is no gameplay Advantage. Just the throw People against them till they can't Keep up with us running again and again Advantage.


Now imagine Mounts.


Just take the vanilla maps. They were not designed for Mounts. what happened: People used them to cut Content and to reach places they were not supposed to. It is fun and harmless but it is not in WvW.


So you can let them be used everywhere. so maybe take the same System as gliding? Gives again an huge Advantage to the Defender. Obstacles that were meant to help attackers become more and more worthless. Numbers become more and more important. But this time it is not only an Advantage of pace. No this time you also have attacks and movement abilites. Imagine you running to a Keep and suddenly raptors from everywhere and pulling everyone together, damaging and knockdowning them and a big spike as follow up. Not to mention the shild of the shakal. God, this would be awful. Trebuchets everywhere.


So take out the attack abilities.


Bunny hop can take you pretty much anywhere. Every Rooftop etc. Would be too big of an Advantage. Needs to be removed.

Skimmer makes you go over water. That is okish i guess. and the gliding Thing is also okish. We can Keep that. Still you are a lot faster than the others.

Raptor is too fast. The jump is just too much. Same with shakal. The way you go by using their abilites is just by far too much. It would probaby cut down the time you Need to reach something down to a half or even less. Just imagine the spawn Towers again. From 2 minutes down to a half maybe. So they Need to be cut as well.

I guess Griffon would be okisch as well. Just makes gliding a bit better. Would add to the gliding Advantage but not so much you would leave the Play unblayable.

So this leaves you with 3 Mounts without anything and 2 that would not really make a difference. Except for becoming more faster.


What would happen:


People would suicide mindlessly even more. You cannot attack things Close to a spawning Point without an 5:1 Advantage at least. This already super fast game mode would become even faster. Death is more meaningless because you can just run again even faster.


So in the end, this would be a lot of work for literally nothing except making the game mode worse. They have other Problems to Focus on. I hope they do so.

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would love to see that one day but not on the current maps. I feel like they are too small for mounts. if they somehow make a new map much larger in size, as well as some restrictions to prevent possibilities of abusing them, and some ways of interacting with towers and seiges then I think it'd actually add flavor to the game mode.

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Mounts purely for cosmetic purposes are fine. The speed boosts and function that many of them offer is counter productive. People who want speed need to *build* for it. Each class has access either through skills, traits, or runes to be faster. Currently speed is a choice.


And most people DONT choose it because they would have to sacrifice something else to be fast.


Cosmetics? Yes.


Functions? No.

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> rofl people claiming it would break wvw are probably the same people who claim wvw is dead. Makes sense...


Nope :)


> @"Korgov.7645" said:

> > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > Would break the game in a hundred different ways, no thanks.

> >

> > This is what people said about gliding, we saw how that turned out.

> Gliding is not without issues.

> * Gliding is not accessible for all players.

> * Gliding makes it too easy to defend northern ABL towers from home spawn.

> * Gliding makes it too easy to defend fire and air keep lord rooms from invaders' spawn areas.

> * Gliding makes it too easy for defenders to escape a fight gone south.

> * The ballista skill 4 is a joke.

> * The Gliding animation fails making it look like a human yo-yo is approaching.

> * The territory map graphics are an eyesore.

> * Gliding feels like a cheap workaround for the vertical design flaw of the DBL.



"vertical design flaw"


What? You call it a flaw that the map isn't a boring flatland with shitty uneven ground? Insane

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Personally, I would prefer to avoid that. I am already quite disturbed by the overload of visual effects of all types, giant backpacks, giant gliders.... And at the top of it mounts too? Sorry, I don't feel comfortable at the idea. I like to see what I am doing and what I am shooting at. :)

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> Mounts purely for cosmetic purposes are fine. The speed boosts and function that many of them offer is counter productive. People who want speed need to *build* for it. Each class has access either through skills, traits, or runes to be faster. Currently speed is a choice.


> And most people DONT choose it because they would have to sacrifice something else to be fast.


> Cosmetics? Yes.


> Functions? No.


Exactly. Otherwise they will have to redo traits and base mechanics for certain professions too, and we all know what that leads to, more screaming. We have to think about the overall populace of the game too, not just the people that will have access to this, because there are those that won't have PoF, most of the people that want to advocate this kind of thing probably don't care about them in the first place anyway (the magical retort being "go buy expacs blah blah"/gliding didn't change anything). On another note, if they did plan to make a map specific for mounts, that will still cut some people out. They would have to make mounts available for *everyone* and even then I can only imagine the new posts crying about people being bullied/killed on mounts even faster than before and being chased around the map with no possible escape. In the end it doesn't really serve a purpose aside from cosmetic. There may be even more fight avoidance than before.

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