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6th Year Anniversary Gfits?

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> you're forgetting the part where skills are locked till lvl 21 and downed state till lvl 8, something an old account should not have.

> i can understand it when a account is just a weak old but after 6 years i should have all weapon skills from the start just like before the NPE.


Downed state skill 1 unlocks at level 5, and skills 2 and 3 unlock at levels 7 and 9. While I don't necessarily agree with not having Downed State available right away, I don't think it's common for players to die much before hitting level 5.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > if anything, a token to remove the god awful NPE part from a 6 year old account.

> >

> > The only NPE restrictions which should be affecting a 6 year old account are that on new characters you now unlock weapon skills by leveling instead of unlocking each skill on each weapon individually by using it, and that the profession mechanics (like the ranger pet menu and thief's steal skill) are hidden until level 5. Since you unlock the last weapon skill at level 8 that can be avoided by using 6 Tomes of Knowledge (leaving the tutorial gets you to level 2, even if you do literally nothing except stand in range of the boss fight until it's done) which any 6 year old account should be able to get easily.

> >

> > Oh and there's the Content Guide but it's always been possible to disable that completely.

> >

> > If there's anything else still locked on your account (either on new characters or all of them) that would be a bug which needs to be reported to Support.


> you're forgetting the part where skills are locked till lvl 21 and downed state till lvl 8, something an old account should not have.

> i can understand it when a account is just a weak old but after 6 years i should have all weapon skills from the start just like before the NPE.


You mean traits right? That's what's unlocked at level 21 under the current system. And that's actually an improvement over the system we had before the NPE where you unlocked Adept traits and got your first trait points at level 30, and couldn't activate Grandmaster traits until level 80, and of course had that horrible system where you had to kill specific enemies or complete specific events to unlock each trait. Here's a link to the version of the Wiki page from June 2014, shortly before the NPE was introduced in the [september 2014 Feature Pack](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/September_2014_Feature_Pack#New_Player_Experience "September 2014 Feature Pack"), talking about how traits are unlocked: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/index.php?title=Trait&oldid=827542#Trait_tiers


Admittedly at launch you got your first trait point at level 11, but then you had to find an NPC and pay to unlock Adept traits (Master and Grandmaster were still locked until higher levels). On top of that you only got 1 point per level and it cost 5 points to unlock your first minor trait and 10 to unlock the first major trait, so you didn't get any benefit from them (except a small boost to 2 stats) until level 16 at the earliest, 21 for your first major trait. Wiki link: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/index.php?title=Trait&oldid=405239


So basically we've gone back around to a simplified version of what we had at launch. You don't unlock traits until level 21 but then you get access to all your trait lines and enough Hero Points to unlock at least the first few traits, instead of having the menu unlocked earlier and slowly building up to your first trait.


As for skills under the current system you unlock your first utility skill slot at level 11 (along with 5 Hero Points, enough to trait 2 skills) the second one at level 15, the third at level 19 and the elite skill at level 31. [According to the Wiki](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/index.php?title=Skill&oldid=862181 "According to the Wiki") before the NPE update utility skills were unlocked at levels 5, 10 and 20. (This had stayed the same since launch, skills apparently got a lot less updates than traits.) So the first 2 utility slots are unlocked 5 levels later, but the NPE also made levelling faster early on, so in terms of the time taken to unlock them I think it's about the same.


I admit I do miss the way weapon skills were unlocked before, but that's because I think it was more immersive and gave me more time to learn each skill, I think the new system is actually faster on most professions. An engineer could maybe unlock all their weapon skills (all 12 of them) by level 8. But having to unlock every weapon skill on a warrior or elementalist (49 and 80 respectively, not counting elite specs) was a pain and is definitely faster now.

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> I’m going to guess the backpack choice, dyes, level scroll, another choice for a Luminous weapon, and of course booster and Teleports to a Friend. All that adds up to a fair amount of nice stuff.


Everything is good there...except for the Teleport to Friend, don't even know why I keep the 250 that I currently have, will never use them so trash all new ones I get, same goes for the Level scroll, have to many in inventory as it is, I level up the old way(it doesn't bother me one bit), but I can see it's good for those that don't like leveling.

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > I’m going to guess the backpack choice, dyes, level scroll, another choice for a Luminous weapon, and of course booster and Teleports to a Friend. All that adds up to a fair amount of nice stuff.


> Everything is good there...except for the Teleport to Friend, don't even know why I keep the 250 that I currently have, will never use them so trash all new ones I get, same goes for the Level scroll, have to many in inventory as it is, I level up the old way(it doesn't bother me one bit), but I can see it's good for those that don't like leveling.


I like leveling and all my permanent characters are levelled normally but I use the scrolls for temporary characters. If I want to replay the story (mainly to do other choices) or check out something else, or simply for Black Lion Keys (you can get additional ones from the level 40 and 60 story) I use scrolls and/or tomes.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> **Choice from a new set of combat tonics**. Can use existing transformation tonics or be completely new models. Downside would be more inventory space taken up and how to handle excess tonics may need to be addressed.


I like the sound of that! A choice of Tengu, Hylek, Skritt and so on combat tonics (there's already a kodan one IIRC). That'd be nice.


Some tonic/toybox wardrobe section, that works like the mini or outfit sections would be nice.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"Blude.6812" said:

> > One free account bound 1st generation Legendary of the players choice. (except for the dreamer)

> >


> The issue with that is that players have multiple characters and that will kill the legendary market for that generation.


I per account, not 1 for each character.

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> @"Blude.6812" said:

> One free account bound 1st generation Legendary of the players choice. (except for the dreamer)



And what about the people that put in the effort to make their own legendaries? Some schmuck can get one just by having an old account and not putting in any work? Not only is it a seriously unfair suggestion, but you _know_ ANet would never do that. Why would they? All they ever give away for free or sell is skins or level boosts. They can't just give you a legendary weapon, because that gives an _actual_ gameplay advantage (given that legendary weapons deal the highest damage, being the highest rarity).


But while we're suggesting ludicrous and beyond unlikely things -- can ANet just send me $500 cash money? I've played their game for nearly 6 years, after all. I think I deserve it.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> They actually 'give away free' more than just skins and Level Boosts. They also give away Gem Store items, such as VIP Passes, among other items.


So because I didn't mention it I guess that means I said those don't get given away, huh? Like I said that explicitly? Do you really think I'm going to sit here and list out every single item that's even been given away for free?


Either way, I don't recall VIP passes giving an unfair game advantage, such as better stats. Convenience and QoL changes =/= unfair advantages or P2W. Get it now?

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> @"Arkantos.7460" said:

> 2 more shiny weapon skins plz

> however when is 6th anniversary?


The sixth anniversary of Headstart is August 25th or 27th (depending on which one you did), and then August 28th for the official launch date. Your first character to reach their sixth birthday will be the one that gives you the sixth anniversary stuff.

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> @"SmirkDog.3160" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > They actually 'give away free' more than just skins and Level Boosts. They also give away Gem Store items, such as VIP Passes, among other items.


> So because I didn't mention it I guess that means I said those don't get given away, huh? Like I said that explicitly? Do you really think I'm going to sit here and list out every single item that's even been given away for free?


> Either way, I don't recall VIP passes giving an unfair game advantage, such as better stats. Convenience and QoL changes =/= unfair advantages or P2W. Get it now?


Legendaries also have the same stats as ascended. I would call stat swapping on legendaries a convenience and a QoL issue.

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> @"Wyldchild.8706" said:

> What would you like to see in it? I'd be curious if they would add a mount skins or even glider skins for the anniversary. Could only get 1 per year but it'd be a neat addition.


Yes! My beloved **horse skin** (for the raptor) - please, please, please, please! <3

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