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[Suggestion] Hey ArenaNet - Guild Wars 1 on mobile please

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Hi all, I know this section is for GW2 and technically this isn't that... but I couldn't see anywhere really appropriate so...

I've been thinking about this a lot for a couple of weeks and I think the original Guild Wars would be a great fit for mobile.

The way I see it, the game is basically ready to go with minimal modification.


Interface and movement

Limited usable skills (though this may need further refinement) - means you don't need to manage a billion spells/abilities at once.

Click (tap) on ground to move somewhere - no need to implement complex third person controls.

No jumping - keeps movement simple, limits controls required.

No falling off cliffs - movement around the environment is "safe".

Casting while stationary - perfect, less to manage on a small screen with your huge thumbs!



City hubs - stay the same, but hopefully with less seller spam. Meet people, find a group, go!

Instanced mission areas means less messaging to cater for network/traffic wise while playing, which is great because mobile data plans can be restrictive in size.

Don't want to play with people? Fine. Grab some AI folks and off you go - never have to play with others if you don't want to, heck, maybe this could even be made to work offline??



GW is OOOOLLLLDDD. My phone has multiple cpu cores, each of which could handle running this game. It won't look terrible on a small screen either, and should run well too.


Anyway thanks for reading, I just feel like it would breathe more life into the universe and the old game (and expansions), potentially a whole new audience with minimal effort* from ArenaNet. Also this would give GW2 folks something to do when away from their PCs. :)

What do you all think? Have I the brain-worms? Is this a great idea? What else would/wouldn't work in GW on mobile?


*When I say minimal effort, I am fully aware there's gonna be a bunch of work to make this happen, porting, testing etc etc etc, but the super hard bit - namely the entire game is there, with servers mostly unused these days.


Also sorry if this has been discussed before - I couldn't find it. Just lots of posts about mobile objects in GW2 :)



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> When I say minimal effort, I am fully aware there's gonna be a bunch of work to make this happen, porting, testing etc etc etc, but the super hard bit - namely the entire game is there, with servers mostly unused these days.


As @"SlippyCheeze.5483" says, "porting" is never a "minimal effort"; it can be harder to get right than starting from scratch (the headaches are different)

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I know a few games developers, including some who have made games for both PC and mobile platforms (Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition for example) and from what I've heard it's almost like making 2 different games, at least for the people who do the technical stuff. Sure the story, character design, map layout etc. only needs to be done once but in terms of the engine, the user interface, the controls and things you're basically starting from scratch.

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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> I realize this may indeed be a major effort.

> But this would get Anet 30 bucks from me easily.


I'd probably shell out my $30 too, but ... if it costs them 300,000 dollars, that is an awful lot of $30s to gather, no? Not to mention that a more realistic estimate of cost probably has another zero on the end...

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> @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > I realize this may indeed be a major effort.

> > But this would get Anet 30 bucks from me easily.


> I'd probably shell out my $30 too, but ... if it costs them 300,000 dollars, that is an awful lot of $30s to gather, no? Not to mention that a more realistic estimate of cost probably has another zero on the end...


agree completely. But not knowing the actual cost I can't say for sure.

Wooden Potatoes is fond of telling a story containing a dev supposedly playing it on a tablet of some kind via emulation. So it is possible in some way. Not knowing what it would cost Arenanet to actually do this all I can do is voice my support.

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Besides the development time and difficulty to port, there are more issues envolving this. The first would be that the people who made certain elements of the game might not be working for arenanet any more. If they are it is untouched four years. Bottom line is that gw1 is a dead game. I know it is still running on the servers and people are playing it. But development wise it has no future.


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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> Control functions would become an issue. It would be impossible to play through more difficult content without an actual mouse & keyboard. Guild Wars 1 PvE was hard man. It really was.


Yeah I remember. No reason it couldn't be tamed a little for the platform!


To everyone else commenting on the "effort" portion of my post - sorry I wasn't clear, I know it's a lot of work, not just "press recompile for android/iOS". I guess I really meant they would effectively know what they have to build and how it has to work - the server side work has been done, and they would basically have to build a mobile client, but could at least reuse assets.


> @"mercury ranique.2170" said:

> ... If they are it is untouched four years. Bottom line is that gw1 is a dead game. I know it is still running on the servers and people are playing it. But development wise it has no future.



This could give it one though. I mean, it also might not, I suppose, but worse games than GW have found success on mobile. I just think it would be neat to play it on the go - I'd buy it!

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Eh... just imagining GW1 on a phone screen is making my eyes squint. Tablet would probably be okay but as pointed out above you can already do that(assuming you own the right tablet).


Also some sort of multitouch thing would probably work better for movement than expecting precise clicking.

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  • 2 months later...

This would work I have set this up on my note8. what you need is android market and download splashtop. and connect to your pc while on your phone you can play gw1 on your phone. Note 8 specs: processor/ 2.45ghz inegrated graphics.6gb ram/ 250gb memory

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> @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> A note: there isn't much availability of the DirectX API on mobile platforms, which means that porting the client engine over would be a significant rewrite. So, there is a much bigger hidden cost than you might think in there...


Yeah, was going to mention that... Porting to Mobile isn't a trivial affair, especially something written at a time when smart phones weren't even a thing.

There's also the cost/benefit of reworking all that only to end up with what's effectively a downgrade of the product in all aspects.

Also i'm not sure the screen real-estate of a phone can handle all the UI needed for GW1, maybe a tablet, but certainly not many phones, and this is a huge consideration you need to take.


GW2 might even be easier to port than GW1, since it actually has a MAC client, so it already has some of the groundwork started already (probably). Although i'd like to see the frame rates on mobile devices!

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