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Ideas for T5 and T6 fractals

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Alot of people are getting bored with how easy T4 fractals are, I believe we need to have t5 and possibly even t6 fractals implemented.


Obviously as you delve into higher difficulties of fractals the instability of them should increase exponentially.


T5 fractals: 4 instabilities that change every minute you spend inside the fractal, 151-200 AR required

T6 fractals: 5 instabilities that change every time someone in the group receives experience from any source and every minute you spend inside the fractal, 201-250 AR required. Dead people cannot be rezzed and if the whole party is dead you have to start the fractal over. Fractal potions stopped working.


on t5 and t6 no instabilities should be blacklisted from any fractal to increase the challenge

additionally to that of course some hp and dmg scaling.


New instabilities to increase the varity would also be needed. Like bring back the old instabilities you deleted from the game. The one where you instantly died on using an elite skill for example were great.


Rewards: For dailies just copy and paste the master chest and call them grandmaster and archmaster

longterm rewards could for exmaple be a way to earn a golden ad infinitum skin, fractal themed armor sets and a different color for weapons (black or silver maybe?)


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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> Alot of people are getting bored with how easy T4 fractals are, I believe we need to have t5 and possibly even t6 fractals implemented.

How many do you think "a lot" is compared to how many people play T4? ANet seems to think that 99/cm and 100/cm plus raids are already there for those looking for greater challenges. Why should they also invest in T5 fracts, especially when the already have a full plate of changes they want to make to the existing fracts?

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I think the general consensus is that instabilities dont make things harder they just make them much more annoying and rng unpleasant. Some of these ideas sound like aids with a side order of hepatitis A.B.C. I do agree there should be at least a t5 but the changing every minute, no rezes and wipes start from beginning would certainly be way too absurd for probably 99% of the player base. I feel they should add a t5 though so we agree on that and I also think they should add a challenge mote to at least one of the high fractals, or maybe 87. 2 integrated matrixes a day is kind of rough considering whats needed for higher attunments.

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Would like to see an extra hard T5 of each fractal(basically the Challenge mote but for each fractal) but if its done I hope they don't gate any new stuff behind it. just give higher chances of dropping good stuff. Don't make it another legendary armor problem.


As for Instabilities, rotating them doesn't make it any harder, especially when you can just wait out a bad roll.


I would like to see elite instabilities that make fractals really hard to do. For instance;

Compounded fracture - Enemies deal aoe damage that removes boons, boons lost this way cause aoe damage. (10s cooldown per enemy)

Facet of Strength - Every 15s you are knocked down. (this is synced between all players)

Flux nuke - Creates a ring around a random player that after 5s causes an exposition that takes 70% of maxhp (can be dodged or migated, 30s cooldown)

Endless horde - non-boss enemies respawn after 30s

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T5 and T6 could be interesting but no aids instabilities and such bs. Also, both tiers shouldn't reward any APs but maybe a new grind title since Mist Attunements are done or almost by the real fractal veterans.

Besides that, no thanks. Anet also has to keep in mind that a lot of the casual T4 crowd has left due to SO and TO. 2 fractals that are easy for veterans and were nerfed the last times but people away in their initial states.

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I think anet's idea is to make fractals something harder than open world but easier than raids, so I don't think T5 and T6 would be something they'd do. They have already released harder fractals, and even harder fractals would fall in raids difficulty. I think the current harder fractals are thought as the last step before raids.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> Maybe asking for more challenge motes would be more realistic.

But the challenge motes are just a bit harder than normal mode, tier 5 and 6 would have the additional mechanics from cms (if a fractal has a cm) as baseline.


Bosses T5 (lets say +50% compared to T4) and T6 (+100%) would also have a lot more HP so you cannot 100-0 burn the phases anymore and people actually have to account for the mechanics.> @"Trae.2384" said:

> I think the general consensus is that instabilities dont make things harder they just make them much more annoying and rng unpleasant. Some of these ideas sound like aids with a side order of hepatitis A.B.C. I do agree there should be at least a t5 but the changing every minute, no rezes and wipes start from beginning would certainly be way too absurd for probably 99% of the player base. I feel they should add a t5 though so we agree on that and I also think they should add a challenge mote to at least one of the high fractals, or maybe 87. 2 integrated matrixes a day is kind of rough considering whats needed for higher attunments.


I disagree. Instabilties should add chaos to the playstyle. That is why I proposed instabilities getting randomly changed every minute in t5/t6 so people have to adjust all the time and not just spam their rotations without spending attention for everything else.

Instabilities you can easily ignore or dont affect playstyles are useless.


> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > Alot of people are getting bored with how easy T4 fractals are, I believe we need to have t5 and possibly even t6 fractals implemented.

> How many do you think "a lot" is compared to how many people play T4? ANet seems to think that 99/cm and 100/cm plus raids are already there for those looking for greater challenges. Why should they also invest in T5 fracts, especially when the already have a full plate of changes they want to make to the existing fracts?

Most of the time Anet changes something about existing fractals it basically makes them even easier and more mindnumbing boring. T1 to t3 already are braindead easy and not even worth running unless you need pages for the fractal titles.

I prefer having something harder. Why stop at level 100? Infusions go all the way to +30 (granted they are currently impossible to craft, but it could be fixed by making +20 infusions a possible drop).

Maybe not even stop at t6 fractals, make the cap just based on the amount of AR you can afford.


While a lot of raid encounters are harder, they are also 10 man content and weekly. Fractals are 5 man and daily. So there is no logical reason to not have 5man content that matches or exceeds 10man content difficulty.

> @"yann.1946" said:

> I personally feel like it would separate the playerbase more and as such would be a bad idea.

That is literally a non issue since you only need 5 people to do a fractal. Since t1-t4 fractals stay the same noone would loose his preferred difficulty.


> @"Amineo.8951" said:

> I have a better idea: Make new dungeons or add CM to existing ones with lvl80 requirements...

New dungeons would be great, so would be more CMs. But the latest fractal did not even get a CM (and they even added a checkpoint during the boss fight @65% lol). I guess those CMs are more effort to create since you have to think of entirely new mechanics and changes to existing mechanics. Adjusting just the health and dmg of enemies + having more instabilities at the same time should be much less effort.


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Fractals weren't meant for you to take hours to do. It's fine as it is, you have CMs for harder versions. It's better to have a reasonable setting now than just blow it too high. As it is now, pugging T4s is really smooth but now and then it can throw in a headache especially when it's 99/100/oasis or even swampland. Like someone said, raiding is meant to be the top tier PVE content, fractals are meant to be quick but semi-skillful content that's decent for rewards and doesn't take ages like dungeons. They can just add more fractals perhaps, that are still short but have unforgiving mechanics like some other maps do. I think Oasis is a bad pattern of making them too long.

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> @"Despond.2174" said:

> Fractals weren't meant for you to take hours to do. It's fine as it is, you have CMs for harder versions. It's better to have a reasonable setting now than just blow it too high. As it is now, pugging T4s is really smooth but now and then it can throw in a headache especially when it's 99/100/oasis or even swampland. Like someone said, raiding is meant to be the top tier PVE content, fractals are meant to be quick but semi-skillful content that's decent for rewards and doesn't take ages like dungeons. They can just add more fractals perhaps, that are still short but have unforgiving mechanics like some other maps do. I think Oasis is a bad pattern of making them too long.


Yeah I agree 87 is too long, and what was done to nerf 40 farm really sucks too, but clearly something had to be done there. I hope a tier 5 is added with increased rewards and difficulty. I guess adding an extra instab is the quick and easy way to do that. I dont care I just want more relics and integrated matrixes for the attunment because 2 matrixes a day from drops is way too low and makes the attunment buffs and infusing characters way too expensive if you want to do it in a sane time frame.



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I totally support the idea of T5 and T6 fractals, I mean, I would never play that content, but as long as nothing uniquely special is locked behind it, just maybe Orange and Green Fractal **Skins** like SAB has those Orange and Green **Skins** as rewards for tribulation mode (really cheesy they didn't put like a _Yellow_ skin for Infantile mode.. get it.. yellow.. because it means yer a coward). But as long as their no sense of obligation linked to doing them, I don't see why not put this in for the players that want it.

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> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> I totally support the idea of T5 and T6 fractals, I mean, I would never play that content, but as long as nothing uniquely special is locked behind it, just maybe Orange and Green Fractal **Skins** like SAB has those Orange and Green **Skins** as rewards for tribulation mode (really cheesy they didn't put like a _Yellow_ skin for Infantile mode.. get it.. yellow.. because it means yer a coward). But as long as their no sense of obligation linked to doing them, I don't see why not put this in for the players that want it.


If they make t5/t6 fractals I'm sure there will be unique skins locked on them, and you know what will happen after that? All the people asking for easy mode raids with all the raids rewards will come ask for the new unique fractal rewards that only drop in t5/t6.

We will have another thread with 2k comments arguing why everyone should get all the rewards in the game with no effort.

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> @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > @"Aktium.9506" said:

> > what if we could play fractals with all instabilities on at the same time?


> I'd rather play will it blend featuring my extremities than that...

> Neither are challenging, they're both just sadistic.


but it would be fun

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> @"Ze Dos Cavalos.6132" said:

> > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > I totally support the idea of T5 and T6 fractals, I mean, I would never play that content, but as long as nothing uniquely special is locked behind it, just maybe Orange and Green Fractal **Skins** like SAB has those Orange and Green **Skins** as rewards for tribulation mode (really cheesy they didn't put like a _Yellow_ skin for Infantile mode.. get it.. yellow.. because it means yer a coward). But as long as their no sense of obligation linked to doing them, I don't see why not put this in for the players that want it.


> If they make t5/t6 fractals I'm sure there will be unique skins locked on them, and you know what will happen after that? All the people asking for easy mode raids with all the raids rewards will come ask for the new unique fractal rewards that only drop in t5/t6.

> We will have another thread with 2k comments arguing why everyone should get all the rewards in the game with no effort.


Well, I don't see why T5 and T6 should get a _unique_ skin, as they have already been set up to have the same skin just Colored by Tier, You have (Blue) Fractal Weapon Weapons from T1 - T2, Golden Fractal Weapons from T3 - T4, so, why not like Jade (Green) Fractal Weapons from T5 - T6. Recolors Resolves the whole issue of Rewards, while still giving those that have done T5-T6 something to brag about.


All Anet has to do to make this work, is keep to the system they set up at the start to not mess this up royally.

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> @"Trae.2384" said:

> Yeah I agree 87 is too long,


It's too long for uncoordinated and non-meta pugs. It definitely is an issue because a lot of players I pugged with outside of my daily cm + t4 routine aren't able to succeed in this fractal. My observation is that many common t4 players also insta-leave the group when they come into the lobby/fractal and see that Shattered Observatory or Twilight Oasis is the next chosen fractal - even for recs when they are only T3.


> and what was done to nerf 40 farm really sucks too, but clearly something had to be done there.


Fractal 40 was ridiculous and completely broken.


> I hope a tier 5 is added with increased rewards and difficulty. I guess adding an extra instab is the quick and easy way to do that. I dont care I just want more relics and integrated matrixes for the attunment because 2 matrixes a day from drops is way too low and makes the attunment buffs and infusing characters way too expensive if you want to do it in a sane time frame.


Fractals already are very rewarding I doubt that they'll increase it in the near future.

And I disagree about the other stuff: You get around 800 relics per day once you reached the pristine relic cap. Additionally it's not 2 matrices per day but 3 because you definitely get 10+ stabilizing matrices as well which you should convert for a very low relic price. That means 100 days (roundabout 3 months) for the final Mist Attunement 4. I don't see a problem with that. If they lower the barrier you'll get the thingy way too fast and again have nothing to do within fractals!

Once you're done with the Attunements you'll net 1 +9 +5 within several days (3-4) due to the integrated drops, infusions and gold (1 stack infusions per day = 3 days for 3 +9s, 6 integrated matrices and around 60 g from frac loot to buy the missing 14 via conversion.)


> @"Ze Dos Cavalos.6132" said:

> All the people asking for easy mode raids with all the raids rewards will come ask for the new unique fractal rewards that only drop in t5/t6.

> We will have another thread with 2k comments arguing why everyone should get all the rewards in the game with no effort.


Exactly! We read it here first. ;)



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